Please help- I have a nine month old girl at home with a chronic constipation problem for the last 6 months. If I let her go on her own she may have a BM once or twice a week and they are very painful for her to pass and very large. The doctors are not much help and I've done everything they have suggested with little change and even that only temporary.
I have tried the following: baby laxative consisting of magnesium citrate, changing formulas (from Enfamil lipil to Enfamil gentle ease-helped for about 3 weeks, earths best organic, and a couple of others), raw milk from Jersey cows, omega 3 supplement, probiotic, fresh fruit including peaches, pears, apples, apple juice, pears juice at least 4-5 oz a day which worked for 2 days then stopped working I stopped giving it to her because I feel that is too much juice, fresh blended spinach, Epsom salt baths, massage with almond oil and lavender essential oil, q-tip with Vaseline,
thermometer with Vaseline both inserted to stimulate a movement, steamed broccoli, raw garlic, dark corn syrup, concord grape juice diluted, aloe vera juice and now against what I believe to be nutritious soy formula. I give her liquid suppositories to make her go but she is now holding her BM in because it is so painful for her. I am trying enemas to help but she tenses up before I can insert them and I don't want to hurt her. Please if anyone knows of something I have missed please tell me.
I don't know what else to do for her. She's had an X-Ray which came back normal- nothing keeping her from having a BM. Also she only began having this problem when I began supplementing her with formula when I wasn't producing enough milk. While she was on breast milk she had no issues. But when I went back to work I slowly lost my supply and since then she has had this problem.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Treat for Mineral Imbalance and Blood Sugar
Chronic Cold Remedies
Appetite Loss
After trying everything and feel helpless and probably crying everyday and stressing about his health non stop and so here I am asking for some home remedy instead. Every meals times are do stressful and torture for him and myself.
Please help me and I want my child to be happy and enjoy food than hating food. Am begging for help!!!
We have done lots of different things over the years. I will go ahead and share what we are doing now, and may post again as I recall other things that have seemed to help in the past.
We have had amazing results using Astragalus Root. I put my 5 year old son on it over the summer. He was getting countless tick bites and I was concerned about him getting Lyme Disease. I had him taking 2 capsules (about 1/2 teaspoon) daily. He has been doing this for many months. Astragalus Root is used to boost immunity. It is a mild herb and used for food in other cultures. This son has not had any sickness at all this fall. He has certainly been exposed to a lot of sickness this fall, but has stayed well, praise the Lord. We even had a cold go through the family in October. His 8 siblings all got it and he did not. So, I am pretty excited about Astragalus Root! If you children are not yet able to swallow pills, Astragalus Root is quite mild and 1/2 teaspoon can be stirred into applesauce or a smoothie. You may also be able to get or make astragalus root tincture. It can be used during acute illness but is better used as a preventative.
Currently in our community, a terrible respiratory virus and the flu are going most of my family are taking Astragalus Root and some other things.
Some other things that we are currently using to prevent sickness in our family (children and adults) are vitamins C and D. Prioris mentioned zinc, which I have heard is good.
I also made Elderberry syrup a few weeks ago, which is tasty and easy to get everyone to take. Here is a link to a recipe:
Adults in my house are taking 1 Tablespoon per day and children are taking 1 teaspoon a day. When we have been around sick people, we are taking it 2-3 times a day. I was feeling a cold coming on a couple of days ago and starting to take 1-2 Tablespoons every time I thought of it and it seemed to nip it in the bud...I did also use Colloidal Silver several times a day.
Colloidal Silver is something I have been trying to prevent colds since Dave wrote about it. I am using a 10ppm strength. I have it in a dropper bottle. I put 1 dropperful in each ear and nostril several times a day when feeling something coming on. With children, I have tried to do this once or twice a day. They are not very fond of it. For small children I am just using a few drops per ear and nostril. You can do this daily to prevent and more often when sickness occurs.
