Natural Remedies

Chilblains Treatment

| Modified on Jan 10, 2025
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What Are Chilblains?

Also known as pernio and perniosis, chilblains are a medical condition that typically affects the extremities. Often confused with frostbite and trench foot, chilblains are actually the result of the skin suddenly warming after being exposed to cold temperatures for an extended period. The result of this sudden increase in temperature is painful inflammation of the small blood vessels, otherwise known as chilblains.

This painful condition is characterized by several common symptoms. Chilblains can cause itching, red skin patches, and swelling and blistering. The condition typically effects the extremities or the toes, fingers, nose, and ears. Additional effects of the condition include burning sensation in the skin, changing color in the skin, additional pain, and possible ulceration.

The specific cause of chilblains is unknown; however, the condition is believed to be caused by the body’s abnormal reaction to the repeated exposure to the cold followed by rewarming the body. The action of warming the cold skin causes the small blood vessels to expand normally; however, in the case of an abnormal reaction, the small vessels may expand more quickly than the adjacent larger blood vessels can facilitate, cause a “bottleneck” situation and the resulting blood leakage into nearby tissues.

Natural Remedies for Chilblains

While chilblains do not typically cause permanent injury and is a condition that may get better on its own, the condition can be particularly painful and can also lead to infection and more serious complications if left untreated. Natural remedies are particularly effective for treating this type of condition. Applying aloe vera, propolis, and manuka honey applied topically can alleviate symptoms of the condition and cure the chilblains entirely. Applying black pepper essential oil is a natural treatment for the itch associated with chilblains while applying coconut oil, lavender, and tea tree oil also relieve the pain and remedy the condition. It is also important to prevent future recurrence of the disorder by avoiding the cold, dressing warmly and making sure the extremities are well protected when in the cold.

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The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Aloe Vera, Propolis, Manuka Honey

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Posted by Wednesday (Tokyo, Japan) on 01/12/2013

Do you apply the propolis to the affected area or drink it? I have propolis (the kind you drink, 1 tsp a day).

Aloe Vera, Propolis, Manuka Honey
Posted by Lu (Brisbane, Australia) on 06/10/2011

I had a look at your site for chilblain remedies and noted that you only have limited suggestions. I used aloe vera gel on my toes and it started to disappear in two days.

Another suggestion would be to use propolis (liquid extract) as it is a very powerful healer as well. If all else fails I would try Manuka honey but since it is the most expensive, leave it till last.


Apple and Table Salt

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Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 02/07/2024

How to Cure Chilblains

“A simple and homely remedy, which immediately relieves the irritation and pain caused by chilblains, is salt and fresh apple juice.

The affected parts are rubbed gently with a slice of apple dipped in common salt. A good juicy apple should be used.”

From the Book: Table Talk, Volume 29, Issue 1, page 43,1914

Black Pepper

Posted by Susan (Dublin, Ireland) on 01/05/2011

I would like to add to the other comments by saying that I found essential oil of black pepper to be very effective for the awful itch of chilblains. You can put it on neat and it will take away the itch (I think that's similar to the "treat like with like", ie obviously the pepper is hot and so are the chilblains). Don't get near eyes! You can also rub in a carrier oil and then add a few drops of black pepper oil. Also, exercise - jumping up and down, a rebounder, skipping etc. Get the blood flowing. Get a basin of cold water and step in and out, or run your feet under the cold tap, then put on the oil, put on lightweight socks and start jumping!

Coconut Oil, Lavender, Tea Tree Oil

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Posted by Miss (Edinburgh, Scotland) on 12/18/2012

I made a homemade hand cream from coconut oil, aloe vera and emulsifying wax (bees wax). One Tbsp of each, stirred together in a bowl over a pot of hot water. Each night and morning I would put one drop each of lavender and tea tree essential oil in the palm of my hand - and half a tsp of my coconut hand cream. I would massage it slowly and firmly and gently onto both hands. The massage would take about 5 minutes. I paid particular attention to my nail beds, and finger tips. The chilblains were terrible, but after a week of this my fingers were warmer, healthier and without pain. I wore cotton gloves to bed, at night, to allow the cream to better absorb.

