Children's Remedies
Natural Remedies

Infant and Children's Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Sinus Congestion
Posted by Monica (Chino, Ca, United States) on 03/18/2013

I have a 4 yr old son who has sinus congestion & enviromental allergies I can't give him the Tomatoe Tea, I've tried the 1/4 tsp of Garlic Powder & Ginger w/Honey cut it down to 1/8 but still it does not work. I use garlic steam ... nothing. There has got to be something that I can do. I have an air purifier his room which is clean and I changed his diet. Milk is gone though he drinks goat's milk in the morning. I'm going to try taking away bananas as well & try Apple Cider Vinegar in vapor. I don't like to give him meds & surgery is my last resort, going nuts here. Please help. Thank you.

Sinus Congestion
Posted by Kat (Kansas City, Mo) on 03/18/2013

Mom: Does he have Asthma?? I am 57 yr female & have Asthma. Used to take many pills, now only Proventil inhalation & Advair. (purple disc) When I am sick w/ congestion, I take a inhalation treatment & have been drinking green TEA. I am not a DR but only know what works for me. Hope something helps your son soon.

Sinus Congestion
Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West, South Africa) on 03/19/2013

Hi Monica, Stop giving your son starches in all its varieties, leave out the goats milk as well, eliminate all processed Foods that are filled with chemicals. A 4 yr old may not like it but be creative to coax him to eat proper food.

Sinus Congestion
Posted by Monica (Chino, Ca) on 03/20/2013

Thank you. No he does not have asthma. His congestion is really bad at night, I'm thinking enlarged adenoids. The next step will be going to the chiropractor hopefully between that & some remedies we can cure it.

Sinus Congestion
Posted by Monica (Chino, Ca) on 03/20/2013

Thank you, weening him off of milk has been the hardest he LOVES it, starches are limited but I can do it. He does love certain raw vegetables Broccoli being one of them.

Sinus Congestion
Posted by Ky Mama (Clinton, Ky) on 03/21/2013

Try nettle tea. Pour 2 cups boiling water over 2 T. Dried nettle leaves. Strain after 15 minutes and sweeten with some Stevia. If he could drink this during the day, it may help a lot. My son with severe asthma was able to be off inhalers, steroids and OTC allergy meds by taking nettles in capsules. His little brother, too small to swallow capsules, used nettle tea to cure a case of hives in 20 minutes.

Another think you can do is mix 1 T. Peppermint essential oil and 1 T. Eucalyptus essential oil and put this is 1/4 cup olive or coconut oil and massage it into the back and chest at betime. (Spot check it first to make sure it isn't too strong. ) This helped my daughter who had asthma a lot!

Vitamin C is also a natural antihistamine, but I find it hard to get a lot into a child who cannot swallow pills.

Blackstrap molasses is very nutritive and if he would take a t. twice a day, it wouldn't hurt and might help.

We use raw goats milk at our house and it doesn't seem to set off any ones allergies here.

Hope you find a good solution for him!

Sinus Congestion
Posted by Danielle (Utah) on 01/09/2018

Breathing issues can definitely be from microscopic parasites.

Chapped Skin Remedies
Posted by Joanne (Mesa, Arizona) on 02/20/2013

just wondering what would be the best thing to do for chapped skin on the face. My son has been sick for awhile and his cheeks and upper lip area are very chapped and irritated. I have been putting lotion on it and making sure that he has chapstick on like all the time, but nothing seems to be helping...

Chapped Skin Remedies
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 02/21/2013 2042 posts

Joanne: I would start by supplementing a Vit-A&D softgel as well as Selenium plus Vit-E (mixed natural tocopherols). You should see some positive results in as little as a few days, and might help correct the chronic "sick" condition you mentioned.

Chapped Skin Remedies
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/21/2013

Joanne, try a bit (really a tiny bit each time) of coconut oil externally. He can have it internally too, masked in any number of foods.

Chapped Skin Remedies
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 02/23/2013

Coconut oil is anti bacterial and anti viral and anti microbial and on and on. I started using it for my brain internally 3-7 tsp. a day and that is helping, ( no weight gain).

Then I decided to put it on my wrinkles and dry skin. (I have VERY SENSITIVE SKIN) It melts as you put it on and soaks in nicely, can cause a breakout as it heals , but then the skin clears up. I put it on throughout my day and before bed.

Also trying a dab on qtip in my ear to stop constant ear ringing and seems to be helping.

I brush my teeth with it and have less tooth sensitivity.

Posted by Mandie (Pensacola, Florida) on 02/01/2013

My son is going to be 9 months soon and his feet smell really bad all the time. I wash his feet at least twice a day and it doesnt help. I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of making a paste with baking soda. Please let me know if you do.

Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West, South Africa) on 02/02/2013

Hi Mandie, Spray his feet with Hydrogen peroxide & it will kill the monsters that are causing his feet to smell. So the cause of the smelly feet is probably candida & the cause of the candida is probably anti-biotics. Try probiotics to restore flora balance in the gut. Once a dr gives a person an anti-biotic he has a patient for life.

Infantile Spasms
Posted by Zsofia (Orange, Nj) on 12/13/2012

My 5 month old son has developed infantile spasms with no underlying cause and is being treated with ACTH. He is exclusivley breastfed. What can I do/take or give him to improve his outcome?

Infantile Spasms
Posted by Janie (Mississippi) on 02/02/2017

My grandson who is 8 months old has just been diagnosed with infantile spasms. Did you ever find anything that helped your child? Thank you so much.

Infantile Spasms
Posted by Evi (Oxford ) on 10/13/2023

Has anyone found a cure?

Bed Wetting
Posted by Callarlilly (Virginia Beach, Va, United States) on 12/01/2012

Hello, My 14 yr-old Step Son suffers from PTSD and Autistic like delays / symptoms due to 12 years of neglect and abuse from his previous living environment. Needless to say, he still wets the bed nightly (occasionally during the day also for a myraid of reasons).

Over the last 2 years, his Father and I (as well as his PCM, Psychiatrist and Counselors) have dedicated:

- countless hours of therapy
- sleepless nights (getting up every hour to pee only to discover he's wet the bed in between time)
- changes in diets (increased water and cranberry/apple juice intake, minimal to no sugary sweets or beverages, minimal exposure to dyes, carbohydrates & glutens)
- changes in bedding (plastic air matress with hypoallergenic bedding)
- changes in routines (no fluids after 7p.m. and reminders every 30 minutes to pee)

in efforts to potty train and relieve my Step Son of this heavy burden.

All to no avail... Yet. Although we are scheduled to seek the wisdoms of a Urologist, I am a firm believer in the balance between "Modern" & "Alternative" medicines and tend to wonder what more could we be doing holistically.

I also find it important to note that in the morning, my Steppy's room smells very heavily of amonia & fish from the previous night's wetting.

Any hints, tips or suggestions? Callarlilly

Bed Wetting
Posted by Carolyn (Renville, Mn) on 12/01/2012

Emotional Freedom Technique. If he can't be touched or do it himself, you can do surrogate tapping. Google these. Very easy to learn & do, & info is free.

Bed Wetting
Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West, South Africa) on 12/02/2012

Hi Carlalilly, Acording to Louise Hay the metaphysical cause of bedwetting is fear of a parent, usualy the father. And I have seen this in countless children. One guy was still wetting his bed at 18. It is a difficult problem to solve.

Bed Wetting
Posted by Pam (Austin, Texas) on 12/02/2012

It could be as simple as constipation. This article in the NYTimes explains....

Bed Wetting
Posted by Connie (Slc, Utah, USA) on 12/02/2012

Hi Callarlily; Urinary incontinence may be from a neurological dysfunction. It is also included as one of the neurological symptoms of B12 deficiency. B12 has been used to help treat PTSD and ASD.

Bed Wetting
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 12/02/2012

The poor boy. 14 years old is a difficult age- I wouldn't refer to it a potty training. In this case I would think he needs good quality b vits and zero sugar, zero fruits and zero fruit juice including zero cranberry. Has he been checked for glucose intolerance/ diabetes? Children from broken homes sometimes carry the burden of the emotions of their parents and themselves it's a tragedy but a challenge that can be overcome. Liquids of any kind are symbols of emotions and in the teenage years these emotions are very confusing and heightened and are not always expressed in the most obvious way. Just a few ideas for you.

Bed Wetting
Posted by Me (Toronto, On, Canada) on 12/03/2012

Somebody mentioned here excess calcium in the body, check that.

Prader-Willi Syndrome
Posted by Anonymus (Xxxx, Zzzz) on 11/19/2012

Does anyone know of a home remedy to help with Prader Willi Syndrome (PWS)? A 4 year old friend's daughter is suffering from it. Any testimonials welcome.

Prader-Willi Syndrome
Posted by Gwen (Usa) on 07/05/2017

A modified ketogenic diet may help Prader Willi Syndrome patients - 30% fat, 45% carbohydrates and 25% protein, with at least 20 grams of fiber per day. See this link

Bed Wetting
Posted by Kristina (Albuquerque, Nm) on 08/28/2016

I read your post my 8 year old has the same problem. Did you buy cal mag zinc tablets for kids or adults?

Fluoride Poisoning
Posted by Kuma (Trondheim, Norway) on 09/07/2012

Hi, I am considering giving homeophatic borax tablets to a child, 10 years old, for suspected fluoride poisining. I have got Borax 30D. Has anyone from the Earth Clinic have experience with homeophatic borax, particularly for children? I appreciate your response.