I think a good diet is helpful to keep the body ready to fight colds. Avoiding processed food and processed sugar as much as possible is good. So is avoiding MSG, soda, etc. When children have colds, we avoid dairy, especially milk and ice cream. (We actually rarely consume them anyway, unless we have access to raw milk.) Human milk is fine when children have colds, by the way, , though you are not talking about nursing little ones. (I have had doctors say to wean children when they have congestion, but human milk is not a dairy product and I reject that advice.) We do try to eat fresh fruit (mostly apples) daily. That saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away can't be for nothing! )
But even children on excellent diets who get plenty of rest etc. do get sick sometimes.
If you have little ones that are struggling to get over colds, the above things should be very helpful. I also try to get herbal teas into them. Some will drink vinegar tea. (For a child, 1 teaspoon vinegar, 1 - 2 teaspoons honey in a small mug with hot water.) This is excellent if they will drink it. If they like cold, herbal tea, sweetened with honey can be made into popsicles.
Garlic Salve can be made to help with chest colds. It is super. It should be used often. It doesn't smell great, but it sure does help. Here is a recipe:
Well, I hope something here will be helpful. If I remember anything else, I will try and post it later! Have a great day!
~Mama to Many
Appetite Loss
I would do your best to get some Vit C in him, as this could really help, and you would know if it worked very quickly. Scurvy has loss of appetite, lethargy and depression as it's earliest symptoms. Failure to thrive can be from the same cause.
Did you know that raw milk is as good a source of Vit. C as an orange? Pasteurizing alters almost everything good about milk into something bad, like it sucks calcium out of your bones. Can you get him some real milk?
So much can be addressed by diet. Try letting him choose between two or three healthy choices, or even offer a trade if he eats something healthy first. Make it a fun time to share, and less about the food needing to be eaten. Hope that helps.--T.
Appetite Loss
Well, it seems good that nothing has shown up. Hopefully that means it is just that you have a petite baby, at least for now. My firstborn was 6 lbs 5 ounces at birth and 18 pounds at a year. He only gained 4 pounds during his second year, and if I recall correctly, he went 9 months in his second year with no weight gain. Like Mmsg, my little one turned out to be taller than average after all. Not that the height really matters if he is healthy.
I wonder if you could try 2 ounces of formula every 2 hours instead of 3-4 ounces every 4 hours? I would try and get a feeding in at bedtime and first thing in the morning to maximize the number of feedings in a day. If he still takes a bottle in the night, that is great. Try to keep feedings a pleasant as possible...if he likes it, you can still rock him to give him a bottle and it might maximize his intake.
Mashed avacados are a great baby food that are high in fat and calories.
You could also add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of extra virgin coconut oil to his baby food, to increase calories.
Egg yolks are another high nutrient and calorie food for babies. (I believe no egg white for the first year.) You can cook the egg white and mash it and add it to other foods. (Don't give cooked egg yolk straight as it can be a choking hazard.
I tend to wait a while to give my children dairy products, but if your baby is able to have them, cheese and full fat yogurt would be good. Just be sure they are not constipating him.
Avoid juices unless they are fresh juiced. Juice for babies tends to fill them so they take in less fat and protein.
It is great that he is playing and active. Try to get him out in some sunshine each day the weather is nice. Playing outside and sunshine seem to increase appetites in my children.
Keep us posted on how he is doing! I know you are doing your best for him and he is blessed to have such a caring mama.
~Mama to Many~
Appetite Loss
I wanted to pass along a recipe from Sally Fallon's Nourishing Traditions.
She recommends egg yolks for babys 4 months old and over.
Here is what she says to do:
1 organic or pasture fed hen egg
pinch sea salt
Boil egg for 3 1/2 minutes. Place in a bowl and peel off shell. Remove egg white and discard. Yolk should be soft and warm, not hot, with its enzyme content intact. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt.
I have never tried this or even heard of this, but recently was at a friend's house and there she was cooking an egg yolk for her 6 month old.
Anyway, egg yolk is a good source of nutrients and fat.
~Mama to Many~
Bloated Stomach
Homemade Baby Food Formulas
So, in this recipe, you need to provide an easily digested source of protein and calcium and a touch of sweet. This can be given to adults too. No age limit.
I changed my source of protein to a gluten free version, the sweetener to a much healthier version, and the calcium to a much easier digestible source as well.
