Natural Remedies

Best Natural Detox Remedies for Holistic Wellness

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Detoxing from Silcone

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Posted by Suzy (Eugene, Or) on 07/30/2014

One of my neighbors has had health issues for the last year..... was told she had rheumatoid arthritis in her joints among other auto-immune type disorders. She just learned that her breast implants are leaking silicone into her body. Obviously, she is scheduled to have the implants removed...but does anyone heard of protocols to remove the silicone that has already been released into her system?

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

@Suzy: Here's 3 natural remedies for general detox.

1) Take the amino acid NAC 1grm daily to boost the body's primary antioxidant Glutathione. Also, to help boost GTH take either a supplement of Selenium or eat Brazil Nuts daily plus 3mg Melatonin prior to retiring.

2) Foot Detox Patches during bed-time or while sleeping (remove toxic patches upon waking).

3) Take whole body hot baths w/ 1/4 cup Magnesium Sulfate aka Epsom Salts plus 1/4 cup Sodium Bicarbonate aka Baking Soda. 2 baths per week for several wks will help much.

Diatomaceous Earth

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Rees (Philpot, Ky) on 06/29/2012

I've been using DE for a week now and in the past few days I've experienced sore muscles especially in my legs, is this normal and should I discontinue the use of it?

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Rees, Most likely you are having a reaction to detoxing from the diatomaceous earth. I wouldn't stop since it is doing its work. DE is a powerful detoxer in many ways. You can slow it down though if you need to by either using less or perhaps skipping a day. I only take a small amount and only every few days. On the other hand, I believe detoxing on a regular basis is very important since our world is so toxic at this point. I do so many things on a regular basis that I never really have a reaction any more. Hope this helps you, Lisa

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Dede (London, Ont., Canada) on 09/02/2011

In response to the Detox with DE, I can personally say that after 2 weeks on DE I feel great, it has detoxed me and is working on my energy level as well as some other ailments I suffer with. I found the first few days I was going to the bathroom more frequently.... But that only lasted a short time.... this product is amazing, I use it everywhere, for insects, in my garden, and around my home....

Replied by Sheila
(San Diego, Ca)

I would not recommend consuming DE to anyone with Mercury/Amalgam fillings in their teeth. DE will chelate.

When I took DE for the first time to cleanse, I immediately had a metallic taste in my mouth, at first I thought it was the taste of the DE, but I did some reading and found information on DE's chelation properties. I have since had my fillings removed, so I'm interested in trying DE again.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Bev (Long Beach, Ca Usa) on 08/21/2011

I have just begun taking this in the mornings. According to information I have researched, it's good for just about everything and filled with all the minerals the body needs. Wondering if anyone else has used it and what results you have had.

Replied by Annie Mae
(East Coast, New England)

Hello. I use a tablespoon of DE in simple water, not juice... Just pure liquid to get it down. The next day I felt only mildly different, not negatively. But looking in the mirror I said ok, no makeup today. My eyes were stunningly 'nice', I usually put a touch of liner, and usually darken my brows. Small touches. So I left it at just using moisturizer, and went out. A woman and I were chatting and eventually she said "you're so beautiful'. I tell you this because I had not heard this in decades, and it was day 1, following use of DE. The down side for me is that on the 2nd, 3rd day I am a bit constipated....

Dietary Changes

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Diamond (Salisbury, Usa) on 06/24/2011

I buy a huge bottle of green tea with ginseng & honey, I also gargle with salt, tea tree oil and warm water, it had to be a snap choice as my mouth felt and tasted like a cotton ball riding a garbage truck, my food tasted bad or no taste at all.

I also take cell food and colloidal silver, I'm hoping whatever I am doing is slowly working.

I read where most wheat has mycosis which is mold, chickens eat a lot of this and get mycosis then we eat chickens, maybe a lot of other animals as well.

