10 User Reviews
Different things work for different people. You've tried it and it doesn't work so diss it. Honey may work for you or the other remedies such as Cajun spice. There will be something that will work for your body.
Try bulbine natalensis supplement
Try adding a few drops of DMSO to your dilute HP. This will allow a greater and deeper penetration of the HP to the smooth muscle tissue. Also, since DMSO is any anti-inflammatory, it will also relax the muscle tissue and allow a greater flow of blood.
Did not work for me either at first but I kept drink it anyway. After more that one month I started seen results. Now I can "do it" everyday if I want to. I put about 16 drops of Hydrogen grade 12, about 10 drops of DMSO and 1 drop of Christopher cayenne, twice at day. It works.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Yeah it definitely helps ED, I inhale HP since 2 weeks and noticed improvements
Hydrogen Peroxide
Since they don't sell 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide online here in the US anymore, they only sell 12% food-grade, I went ahead and bought some. I started taking 10 drops of 12% food-grade hydrogen peroxide twice a day in 8oz of water and my next morning erection was as strong as when I was 20. I couldn't believe it. I've been taking it that way ever since, and not only have I been having stronger morning erections, but I've also been having the same results when having sex.
Another thing, I can take that amount and still eat normally after about 10 mins and haven't had any side effects. I'm planning to keep taking it that way since it has also normalized my blood pressure.
is this still working for you. How long have you been doing this??
Yes, it's still working. It has normalized my circulation.
Right now, I only have 3% HP. How much should I take on a daily basis for ED?
Try sublingualy. You can just try using the 3% as a mouthwash. Swirl it around and then let it sit under your tongue for three minutes twice a day and see if it is effective.
I actually found a website that sells 35% hydrogen peroxide. Not sure if I'm able to share the link here though.
What product do you use I don't want to just order anything I would rather buy what you are already using..
Hydrogen Peroxide
I started doing h2o2 therapy for a health cleanse but could only make it up to 3 drops of 35%h2o2 in a glass of milk 2 times a day. Any more than than 3 for me was revolting. I did this for about one or two weeks. At the same time I was taking a natural testosterone booster.
Within 2 days at night just after going to bed I would get a rock hard erection that seemed to last for 30 minutes or more. After falling asleep would wake up with morning wood at about 5am with same strength and intensity.
I finished my t-boost tablets and stopped the h2o2 a couple of weeks earlier. At that stage I thought it was t-boost, and because I liked feeling like a twenty something down in that department I ordered some more natural t-boost at 60 bucks for 6 weeks supply.
Received my order within a week and started taking the t-boost and guess what.... Not a thing.... Went back to my old ways down stairs.. And just forgot about it....
It had been about a year and I had some left over h2o2 that I thought I should use before it goes off. It was at this time that the penny dropped that it could have been the h2o2 that was the source of my virility 12months earlier.
So on Wednesday night of last week I put 1 drop of 35% H2o2 in a glass of water and drank it.
At about 2am Thursday morning I woke up to a rock hard erection and went back to sleep.
The following night no h2o2 was taken and I was woken at 5am with morning glory.
I am in no doubt that h2o2 is giving me strong and hard erections, with no immediate side effects. I have tried viagra once, and will not use it again. It worked but no where near to what I have experienced with h2o2. Viagra left me dehydrated and with the dirtiest headache the next morning.
I see another poster said he found it helped his Ed. My experience agrees with him completely.
My question is..... Why is this happening. Why does ingesting a drop of H2o2 mixed with water having this effect?
(Raleigh, North Carolina)
Speculating two things. Increased blood flow. Cleanser effect including killing off bad bacteria in urinary tract that may be impeding erection quality. H2o2 increases oxygen in blood. Better oxygen supply = better erection quality?
Experimented back in 2017 and noticed a similar erect. Plump full and heavy erections.
(Atlanta, Ga)
ANY HARMFUL SIDE EFFECTS FROM INGESTING 12% hydrogen peroxide? Wan to use it to help with my e.d. Any suggestion of how many drops to use in a glass of water? Thanks for your help
No harmful side effects as long as you dilute it in distilled water. 1 drop of 35% HP = 3 drops 12% HP. 12% HP is what I've been using. My protocol is 16 drops 12% HP in 8 oz of distilled water twice a day.
Hydrogen Peroxide results: I followed Eddie's protocol and WOW his formula recommendation worked beyond my wildest expectations. I'm almost 72 years old and struggled w ED for over 25 years. I tried everything on the market, Viagra, Cialis, Hims, gummies, supplements with no real lasting benefit. I could NOT EVER stay hard for but just a few minutes and pretty much gave up hope... until today, ... within a 10 minutes after drinking my 10oz distilled water drink w 16 drops of HP I felt sensations that had been years missing without thinking of sex. I had 0 Zero side effects ingesting the formula as suggested. My erection was very hard, with a healthy dark red color indicating the blood flow to my penis was healthy. I can't believe it's taking me this long to find my way back to what I hope will be a normal way of supplementing what my body needs to gain back my lost sexual intimacy at my age. Thank you Eddie for your post and I hope that for anyone reading my reply is not offended by my graphic depiction describing my experience was only meant for to encourage others that may have similar ED issues. I'd give this 5 Star results!!
You say you drank 16 drops of HP - what grade was it?. Thanks
Hydrogen Peroxide