Protein and Carb: husk on (regular) or de-husked ('pearled') Barley - it doesn't matter. This does have Gluten. Protein & carbs are needed for strong, growing bodies.
Calcium: Cow's Milk (2% back then). Milk is meant for calves not humans; the molecules are 10x the size of what a human can easily digest. This causes allergies, lack of calcium, skin issues, etc. and full fat is needed for fat cells in brain & nerves & muscles.
Sweetener: high fructose corn syrup (was said to encourage bowel movements). Do not consume this, ever. Never for a babe. And honestly, I doubt Romans had this back then. They did have goats & sheep.....see below
Protein & carb: Barley is generally ok, but for gluten-free, I recommend Lentils
Calcium: Goat or Sheep's Milk. I'd recommend full fat for proper body's need for healthy fats (brain cells, nerves, guts, everywhere! ). I heard sheep's milk taste better than goat but ...up to you or little one :)
Sweetener: To taste. I'd use monk fruit. Low/zero glycemic. Maybe organic cane sugar...but just enough for taste. (Not Stevia!! No 'alternative fake sweeteners like aspartame, etc.)
Recipe -
- Cook your chosen protein in slow cooker all night on LOW: Add 8 cups clean water and 1/4 cup protein of choice. In a.m., when the water turns Pink'ish, the protein is now in the water.
- Separate away the barley/lentils from the water with a super fine filter and again with a cheese cloth or coffee filter. Mom can enjoy the barley for breakfast. The cheesecloth (or coffee filter) removes the fine bits that can plug up the tiny baby bottle hole.
- Pour the pink filtered protein water into a large jug with a cap/lid.
- While it's still hot, add your sweetener of choice.
- Re calcium milk: Maybe 6oz or 8oz of your choice. If you're at home for 3,4 days, add all & refrigerate rest. Or if traveling, keep protein water and your milk separated, and combine just enough milk to make the water look 'milky enough' and warm if needed. The water can travel at reg temp, just keep the milk chilled or buy as you go. Doesn't all spoil during travel times.
Cost: maybe $10'ish.
Picky Eater Toddlers
My oldest son is almost 20. I nursed him until he was two. He ate no solid food until he was 16 months old. Threw up everything I tried to give him. (I wasn't forcing it, even if he put it into his mouth he threw it up. ) I didn't push it and figured he wasn't ready. People wanted me to take him to an eating disorder clinic. No way. Finally, at 16 months he started to eat. I think he may have had some food allergies and it was his bodies way of protecting him from food. He was fine on human milk alone. Everyone said he would be a picky eater. He wasn't. He is a super young man who will eat anything.
My niece was a very picky toddler. But her parents were patient and just offered healthy food. Eventually, she would eat. She is now a healthy eater and a teen.
She will eat when she is hungry, just offer healthy stuff. And don't let her think you are happy when she eats or upselt when she doesn't. Food needs to be a non-issue. I agree that juices are a great healthy food for her (fresh juiced. ) Raw milk, organic bananas... Also, sugar is filling and empty calories, so avoid letting her have these.
Also, most toddlers don't need a whole bunch of food. A banana is a breakfast for a toddler.
Hang in there and try to be patient. It is really hard when you are worried about their health.
Let us know how it goes!
~Mama to Many~
Appetite Loss
Give the food Pineapple to encourage appetite, or Pineapple juice if it doesn't have too much added sugar.
Appetite Loss
Next: kids eat when they are hungry. Your job is to offer the food, then bite your tongue and look the other way. Whatever he won't eat in one meal, he will usually make up his needs in another meal. Meaning that within a week's time, he will probably be getting all the nourishment he needs.
One more thing: have him help you (if you can do it pleasantly! ) in the kitchen here and there. Simple things that might be fun for him, or even only watching you once in a while.
Appetite Loss
My first son had a huge appetite! Didn't seem to make him grow any faster! Second and third sons, hardly any appetite at all! What Mmsg says, they grow anyway is so true. I was not the type to run my kids to the Dr. at all so, didn't care about the growth charts, curves, etc. At any rate, each one of them hit their own stride. The two oldest not until after 18 and my youngest shot up this year and is now 16. Over the spring/ summer he grew 6 inches! And he still doesn't have a great appetite, always very picky and hates vegetables which I practically live on!
