Digestive Issues
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Digestive Remedies: Heal Your Gut Naturally

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

General Feedback

Posted by Sara (Toronto, Ontario) on 11/29/2012

Hi, I have an eight year old son, who for the last two months has been complaining of nausea, headache and stomach, especially after eating a meal, which usually kicks in about 2 hours after. If he's had protein, it starts about 3-4 hours later. I've taken him to the doctor, and he's given him Prevacid, which I refuse to give. I've cut out gluten and dairy, which I feel may be causing him is problem. But I cut it out two months ago, and still no improvment. He complains on occassion of burning in the stomach and chest, and shortness of breath. He has an excessive amount of gas that helps in relieving some of the nausea/stomach/headache. The doctor now is going to send to a GI specialist, which i'm pretty sure he won't be able to find anything. I have no hope in conventional medicine. I was wondering that if I give him apple cider vinegar and baking soda, how much would be appropriate for his age ( he's about 50lbs)? How long before I see an improvement? Thank you so very much for your help!

Replied by Anon

Hi, Have you tried food combining? Eating carb with veg or protein and veg but not protein and carb at the same meal? Just a thought, best wishes.

Replied by Debra
(Brisbane, Australia)

He may have a bacterial overgrowth so probiotics would be good, or low stomach acid; hcl would be good &/or digestive enzymes. They all help me. I could hardly eat anything. Apple Cider Vinegar would help, it might be a nasty taste for kids, 1 tb before meal.

Replied by Kathy
(Ontario, Ca)

I always gave my neice vinegar tea as we called it.... This is what I did. I made a cup of hot tea like lipton. I added 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar, 1/8 tsp baking soda and sugar to taste. It settled her stomach in no time and she was 7 when I started giving it to her. I usually take it when my stomach hurts or I've eaten too much but I use room temp water. (and no tea bag)

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Sara, I see you said you have no hope in conventional medicine. I pretty much feel the same and managed to take care of all my kids without drs or medicine. Three of them are adults now.

One thing I would suggest is Traditional Chinese medicine. The approach to the body is so much more wholistic. All of the symptoms your son has would be the keys to how the TCM dr. would treat him. Even symptoms which appear unrelated, in Chinese medicine are connected. All of my kids at one time or another have been to my acupuncturist and been treated with both acupuncture and herbs. It is a very reliable healing modality with a thousand years behind it! Hope this helps. Lisa

Replied by Ed2010
(Oakville, Canada)

Hello Sara, Endoscopy, Barium Enema, or colonoscopy can reveal some truth. If you don't want to do it. that is fine.

Your son's stomach pain can be due to infection, food allergy, auto immune, food intolerance

To start with

Take Teds ACV - Baking Soda formula - Half the amount than what is mentioned in this site but with full glass of water. When you alkalize your body, it starts to heal.

Take 1 cup of Home Made Milk Kefir two times a day. Milk kefir can take care of infection, allergy and intolerance. You can get kefir grains easily in Toronto. you can watch plenty of youtube videos on how to make milk kefir.

try this for 2 - 3 weeks, if your son feels good, fine. Or you may have to consult a TCM or Homeopath.


Try to prepare a food chart what your son is having from morning till night. Categorize the food he is taking as given below. Record the details for 3 weeks

Time | Food Name | Organic/Non organic | Non Gmo / Gmo | Home cooked / Store Bought

replace most of the foods with

1. Organic

2. Non GMO

3. Home Cooked

No Die based foods or color. popsicles, candy, cola's, colored bakeries etc.

Good Health

Replied by Margo
(L.a. Cal , Usa)

Hate to even bring this issue up.. However, make sure he is not being molested by someone.. I've heard of that causing symptoms.. Sorry.. just a thought.

Replied by Bradshad
(North Providence, Rhode Island)