I also plan on trying Ted's remedies. I need all the help I can get. I hope to start a program like Montel's program of juicing my own veggies/fruits etc. I have been doing whatever is easy or quick, I gave up red meat where I cheated last week an got a negative feeling body wise.

so I hope to keep trying. I know there is hope & keep trying.Thanks/Peace"

Essiac Tea

3 User Reviews
5 star (1) 

Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 08/05/2014

Dear Mama to Many ---- both you and I are into herbs and perhaps you could give me your opinion for my present state of affairs which comprise detoxing with ESSIAC, obtained from Essiac West online.

This is the first time I have the original Four Herb with all the roots in powder form. Prior to it I thought I was detoxing with other non original essiac products. Of course it did not do anything.

Guess what! After three days now I feel I have gone through the mill with nausea, griping, gagging etc. to such extent I became concerned. I had only used one ounce of the herb once at night. Well, it felt like an assault on the open front. I often have a message of an herb when I use it the first time. True enough, this message was lengthy:

The herb coursed through my entire torso, staying there a while, then moving to the next organ and so on. So it was the liver, the stomach, intestines, breasts, the skull, lungs, throat. And it worked there with powerful means I had never before experienced. Intuitively I knew this was way too powerful for my body to cope with and I did not take the herb the next night. But at five the next morning the works started so that I was trembling bending over and clutching my vitals. Instead the previous day where the effects ceased at about eleven in the morning, this day it lasted all day into the evening. At least it did not affect my sleep. Today, on the third day, I feel clear in the head and well but weak.

I phoned Essiac West and they said they had not heard this before and advised to take ginger tea for the nausea and to drink a lot of water. My plan is to wait a day as today is pretty normal, and to start drop wise till a tsp. and so on with a day's interruption till reaching half an ounce. I can well believe over detoxing can kill. It has nothing to do with Essiac herbs per se but with one's personal constitution. My body perspires well.

My one problem is with mercury amalgams. I think I have three. There is no way I can pay thousands for removal and implants with their attendant problems. Which is another unpleasant reality these days. I thought to use green algae for chelation and not to give up OP. I had a metallic taste in the mouth which made me alert.

Can I have your side of thought on this? I greatly believe in the beneficial effects of Essiac. The US gov't pulled on authentic business into court for having issued testimonies of Essiac users. They are impressive as I have seen them. They were told "you cannot do this" and closed their business. Where is the law prohibiting this? The times we live in and where I agree with Ol Henry.

Hope to hear from you. Namaste, Om

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Om,

Wow! What a reaction! And some say that herbs couldn't possibly heal. I too have experienced some strong or dramatic results from herbs.

When you say that you took 1 Tablespoon of the herb, did you mean one Tablespoon of the dry herb or did you mean you took 1 Tablespoon of the actual tea?

Turkey Rhubarb is a purgative. Here is what Mountain Rose Herbs says about it:

"If you experience cramping, you've taken too much. On the other hand, if you take only a tiny amount of rhubarb, you will become constipated. In very small doses, the tannins in rhubarb are more effective than the purgative chemicals and the herb actually causes constipation."

Sheep Sorrel is also strong, as you know. Here is the caution from Mountain Rose:

"Because sheep sorrel contains oxalic acid, it is recommended that it not be used in large amounts for extended periods of time as it can cause mineral deficiencies and liver damage. People with rheumatism, arthritis, gout or kidney stones should avoid sorrel as it can worsen their conditions."

The Burdock Root and Slippery Elm (the other two ingredients in traditional Essiac, as you know, but just to clarify for others) are both generally more gentle. I have used Burdock and Slippery Elm for years. I have not yet used the other two herbs, though have them on my "list of herbs to buy at some point." I am fascinated by Essiac and the wonderful help it can be.

At the same time, I am reminded of this quote:

"All drugs are (meaning herbals, given the time written) are poisons the benefit depends on the dosage." Philippus Theophrastrus Bombast - That of Aureolus Paracelsus (1493-1541)

So, I think you are wise to cut way, way back, given your intense reaction. And maybe even evaluate if it is indeed the best solution for you. I believe you have used it successfully on pets?