Sometimes, none of it makes sense. So, I would say, offer him good wholesome food, don't make too big of a thing of it, relax and enjoy your life with him, he'll grow in your love and remember it all goes by in a blink of an eye! Most importantly, enjoy sharing time and food with him and remember it's all going to be fine! Hope this eases your concerns. Lisa
Appetite Loss
Appetite Loss
Appetite Loss
Hi there! Is your baby breastfed or bottle fed? Does he still nurse or take a bottle during the night?
What was his birthweight? Was he born near his due date?
Is he taking solid food? What kinds?
Is he crawling and sitting up?
I am asking these questions, hoping to get a better picture of things and hopefully will have some ideas to help and encourage.
Have a great day! Hope to hear from you soon.
~Mama to Many~
Appetite Loss
Appetite Loss
2. RELAX! When we were dealing with a similar situation, we were told by a wise woman: as long as you see progress, even if it's slow, he will be fine. As a matter of fact, in our situation, the "baby" in question is now a big, husky father!!!
It's not under this site category yet:
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Skin Allergies
Joyce's Remedies for Infants
08/13/2008: AKR from Jersey City, New Jersey writes: "I am an avid fan of EarthClinic! I have a suggestion for a new Infant/kids health page.
Here's my motivation. I recenlty became a dad. Son is almost six months now. I have made a pledge to myself to keep myself as healthy as possible using all the knowledge from EarthClinic (and other sources). So, hopefully, I will never have to fall prey to a doctor and the traditional medical system again. I would like to do the same for my son. But I don't have much idea as to what you can do, or what you can feed an infant/child (aside from the obvious of course)to keep them super healthy, and build inpenetrable immunity.
For eg, is it a good idea to give them a few drops of black strap molasses or bee pollen starting at a certain age? Omega 3 oils? My son has some allergies, which I suspect is due to HiB vaccination he got right at birth. I was not knowledgeable enough at that time to refuse that vaccine, but have postponed his schedule for the rest after much research. So, again, I am wondering, if I can give my son a few drops of ACV starting at say nine months of age to help clear his allergies?
Many thx!
Welcome to the world of being on call for that fine son 24/7/52 from his birth onward. Aren't babies wonderful. Such perfect little ones, although you can get awful tired of not getting enough sleep.
My name is Joyce & I'll try to answer some of your questions. First off, if he is having allergy problems, the most likely offender is milk. If he is still on milk, do an on-line search for "excitotoxins" and print out that long list of names they hide monosodium glutamate (MSG) under and when you go looking for a good substitute formula make sure it doesn't contain any MSG or aspartame, especially any hydrolyzed plant (corn, soy or other)protein as Blaylock says this is the most deadly form of MSG because it also contains aspartame (Nutri-sweet). These are two excitotoxins found in most every processed foods and are ones you want to protect your son from. If you can't find baby foods without them, table foods will probably be better (just throw some of what gets cooked in a blender & puree it for him.
You are going to find it isn't easy to avoid these two excitotoxins unless you cook from scratch, and even then you have to read labels carefully. For instance, Tyson chicken (raw) that you have to take home and cook, ingredients list says: "chicken and may contain up to l5% chicken broth. They didn't mention MSG, but the chicken broth is loaded with MSG. If you read the ingredients list on Perdue beef or chicken (raw) which advertises no artificial ingredients, you find chicken or beef: followed by natural flavors or natural flavoring (which are names MSG is hidden under in our foods.