To the women with the son with digestion issues, all of the suggestions you were given are very good but the main one that sticks out is the Proper Food Combining. You should really, really consider looking into this. I did the protocol for 3 months straight and had the best results with my issues. Unfourtunately somewhere along the line I caught a g. I bacteria that derailed me and just recovering from that. Talking to the person who got me involved in this said that this is the best healing protocol by far availiable. And what sold me on it was the phrase he coined "you dont supplement a bad diet, you change a bad diet" something like that. I immediately got rid of all my supplements, followed the eating program, and that was it. I am not gonna lie it was not easy but I guess it all depends on how bad you want something in life. Best of luck, any questions I will try to get back to you. Also Lisa, thanks to you and a few other posts I recieved last week with the leaky gut and water cleanse questions.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Also he may have developed lactose intolerance... Even at a young age that is possible. Try getting him off ice cream, milk, creams of any kind for a few weeks and see if that helps. Also don't feed him heavy red meats except on occasion. Surely he doesn't drink coffee yet. All those can cause stomach distress which is a form of reflux as the intolerance is not allowing proper digestion. As for the quantity of ACV and Baking Soda, for his size, let him sip until he does not want any more. But just a quarter cup of water and one third teaspoon of ACV with a third teaspoon of Soda will give a nice tasting fizzy drink that is actually fun to consume. Now one other thing. Again even at a young age another cause is possible and that is a stomach ulcer. Make sure if all else fails, that an ulcer is not the problem. In that case, you need colloidal silver on empty stomach to kill bacteria causing the ulcer plus quarter cup daily on empty stomach of aloe vera (high quality) to heal and DGL and by no means is he to drink carbonated drinks or eat acidic foods like tomatoes. This formula for three weeks will heal 90 percent of all stomach ulcers.

Replied by Gokhals
(Ca, Usa)
34 posts

Replace pasteurized milk with raw milk. I could not drink pasteurized milk for 30 years. Raw milk has transformed my digestion and health.

General Feedback
Posted by Lilly (Karachi, Pakistan) on 10/27/2011


I'm searching internet for hypochlorhydia problem and often finds carom and fennel seeds usage in this concern but still not cleared in following questions:

1--Difference between both of them usage means are they both for hypochlorhdia (reduced stomach acid)?

2--When they should be used means before or after meals?

3--At some places it is written they are only for gases problem ?

4--I am using lemon wedges before meals for increasing stomach acid but I often feel so dry mouth and a burning sensation in my stomach and liver area after half an hour of meal? Is this because of gases are producing or pancreatic problem means pancrease is not flushing enough soda in my stomach to alkanise my diet? I dont have any pancrease problem.

5--Does gastritis by hypochlorhydia need same remedies as caused by exceess stomach juice?

Plz reply I'm confused.

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Lilly, you will get relief from your problem by juicing the lemon or by taking Apple Cider Vinegar in water (2 tblespns in 8 oz water. You can add lemon juice to taste.

The problem of low stomach acid is actually caused by an iodine deficiency. Iodine regulates stomach acid. If possible try to locate some iodine. You will need to take the companion nutrients with it. I have a good book I am reading at the moment by Dr. Brownstein on Iodine. The dry mouth may also be caused by an iodine deficiency.

Replied by Wildtriangle
(Oxford, England)
Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Hi Lilly, Carom seeds (caraway) are usually chewed and swallowed with water after a meal to help relieve indigestion, particularly after a heavy/rich meal, as it helps relieve excess acidity and it is also good for flatulence. As you have reduced stomach acid and not excess I would not use carom seeds in therapeutic doses for your problem at this stage.

Fennel seeds are also usually chewed after a meal to aid digestion. I have only seen that they help aid digestion (and reduce gases) and have not read that it is by reducing the stomach acid so they may be of help to you.

If you can get apple cider vinegar take some in water before a meal. If you can't get it you could try another fermented vinegar (not distilled) as a few people have had success with other fermented vinegars. Although I would not use Synthetic vinegar, only because I know no one who has used it. Taking a cup of bitter herbal tea made from one or more bitter herbs (like dandelion) 30 mins before a meal can also help. The juice of one whole lemon in warm water first thing in the morning is great for the liver. If you choose to use Iodine (as Debbie suggested and I also have read that it can be a cause) and ACV then start with low doses of them such as one drop of lugols iodine a day a only 1 teaspoon of vinegar in some water.

Have a good read of others experience here https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/digestion.html#GF_65996 Personally I improved the health my liver and took ginger capsules with each meal and ended up being able to finally digest my food, currently I'm taking iodine and ACV. All the best.

General Feedback
Posted by Robyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 07/06/2011

I tried to look up how long it takes to digest your food and the answer was 24 hrs, then found lots of answers from 1 hr to 24. How long does it take for your stomach to break down food - not the complete digestion process? After accidentally swallowing a heaped tb of borax - thought it was my vitamin powder - thats how groggy and staggering around in pain I am still by lunchtime - it made me vomit but up came what Id eaten for breakfast - a little meat & veg. I was surprised to find in exactly the same size & condition I ate them in 3 hrs before. I do have bad digestion but shouldn't they be broken down in 3 hrs. Could this be the cause of some of my pain?