I am so happy with the result. I'd tried all sorts of other things prior to this - with no result at all.


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Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 09/11/2024


A common remedy for chilblains among the peasants in Russia is the rind of perfectly ripe cucumbers, dried with the soft parts attached, and placed with the inner side, previously soaked in warm water, over the sore parts. Dumitriefsky confirms the efficacy of this remedy. (Med. Zeitung.) From the book: A Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts: And Collateral Information in the Arts, Manufacturing and Trades 2nd Ed. Page 249,1845 by Arnold James Cooley.

In otherwords, a cucumber poultice: Before going to bed. Peel a cucumber and apply the inside peel to the area overnite.

Diagnosing Chilblains

Posted by Cashew (London, UK) on 03/22/2024

Last year when we had prolonged cold weather one of my hands started getting red and itchy. After a bit of research on Google it seemed like chilblains was the reason.

However, more recently, in cold weather, that hand is still turning red but sometimes purple. Once my hand warms up the colour disappears. Is this something I should be worried about?

Replied by Rob

Also, look up “palmar erythema”.

And yes, be concerned about it. It's a sign of an underlying health condition.

Elevate Feet, Exercise

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Posted by P.b. (Sydney, Cape Breton) on 02/12/2010

Severely itchy toes & heels

Hello all, After suffering from this on and off for a year, comments on another forum finally helped me figure out I had chillblains and I thought I would share my experience. Maybe there is higher awareness in other parts of the world but I had never heard of this before and it certainly seemed to be off the radar for the 4 docs. I saw too.

This starts as a severe localized itch usually one one toe, with no mark, but develops into severe itch on most toes, which become swollen, shiny, red and sometimes purple in spots, and severely itchy. There may be flat blister-type things and small spots as well, on the toes and possibly heels. This all happens at the tips of the toes and back of heel, NOT between the toes. I can't describe how awful the itchiness is, it is truly debilitating, preventing you from going out comfortably, and from sleeping.

I saw 4 doctors and was diagnosed with fungal, bacterial and viral infections but the medications didn't help. Meanwhile I was trying to get relief from the itch from soaking my feet in ice water and hot water as hot as I could stand. I was convinced it was a kind of infection and even resorted to putting bleach on my toes. In desperation I scoured the internet one night unable to sleep and finally considered chillblains.

Chillblains are caused by poor circulation and temperature changes the feet are exposed to (some people get this in their fingers too apparently). Despite living in cold Canada, no doctor ever raised this as a possibility with me! I considered myself fit and active but do sit at a desk in a cold room every day and have low bp. I thought it'd be worth a try to see if the chillblain treatments helped. Within a day, my feet felt 100% better though they still looked bad. The trick with chillblains is that once you have them, warming your feet causes them to itch (this is why I kept thinking the "infection" was spreading). Treating the itch with ice and hot water and going barefoot worsened the condition.

The recommended treatment is to elevate your feet to help with swelling, keep your feet warm but avoid temperature extremes, use calamine lotion for the itch or hydrocortisone (though this didn't help me). Vicks vaporub seemed to help too. Exercise that promotes circulation helped, if the itch started I would go for a brisk walk and it would resolve soon after.

If you're not sure about whether you have this, you could try this approach for a day or two - the results will show up that fast! The redness and swelling go down and itching episodes decrease. I thought I would go mad as despite tons of research I could never find a fungal infection that manifested this way, and then the images of chillblains online looked exactly like what I had.

That said, there are bacterial infections that manifest in a similar way and I'm sure other things too, so as with anything it's always worth checking in with a doc. first.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, France)

For many years I have only had chillblains on my feet (as a teenager I had them in my hands as well). This year luckily I had none, maybe it has something to do with the age but what I always did was bathe my feet one minute in very hot water and 30 seconds in cold water ending with hot. Usually one bath would finish them off for the whole of the winter! I hope this helps...

