Children's Remedies
Natural Remedies

Infant and Children's Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Teething Rash

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Posted by Rondamommie (Kansas City, Mo, USA) on 04/20/2010

Question: Teething Rash of 5 year-old. My daughter just turned 5 and is having 2 permanent teeth push through, one on her right bottom front and one is a molar on the right side as well.

She has a rash under her bottom lip, in the corners of her mouth and on her chin, sometimes it burns on her skin at the rash site. Does any parent have experience with this happening with their young child?... And how would anyone recommend treating the rash and minimizing the burning sensation that it is causing?

Thank you very much!, Ronda

Replied by Wahida
(Wokingham, Berkshire UK)

Hi, I have found that if you always have a layer of vaseline around the mouth area the drooling etc from teething would not affect the skin. Especially at night it will help heal it if you put a thick layer of it around the chin and on lips mouth etc do it when the child is asleep it will be easier. During the day keep topping it up. Hope it helps.

Toddler Whining

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Posted by Elaine (Edmond,oklahoma) on 05/21/2014

My 15 month old grandson is miserable. He's not in any pain he just cries/whines a lot. He had a rough start in life. Premature, had NEC and had to have some of his intestine removed. Need I say he's had a lot of antibiotics. Not to mention he's had some ear infections. Anyone have any ideas?

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)


Re infant who has had lots of antibiotics;

The discomfort he's experiencing could be from a fungal infection/or candida. Antibiotics in quantity will nearly always guarantee fungi.

Consider nystatin. That is a prescription drug so your MD must prescribe. If me, I'd also try Colloidal Silver. Read up on it's benefits. CS can kill fungi; I have so experienced. CS is positively charged as is beneficial bacteria which is why (one pro explained to me) ... which is why CS does no damage to the beneficial bacteria. But CS is draws to fungi and bad bacteria (negatively charged).

How much for a child? Don't know. But a full dose for me would be two tablespoons three times daily. If my child responded well in a few days using a dropper to administer, then I'd keep it up to see if in a week he was better. CS would have to be administered for months to finally kill a system wide infection.

Also child might have developed a reaction to hard to digest carbs, such as wheat based; and remember, sugar based foods (fruit juices) definitely feed the fungus. So he needs to be off such sugars... so no "sippy cups" filled with juices.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Elaine,

Your grandson has had a bit of a rough start! Dave has good advice regarding the fungal possibility and solutions for it.

Some additional thoughts on dealing with whiny behaviour:

Daily outdoor play and sunshine daily are good for the mood and attitude, even toddlers.

A lot of screen time (tv and computer) can make little ones cranky. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no screen time for children under two.

One of my toddler mottos is: Feed them when they are hungry, put them to bed when they are tired. Being tired or hungry increases whining in mine and most.

Sometimes they get into a whiny habit. When this happens, I will answer a whine with, "Nice voice please." said with a smile in a very pleasant way. I wouldn't make a battle out of it, just nice reminders.

Sometimes children get a little fussier when they are going through changes (learning to walk, talk, etc.) Sometimes it is helpful for a parent to know, "This is going to pass." Teething also makes mine fussy. If the toddler is drooling a lot, this could be it.

Please let us know how it goes!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Happymomma

What has seemed to help my children is Kombucha. Kombucha can be bought in many stores and also can be made at home as well. It is a probiotic and also has enzymes and B vitamins...4 out of 5 of my children really like this...what they like is how they feel after they drink it. They feel good. My young children know that kombucha is great for when they feel sick, but they also like the taste when it is flavored.

We also use colloidal silver often as well. Even if they are fighting off something, colloidal silver seems to help them feel better.

Treat for Mineral Imbalance and Blood Sugar

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Posted by Dena (Florida) on 07/09/2021

In the ABC Herbal by Stephen Horne, he says, “one of the greatest problems with nutrition is lack of trace minerals in our food.” And then goes on saying, “we found that giving half a teaspoon of herbal minerals along with a half a teaspoon of licorice root TincTrack just before bedtime to solved a bedwetting problem with both of our sons. It said, “many people have tried all sorts of kidney herbs for this problem with no success but when we heard Dr. Lendon Smith say that Bedwetting can be a blood sugar problem with a mineral imbalance we decided to try this approach. It worked well for us and has since worked well for others.” Lots of people are deficient in minerals these days! Best of luck!