I think you will find small amounts of black strap molasses won't harm your little one, but don't give him any honey until after he is one year old. His little system isn't built to handle that just yet. I would also hold off on the apple cider vinegar until he is a little older. When you do start apple cider vinegar, remember the adult dosage is usually l tsp. to l Tbsp. and he is much smaller and would take much less of it. After he is one year old, you will probably find that a teaspoon of honey per day will also help with those allergies. When I first heard this, I tried to figure out the rationale behind this. I finally concluded that the honey is doing the same thing that expensive shots for allergies do. That is why you also are told to be sure the honey is produced within a fifty mile radius of where you live: the bees collect the pollen within a fifty mile radius from the hives, which means you are desensitizing your little one to all the pollens within a 50 mile radius, which is the same thing those shots are given for: desensitization to pollens. I would also hold off on other bee products until he is at least l year old since honey presents a problem. I've never heard or read that they do, but it's a chance I wouldn't want to take. Please do not do what I see a lot of parents doing - letting their children have carbonated beverages instead of drinking water. None of them have any nutrition in them - just colored water, sugar and chemicals. You may never see it in print but all carbonated beverages are harmful to the kidneys. If I had known this when my children were little, I would never have let them have the first sip of any soda pop or carbonated beverages. Believe me when I tell you they are harmful, because I saw 4 children 4 to l0 years old, who were spilling protein (proteinuria) in their urine.
Remembering something I had read several years earlier in a medical journal, I asked about their carbonated beverage intake. All 4 of them drank them instead of water. Changing nothig except not letting them have anything to drink except milk, water, and fruit juice and checking them one week later, 3 or them were negative for proteinuria and the l0 yr. old who had the maximum level (4+ proteinuria) on first examination was down to a trace of proteinuria. Her mother said she had done without them until she got one on the way to the clinic that morning.
Oh, in case your little fellow lucked up and is being breast fed by his mother, tell Mom to stop drinking milk and see if his allergy problems decrease. It may sound silly but I was being sure to drink at least a quart of sweet milk per day when breast feeding my third child, and he is the one who had the worst problems, especially to milk. When I got him onto a soy formula, it was like having a totally different baby. For the first time ever, I woke a sleeping baby up to make sure he was alright, because he cried an awful lot and seldom slept longer than l hour. After that first bottle of Sobee, he slept for 13 hours which caused me to wake him up to make sure he was alright. He was- I guess he was just exhausted from all the misery while on the milk formula. Also what Mom eats or drinks gets into her milk that the baby gets.
Another thing to try to avoid is food coloring in any vitamins or minerals that you give your little ones. These can also cause problems. Kids love the Flintstone vitamins/minerals but all that food coloring, sugar and flavoring are totally unnecessary and may trigger allergies. One of my nurse co-workers little granddaughter (at the age of 5 yrs) was having one urinary tract infection after another. I told her that they should watch everything the child ate or drank, because something was triggering those infections. A few months later she greeted me with "We found it, we found it". My reply was I didn't know it was lost - what did you find? She then told me that getting rid of the Flintstones also got rid of her urinary tract infections.
Hope these answers are helpful. If not, just post your reply back and if I don't have the answer, I'll see if I can find the answers for you. I think you are already giving this little fellow the most important thing which is love.
White Hair
The first thing this made me think of was my own sixteen year old son. He has a head full of thick, thick dark brown hair. He has one patch of white on the back. It is maybe a 2 inch square patch. I am pretty sure it is a birth mark. He had very blond hair as a toddler, but it darkened over the years, except for the white patch, which I think is very cute. It may even be considered gray hair. His hair is a bit longer now and I don't notice it unless his hair is pretty short.
So, it could be something like that. Or it could just be a random white hair.
If you are concerned, though, a simple thing to try would be a half teaspoon of blackstrap molasses for him each day. If it is cause by a nutritional deficiency, that may help. I think of Blackstrap off a spoon as a natural vitamin.
Is your child under stress? If so, reduce if you are able. Chamomile tea is a good tea for all ages for its calming effect. My six year old loves Sleepytime tea, which has a lot of chamomile in it.
~Mama to Many~
Homemade Baby Food Formulas
Anyway, we need a heading under CHILDREN like "Make your own baby food" - "Formula" or something like that.
My daughter has been giving formula to the baby, against my protest, you must understand. She's been using the brand "Good Start" which causes rashes all over the babies bodies of some babies (maybe a lot - who knows).