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Robyn you could try some digestive enzymes and probiotics to help digest your food. Also drink ACV or lemon juice to build up your stomach acid to help digest the food.

General Feedback
Posted by Jessie (Springfield, Il) on 02/05/2011

To anyone-
My problems started about two weeks ago. Everytime I eat, drink, or even on an empty stomach, my stomach or digestive tract makes the loudest weirdest noises. I also tend to get really gassy after I do eat. I eat really well, juicing in the morning, raw fruits and veggies through the day. I'm not perfect. I do eat bad things at times also, but overall, I'm a healthy eater.

After all this started I began a regimen of ACV and baking soda (Ted's remedy) and after I drink it my stomach feels acid-like (not much relief). Should I stop the ACV? I have been taking probiotics. I don't know what to do as this problem is VERY embarrassing, especially since I am in college and my stomach is having a party in the middle of all my classes. Please help?! ?

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

try baking soda without the acv.

Replied by Michelle
(Cambridge, Cambs / Uk)

You are using too much Bicarbonate of soda, and drinking too much at once. Try a little less BoS until you find the level you can tolerate, and sip over a period of hours, not gulping all at once! Good luck, these adjustments worked for me.

Replied by Pamm
(Alabastera, Alabama)

I have had this problem in the past and you need to discontinue the apple cider vinegar. I ended up with gastritis because of the ACV. Sounds like you produce too much hydrochloric acid in your stomach therefore ACV is not for you. You can still take Baking Soda to akaline your body just without the ACV. To get rid of that acid feel drink Ginger tea it makes my tummy feel alot better. I am now on Prilosec to rid my body of excess acid & it works. I am trying to find different home remedies to reduce my stomach acid and as of yet have not found any. Good Luck

Replied by Trudy
(Harbor Springs, Michigan, Usa)

Jessie. You may need to investigate whether you are producing too much stomach acid or possibly NOT ENOUGH. I too thought that I was producing too much until I came across an article that pointed out very similar symptoms of not producing enough stomach acid, in which case the ACV and baking soda don't help much or only temporarily. If this is the case you need Betaine HCI, or digestive enzymes to stimulate your body to digest properly and maintain healthy digestive flora.

Replied by Laura
(Sparks, Nv)

H C L Hydrocloric Acid. Years ago I was having severe acid reflux. Not wanting to support pharma meds I consulted with my local health store. He knew exactly how to deal with it. He explaned... As we age we don't produce enough acid in our stomach. He said I needed more acid, not less! When we eat, if there is not enough acid in our stomach to digest the food, then our body tries to catch up when we eat and produces more acid on top of our food, which is too late and on the wrong end of the process. This causes the burning and other issues. He assured me that taking acid would work. He was so sure he went to the shelf and opened a bottle of HCL and gave me a hand full. He said "take one before a meal. You will know when you have had enough when you feel the acid building back up. Then back off taking them. Then come back and buy the bottle from me! "

He was right! It did work. I did go back and buy the bottle. Now I only take them occaisionally when I get indigestion, or don't seem to digest my food, it seems to sit in my stomach. I carry them with me. When I have the symtoms, I know what to do.

I often wonder(and sometimes it is confirmed) if pharma meds use the natural remedy disguised in their fancy packaging and big names.

General Feedback
Posted by KT (Irvine, California, USA) on 04/12/2009

So glad to see the Digestion category added. Would love an expert to shed light on what Digestion is first of all, is it heartburn & acidity, is it IBS, is it constipation or is it diarrhea or a combination of all these? A paragraph or two right at the top of the page would help people identify with Digestion troubles & see if the page is relevant for them or if they can add an appropriate remedy to it. Thank you.

Replied by Robin
(Near Toledo, Ohio)

The process of digestion starts in the mouth with chewing and saliva and ends at the anus in a bowel movement. It is the process of breaking down and digesting foods in the gastrointestinal track so that the body can extract nutrients from the food matter to fuel the body and all of its functions and eliminate the waste which is not needed.

Heartburn, indigestion, gastritis, over acidity, acid reflux, under acidity, IBS, constipation, diarrhea, leaky gut, polyps, diverticulitis, colon cancer, Crones disease, among others are symptoms and aliments of the GI or digestive track.