I know there are a couple of herbs that were supposed to be so great that I tried and did not find to be good for me. Poke is very poisonous, but two herbalists I respect will use it very carefully and cautiously in certain circumstances.

I agree with you that the fillings you have are a concern, but also agree that the expense and risk do not necessarily warrant their removal.

I also agree that over detoxing could be fatal. Anything that causes great stress on the body would have that potential, especially on a compromised body.

Is there something specific you are working to heal in your body?

Well, keep in touch. I wish I had the perfect solution. We all keep studying and trying different things and learning along the way. I appreciate you sharing!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

Mama to Many --- thanks for responding. I only took a fluid ounce of the prepared herb, not a tablesp. topped with two oz. of warm water.

Previously I have used Essiac mix of herbs that did not have the sheep sorrel roots . My shepherd passed a large black, jelly like substance which has also happened to a person posting on EC. So it can work but just how far? Today I had just a strange feeling in the intestines and I hope to get over my weakness. The herb mix is very fresh and potent and it is just now to find out the right strength and pausing for two or even three days, making a longer break after say four weeks' usage. If there is constipation, I always take triphala which has been my chief rescue for many years, being very reliable. I would take it sometime later than the evening dosage.

It makes sense considering the chemical composition of each individual which is also the basis for Ayurvedic medicine. One shirt does not fit all.

My animals used to get the cheaper version of Essiac without trouble but with the real thing I will have to be careful and observe.

As for myself, I wish to overcome fatigue of many years which I feel may be toxins. Like a car has to be overhauled. Herbs meditate and pass on the energy of the sun, making it possible to heighten ones' awareness.

Thank you again for your thoughts.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

Mama to Many from Om ---- Today I have still been purging since five o'clock in the morning. I got the Essiac literature out and found somewhere two lines for a much weaker solution where it was mentioned that some people were having the difficulties I am having. I will stop for awhile and try cautiously again. Renee Caisse had made this decision at the beginning of her practice but I only became aware of it now. So there is hope I can utilize the tea after all. Thanks for your input. Namaste, Om

Replied by Mama To Many

Hi Om,

Was glad for the update yesterday and am wondering how you are doing today?

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

Hi, Mama to Many --- this is the fifth day and at five in the morning waves or nausea. I am drinking ginger tea.

Next week I hope to take the much more diluted version, even fractions of it to make sure it is not too strong. But I had more clarity and energy for a while. Considering the thousands of very sick, even dying patients, that have had success, it must be that I need to cut down on it, being too sensitive.

I wish Ole Henry would take it, too. And loads of vit. C definitely.

Enjoy this marvellous summer. It's unusual here. Namaste, Om

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc, Canada)

Namaste, Mama to Many ----

This is a follow up on my Essiac herx reaction. I persevered with the dosage and came across a version much more diluted and authorized by Reene Caisse. I started with half tsp. and today I am using the regular decoction, using one ounce of the herb to two ounces of hot water without problems.

But before that while trying to find the right dosage for myself, I had twice such a reaction that I was horizontal for about ten days, doing only the most necessary chores. No desire for food and tremendous pain in my bones, especially the rib cage.

When I came out of it, I looked at my body, arms and legs like sticks and clothes hanging on that frame. But I am recovering. I have such faith in this herbal remedy. But my previous years' attempts to get somewhere with Essiac imitations did nothing for me. Hence the surprising Essiac reaction which was, however, unusual. I will use it over the year but with breaks. What a God given remedy. I remember the power of these herbs surging through my body.

I am supplementing with Milk Thistle for liver detox report. All is well now. It takes some persevering on the journey to good health.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Om,

I was so happy to see all of your updates. Thanks for taking time to share what you have learned. I have wondered how you were doing.

It was so good to hear from you! God bless you.

~Mama to Many~


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Kathie (Houston, Texas/ Usa) on 05/28/2011

I first got turned on to Fenugreek at the Optimum Health Institute (outside Austin, Texas), where I try to go a couple of times a year for a week at a time for several days of juice fasting, ''sandwiched" by several days of raw, organic meals and all the wheatgrass one could consume!