LIVINGSTRONG says it's because it contains unhydrolyzed proteins. Now the family wants to give him a hydrolyzed formula, yuk! They just want to jump from the frying pan into the fire, poor baby.
We need ideas from you good folks out there that have the real deal, that truly is good for the baby, like raw goats milk (organic non-GMO goats that is). Often times that can not be had.
So what's a poor soul to do? Help everybody! What's your super solutions?
Thanks a lot
Grandpa MarkC
I am sorry to hear of this difficulty for your grandbaby!
How old is he? Has his mother been nursing him at all? Some moms are able to re-establish their milk supply. There are even moms who have adopted babies and been able to nurse them some. It would take a good bit of commitment, and ideally, help from a lactation consultant or perhaps a La Leche League Leader, but it has been done.
IS goat's milk a possibility? For me, if I had not been able to nurse my babies, that is what I would have wanted to use.
I hope you will find a good solution for your grandbaby!
~Mama to Many~
Homemade Baby Food Formulas
I agree with the goat's milk idea. Even if you have to get a nanny goat and milk her yourself. Our babies need every good thing we can give them.
Homemade Baby Food Formulas
The Weston A Price Foundation has very detailed information on making infant formulas that would be safer than commercial. It sounds rather labor intensive, but there are people who are doing it out of necessity for their little ones.
~Mama to Many~
Homemade Baby Food Formulas
But if the child had problems with milk then I would feed him or her coconut milk which would help to protect the baby as well as provide all the needed nutrients. You can buy organic coconut milk powder easily nowadays. But I would go a ways further than doing just that. I would also add organic bovine colostrum powder(or the liquid colostrum straight from the mother cow) to the coconut milk as well. To illustrate the importance of First Mother's Milk or colostrum, if the calf does not get his mother's colostrum within the first 24 hrs of its life then the calf will die from disease because the calf has no immune system. This fact is well known by vets and farmers.
I would also particularly urge the use of bovine colostrum if a baby has never been breast fed for all the reasons stated above. The high amount of antibodies that are in bovine colostrum are the same as human antibodies produced against disease. So what happens when you supplement colostrum over a period of time is that the mother cow's immunity that it has against all disease will be passed to the calf. The same thing would happen if a human adult or baby took colostrum -- there would be a critical transfer of immunity against many common diseases from the mother cow to the adult or baby. This ensures that when the baby grows up -- it will have a strong and healthy immune system.
The mix of coconut milk together with colostrum would also act to stop allergy problems like skin issues because colostrum is highly protective and healing for the gut. That's how it cures food allergies. So this may well cure your granddaughter's skin problems. And, what's more, colostrum is all-natural and safe baby food.
See the articles and research on colostrum here, here and here
Homemade Baby Food Formulas
Glad to hear of your successes with potty training!
There are many things you can do to help maximize your child's language development.
1. Read to him every day. Dr. Seuss Books, Margaret Wise Brown books. ABC books.
2. Continue talking with him. Name things as you do things together. Ball. Oatmeal. Spoon. It will give him good speech to imitate.
3. Limit TV time. As much talking happens on television, it does not seem to help much with language development.
4. Sing with him. Play music that has nursery rhymes for children or other children's songs. Even if he isn't singing the songs, it will give him something else that is good to imitate when he begins to speak. And singing uses a different part of the brain than speaking.
Did you ever try doing some sign language with him? Learning some basic signs can help both parent and child experience less frustration with this stage before he is speaking well.
Do you have a pediatrician that you take him to? While for some children, it is normal to not be speaking at the age of two, there can sometimes be physical causes that would make it hard for a child to learn to speak properly. (Short Frenulum, hearing loss (even temporary from colds or mild ear infections), etc.) It is a good idea to rule these things out, at least.
I also would not force feed a child his food or drink. It is important for meal time to be pleasant.
~Mama to Many~
Toddler Whining
Your grandson has had a bit of a rough start! Dave has good advice regarding the fungal possibility and solutions for it.
Some additional thoughts on dealing with whiny behaviour:
Daily outdoor play and sunshine daily are good for the mood and attitude, even toddlers.
A lot of screen time (tv and computer) can make little ones cranky. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no screen time for children under two.