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Posted by Old Ghost (Perth, Australia) on 02/18/2012

A year ago I bled a fair bit from my back end. Six months later it happened again so I went to a medico who urged me to get a colonoscopy. Before then I'd begun every dawn with a leak followed by eating a quarter lemon washed down with 300/500 ml of water & going back to bed for a couple of hours. Likewise doing the same every night at bedtime on a near empty stomach. Had the colonoscopy. Result? Bleeding piles. A written prognosis from the surgeon was for me to come back in ten years - when I'm 78, such was mint condition of my lower canal. Lemons - they keep things clean.

Milk Thistle

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Posted by Diana (White Mountains, Nh, Usa) on 12/13/2012

Hello Friends, I have digestion problems. I have chronic constipation and cannot eat wheat. Whenever I eat wheat it makes my constipation problems worst. I am taking milk thistle two times a day 750mg is my dose. My question is that it is safe to take milk thistle everyday and what is the safe dosege for milk thistle?

Milk thistle is helping me in my digestion problems and even if I eat little beat wheat I was ok too.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

Milk thistle Seed has a long safety tract record. Take as recommended on label. Remember that potency varies, that's why it's good to use a standardized extract version. As for relieving constipation, you need a Milk Thistle Combination which may contain supportive herbs like Dandelion, Burdock, Yellowdock, Beet, Turmeric, Artichoke.

Milk Thistle
Posted by Kathie (Chicago, Il, Usa) on 09/15/2009

I've had digestive problems for at least a couple of years now, abdominal bloating and gas with diarrhea and constipation. I've been taking a popular on-line fiber supplement for almost a year and that has helped the constipation problem tremendously, but my system was still having difficulty with rumbling/gas/pain with diarrhea at least every other day if not daily. About three weeks ago I began taking a milk thistle supplement simply because I suspected my liver could use the support (no liver specific ailments going on, but family history and age, etc.). Lo and behold, within two days of beginning it, my entire GI tract calmed down beautifully - I am truly amazed. I would say it's 95% or more back to normal, with one or two well-formed bowel movements daily with no straining (that's incredible in itself) *without* taking the fiber supplement, and no gas/pain/diarrhea. The milk thistle supplement contains dandelion root, milk thistle seed, burdock, artichoke, kelp, and peppermint, with a "homeopathically prepared mineral formula designed to work with the herbs" made of potassium chloride 3x and sodium sulphate 3x (I'm including everything because I'm not sure if it's the milk thistle alone that's helping, another ingredient in the mix, or the entire mix combined). This has been a wonderful surprise for me - how great to have a GI tract functioning like it's supposed to! I really hope this helps someone else out there!!

Replied by Preet
(New York, USA)

Hi, Could you tell us the name of the product? Thanks, Gagan

EC: Looks like it is a Solary product called: Liver (Blend Sp-13).

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by Malisha (San Antonio, Tx) on 04/08/2015

Praise God! I am not alone. I have been diagnosed with over 11 different health issues all related to my digestive tract----GERD, Hiatal Hernia with gastroparesis, autoimmune issues and neurological issues. However, there is hope after reviewing and reading your stories. I have been drinking Aloe, coconut water, spring water, and doing a 20 minute swap with coconut oil daily since February 2015. I will add to the coconut swap and swallow, instead of sipping it out. I am unable to tolerant any raw vegetable without having a reaction. I have to take Miralax twice daily and I will replace the 1 tsb of olive oil with the coconut oil to assist me with my digestion.

Thank God for this website.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Carolyn (Hobbs, Nm Usa) on 01/16/2010

Digestive issues

I have had severe digestive problems for almost 10 years since they took out my gallbladder. I have been to gastroenterologists every where and I can tell you that the listed items have helped me more than any prescription drugs. I feel better than I have in 10 years and I learned what I am telling you from a dear friend I met right here on Earth clinic.

1. Take 1 scoop of Intestinew by Renewlife morning and night.
2.Take vitaims E, C, D3
3. Drink fresh aloe vera twice a day.
4. GSE morning and night.
5. Probiotics
6. Fish oil
7. Chia seeds in a green smoothie every morning. Also add brown rice protein powder.
8. Take a good mineral supplement.
9. Eat a whole foods diet.

The above protocol has changed my life.

EC: Carolyn, we are so happy to hear this - yahoo!! Can you send us more info about the products you are using?

To all: Carolyn has been posting on EC for the past couple of years about her digestive issues, so we are thrilled she finally found remedies to help!

Replied by Carolyn
(Hobbs, Nm Usa)

Update from Carolyn with product names.