Fenugreek (according to OHI's literature) is a blood purifier, it cleanses the liver, kidney, and pancreas, it soothes mucous membranes and reduces inflammation.

1 tablespoon of fenugreek (sprouted) (again according to OHI's literature) contains: 2.55 grams protein, 6.47 grams carbs, minerals: K, P, Mg, Ca, Na, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Se, vitamins: C, B3, B1, B2, B9, A, and it has 2.73 grams of fiber.

I must say that sprouted fenugeek tastes great! I have heard that the tea is not so pleasant...

OHI used a lot of sprouted fenugreek during our days of the food detox portion. I have heard that it is also very good for the lungs. BTW, my boobs never got any bigger since I have brought this into my regular diet. Also remember, sprouted seeds have much more nutrients than the grown plant (per weight).

Replied by Elsaeasterly
(Elsewhere, Ca, Usa)

Do you eat the sprouts raw or do you cook them? Do you use seeds from the supermarket spice section?

Replied by Kathie
(Houston, Texas/ Usa)

I order my seeds online in bulk. I eat them raw. (more nutrient rich that way) I do not sprout them like I do Alfalfa. Alfalfa, I soak for about 10 hours then rinse and drain 2-3 times a day for about a week, keeping covered until the last few days. Fenugreek, I start out the same as Alfalfa, but I only let them sprout for a couple of days, letting the "tail" grow only about an eigth of an inch. They taste very nutty and the texture is like a sprouted grain (it has good "chew").

BTW, I had posted this to go under the Fenugreek catagory for remedies and several people had said that fenugreek makes your boobs get bigger. Now that I see my post under detox remedies, it looks a little funny reading that part... Just wanted to share my experience :-)

Fruit and Juice Fast

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Alfred (Rangsit, Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/09/2011

First time for me, fruit and fruit juice fast.. Only 2nd day but not hungry, when get hungry a little, take an orange, grape, banana, or fruit juice.. Just a little takes care of the feeling.. But what l like happens.. When the body gets hungry and tired of the juice.. It attacks the dead cells, the trash, and the fat in the body.. Eats that for nourishment.. It never attacks the healthy cells or healthy parts of the inners of the body. I never knew that.. Thats really great.. I will hold out for 13 days maybe more. got lots of fat for the body to have a feast. looking forward to get rid of the bad stuff


Replied by Steve
(South Jersey)

Keep in mind that Steve Jobs' pancreatic cancer is linked to his fruitopian diet, which included a lot of juice fasts.


1 User Review
3 star (1) 

Posted by Mikalmmyers (Claremont, Ca, Usa) on 08/29/2012


I'm doing a liver cleanse that calls for me to eat quite a bit of garlic. I am a massage therapist, which means I work in very close quarters with clients. My wife and 3 others have told me I smell like garlic now. Anyone have a remedy to rid the body smell until I finish in 3 more days?

Replied by Mm
(Olympia, Wa)

Try sea salt water.

Replied by Linda
(Lauzerte, France)

Try eating some fresh parsley, it really helps.

General Feedback

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 09/02/2012

HI U GOOD PEOPLE DOIN, , , Been researching about what Ozone Generator to buy to address an illness. I now know to buy a cold corrona glass system. I am amazed at the uses this product has in your home. Bought Ed McCabe's book and wanted to cry when I learned that he is another that the FDA put in prison for advocating natural ways to good health. We all may be next.

My question is have any of you bought and used an Ozone Generator? If so, can you shed some light on your experience. Hope to have an interesting tale to tell in about 6 months. One thing I have started is a flushing Niacin Sauna Detox. That is interesting and ole Ron L. Hubbard wrote a book about this in 1979. I ain't in his group, but he was not a dummy. All the Johnny come lately's are jumping on the wagon now.

Ya'll behave for a change. ==ROBERT HENRY===

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

Robert Henry, I got Ed's book also and share your sympathy w/ his plight from the establishment. Ozone is definitely the answer for a polluted planet or organism. How to administer Ozone is the problem.

