Natural Remedies

Dizzy Spell? Try Naturopathic Remedies for Dizziness!

| Modified on Jan 01, 2025
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Everyone ends up feeling dizzy at one time or another. Dizzy spells can be triggered as easily as by dehydration, standing up too quickly, low blood sugar, fever, and all manner of relatively insignificant bodily changes. Still, dizziness can also though rarely be a symptom of more serious health conditions, so it is not something to be ignored.

A brief period where you are feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or unsteady that passes and does not recur is probably of little concern but can be cured with home remedies. Dizziness and nausea are often paired symptomatically, since both are often the result of issues with the inner ear and your vestibular system. You may also experience a headache and dizziness together, perhaps because an eye issue is at fault. A sudden drop in blood pressure can likewise cause you to feel dizzy.

Home Remedies for Headache and Dizziness and Nausea

The first steps in eliminating the cause of a dizzy spell are to ask whether you have eaten enough or might be dehydrated. Inner ear infection can cause dizziness as well, so a natural antibiotic treatment for the ear such as colloidal silver may help. Anemia is sometimes another cause of dizzy spells and it can be a side effect of certain medications, so review these possibilities and change your diet accordingly.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Acupressure on Temples

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Posted by Susan (Chicago) on 05/01/2015

For Dizziness:

With both index fingers, press the indentations on both temples (fingers pointing toward each other). These are acupressure points, and this will immediately stop the room from spinning.

Coconut Water

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Posted by Faithinhealing (Forest Park, Ohio) on 04/27/2010

Dizziness Remedies...Coconut Water!

I've been dealing with dizziness for the past three weeks or so and I know that it is an electrolyte imbalance for me, although in others it could be dehydration! Trying to find the right ratio of minerals is tough. Since I have candida, I cannot do the typical sports drink or anything, although I heard of one that does not have sugar that the pharmacy recommends that starts with an E.

That said, what I use is coconut water which is the juice from raw coconut. It has the best balance of electrolytes so I always keep a cup in the refrigerator and an extra coconut as well.

If anyone has an excellent electrolyte replacement recipe please let me know!!!

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)

Hi Faithinhealing...I had candida and managed to get rid of it myself by alternative means three years ago. It took a full year to get rid of my candida and my major daily protocol consisted of faithfully taking Teds's alkalizing remedies 3 times a day -- usually Ted's lemon/lime with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda(Arm and Hammer brand) three times a day.

I also took at least two tablespoons of virgin coconut oil a day(in my coffee) to help with my constipation and candida problems. To help support my liver and kidneys from the candida fungal die-off or Herxhiemer affect, I also took my own decoction of herbs -- but milk thistle, dandylion or burdock are just as good for the job.

And now that my candida is gone I still take Ted's alkalizing remedies a few times a week, but I now also take my own formulated mineral water. This consists of one litre of water with:

1/4 tspn Natural Sea Salt
1/8 tspn Sodium Bicarbonate(Baking Soda)
1/4 tspn(1/8 tspn for women) of borax(20 Mule Team brand)

You can also add 3 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide(food grade) to this mineral mix safely. Hydrogen peroxide is also anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti viral.

I drink this water throughout the day, usually lasts more than one day. This mix supplies most my mineral needs from the sea salt, the borax is one of the best fungal killers there is and is also good for hormone balance and bones and the baking soda is just for alkalinity and to supply bicarbonates to my body.

I also used to get episodes of racing heart and dizziness. For this I took Magnesium Gluconate supplement as well as started using an 8oz garden sprayer with one or two tablespoon of Epsom Salts(Magnesium Sulfate) mixed in and sprayed it all over my body after showers. Your body will absorb the magnesium transdermally.

Transdermal Magnesium Therapy

Magnesium Chloride crystals are about the best form of magnesium there is, but I can't get it here in the Philippines, so I use Epsom Salts instead. This successfully got rid of my dizziness/racing heart etc.

Replied by Faithinhealing
(Forest Park, Ohio)

Thanks Bill, I have that recipe and am going to try it. I have gallstones right now that I'm trying to dissolve so I was focusing on that right now. The dizziness is from the gallstones. I remember reading that you did not change your diet and was amazed by that! I know that my sodium levels are always off in comparison to my potassium levels so I'm wondering if that would help. Right now I'm doing another alkalziing drink that includes help so I'm hoping that will help with the sodium imbalance without the added salt.

Thanks though and I'll keep you posted!

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)

Hi Faithinhealing...The combination of the mineral water and magnesium should play a big part in balancing your sodium issues.

