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Fortunately, it passed after a short while. But there was no positive outcome for me.
HAWTHORN and CAYENNE are antiparasitical so they were killing off the BAD bacteria in your stomach. It is die off and you probably should have decreased the dose and continued the treatment!
This is armchair diagnosing and isn't appropriate. I react poorly to garlic, with heartburn, probably because of a sensitivity. Some people can't tolerate cayenne either, or any particular supplement. I like to encourage people to try supplements, but one should learn from experience. Maybe another herb or supplement would help. I have heard from a doctor on youtube that what we have been told is vitamin C all these years doesn't match natural vitamin C's benefits because it is not actually complete. His words are natural source vitamin C acts as 'roto-rooter' on clogged arteries, and vitamin C should have done so all these years, and would have were it complete, like the natural stuff. Perhaps this would work!
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