Eye Infection
Posted by Alt-rocks (Suffolk, United Kingdom) on 08/10/2012

My son had a terrible eye infection from birth, I used breast milk and weak dilution of baby shampoo (not at the same time) at the suggestion of the clinic, when that did not work the doctors prescribed different antibiotics for a year, nothing worked. The specialist eventually put him on the waiting list for an operation, but told me not to bother trying anymore antibiotics, as the only thing that would work would be to open the tear duct.

The day after seeing the specialist, I wet some cotton wool with warm water and swiped it over my organic coconut oil, just so I could clean the gunge from his eye. His eye did not tear or fill up with pus all day. I did the same in the evening, as there was a little pus at the corner. He woke up with clear eyes the next morning. The first time ever! I continued with the coconut oil for about a week just to make sure the infection was gone. Then phoned the specialist to have him struck from the waiting list.

Bloated Stomach
Posted by Orang_melayu (Limbang, Malaysia) on 08/03/2012

Malay people have a tradition to treat baby bloating and stomach ache, that is, wrapping crunched betel leaves and betel nuts around the navel area of the baby. The betel nuts is first crunched in the mouth to mix them with saliva before putting it with the betel leaf paste. It looks grotesque but many Malay mothers swear that it works.

It is still practised in my family today.

"Is the contents really beneficial to the baby?" What is your expert knowledge dear herbalists and Ted from Bangkok? Most importantly, what are the effects of the things in the mixture?

Your responses are much appreciated!

Posted by Kanika (New Delhi, Delhi (india)) on 08/01/2012

I have a question regarding my daughter as she is 4 yrs old and has digestion problem. She is going to lu 4 to 5 times in a day. so just wanted to check, is there any medication she requires. Adding to that, just for ur information, she was colic baby when she was born.....

Posted by Karen (Mi, US) on 02/04/2015

I was told from the health food store to never give an infant charcoal. Their little tummies are not as strong as ours.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 02/04/2015

Dear Karen,

I certainly agree that baby tummies are not as strong as adult tummies.

But to me that is all the more reason to use activated charcoal for babies when needed. Charcoal is a very gentle and safe remedy.

A common reason for someone to use charcoal for a baby is to stop diarrhea. Diarrhea is a leading cause of infant death worldwide. Charcoal is one of the safest remedies for this problem, it is inexpensive and easily available.

Below is a link with stories about using charcoal for babies, including endorsements/testimonies from MD's.

Charcoal for Babies

For any reason one might use charcoal in a baby (colic, diarrhea, accidental poisoning) charcoal may be the safest treatment available.

Certainly charcoal needs to be used responsibly for all ages. Using an excess amount could cause a blockage. Taking it near the same time as needed prescription medicines could render those medications ineffective. Using it when intensive medical treatment is warranted and available would not be responsible.

For over a decade I have used charcoal for babies, toddlers, children, and adults. I have always found it to be gentle and helpful.

Mama to Many~

Posted by Abbadackerygirl (Alabama, US) on 02/05/2015


I would strongly suggest you not feed charcoal to a baby, as one of the side effects is that it could cause diarrhea or vomiting.

Also, babies are much more sensitive, and in their small bellies, could cause a bowel obstruction, and you don't want that.

A bowl of pureed pumpkin is much gentler, and would help a lot. We use it in our clinics for dogs with diarrhea, and it's really good for your baby anyway. You could flavor it to your taste as well.

Posted by CH (NYC) on 03/01/2024

Activated Charcoal is used in cases of poisoning of all sorts, not for a bacterial infection your small child seem to suffer.
5 days is way too long not to have a stool culture test done. Do it asap.
Please don't experiment with remedies, you child is too small. Meantime only home made food, not store bought.

Bed Wetting
Posted by Monica (Queens, Ny, Usa) on 07/20/2012

Hi all. I am a frequent visitor at Earth Clinic and want to share what has worked for me.

1) Plantar Warts- I tried everything you could imagine at the drug store, nothing worked. UNTIL.... I read on Earth Clinic that Apple Cider Vinegar would work. My whole family (5 of us! ) got plantar warts and they are pretty painful. I think it started at the pool. Anyway, I put an ACV soaked cotton ball on the affected foot every night and fixed it there with either a huge bandage or even duct tape (yes, duct tape is good, it suffocates the wart). I would remove it in the morning. The warts all disappeared within 2 weeks, never to return. You MUST be consistent and the longer you can have it covered in ACV the better, meaning if you could wear it to work, then do it.

2) Bedwetting- My daughter has suffered with nightly bed-wetting for a long time now, she just turned 10 this year. After trying everything imaginable the last most simple trick we tried worked! Someone had once mentioned that its possible her insides were "cold". I always thought there might be a relation since my oldest did also wet the bed but only till she was 5. And for her it was as simple as not putting the AC on at night, just a fan. But that wasn't the case for my second daughter. So I put a heating bag on her bladder area every night for about 1.5 months. On the very first night she woke up dry. This was a small miracle. She actually woke up dry every night after that but I kept the heating bag routine for fear it would come back. After a month and a half we decided to try sleeping without the bag with great success. I suggest this very simple trick to anyone who is dealing with this.