I bought a Hong Kong special off Ebay couple yrs back w/ the combined technologies of UV Ozone, Pos/Neg Ion Generator, and Corona Discharge. I used the Ion Generator and UV 24/7, for constant air purification and sometimes the Corona for a surge. The first two tech's were not quite enough and adding the Corona was tooo much, so as for any unit the important thing is maintaining the correct level. The Corona can produce Nitrogen Dioxide in the air but is more powerful compared to the cleaner UV. I have since bought a "New Living" brand that is not near as powerful as the HK model (of which the UV bulb is burned up and cannot find a replacement).

To get the best bang-for-the-buck I like the Negative Ion Generators as a primary purifier and then crank up the Ozone to the level that you can barely smell it.

General Feedback
Posted by Robyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/29/2012

I have found 5 yr old blood tests that show efgr, creatinine levels really high. Docs never said anything but when I google it it seems to be about kidney distress. I am trying to get all these metals and virus toxins out of me who knows how much candida & pesticides. Has anyone had an organics test done? So expensive. Considering it OR for a good juicer so I can do the MBP - if I can handle it. For the moment, just once a day Ive been blending the beetroot, cooking it for a few mins with fennel in filtered water and drinking immediately. I notice the butter oil & cod liver oil comes highly recommended but Ive been told not to have cod liver oil as it slows down your metabolism.

Im desperate for some reprieve from this pain & being beaten up by chemicals.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Robyn, I dunno what to tell you but one thing for sure: you ARE on your way to healing, keep trying and somehow, somewhere, some day the BINGO will happen!

Replied by Roec
(Los Angeles, Ca)

I had liver pain after a hep a vaccine for 3 years. I wached this video on youtube about how silica combines with aluminum in the body and then is able to be removed through the urine.

The guy recommended drinking a particular bottled water that naturally contained a very high amount of silica. That brand was expensive but after 6 months of drinking that water every day, the pain went away and I was able sleep on my side again.

Its expensive because its imported fromFrancewhere it is bottled from the source of an old volvic location. When I looked at it from the perspective of this 2. 69 bottle of water being a cheap daily treatment to remove aluminum toxicity, it was well worth 20 bucks a week.

Although, I would drink 3 or 4 bottles a week. I know some people drink that amount in a day but I don't seem to require a lot of water unless its really hot out or I am physically active.

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Robyn, Glad to see you're rallying! Good for you... Hadn't seen you on here for awhile and was thinking about you and wondering how you were doing. Mmsg is right, you'll find an answer. I know sometimes it seems as if we've hit a dead end but eventually the right answers come. Did you ever use sodium thiosulfate? I can't recall, I know you've tried so many things! The last time you came on you seemed that you were throwing in the towel and were going the mainstream meds direction. What did you decide on? Anyway, wishing you the best, Lisa

Replied by Robyn
(Melbourne, Australia)

I wished I believed this. I approached every remedy, every new practitioner, new doctor, new supplement with positivity but after 20 yrs I dont believe there is an answer that Im going to find from a car & when Im not able to be near people, get into a store etc. To say Im suicidal is an understatement. Im sorry if this upsets anyone but sometimes things go too far. Pesticides do permanently damage. I know now, would have been better if Id known earlier that all organs have some if not permanent damage. yes I did do sodium thiosulfate, carbicarb, pretty much everything on here. I only found the beets protocol recently. Yes, Im still on 3 antibiotics and pulsing in a 4th. The pain is a little less but I cant imagine antibiotics is going to help my mcs and my liver. But what can I do? Im just looking for the tiniest bit of improvement.

(South Africa)

Hi Robyn. I recommend 2 days of vegetable juicing with beetroot, carrot, organic celery, organic spinach, etc. Then on the third day eat a lot of protein, preferably kidney beans, adzuki beans, butter beans or black beans. And for 10 days eat only brown rice. This works tremendously to detox one's body. I wish you all the best

Replied by Roec
(Los Angeles, Ca)

I wish I knew more about your exact issue. Are you saying that you know for sure your issues are an overload of toxicity? If so I strongly urge you to research the Gerson Therapy.