And it's quite true, I didn't change my eating habits much, but I eat virtually no bread(mainly rice), I only cook in virgin coconut oil now(I avoid veg oils like the plague because they are all heavily processed and oxidize more quickly than VCO) and I stick by the Asian principle of eating until I'm 70-80% full. I also drink lots of water now. Remember that I now live in the Philippines, where every third tree is a coconut tree...LOL, so its not expensive here. I eat very little store bought processed food as well -- buy most of my food from the local wet market.

I also forgot to mention that, during my own candida eradication protocol -- after a couple of months, I started to discharge small, hard pea-like things in my faeces. I then realized that these must be gallstones and something in my regimen had caused this to happen.

It's also well known that lemon juice and olive oil will cause gallstone discharge. But perhaps it was my combination of coconut oil, lemon/lime plus BS that caused my discharge of gallstones -- which continued for a couple of months and then suddenly stopped. The result of this was a nice surprise -- I lost weight and my stomach is now flat.

Thinking about it, I also took a herbal protocol to protect my kidneys and liver while taking my candida protocol. And one of the herbs I used -- Chanca Piedra -- is well know for removing both kidney stones and gallstones from the body. So this might have also played a part in my own gallstone discharge.

Replied by Mrs. Betty

A good source is to put a green or red pepper in the blender with one cup of water and blend into a drink. This provides a good balance of nutrients. It is also very inexpensive compared to bought drinks.

Colloidal Silver

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Posted by Jeanie (Essexville, Michigan) on 07/11/2013

I was having dizzy spells for over a month. And it was happening every time I would lay down or get. I went to the ear doctor and he said that it could be acid crystals. He wanted me to do more test. I decided to pray. The Lord directed me to put colloidal silver in my ear. Even the first application seem to correct it. Did put more drops in ears later in day and for another day. Have not had anymore dizziness since. It has been over a month now. I hope this helps other.

Replied by Suzanne

Thanks for the comment on colloidal silver. I will try it. Trace mineral drops often help me if I get dizzy and am not going to the chiro that week.

Replied by Leah


You put trace minerals in your ear or drink it?

EC: Drink it.

Epley Maneuver

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Posted by Sheila (Seattle) on 03/19/2017

The Epley maneuver worked for a bad case of morning dizziness. Once I lay on my bed with my head slightly extended over the end, I turned to the left and as expected, the dizziness intensified. After a minute of laying like this, it subsided. I turned my head to the other side and felt no dizziness. This simple maneuver really works and is easy to do!

Replied by Mary

I know this is an old post, but...I was at the hospital about my hearing and when I mentioned my dizzy spells two nurses did the Epley Maneuver and it went away. Brilliant.

Epley Maneuver
Posted by Planky (New York, United States) on 07/14/2015 7 posts

The Epley Maneuver worked for me. I suffered for over a month with dizziness and finally went to ENT and she did the Epley and showed me how to do it. It worked right away. She said if it happened again, just do the maneuver.

Epley Maneuver
Posted by Healthhelper (Peuget Sound, Washington) on 02/05/2012

Dizziness, Vertigo

This problem originates in the inner ear and can quite easily be corrected with a very simple exercise called "Epley's Maneauver". This exercise was demonstrated to me when I went to a doctor for dizziness. YouTube shows how to do the exercise as well as showing exactly what and where in the inner ear this equilibrium is controlled. Anyone can easily do the exercise; it's very simple, and it works!

Epley Maneuver
Posted by Zeninfinity (Santa Rosa, Ca, Usa) on 11/01/2011

This is not a vertigo cure, but a possible way to help you cope when a vertigo episode happens.

I have been having all sorts of weird stuff happening with my ears in the last few weeks. I am 46, an audio engineer and had my first incident with vertigo 2 weeks ago and then another last week. I think I have "glue ear" which I am not sure is the same as an ear infection. Sorry I digress.

Anyway, just thought I would pass this on. The Epley Maneuver is a great way to deal with a vertigo episode. I had a mild attack last week, did the Epley Maneuver and the room rocking back and forth stopped!

Here's a youtube video of this simple movement. I hope it works for you!



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Posted by Kasra (Tehran, Iran) on 03/25/2015

Lightheadedness is something we all may experience for different reasons and it's probably nothing at most cases but sometimes it can be serious. Even if it's not serious, it creates a terrifying feeling that you might pass away or it might make you fall, especially when it lasts for days, it even makes more worries, and interferes with almost all activities, or you might not be able to do many things as it makes you paralyzed somehow and doesn't let you concentrate unless you pause and let the feeling subsided or go away cause you may fall and get injured , seriously , especially when you're driving it can even put your life in risk .