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Kristi (Santa Rosa, Ca) on 06/27/2010

Re: Giving turmeric to babies or children

Turmeric has completely helped my husband and I deal with boils - after 2 or 3 each we have had no more. We mixed turmeric with warm water and milk to drink, and also applied paste of turmeric and honey.

But when my daughter developed extremely large painful ones, we weren't initially able to get any turmeric inside her. So we tried a few tricks that we don't normally turn to, and she's done better with them. Antibiotics did NOT work -- they cleared the infection while she was taking them, then the boils returned again.

External applications of turmeric are also fine for children, and draw out pus very quickly. We use a mixture of turmeric and honey, with a few drops of tea tree and lavender essential oil -- mix well. Note that tea-tree is safe for mucous membranes/genital area; lavender is not recommended on those areas for young kids unless very well diluted.

Here are some suggestions for parents who want to try giving turmeric orally to kids; I hope they can help someone!

1) Curcumin in capsules has a less offensive taste than straight turmeric -- we sometimes use that in our dosing by breaking open the capsules and using half the powder each time.

2) Put some turmeric/curcumin on a spoon with manuka honey (itself great against infections)- follow with milk or another bit of honey.

3) If all else fails, icecream is a good cover-up because it's cold and sweet, although of course the sugar isn't so great

Best to try when your child is hungry! Always start with a sip of water and a spoonful of the sweet stuff to lubricate the mouth and to make the experience appealing! Then turmeric, then honey/icecream again.

Good luck everyone.

EC: Thank you! Reminder: please do not give honey to babies under a year old.

Posted by Lina (Sydney, Australia) on 11/03/2007

When my son was 2 years old, he had a severe stomach pain. he was crying constantly for 2 hours at that night. eversince, i took him to different doctors in 3 different countries, went through blood test, x-ray and usg. finally the doctor said that it was normal for a child to have stomach pain at least twice a week!!! i couldn't believe what he said. my mum visited us 2 years ago, and started to give him tumeric and honey. you wouldn't believe it. it WORKS!!! never again he has stomach pain.

Posted by Pranathi (Vegas, USA) on 04/09/2007

Just wanted to add that turmeric is used in India on infants as well with good results. Babies are regularly bathed with turmeric paste to prevent infections (not on the head though, since it prevents hair growth). The quality of the turmeric must be checked though and the infant's skin watched carefully the first few days after using. A harmless side effect is that it colors the skin/nails for a while. A pinch is also put on the baby's tongue and used to clean it.

Turmeric for Boils

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Posted by Lori (Orlando, FL) on 02/18/2009

Recently my 2 year old daughter has started developing small boils/abscess that resemble insect bites with a purulent center on her lower abdomen. They dont bust or drain, but they get red and painful to touch. Our diet has changed recently due to moving, unable to cook healthy meals. We drink alkalized water, level 3. I cant seem to get her to drink ACV for obvious reasons. I've been increasing the probiotics in her milk/juice and she takes fish oil gel capsules daily. I don't want to start her on antibiotics. I'm going to start cleaning the bumbs with ACV, maybe a ACV soaked cotton ball and band aid. I know turmeric works well for MRSA/boils but that is impossible to get into a 2 year old. How else can I get her alkaline and fight these boils?

Replied by Ruma
(Calcutta, India)

Turmeric is a hard one to like. It is sometimes mixed with liberal amounts of honey just to get kids to swallow the stuff. But, then again, the turmeric we use in India for medicinal purposes is always fresh, never powder, so I am not sure how the powder would mix with the honey. I have seen fresh turmeric in some shops in the US, but I am sure it will be difficult to track down.

Replied by Ian
(Franklin, TN)

I also have a 2 year old daughter. To get her to drink ACV, I measure a 1/2 teaspoon into her 8 ounce milk cup at the start of the day (more than that amount is noticed by her). Once all of the milk with ACV is drunk, then I serve her regular whole milk for the rest of the day. This was the only way I could get her to ingest it for her breathing and sinus ailments. When needed, I use the mixture 5 days on and 2 days off.