Posted by Silvermist (Machias, Maine, Usa) on 06/15/2012

4.5 yr old daughter has had eczema since 4 months old. Severe worsening now x1 year- correlated with starting nursery school. School has been out 1 week and her severe eczema has receded 70%. She actually enjoyed school and would protest when I suggested she miss school (I had previously realized her eczema was worse on school days). We've really done nothing else new= we live by a cold ocean and she has dipped her wrists a few times this week, but she's been exposed to ocean water year round, plus her neck and face have completely resolved and they did not get ocean water on them.

We have been using Apple Cider Vinegar for 4 months- it stings but it does reduce her itching for a few hours. It only improved the look of her skin by . We have also used a tiny pinch of borax in water about 7 times in 4 months- borax has helped me so much I wanted to see if it helped her. It did not, at that dosage. She also bathes with it and all the household laundry is washed with it. We are chemical free in our home and food. We have used irish moss both externally as a salve and internally in ice cream. We have been using 50 billion units of probx daily, plus real buttermilk and kefir and raw milk.

All of these things may have helped, but to me, the strong coincidence is that now that she's been home with me for a full week, she is nearly healed. My guess is that inside, where her deepest feelings are, she just needed mom. I'm cutting back school next year from 18hrs/week to 6 hrs/week or quitting all together, even though she loves it. Btw, it's not dietary with her. Also, her worst flair ever was while I was hospitalized for Lyme meningitis in April, further suggesting emotional cause. This is forcing me to keep homeschool in the back of my mind if she has problems again (of any kind) at later ages.

Bed Wetting
Posted by Heather (Charlotte, Nc) on 06/03/2012

My son has struggled with bed wetting all his life as did his father when he was young (until he was around 15). He is now 7 and this has been a source of embarrassment for him now that he is older. He recently had a strep throat infection that I treated with cayenne pepper (In pill form because he would not take a tea). His strep eased up within two hours of his first dose of cayenne but I continued to treat him for a few days to be sure it didn't come back. After day 3 I noticed he hadn't wet the bed since taking the pills. I gave him one pill twice a day for the strep but have continued to give him just one a day since. It has been several weeks now and he has not had a single accident! He is so proud and excited as we have tried everything.

I wanted to pass this along in hopes that it might help other kids with a similar issue. Just FYI he wet the bed almost every single night prior to the cayenne. I do suggest taking it halfway through a meal as it may burn a bit on an empty stomach.

Early Puberty
Posted by Kathie (Houston, Tx / Usa ) on 02/03/2012

I wanted to update my son's situation since I have taken him off of the flax oil and seeds. His breast is much smaller now and he has not grown any more pubic hair. I have also noticed that he does not have emotional outbursts like he used to have.

Posted by Pm (Vic, Aus) on 12/22/2011

Hi, Our daughter was born with dry skin and we have always maintained a good diet with my wife occasionally having meat however our daughter had an outbreak of eczema and we have been trying everything to help alleviate the itching as well as attempting to overcome it. We have pretty much gone raw and although it hasn't completely disappeared it has certainly helped however it keeps recurring. We have cut out all fruits as we think it may be sugar related, take no wheat or any other form of flour, we bathe her in water with neem, baking soda and turmeric, ensure that the surroundings are as cool as possible and always make sure she is wearing clothes made out of cotton.

We also apply neem oil with a base of sesame seed oil and turmeric and this seems to be helping although we don't know what is causing the eczema to flare up. Both my wife and I take probiotics, magnesium, sacha inchi (for protein) and plenty of vitamin c from amla. We have the dehumidifier running round the clock as the property we are residing at has very high level of humidity. We also use detergent that has next to no chemicals and include baking soda as well when washing. Is there something we are missing as we are no closer to finding the root of the cause? Can someone please help as we are at our wits end?

Posted by Liz (Boston, Massachusetts) on 12/22/2011

My teenage daughter's eczema all but disappeared with the addition of yogurt to her diet, and fish oil supplements.

I hope that the combination works as well for your daughter, should you decide to try it.

Posted by Andoy (Boise, Id) on 12/25/2011

I've read somewhere in the net that topical application of AC Vinegar is a cure for eczema. It works for me too.

Posted by Tamara (Grovetown, Ga, United States) on 02/23/2013

Try a hazel wood necklace. They have been known to help with eczema and reflux. My husband uses one to decrease the amount of acid that his body creates. Good luck.

Posted by Tzetze (Sg) on 06/08/2014

We vacuumed our baby's bed and voila eczema gone. It's the dust mites!

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