One of my toddler mottos is: Feed them when they are hungry, put them to bed when they are tired. Being tired or hungry increases whining in mine and most.
Sometimes they get into a whiny habit. When this happens, I will answer a whine with, "Nice voice please." said with a smile in a very pleasant way. I wouldn't make a battle out of it, just nice reminders.
Sometimes children get a little fussier when they are going through changes (learning to walk, talk, etc.) Sometimes it is helpful for a parent to know, "This is going to pass." Teething also makes mine fussy. If the toddler is drooling a lot, this could be it.
Please let us know how it goes!
~Mama to Many~
Toddler Whining
We also use colloidal silver often as well. Even if they are fighting off something, colloidal silver seems to help them feel better.
Vitamin K Injections
Chronic Cold Remedies
I think if a breastfeeding mom took magnesium and iodine then the baby would get it in breastmilk, which would be okay. I don't think those would be my first choice for treating candida in a newborn.
Is the newborn nursing? What are the symptoms of candida that you see? Is there anything else that you have tried? How old is the baby? Do you know how the infection came about?
~Mama to Many~
Next, if CS did not do the job, can you obtain the herb "Echinacea"? That herb in liquid form is remarkable for killing microbes especially those derived from biting creatures such as spiders. Not that I think the child was bitten by a spider, but the fact that your child was scraped on the floor suggests he may have picked up a microbe that Echinacea could handle. You apply Echinacea topically repeatedly every hour letting dry on skin's surface and put one drop in water and let him drink doing this three times in a day. Do this every other day for a week.
Ollie, since this is a baby please read about dosages compatible for children. I know what I, as an adult, can consume but don't know about children. CS has been used by humans for thousands of years so I have less worry about that. But the infection in the child's face certainly means that the infection will cause serious problems unless you kill it now.
Thus, research CS by going to Mercola's web site and use the internet on the Echinacea. At least that's what I would do if the child were mine.
i mashed up one banana and mixed it with 1/3 280 mg capsule and est 1/3 tsp of turmeric, I added a little honey too to make sure he would eat it. Normally he feeds himself and gets 1/2 of it on his bib and high chair tray. So instead I approached him in the living room and just kept shoveling in his mouth (he was willing but I didn't want him to sense any after taste) while saying "mmm mmm it's good" Lol! That's stopped diarhea for another 5 hours so I just kept giving him it more frequently afterwards sometimes just a 1/2 banana and would you believe it has kept his diarhea at bay! ?! I was beginning to think I'd have to take him to the E.R. Room or something. Please, please everybody please submit your feedback so we can build up this portion of Earthclinic!!!
Infantile Spasms
Sad when little people have pain. I have been using Vaper Rub :the save you rub on your chest for a cold: for my leg cramps.. It really works.
God Bless
Bed Wetting
he ended up getting constipated for almost 2 days and had diarrhea the second day. I lowered the dose and he had a more normal stool after that! Interestingly he's had a circle of dry skin possibly eczema on his thigh for almost a year and that went away after we did the charcoal and colostrum powder! It's maybe 2% there still
I stuck to this diet, with minimum effect. After a couple of weeks, I contacted the GP again and he told me to add soy milk and skinless chicken to my son's diet. A week passed and it helped a little, but it was only by accident, when I read about an old Persian dish 'Tumeric Chicken', (I was on a diet then and was looking for low cal meals *lol*) that I read that it was good for 'many stomach ailments'.
I gave it a go and my toddler tried it and loved it. Better still within 2 days my son's chronic Diarrhea had gone completely and now he's thriving brilliantly. I would recommend it to everyone, it literally is, steamed chicken, a dash of tumeric and steamed onion. I served it with plain boiled rice and not only is it delic, it really helped my weight loss and my toddler's Diarrhea... Now that's what I call a SUPER SPICE!
While I know that getting fish oil into a seven month old is next to impossible, getting yogurt into them isn't. If you feed them a yogurt every day, you will notice a *huge* difference in less than a week.