Replied by Sandra
(Taylor, MI)

Hi, you could perhaps try adding a little bit of vinegar to some apple juice to disguise the taste ( I would try adding a little bit of baking soda to some ACV, allowing it to react for about 5 minutes and then adding it to some good quality apple juice, with no high-fructose syrup, etc), also you can add turmeric to your child's diet by using it in the foods you cook, for instance, you can add a little bit of turmeric to sauteed onions and then use the seasoned onions to make a soup or any other dish. Another thing would be adding a little bit of coconut oil to make fruit smoothies (just blend some milk with a banana and the oil), etc.

Replied by Lori
(Orlando, FL)

Sandra- Thank you for the tip. I can definately sneak the ACV into some apple juice. I completely forgot about VCO, I can mix that into her yogurt. I started applying ACV to the boils last night. They seemed a bit smaller this morning. Last night I encouraged (more like enforced) her to drink about 2 oz of ACV/baking soda in alkalized water. We shared the glass. I also use turmeric in my cooking, I just dont believe a teaspoon of turmeric in my meals will make a difference. I will remain hopeful and appreciate everyone's input.

Replied by Lori
(Orlando, FL)

Ruma- Thank you for your response. I give my daughter a babyspoonful of raw honey about two times a day (breakfast and bedtime). I could try mixing a little turmeric into it, however I'm afraid it might discourage her from taking it the next time. It's already somewhat of a struggle to get her to swallow it as is, she is getting better at it because it is our routine. I will definately give it a try.

Replied by Nikki
(Olivehurst, Ca, United States)

I have a son that is 7 mo. old I recently took him to the doc for a staph infection on his thigh & he is almost done with his antibiotics. I would much rather treat his staph infections naturally. Is it safe for an infant to drink apple cider vinegar?? What other ways could I treat his staph that arent too difficult??? I have a hard enough time getting him to take his antibiotics.

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Nikki as per the attached article:

One of the best things to have in your medicine cabinet is tea tree oil. In medical studies, tea tree oil has proven successful in wiping out staph bacteria quickly. Simply use a cotton ball or swab to apply tea tree oil to a skin infection, and cover with a clean bandage. Repeat two or three times per day until the infection is gone.

Another natural treatment is to make a paste of baking soda and apple cider vinegar, and apply to the infection with a cotton ball or swab. Cover with a clean bandage. Repeat several times a day

Mix 1 tbsp. Of honey with 1 tsp. Tea tree oil, and cover the infection with the sticky paste. Cover with a clean bandage, repeating several times per day.

Mix 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar, 3 tbsp. Honey and 1 cup hot water. Soak a clean cloth in the solution, and wring out. Use as a hot pack three times per day, using new solution and a clean cloth every time. Be sure and launder these cloths with bleach after use to keep the infection from spreading.

Read more: Natural Cures for a Staph Infection |

Also because your baby has had antibiotics you need to buy some probiotics because the antibiotics will kill off the good bacteria in the baby's stomach and you need to repopulate the good bacteria. Doctors don't tell you this.

Turmeric for Eczema

Posted by Jacquie (Tacoma, WA) on 09/20/2008

Tumeric for eczema. My little 6 month old granddaughter was born with a red spot between her eyebrows and when she laughs or cries it puffs up. A couple of months ago, the area started to look raised and crusty. Then she started scratching it and it would bleed and this became a cycle. The doctor put her on internal and external antibiotics which cleared up the area. But a week later it started to come back. Then she started to get breakouts around the mouth, noes and one side of the face. When the spots start to clear up, it leaves the area around it white. My daughter is concerned. She took her to the doctor yesterday and was given another antibiotic ointment to use on her face. My daughter has taken her to the doctor several times and has been told the baby could have MERSA (she did not), impetigo, strep, or eczema. I am believing that this child is going to be healed and whole. I want to know whether the turmeric could be used on her face and specifically on the area between her eyebrows. Thank you.