Just some weeks ago, one day I felt I'm falling, I couldn't concentrate, I had to sit down close my eyes and rest , just like many times before I felt lightheaded, I expect to just move after some seconds but seriously this time was different. After some hours of rest at same situation and doing some eye exercises I got a bit better but not fully recovered. That night when I was going to bed I felt fine , thought the feeling just went away.

Next day after I woke up and sat to have my breakfast it started again , this time I was also nauseous and I was even more lightheaded than before , I was so worried , and curious what could it be , I supposed it was something serious , that much serious and bothersome that I couldn't even sit , focus and find remedies on the internet , went to bathroom and done many palming exercises , felt better but yet not recovered , some days passed this way , I was getting more and more worried , finally I decided to force myself to read and look for a cure. I visited many pages, but it was not taken as a serious condition, at some worst cases, it can be caused by a damage to inner ear or head but in most cases it's nothing serious and can be due to a drop in blood pressure, changing situation from one to another which causes a change in blood pressure or after drinking etc. ... And it goes away just after a while.

Anyway, in some forums I found that ginger could make some people feel better so I took ginger:

Half teaspoon, twice a day ... And bingo!!

Just after day one:

-I still experienced to be lightheaded but at lower intensities

-shorter periods without feeling nauseous at all

And day two it was totally gone. Hope for a drug free world.

Replied by Kasra

Just to update my post, I found out that fenugreek can make me dizzy too, I'm not sure the reason why yet, but it also can make you dizzy too, and just by lowering the dose it soon will disappear, and you don't need ginger with this particular case.

Posted by Snoochi (Hartford, Connecticut, Usa) on 02/06/2010

Possible fix for dizziness

Ginger may be helping...I have been drinking a ginger drink I feel is helping. Someone actually described almost exactly what I do. I take about a tablespoon of chopped fresh ginger root in two cups of water that I let steep. Sometimes I put some clove, cinnamon, and honey in too. I call it my ginger tea. I also eat the ginger as well.

I have been doing some neck stretches and muscle massage to the SCM muscle over the last month as well which I feel might be beneficial.

Green Smoothie

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Posted by Gokhals (Larkspur, California) on 10/22/2011

Spinach and fruit smoothie. For nearly two months on and off, I was getting extreme attacks of dizziness, head spinning, tightness in neck. Once at night, I think I moved my head slightly, and the head spinning started. Its was terrible. I thought I had low blood pressure issues - as at an earlier doctors appointment, my doctor had told me that my bp was on the low side. I went out and bought a blood pressure monitor. My bp was consistently in the 100/70 range. Thinking it was this lowish bp that was the problem, I started drinking salt water. It helped a little bit. The intensity of the dizziness attacks waned, but I still felt moderately dizzy from time to time during the day.

One day, my kids made me drink a spinach/fruit smoothie. My dizziness, 'head spinning' went away, simply vanished, never to return. My conclusion is, this is a diet related disease, maybe an infection got cleared by the nutrients in the smoothie, maybe my body need certain minerals in the fruits and spinach. I drink spinach/fruit smoothies regularly now. If this helps others with meniere's disease, vertigo, dizziness etc. Please do let me know. It worked like magic. I am still baffled by the science behind it. But it works!!

Replied by Lanlee
(Houston, Tx)

I read your blog on Green Smoothies. I wanted to know what fruits and how much Spinach leaves???

Replied by Gokhals
(San Francisco, Ca, Usa)
34 posts

The SmartSmoothie: As compared with supplements and store bought health drinks, or potable cleanses, you are nutritionally many times better off drinking the following five (5) ingredient fresh smoothie with organic produce several times a month:

2 cups green stuff (spinach, watercress, kale other dark leafy greens

1/4 -1/2 cup fermented stuff - such as Beet Kvass, Sauerkraut, Yogurt, Kefir - anything with bugs, enzymes and organic acids

1-2 cups of fruits (any)

1/4 to 1/2 a cup of fats (avocado, coconut oil, heavy un-homogenized cream, coconut cream, shredded coconut, soaked nuts that have a high mono unsaturated fatty acid profile such as macadamia. It's important to vary the fatty acids.

Cilantro/parsley is a must in every smoothie, even two leaves is better than none (it's a potent detoxifier)

What you get: You get huge amounts of friendly bacteria, minerals, enzymes, fat and water soluble vitamins (also ability to synthesize B12 via bacteria), organic acids (that detoxify) and phyto-chemicals in the above concoction.