My daughter suffered with eczema for her entire life and no doctor, specialist or medication ever made it go away. She was always loaded with inflamed and scabbed areas all over her arms, legs and occasionally, her face. Her skin is now as smooth as a baby's thanks to the yogurt and fish oil combination. (She has only one container of yogurt per day, and a fish oil capsule in the morning and before bed.)
We still can't believe the amazing results. Truly miraculous.
I also agree with others who have suggested probiotics and yoghurt. I would also try a digestive enzyme. The problem stems from a digestive issue. I would not use the steroid creams at all.
Keep him off processed baby foods, make them fresh as all baby foods have added MSG and other additives in them.
Is he being breast fed? If so your daughter needs to also take probiotics and clean up her diet.
Bloated Stomach
I am sorry to hear your son of only 4years, is experiencine them, as they're awful.
After numerous things from the doctor, failing to impact them and side effects.
I discovered this site and started taking both apple cider vinegar and coconut oil, they have cleared at last but the relief as brought so much more with it. Bathing in vinegar helps too. It removes the itch and burn cycle. Hope this helps.
God bless.x
Congestion/Cough Remedies
It started out with a few bumps where her toes connect to her foot - on top of the foot. It wakes her up in the middle of the night itching - but during the day it doesn't seem to bother her that much. In between her toes also felt leathery. After a few weeks, in between her toes started peeling.
I was started rubbing her feet every night with a mixture of calendula, grapefruit seed extract, tea tree oil and other herbs for the skin. After 3 weeks it seemed to have gone away, but only for a few days, then it came back.
Now there are red bumps in the same place as before and little spots all over the top of her foot.
I have been trying an all natural athletes foot cream I purchased from an organic grocery store. I have using it 2 times a day for 10 days with no results.
Her feet don't stink and as far as I can tell, there isn't anything on the bottom of her feet.
Is this athletes foot? If so, is apple cider vinegar safe to use on children? Can I add it to her bath - because trying to get her to sit still and keep her feet in a bowl of vinegar for even 3 minutes is tough!
I am afraid to do anything for too long because of her sensitive skin - I don't want to cause more damage than there is.
Skin Allergies
What soap, if any, are you using??
We also found that Emu Oil (kind of pricey) works the best to clear up many skin conditions. My son suffers from excema, and Emu oil is the only thing that cleared it up. (And I tried Extra virgin coconut oil, Vitamin E oil, tea tree oil..)
Hope that helps. :)
Skin Allergies
Its worth trying and not too difficult. At birthday parties and special occasions I don't worry too much.
Good luck.
Headaches in Children
My 9yo son was getting headaches almost daily. He also started getting a pinching pain behind his right eye, a few times a week. I assumed it had something to do with his eyes since he wears glasses, so I called the eye doctor and she said his prescription was perfect and the eye pain was an opthalmic migraine. She recommended getting meds from the Dr.Since a headache is a sign that something is wrong, I was not about to give him toxins just to take the pain away without trying to figure out the problem. We took him to a naturopath. He noticed that one of his eyes looked bigger than the other, and recommended cranial adjustments. We started taking him to a chiropractor that specializes in cranials, and the butterfly-shaped bone behind his eyes was crooked. She gently "encouraged" it to go back in place, and his eye pain disappeared. Every time he gets it (maybe every couple of weeks) we take him back and sure enough, his cranium is out, so she puts it back in and his eye pain is gone again. His eye pain is getting less and less frequent as his cranium gets used to being in the right place.
As for the general headaches, the naturopath recommended a chinese herbal blend that brings up the "essence", which was low in my son. He also has other symptoms such as motion sickness, poor memory, short attention span, and mood swings. Since starting him on the Chinese herbs his headaches are extremely rare. He is more focused, less moody, and has a better memory. I am not telling you what the remedy is because Chinese remedies must be selected by a qualified practitioner who fully evaluates the patient. What works for my son will not be the correct remedy for everyone else. Frequent headaches are not something to ignore! Take your child to a qualified natural practitioner for help. There are soooo many causes for headaches, and it's the body's way of telling you that something is wrong. Give your child a gift that will last him/her a lifetime and get some help!
Low Muscle Tone