1. Intestinew by Renew Life.
2. Any brand of Vitamin E(400 IU) per day.
3. Vitamin C, Nutriobiotic is best, get buffered.
4. Digestive enzymes by Enzymedica, one before each meal.
5.GSE by Nutriobiotic, 5 to 12 drops morning and night.
6.Fish oil, any kind. Take at night before dinner.
7. Make and drink a green smoothie and drink for breakfast. In it I put 1 banana, 1 apple, greens (usually the dark green greens) 1 rounded T. chia seeds(these are so important because they keep things moving through you and have 8 times more omega 3s than fish oil), and I rounded T. brown rice protein powder.
8. I take2 Michael James mineral capsules each day.
9 I take 2 Michael James potassium capsules each day.
10. I changed my diet to a whold foods diet. No meat but fish occasionally, maybe once a week. I roast my veggies in the oven, eat lots of potatoes, and brown rice.

The above protocol has changed my life.

I order all of my products on line. Vitacost is a great place to shop and you save tons of money. I know this is a lot of supplements to take but I'm telling you I don't think I would be alive today without each of them and now I feel good and I am living life again. God Bless and God Bless Earth Clinic.


P.S. I bought fresh, large aloe leaves in Lubbock at a United Store over there. That fresh aloe has really helped. It kills out h. pylori, mold, etc. I cut 1 inch off, skin it, put the gel in a blender with 1 c. water and 1 T. concentrated pomegranate juice from the health food store to help kill the bitterness. I can't tell you how much that fresh aloe has helped me. Soooo much better than the bottled.

EC: Thanks, Carolyn!

Replied by Maryleigh
(Sarasota, Florida, Usa)

This message is for Carolyn from Hobbs NM.

Carolyn, I have had a problem with malabsorption following a bad case of systemic Candida. I lost 25 pounds that I didn't need to lose and have not been able to put the weight back on; that was 5 years ago. I have tried (and am trying) everything.

Not knowing the details of your plight (beyond the fact that you had your gall bladder removed), I wonder if you, too, had an underweight problem.

In any event, thank you so much for sharing and if you feel comfortable doing so, I would really appreciate hearing from you: [email protected]

Oil Pulling

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Posted by Gloria (Lansing, Michigan) on 01/29/2009

This oil pulling is a God send. Just discovered your website a few days ago, this has worked wonders for my teeth. This has worked wonders for my digestive system. I have come off my nexium.Thank you for sharing your free information. May God bless you for your wonderful work.

Onion Juice

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5 star (2) 

Posted by Gabriela (Pahoa, HI) on 05/06/2009

I have battled with weak digestion for a number of years now and having read about onion juice therapy for cancer, I decided to try it for my indigestion. I have already a high regard for the medicinal value of pungent onions as it cured my cold and bronchitis in the past. I know onion makes you alkaline, therefore treating one of the causes of illness (acidity). So when starting my onion juice treatment, I also recognized that pure onion juice makes me to see instantly what is happening in my body ( like a mirror almost) and getting rid of it right away. I drank the juice one sip at a time in the morning on an empty stomach and threw up undigested food. I was astonished that I would have undigested food still inside of me after a whole night's sleep. Now I don't eat too late anymore (I try not to eat after 6 pm, only fruit juice) as a result. I eat in more and much smaller portions during the day. I also don't mix carbohydrates with proteins as to make it easier to digest (vegetables with proteins or vegetables with carbohydrates). Together with ACV and molasses which I have learnt here to add to my food and which are definitely wonderful on a daily basis all is pretty good right now. I know it sounds pretty awful to drink pure onion juice but for me it's the fast track to health. I learnt that you use it for 40 days once a year for prevention of cancer and now I use it whenever I have any health problem. I am really happy for this site and hope this may help somebody in need. And what cheaper thing is there than an onion? Available in most parts of the world. Only the juicer might be a problem if one has none.

Replied by Kasra

Onion is a great remedy for indigestion, I always hated it specially the smell which comes out from mouth after taking it. I already took it sometimes alone but it never helped me out with my indigestion issues but one time when I ate it with food I found it tremendously helpful and from that time, I've been using this stuff with my food everyday with every meal and I'm the same person nothing else worked with me.


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Posted by Anonymosaurus Rex ( Somewhere, Alone, Listening To Radiohead) on 09/03/2012

Here's a simple tip to help your digestion out. You can make a digestive tonic out of pineapple and thin air!