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
490 posts

To Jacquie from Tacoma: Sounds like your little granddaughter might have MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus) which she would have probably picked up in the nursery at the hospital. Whether she has it or not, anything that will kill MRSA will probably kill a lot of other things also. My line of thought is that external application of turmeric is safer than one round of antibiotics after another, and all their unwanted side effects. You might try mixing 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. of turmeric in a couple ounces of distilled water and swabbing the areas involved 3 to 4 times a day to see if it improves. Using it this way should prevent getting any in her eyes, which is one place you don't want it. Another way of using it on a baby, might be to mix it with a little A & D ointment and applying it sparingly to the affected areas. Hang in there, Grandmother, because I also believe this little one is going to be cured.

Replied by Tammany
(Elkridge, MD)

Have you also looked at the baby wash and lotion products you are using? Unfortunately the FDA does not regulate our cosmetics and they are loaded with mineral oil and animal by products that our skin can not break down.

Mineral oil or petrolatum in products acts like plastic wrap and prevents our largest organ- our skin- from breathing. It then traps the bacteria and then you see the eczema and other skin conditions.

Look at the Arbonne baby products or other natural products - and google the ingedients - you will be amazed at the level of carcinogenic ingredients in our skin care.

Replied by Corinne

Airborne has a lot of nasties in it, too. Many of their products contain parabens as well as other toxins.


Posted by Nathan (Troy, Michigan) on 12/12/2014

I would like to ask if frequent urination is normal for a 15-months old toddler drinking milk formula? If not, how to remedy the condition?

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, US)

Dear Nathan,

Is your toddler urinating more frequently than before? How often is "frequent" to you?

I know that dairy can affect children who have trouble wetting the bed. So I guess it could cause frequent urination.

It seems that my toddlers that age do pass urine very often. It is one reason I potty train very late. But this has not been an issue once they are potty trained.

Are there any signs of bladder infection? Odor, pain upon urination, etc?

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Nathan
(Troy, Michigan)

Sorry for the late reply Mama to Many!

My kid does not drink water that much. He's more into milk and fruit juice. He urinate at least 10x a day. It usually happens when he cries and he cries a lot: when he wants something; when we stop him from doing things he like, etc. He cannot talk yet so we thought that crying is his way of communicating.

We did not notice any odor on his urine so far and he does not complain of pain in urinating. In fact, we're trying to potty train him right now as well as coax him to drink milk from a sippy cup instead of milk bottle but we have not succeeded.

If you could give advice about the latter it would be appreciated.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Nathan,

10x a day for a 15 month old to urinate seems within the normal range - at least it has been for my toddlers.

I agree with you that crying is his way of communicating. I once had a child that age who screamed for everything. I got a DVD (video back then! ) of sign language for babies and taught him just a few signs. It helped him and us so much. He learned them so fast and he was able to communicate and it made our home more peaceful. You may be able to find this information online or at your library if you want to try and teach him some signs.

Most of my children were three before they were potty trained. Then it usually takes a day or two or less. :) I admire those who potty train early. It just never worked for me. I found the frequency that smaller toddlers needed to be taken potty, the frequency of accidents, etc to be frustrating to me and my little ones. When I realize that my child is dry through the night often, I figure they are about ready. I take them to the potty first thing in the morning and we go from there. (Though I had a child who was potty trained at 3 but not dry at night until 9 or so. Bed wetters need lots of patience and it just needs to be no big deal. I am grateful for pull ups for older children! )

Anyway, that is a bit of my philosophy and experience on potty training.

Potty training and weaning from the bottle at the same time may be too much at once. Both can be stressful and are changes. Toddlers love routines and it might be best to change one thing at a time. And toddlers often still need to suck, at least for comfort. If he does not suck his thumb or take a pacifier, he may need to hang on to the bottle a bit longer. You could try setting some limits on it. (Like, the bottle is for at home only. Or for daytime only. Etc.)

I hope these thoughts will help a little. Toddlers a are a lot of work. Try to find some fun every day and enjoy this stage. After 20 years of having at least one toddler, I have none in my house and I miss them! They are always saying and doing such funny and cute things.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Nathan John
(Troy, Michigan)

Hi Mama to Many! Just want to update you on the progress of my toddler.