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

What a great idea, Bill.... I was very much affected by chillblains when I was a child as well. Nowadays I sometimes get them on my feet, not too bad but still bothersome! I bathe my feet 1 min in hot water and then 30 seconds in cold water (more or less, you don't need to be precise). Usually one bath does the trick but coming winter I will try the onion!

Replied by Jay

Thanks for sharing this after you got well. I have the same exact symptoms and I was deeply worried about infections, gout, etc which are difficult to treat. Perhaps if I had gone to a doc they would have prescribed some antibiotics thinking it some infection. We people with internet can be better in diagnosis. Once again, thanks for sharing

Replied by Renee Wagner
(Iowa, US)

This is the third year I've gotten Chilblains. It's truly miserable. The first year, I didn't know what the heck it was. Last year was horrible and this year, well, doesn't look any better. I'm going to try the tea tree oil and coconut oil. I have those at home. Calamine and cortisone did not help at all. I bought diabetic socks which help slightly. I'm always cold. My doc advised last year not to warm my feet up too fast or with too hot of water. My feet were so ugly after this. I have an episode every two weeks until March or April. I wouldn't get a pedicure until all the blood blisters healed. Ibuprofin helps me with the pain and stops some of the itching. Good luck to anyone who gets this.

Replied by Ria
(London, Uk)

Only one way out of this. Please apply any cream that heats up like red heat, Vicks vaporub, tiger balm and wear socks, it will go away within 1 week, I assure you.

Replied by Paul G.
(Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada)

I tried massaging / rubbing my big toe as soon as I noticed the chilblain. That made it much worse! Right now I'm elevating my leg. That seems to help a little.

Eliminate Dairy and Gluten

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Posted by Christian (South Australia) on 06/19/2014

Every winter I would get annoying chilblain....until by luck I found out that if I stop consuming dairy and gluten products I would not get the chilblains during that matter how cold it was;) Don't ask me why it works....I just know that it does for me! Maybe give it a shot and have a chilblain-free winter!!!!

Replied by Maddie

Cutting gluten and sugar worked for me too. I had chilblains every year for over 10 years - to the point I could never remove my ring for 3 months each winter - and the only year I didn't get them was after severely reducing gluten and fructose.

Replied by Karen

My journey with chilblains started over 10 years ago. It felt like my toe was stuck in a small hole in a nylon stocking. Like it was being strangled. Drove me bonkers. Then it always hurt more at nightime. The intense itching and pain kept me awake. Some nights I just wanted to grab scissors and just snip them off because the itch was intense along with the pain.

My first trip was to foot doctor. They did every test. Circulation checked. Nope. Finally years later internist sent me to vascular surgeon after he couldnt figure it out.

Vascular surgeon did catheterization and concluded it was vasculitis. Explained what it was, said it was an inflammation on the lining outside of the artery wall, gave remedy to help with it. After 2 more years of it not clearing I called him up and went in. I told him my vasculitis was not clearing. He sent me to a rheumatoid doctor thinking it was auto immune.

That doctor ordered so many blood tests I thought I was ready for embalming! Seventeen vials later, nothing showed up in all the tests. I ended up researching on my own. Chilblains popped up and I found pictures of it and it matched what my toes looked like. Further research led me to check here.

I too went on a gluten free diet and found relief. Had gluten 2 days in a row and guess what is keeping me awake tonight? Maddening itch and painful toes! This is 2nd time the itch came back. Both times I had gluten. I have yet to go dairy free, but will chart my response on that.