The science goes like this: You cannot digest minerals (or proteins) without fat soluble vitamins to function as your mineral carriers. And fat soluble vitamins are carried only in raw fats such as avocados, coconut oil, minimally processed heavy cream etc. Thus in order for your body to actually absorb the minerals you ingest, every single smoothie MUST contain a source of good fats. Above combination will fix stomach problems, give your body the substrates it needs to detoxify pollutants, clear up your skin, fix your liver, give you energy and mental clarity, keep you from getting dizzy, prevent cancer, blood pressure problems, heart problems down the road - while forcing you to eat greens daily in a way that is super pleasant (addictive). If you have low BP and are dizzy try this smoothie before you try medication.

If you are hypothyroid, add seaweed to every smoothie. Fading memory? Add a couple of raw egg yolks. Heart trouble? Increase the high quality saturated fats. The heart muscle preferentially metabolizes fats. Brain fog? Ditto. Your brain is 70% fat and could use some more.

Dr. Terry Wahls (google her) reduced her crippling multiple sclerosis with supplements, but CURED it with SmartSmoothies. Food has the complex molecules you need to assimilate the 'special molecules' you really need. Supplements do not have this, thus vitamin C in a pill is only marginally as effective as an orange. Further, bottled juices have largely lost their nutritional value by the time they get to you. There is also the very real danger of salmonella and other contamination when vegetable matter is mashed in factories instead of at your home. In order to get rid of the bad bacteria, these beverages are frequently flash pasteurized. And pasteurization kills all enzymes and factors you need to actually digest the nutritive elements in the smoothie. Thus what you frequently get is sterile juice at best and unhealthy juice at worst.

You get all that and more, by drinking a SmartSmoothie. Spend your shopping dollars on organic kale for maximum bang for your buck. Make sauerkraut, kefir and yogurt at home (it's a snap, it's cheap and its digestive effect is magical), stock fruits (fresh or frozen), invest in good fats for an easy smoothie.

Replied by Anneerdman

I soak all my veg, fruit, salad in a vinegar bath, then wash or scrub, organic or not,, sprays are blown all over the fields now days, thanks to FDA.

Replied by Sp
(New Jersey)
30 posts

Arlene, seeing a chiropractor that does NUCCA treatments has helped me with the vertigo spells, aka vestibular migraines.


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Posted by Searchlight1000 (Ohio, US) on 04/02/2015

I was developing periodic dizziness. I also have tinnitus. It came to my mind I should train my ear gyro's so I tried twirling with my arms out shoulder level palms down towards the right and it has cured my dizziness. First I could only twirl once or twice but now I can turn 10 times or more rapidly without getting too dizzy. I never have any dizzy attacks anymore. If you look up twirling on the internet they say twirl to the right. I like twirling towards the right and then a few times left but end up with a few more twirls to the right. Hope this helps someone.

Replied by Arlene
(Lehigh Acres Fl)

Thank you, Searchlight, for your tip. I have suffered on and off for years with dizziness and feeling unsteady for years. I have used your suggestion in the past and it does work. It is so scary when you get dizzy. Also, I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks so that exasperates the dizziness. I also found some neck exercises for dizziness on youtube from Dr Mandell and some chiropractors also because I think my neck is the cause of my issues; a car accident and I slipped in the rain and took a real nasty fall years ago. Don't have faith in Drs so I try to treat myself naturally. I know how debilitating dizziness is and hope all sufferers find relief🙏🙏❤️

Replied by beverly

I have not been able to find any material on the internet about twirling?

Yoga Positions

Posted by Kathy (Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Usa) on 10/10/2010

I have been doing yoga for the last 9 years, when I turned 50 yrs. old I had to stop doing the 2 minute head stand because it would give me vertigo. I had 3 bouts of severe vertigo until I made the connection when the last bout started immediately after I came down from the head stand. I stopped doing the position and still 3 yrs. Later I haven't had a vertigo episode since. I hope this is of some help to others.

Replied by Sam
(Miami, FL)

Agree. While I still can't pinpoint the cause of my dizziness, drunk-like feeling, especially at night, the first ever severe totally incapacitating (as if I was paralyzed) episode of what I call spinning inside my head (not outside room spinning) lasting 4 hours on and off and preventing me from even getting up started exactly first thing next morning after I had head down yoga positions. Even childbirth (without epidural pain relief) can't compare with the horror I had experienced.