I'm pretty sure along the way of researching, you have come across studies, research and personal accounts of how ones outlook effected their health. I will reiterate those ideas.

You physical body responds to negativity and stress but also thoughts of suicide. I know when there seems to be no end in sight to the suffering one endures, such thoughts occur. It would be silly of me to say try to focus on something positive or try to shake it off because I know what its like to have something causing pain that directly generates such negative thoughts.

My advise is to try to become more aware of your emotions that lead you to such thoughts. I realized I tended to have more negative thoughts when my physical body felt very tired from not sleeping well or when I was ill. I was then able to expect such thoughts when ill or sleep deprived and knew they where initiated by these physical states of being.

I take St. Johns wart just before bed to help me sleep deeper. When I am rested the following day I am a bit more optimistic. Just like when we are grouchy when we are hungry, getting rest when we have health challenges or life challenges reduces the tendency of negative thoughts.

Another way to promoting better emotions is through a diet of raw veggies and freshly juiced fruits and veggies, no or very little carbs and meat. After the 4tyh or 5th day your body feels better. Your mind then follows.

Also another thing I'll do is treat myself one a week to something really nice. It could be a really big expensive meal, or buying a ton of junk at ikea. It makes that moment about me and gives me something positive to do physically.

Rest not only helps heal the body but it sooths and rests the mind and emotions.

Replied by Robyn
(Melbourne, Australia)

Roec, all that you say makes perfect sense. But theres no weekly, monthly, yearly treat. I dont hear from anyone Xmas or birthdays. Its all because of the chemical & all sensitivities. I can NEVER eat anything different or do anything different as it might involve going near a person or a car might come past. And absolutely forget shopping. Cant sit in a park because the council sprays it, thats apart from someone might come near me. Cant read a book, have a hobby, using a computer for these few minutes usually involves hours of further pain. No holidays, weekends off, just sitting in the car waiting for apple cider vinegar to work. Or all the other supplements. Or the antibiotics. Cant get anyone to respond to me re: stem cell therapy. So you see, very difficult to do something different and thoughts will follow.

Replied by Anonymosaurus Rex
(Somewhere, Alone, Listening To Radiohead)

Hi Robyn, Roec mentioned that drinking high silica water may make a difference. If you are considering going down that route, I would strongly suggest that buying a bunch of crazy-expensive water is, well, crazy. Especially when diatomaceous earth is 90% silica and food grade stuff is quite cheap online.

If you wanted to supplement your water intake with silica, put a spoonful into a litre bottle of water and allow it to settle (this might take a few days). Drink the water, but be careful not to stir up the water. You can refill the bottle over and over for years this way.

I just thought I'd give you that bit of info to help you save a bunch of money.

Replied by Roec
(Los Angeles, Ca)

Hi there Robyn, Hope you are doing better. In your last post, you were outlining all that was wrong in life. Bringing all of those emotions together into focus is very heavy and emotionally draining even though what you mentioned is part of your day to day life. I have been taught to do just the opposite and outline all that is good in life when everything feels so wrong. Take a moment to make a list of all the things in life you are grateful for. This exercise occupies your mind and emotions to focus on positive thinking and emoting. This exercise calls for finding other similar ways to occupy your emotions with positive vibrations. And no one ever "masters" these exercises but over time you do improve.

I have also learned that you have to "make" good times in life. When life is shitty or has stopped moving and feels stagnate, make something good. Something good can be a moment to help someone else, taking a trip somewhere awesome, creating something new like painting drawing or composition, paint the house or a room, build something, create something. I'll go hunting around town for black walnuts, Eucalyptus and olive leaves to make a healing FREE tea blend. It costs nothing, very healing and rewarding way to occupy my time and creating something from nothing.

Most of all REST!!! Rest makes a difference on your whole outlook on everything. A tired body makes a tired mind.