Epsom Salt and Coconut Oil

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Posted by Trish (Whanagui, New Zealand ) on 07/21/2015

I looked on this site for help with chilblains on my toes. They were so painful I could barely walk. I decided to soak my feet in warm water with Epsom salts and then massage with coconut oil. I went to bed noticing my toes felt quite hot but comfortable. Felt a bit better in the morning and took 2 anti flams. By mid day there was hardly any discomfort. I am not sure what worked but am repeating it again hoping to be rid of them by tomorrow. I am excited to say the least. Thanks everyone who posted their helpful hints.

Eucalyptus Oil

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Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 01/06/2024

For Chilblains, apply oil of eucalyptus frequently applied with a camel's hair brush relieves pain and soon cures. From the book: The Medical Summary, March 1898 to February 1899 Vol 20 page 224.

Note: A camel-hair brush is a type of paintbrush with soft bristles made from natural hairs, usually squirrel. Actual camel hair is not a suitable material.

Hydrogen Peroxide Napkin Plaster

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Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 05/25/2021

Hydrogen Peroxide Napkin Plaster for Toe Chilblains:

Give this a try. It worked for me. This remedy also works on toe nail fungus. Hydrogen peroxide can be used to eliminate fungi causing chilblains and add O2 to the blood stream in the toes.

Fold down a paper towel or napkin just enuff to cover your toenails completely, top, sides and bottom. Then place napkin in a bowl and saturate the napkin with 3% H2O2 brown bottle. Wrap the napkin over your toes, top and bottom. Tuck and fold the sides of the napkin and put a recycled bread bag over your foot (I tried using plastic-wrap but it leaked everywhere and soaked the socks). Then put on an old sock to keep everything in place. This way you can move around the house freely.

You will need to do this for a few hours or over-nite, everyday for 10-14 days.

Don't forget to change and clean all your socks, sandals & shoes or at least pour ACV in your shoes every time if you suspect fungal infection.

Source of idea:

Lemon Juice

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Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 03/30/2024

Lemon juice is very rich in useful nutrients that help in improving the health of your skin. – Undiluted lemon juice, taken internally and applied to the skin, is an old folk remedy. You have to apply fresh lemon juice on the affected areas to treat the symptoms of itching and inflammation. This remedy also works against fungal chilblains. Not only this, it is also advised to consume lemon juice every day to help the blood vessels to recover effectively.

Lemon for Chilblains - BANISH THOSE CHILBLAINS - Chronicle (Adelaide SA 1895 - 1954) - 15 May 1930

I have found that mixing lemon juice with Aloe vera gel “fresh” or Glycerin 1:1 ratio applied 2x daily for a week works great (see article below). Or, You can apply lemon juice “undiluted” directly to the affected part of skin few times in a day.

Lemon and Glycerin for Chilblains - HOW TO CURE CHILBLAINS. - The Lilydale Express and Yarra Glen Wandin Yallock Upper Yarra Healesville and Ringwood Chronicle (Vic. 1898 - 1914) - 21 Jun 1912


Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 02/15/2010 84 posts

I remember the awful combo of the itch and pain. I had chillblains in the arch of my foot and the only relief I could get was to stand at the bottom of the stairs and rub my foot on the carpet jumping from one foot to the other till I cut the skin or my mother caught me - whichever came first.

Bathing my feet with mustard powder was what helped me. This seemingly heated the skin closer to the level of the blood vessels and created less constriction. Use a tablespoon to start in a basin of water and go up if it doesn't increase to heat in you skin. One person I know that this remedy also helped used 1/4/tsp mustard powder and a tsp of vaseline and rubbed it on his feet instead of putting it into water.

DO NOT USE this remedy if the chillblains have cut your skin as the mustard powder will burn. The chillblains disappeared at some stage in my teens - never to return.


Posted by Bill (Gisborne, New Zealand) on 07/21/2011

As a child I sufferd from chilblains, my dad told me of an old cure for this ailment. I thought this remedy was nonsense and was sceptical of trying it. The pain and itching got the better of me so I relented and tried it and it works...... Cut 1 onion and rub over affected area. the symtoms disapear quikly, keep the onion in a zip lock bag and use as required

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