He does not pee that much anymore. He does not wear diaper during the day as he now go to the bathroom to pee. We still have him wear diaper when he goes to bed at night. But it's been more than a month already that his diaper stayed dry until morning. Like you did with your kids, we will no longer put him on diapers starting tonight. Hope he will not wet the bed until tomorrow morning.

However, he still not want to poo in the potty or the toilet. Thus, we still make him wear it until he was able to poo then, he stayed nappy-free until he went to bed.

The good thing is that he's already weaned off the bottle and drinks his milk from the cup, not the sippy cup. But we have to force-feed him because he refuse to drink milk on his own since we started weaning him from the bottle.

He still does not speak though but he understands us when we tell him to pick up his toys, etc. I wish he has the patience to utter words that we can understand because he keeps on talking to us in the language that he only knows - unintelligible words that sounds like Korean/Chinese/minions. It's funny I know but that's how he sounds when he talks very fast.

How do you deal with your kids when they were on this stage?

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Nathan,

Glad to hear of your successes with potty training!

There are many things you can do to help maximize your child's language development.

1. Read to him every day. Dr. Seuss Books, Margaret Wise Brown books. ABC books.

2. Continue talking with him. Name things as you do things together. Ball. Oatmeal. Spoon. It will give him good speech to imitate.

3. Limit TV time. As much talking happens on television, it does not seem to help much with language development.

4. Sing with him. Play music that has nursery rhymes for children or other children's songs. Even if he isn't singing the songs, it will give him something else that is good to imitate when he begins to speak. And singing uses a different part of the brain than speaking.

Did you ever try doing some sign language with him? Learning some basic signs can help both parent and child experience less frustration with this stage before he is speaking well.

Do you have a pediatrician that you take him to? While for some children, it is normal to not be speaking at the age of two, there can sometimes be physical causes that would make it hard for a child to learn to speak properly. (Short Frenulum, hearing loss (even temporary from colds or mild ear infections), etc.) It is a good idea to rule these things out, at least.

I also would not force feed a child his food or drink. It is important for meal time to be pleasant.

~Mama to Many~

UTI Remedies for Toddlers

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Jae (Baltimore, Md) on 12/13/2009

urinary tract infection in toddler

I am in need of advice asap. My 1.5 yr old daughter has had a runny nose for a couple of days two days ago i noticed her urine smells awful when i change her. Today she woke up with fever and is very uncomfortable,it appears as though it hurts when she urinates. i have had a uti so i know that is a symptom, i have been giving her echinachae and kefir. any other suggestions i dont want her in pain but i know the drs will just put her on antibiotic. pls help.

Replied by Dott
(Fort Lauderdale,, Florida, Usa)

For a toddler, I would go with cranberry juice cocktail. She will love the taste and the cranberry will start alevating her pain quickly. She can drink a 1/2 cup or more, 3 times a day and I would keep it up for a minimum of 3 days, probably up to a week.

Replied by Bea
(La, Ca)

You can help a lot by having her sitting in a bowl of water with couples drops of Lugol's solution and baking soda (4 Tb spoons per gallon of water) as long as she can stand, 15 minutes would be ideal. It is very safe and does the work. You can read a book for her while she is sitting and no sugars in the diet until it goes into remission.

Vitamin K

Posted by Holisticmom624 (New York, NY) on 09/08/2014

The Synthetic Vitamin K shot is given to infants all over America, I happen to live in a state where it is mandatory and I already know of the side effects and am dreading having to give this again to another child [as I am pregnant]. One of the side effects being jaundice. My question what are ways to detox this out of the body, for instance I have a friend whose baby developed jaundice...I am aware that breast feeding can help but is there anything the mother can give or take that will help baby remove this out of body. any information will be helpful as there are many babies suffering form this vaccine and unfortunately the govt has made it so that we no longer have a choice in whether or not we want this to be administered to our children.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Holisticmom624,

Yes, frequent breastfeeding is great for preventing and helping jaundice.