And to Rex: I felt it was necessary to state exactly what worked for me after experiencing 3 years of dull liver pain. I did try the diatomatious earth as you recommended but it was very dehydrating and too unpleasant to keep up on a daily basis. Also there are a variety of Diatomatios earth out there. You have to do a bit of research beforehand and make sure what you are getting is not the toxic pool grade DE. Also there is a difference between fresh water and salt water DE. I felt more assured buying DE from the source rather than re-sellers out there that then jack the price up while lowering the quality of the product. If going this route, be sure you drink enough water and be willing to endure the gritty chalky texture daily. I tried to put in my coffee thinking I would notice it less. It was just gross. I still have a tin container here at my desk full of DE from 2010 when I 1st tried it here at work as here I drink the most coffee.

The [mineral] water was easy as I could take the bottled water with me anywhere. I really could not believe this actually worked after spending nearly thousands on a variety of supplements over that 3 year period! It might be more expensive but it was better for me in the long run. I drank every drop of that water, brought bottles to work with me, made gallons of iced tea with it, and kept some in the car. I then gave the empty plastic bottles to the homeless dude who always dumpster dives on Saturday afternoons behind my building.

Replied by Carly
(Seattle, Wa - Usa)

To Roec from Los Angeles - Thanks for an awesome, uplifting post. I really appreciated reading it. :-)

Also - I will have to look at [the mineral] water.... sounds interesting.

Replied by Robyn
(Melbourne, Australia)

Roec, what you say is lovely and in the absence of a diagnosis and 20 yrs ago there was no knowledge of fibro or cfs so I read every positive thinking book in the bookshop/library and did all those exercises and look where thats got me. There was a lot going on inside me and environmentally I needed to know about it so I could stop poisoning myself. And everyone else poisoning me. I can find anything to be grateful for in this much pain, I cant go near anyone to help them, definately cant take a trip, something new? like paint??? I cant go near any hobby type poisons, can't read a book because of the paper & ink, black walnuts, Eucalyptus and olive leaves would make me as sick as a dog. I can't enjoy the company of an animal they make me so sick, grow veges or indeed do anything that is enjoyable. And nothing is really enjoyable when you're in so much pain you're completely locked up and can't move. But thank you for the thought.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Robyn, you've got us here on EC. And btw, you once mentioned a drug taken during pregnancy: there are very many children who survive and thrive even through all manner of medicatons and abuse of all sorts. So take heart.

Replied by Rorec
(Los Angeles, Ca)

Hi there, I'm sorry to hear how tough things are. Those examples I listed were just to give you an idea or a direction to head towards or perhaps inspire similar ideas. Life truly is a journey and now you must face the challenge of finding what is going to work for you, for your happiness and wellbeing sake.

If you are here reading this than you are in the right direction as you are seeking solutions. No solution is ever found by not looking or giving up. Many I see have replied to your original text here. It's comforting to know that total strangers are interested in your well being and offer helping advice. I foresee you continuing your search, finding what works for you and returning here to help others who are walking the same mile in similar shoes.

I wish you much luck, love and a speedy recovery!

Replied by Roec
(Los Angeles, Ca)

I just wanted to recommend to research for a mineral water with the highest silica content. I listed the names of but forgot EarthCLinic has policy against product naming.

I'm not sure if links are allowed but below I have linked an article explaining how silica removes aluminum toxicity.

As I had previously mentioned, this totally worked for me. I thought the liver pain was as a result of other issues I was having with my liver at the time. I researched allot of herbs to reverse the condition. The test results after taking the herbs healed my liver but not the dull pain. After watching a youtube video about silica and aluminum, I thought I'd try it.

Bingo! Pain is gone.

Hydrogen Peroxide

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5 star (1) 

Posted by H2O2 (Memphis, TN) on 02/05/2022

I have been using this method with a nebulizer for years. I inhale several times, 2-3 times per day. I used to get the flu twice a year, every year. Since I started H2O2 therapy I have not had even a cold or sniffle in the last 10 years! Could not worry less about Covid.