Simply get a fresh pineapple, cut it into bite-sized chunks and place them on a plate out of direct sunlight. You may want to cover them just in case.
Every day, eat a piece of pineapple (or two... Or three). It's easy as that!

After a few days if it starts tasting strange/bad or looks that way - don't eat it. Otherwise, bon appetit!

The idea behind this is that raw pineapple contains a bunch of digestive enzymes called bromelain. If you leave it out in the air, it will slowly and gently culture with wild yeasts in the air - these also contain digestive enzymes. It's not going to cure any big digestive problems, but it is gentle, simple, effective, cheap and natural.

Pineapple is also a great anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine and diuretic.


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Posted by Cyn (Griswold, Ct) on 07/28/2013

I have IBS, lactose intolerance & a hiatal hernia. I avoid milk products for lactose intolerance, & my IBS triggers include broccoli, cabbage & fried foods, which also affect gall bladder. I also can't eat pork, as I will end up with a debilitating gall bladder attack & hospital stay (almost died from it once). I had severe stomach pain, left sided back pain & even pain in the spleen area, with bouts of constipation. I was prescribed different meds.... Aciphex, Nexium, Bentyl, Omeprazole, etc... Nothing helped. I tried many techniques, to no avail. With my last prescription given, I had enough. The side effects were too much for me & nothing worked. Finally after reading & research online, I decided to try a probiotic.... & voila! I have never felt BETTER! No pain, no burning, fullness, belching, back or spleen pain & no more constipation! This is my thought to why it helped. Not only had I been on multiple meds, I had upper GI, colonoscopies, endoscopes, etc. your digestive system needs both good & bad bacteria, but balanced. After too many tests with cleaning out my entire digestive system for these tests to be done, multiple meds, etc. , my balance was off & Probiotics helped all that! I still watch my food triggers, but I feel great, more energy, etc. I hope this helps just one person even. I take one pill daily, no side effects either! Good luck!

Psyllium Husk and Baking Soda

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Posted by Anon (Anon) on 12/10/2013

I have some type of irritable digestive disorder. I get headaches and a burning feeling in my stomach if I eat certain food. I begin to feel a vague burning sensation in my stomach, like if you held your hand under really hot water. I notice I am scowling and my face feels scrunched up. My vision seems blurry. Gradually my head begins to hurt a little. It progresses to a massive gigantic horrible pounding throbbing migraine - like your slamming your head against a wall - and is relieved nearly instantly by taking the following:

  • A tall glass of water, 1/4 teaspoon baking soda, 1 tablespoon of psyllium husk, mix the baking soda into the water first so you can see it's all dissolved, then add the psyllium, mix it well and drink it right away before the psyllium husk gets really thick in the glass.

Some foods give me severe pain in my legs when I lay down, it's fine when I'm standing or walking around. I go leg lifts to get the circulation going, that helps sometimes, too. I used to think I had cystitis of the bladder because sometimes I'd get a burning feeling like if you had a bladder infection, but no blood. The same remedy works for both conditions, but you have to wait for it to go all the way through you. I was amazed at how much better I feel after drinking this, I had no idea how crummy I felt.

A health book I read drew a connection between lack of protein, headaches, and ammonia in the brain. I've read that turmeric and clove both help with detoxification, so do ginger and peanut butter due to the lysine and arginine in them. I've been semi vegetarian for years, so this makes sense. I've also read that if you stop eating meat you can lose the ability to digest it, you have to work your way back into it slowly.

Foods that bother me are sugar, wheat, coffee, chocolate, crushed black pepper corns, apple cider vinegar, possibly tomatoes.

Foods that seem helpful are generous amounts of raw red cabbage, apples, lemon juice, cantaloup, cucumbers, hemp seed powder, kelp powder, spirulina, spinach and oranges smoothies, and a combination of ginger/peanut butter/curry powder. Probably beans and bone broth would help too since it's probably a combination high inflammation, low potassium and high uric acid or purines. I took glutamine powder for a while, it only seemed effective one day, probably I took something complimentary by chance that day. I also tried a low acid diet which was marvelous.

And an olive oil liver cleanse, that was wonderful, too:

  • fast all day or drink only water with apple cider vinegar, 1/2 tsp per glass
  • take Epsom salt water at 6 pm - 1 large glass water, 1 teaspoon Epsom salt, dissolve thoroughly
  • drink olive oil mix at 8 pm - 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil, juice from one lemon, 1 or more crushed cloves of garlic, mix all
  • immediately go to bed and lay on right side, laying on back seems to work, too


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