Sunlight is also good for mild jaundice. Pediatrician Dr. Sears says to "put your skin-exposed baby next to a closed window and let the rays of sunlight shine on him for around fifteen minutes, four times a day. Sunlight dissolves the bilirubin in the skin so that it can be excreted in your baby's urine."

All of my babies have had the Vitamin K shot, though, I like you, prefer to avoid any "extras! " Only the first one (of nine) had any hint of jaundice. And he was a very poor nurser in the beginning. All of the rest of my babies nursed seemingly constantly in the first days after birth. So, if you have to get the Vitamin K shot, I would encourage you to nurse as much as baby is willing in those early days. My milk would come in in 36 hours when I did this; perhaps that is how they avoided jaundice. My milk did take 3 days to come in with my first baby.

I hope that all goes well with you and you can avoid the jaundice if not the Vitamin K shot. It can be pretty frustrating. I remember one time getting the "consent" form for the PKU test to sign in the hospital. So, I checked "decline." There was a box for it. The nurses came back and told me it was "mandatory." Well. So, I wasn't really giving permission, I guess, was I.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Yes, MtM, sunlight is very good for baby's "yellow", and that's why they put them under a "bili light". But there's another trick to add: when the mother drinks (plenty of) lemon juice, it lowers the numbers too.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Mmsg,

That is great to know about the lemon juice. Thanks!

~Mama to Many~

Vitamin K Injections

Posted by Lucena (London) on 01/10/2014

Hi Ted or anyone else .. Please I am in need of some wisdom whether to let a pediatrician administer Vit K injection to a new born baby. There are many pros and cons on line that really confuses me. Any information or knowledge will be highly appreciated. Thanks.

Replied by Mike62

Lucena: Nutrients work in concert like a symphony. Isolates lack the dozens of nutrients and hundreds of cofactors in properly prepared whole foods. Park rangers examined the stomach of a dead herbivore and discovered he had eaten 400 plants. Take 5g daily Hawaiian spirulina. This has k1, k2, and 100 more nutrients. They are transferred to the lovely baby through the milk. Watch raw food and super food videos.

Replied by Timh
(Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Lucena: I will agree w/ Mike on the Spirulina. Suffering from an environmental illness for a few yrs led to a Vit-K deficiency in myself until I started taking Spirulina tablets. Beneficial bacteria in the gut manufactures the K, but I think that infants cannot complete this processes so that's why the injections are sometimes warranted.

As for decisionmaking, it's always best to try the natural route first. If the spirulina doesn't raise the K levels, then I.m. injection may be necessary.

White Hair

Posted by Janeysilva (Fort Worth, Texas) on 04/15/2015

My son is 3 1/2. This morning, dropping him off at school, I found a white hair in the midst of his very thick chestnut brown hair. My son was born with lots of hair and it grows very fast. I'm trying to figure out if this could be related to stress or nutrition. Any thoughts? Thanks for any answers I can get.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Janeysilva,

The first thing this made me think of was my own sixteen year old son. He has a head full of thick, thick dark brown hair. He has one patch of white on the back. It is maybe a 2 inch square patch. I am pretty sure it is a birth mark. He had very blond hair as a toddler, but it darkened over the years, except for the white patch, which I think is very cute. It may even be considered gray hair. His hair is a bit longer now and I don't notice it unless his hair is pretty short.

So, it could be something like that. Or it could just be a random white hair.

If you are concerned, though, a simple thing to try would be a half teaspoon of blackstrap molasses for him each day. If it is cause by a nutritional deficiency, that may help. I think of Blackstrap off a spoon as a natural vitamin.

Is your child under stress? If so, reduce if you are able. Chamomile tea is a good tea for all ages for its calming effect. My six year old loves Sleepytime tea, which has a lot of chamomile in it.

~Mama to Many~

Winter Babies

Posted by Earth Clinic (USA) on 09/22/2009

Interesting article in today's Wall Street Journal by Justin Lahart entitled, New Light on the Plight of Winter Babies - Researchers Stumble Upon Alternative Explanation for the Lifelong Challenges Faced by Children Born in Colder Months.

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