I have also used it more intensively to help with detoxing (longer sessions 4 times a day), and on the 2nd or 3rd day experienced an intense Herxheimer reaction immediately after, which proved beyond a doubt the effectiveness of this therapy.


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Posted by Alley (Hell, Pa) on 04/06/2013

asparagus juice

totally unrelated to anything ehrer but I had potassium deffiency and we made asparagus one for dinner one night

well you know all those chunks on the asparagus you cant seem soft enough to chew without teeth (one of the reasons juicing was invented just add in pulp in my opinon, so what if it looks like baby food you are gettign your vieggies in). well we did it, I had a osteo infection in my to I was also low on agnesium, calcium, vit d and sick allth e time falling apart and so on. well this recipie go me phone call back from my kidney doctor and the wound clinic.

so I juiced the hard ends, you get a lot of them and (at the cost of eggies anymore, I thought it was wasteful to feed them to the critters in the woods) you gotta go slow and take your time they do take a while to juice up. you get a really thick green thing of juice I tosssed in garglic (natures antibiotic) and stirred in some kep, I can not remember what else. 9at least I did not add the apple cider vinegar. Oh also cayanne pepper, if I recall it's eben a few motnhs. Since my old juicer broke down. :( it only lasted two years.

*ick, good for liver mixed in water*

but when the blodwork came in (the blood work was taken three daysafter id did this) they said my levels were soooo high and stop whateveri was doing. sad thing is, that bone infection well, I was the fasest healign person in the wound clinic.

i would only recomend this about once a week. the drink is thick and its kinda yukky drink but it worked. that is all I have to say. plug your nose vbefore you drink it. oh and I am glas I chose kep and not the moss for the kidneys I can't seem to be able to keep the moss down.

Liver and Kidney Cleanse

Posted by Jeff (Mckinney, Texas, United States) on 06/14/2011

What is the best way to cleanse the liver and kidneys and do I need to do it in certain order? I've read to cleanse the kidneys first then the liver but it seems the things Bill & Ted (Yes, we're on an Excellent Adventure -- sorry, couldn't resist! ) recommend are kind of a dual cleanse. Here's what I am thinking:

1) Chanca Piedra - 1000mg 2x a day at meals; OR

2) 2x a day at meals: Alpha Lipoic Acid - 300mg, Selenium - 200 mcgs, and Milk Thistle - 1000 mgs.

Where does Cat's Claw or Heart Vine come into play here? Is there any need to do a parasite cleanse first? I've never done any type of cleanse before so don't know what to expect or even if I need to do it.

Replied by Jeff
(Mckinney, Texas)

I haven't received any feedback so I decided to go it on my own. I went to WholeFoods and it just so happens that someone ordered a StoneBreaker (Chanca Piedra) extract and never picked it up. It's in liquid form and contains StoneBreaker herb, Hydrangea root, Celery seed, and Burdock seed. Directions say to take one dropper in a full glass of water 3 times/day. I'm starting with this and I am also going to take 1000mg of Milk Thistle with my evening meal.

I will also be taking Vitamins E, C, and D3 along with some Cholorphyll for additional support. I will report back and let you know the outcome.

Replied by Jen
(Bozeman, Mt, Us)

Hi Jeff, I was just wondering how the cleanse worked out? I have been researching Chanca Piedra and wondering how effective it is. I would love to get your feedback and see how you are feeling now? Thanks!

Liver Detoxification

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Posted by Jeri (Murphy, Tx) on 08/02/2011

For Liz in Irving Tx

I am wanting to know how much olive oil and how much lemon juice in your cocktail. Do you need a specific olive oil or lemon juice as in real lemon or juice in a bottle?

Replied by John
(Plymouth, Ma)

The protocal for the drink is to liquify a whole lemon in a blender (skin and all) and add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil... Drink in one or two servings... Liquified skin and all... Take seeds out of lemon first then dice up lemon in small pieces before liquifying...

John from Plymouth

Replied by Sahd
(Gwent, Uk)

How often do you have to take this - just the once or daily?

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