Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver and Vitamin C
With the silver, I was practising Dave's method - in the nose, in the ears, gargle and guzzle! Every few waking hours I would gargle and swallow a couple of Tablespoons of CS. Then I put some into the palm of my hand and snorted it up into each nostril until I could feel the sting. (I would call it "burn." Really felt awful but I was encouraged that it was helping. I did notice the burn was less intense if I repeated the process pretty soon afterwards.) At night when I felt too bad to get out of bed, but kept a bottle of CS by the bed. If I woke up I put some in my ears, in my mouth and into my nose with an eyedropper. I didn't even had to sit up. It was less intense but it was better than nothing.
I felt a good bit better in 24 hours. In 48 hours I felt almost normal. I am continuing the routine for a few more days just in case.
Thanks Dave for all your patient and encouraging posting on the process. I sometimes need to read and study something a number of times before trying it myself. I have had colloidal silver in my house for years and used it here and there during that time. Now I find it is in use daily, it seems.
And thanks everyone for posting your stories. The details and variations are so helpful! Jeanne's recent story of healing a sore throat with silver was in my mind as I was doing this.
Have a super day! ~Mama to Many~
Colloidal Silver, Colloidal Zinc
I am facing symptoms I always go to my medicine cabinet and pull out the pure Colloidal Silver - 4000 PPM after a few days, my symptoms are drastically reduced if not gone.
Sometimes when I delay taking the supplement it gives the viruses plenty of time increase in numbers, what I do then is take a combination of Colloidal Silver and Colloidal Zinc 4000 PPM (Zinc has been used in the past to treat flu-like symptoms) and usually within 3 day I am completely free of any symptoms at all.
I will never get another flu shot either.
Dr. Parson's Tonic
All you need to take is 2 tablespoons twice a day, to afford the rapid results.
Here is the formula:
1 white onion, cut into quarters
1 entire head of garlic peeled
4 habaneros destemmed, but with seeds and veins intact
4" horseradish root, peeled and chopped
4" ginger root, peeled and chopped
1 quart of [organic apple cider] vinegar.
Place all ingredients and puree, then bottle into a quart jar, cap and store at room temp. Shake the bottle, and take 2 tablespoons when symptoms manifest. Or.. take 1 tablespoon every day, to prevent the flu and colds from ever taking hold. My patients who have done this, haven't contracted a flu or cold in years.
(Mineral Bluff, Georgia)
My family and I have been taking this remedy for years, works great. Too bad it didn't help with my sinus infection, but it will keep colds and flu away, Peace, Rena.
Eucalyptus Oil
If you'll be purchasing them, make sure the juices are not from concentrate and are not juice cocktails. Since I use natural remedies during colds, like cayenne pepper or grapefruit seed extract, I've had no problem taking them while fasting or juice fasting but I'm not sure if taking prescription medicines on an empty stomach is a good idea. I've taken the general over the counter stuff like tylenol with no problem, though, I still keep the dose low and don't take it as often as I would if I were eating. Also, if you've got a full blown cold already, you will likely have to fast 2-3 days to get rid of it, maybe more. If you get the chance to stop it early, usually one day will be enough.
(Lincoln, California)
It's never really a good idea to stop eating beacuse eating the right foods will give you the proper energy you need to fight off cold and flu symptoms. It is important, however, that you avoid starchy, processed, and deep fried foods and consume only fresh fruits and vegetables and whole organic foods, but fasting all together is never a good idea.
(Jersey City, Nj, Usa)
I respectfully disagree, organicmama. I've had great results fasting for 1-4 days on various occasions. specific to colds and flus, I occasionally lose my appetite at the beginning, and that is the cue for me to take a short fast. shortens the duration of the illness. unless there is malnutrition involved, the body has plenty of energy stores. a short fast clears out toxins and sets the body to 'reset'. additionally, nothing helps my ibs problem more.
(Spokane, Wa)
Short term fasting is an age old practice in almost every culture throughout history. If you google it, you will see countless studies documenting the therapeutic effects of fasting. Animals naturally fast when they are sick. It has resolved many of my own physical issues, including fighting viruses and germs.
Fire Cider
1 Quart AC vinegar
1/4 cup grated fresh horseradish
1 onion, chopped
1 head garlic, peeled & chopped
2 tablespoons powdered turmeric
cayenne pepper
1 cup honey, to taste
1. In a glass or stainless steel sauce pan heat vinegar on the stove to where it is warm, but not boiling.
2. Fill a clean glass jar with horseradish, onion, garlic, turmeric, and a pinch or two of Cayenne pepper.
3. Pour in the warmed vinegar and cap with an acid-proof lid.
4. Store in a warm place 3 to 4 weeks; shaking a few times a week.
5. Strain mixture and add enough honey to suit your taste.
6. Rebottle fire cider and refrigerate.
7. At the first sign of a cold take 1 to 2 tablespoons every 2 to 3 hours until your symptoms subside.
I use a mason jar and put wax paper on top before putting the lid on.
Gargling With H2O2
(Fort Myers, Florida, Usa)
Your body produces hydrogen peroxide naturally through a process called photo-oxidation. Photo-oxidation occurs when the melanin in your skin is exposed to sunlight. This process is your body's first line of defense against disease all over your body including you ear, nose, and throat. There is a direct correlation between available sunlight hours and the occurrence of colds, flu, and ear infections. During the summer months your body produces enough hydrogen peroxide to keep you free of disease but during the winter months the process of photo-oxidation diminshes. In addition, a study under the direction of Dr. Cindy Dunn has found a significant reduction in bacterial colonies on human skin including the ears and nose after exposed to 365nm light.
Gargling With H2O2
Gargling With H2O2
Gargling With H2O2
I THINK this is the recipe, but fresh, raw, ONLY organic garlic is your cure. All ingredients must be organic and fresh as possible. Ours are picked fresh from our allotment.
Boil up a big pot for a soup, add potatoes, onions etc. The most important bit is 7 to 8 cloves of raw garlic right at the end; don't cook the garlic! Must be as raw as possible.
I had full on flu like symptoms one day, had 2 helpings of soup in a day and the next morning I felt brand new! However, a day or 2 without more soup and the cold starts to return, so I think a week of garlic soup for lunch/ dinner should do the trick.