Erythrodermic Psoriasis
Natural Remedies

Erythrodermic Psoriasis / Pustular Psoriasis Treatment

on Sep 03, 2020| Modified on Dec 17, 2022
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Erythrodermic Psoriasis Treatment on Earth Clinic.

by Art Solbrig
Published: September 03, 2020

Previously, I wrote about having the three common forms of psoriasis -- guttate, plaque, and inverse psoriasis -- and how I could treat those forms with supplements. I had always seen pictures of the other two forms of psoriasis, which are relatively rare, and I thought and hoped I would never get them as the pictures of these two forms are disturbing, to say the least.

Erythrodermic Psoriasis / Pustular Psoriasis

I got erythrodermic and pustular psoriasis simultaneously in the winter of 2019, about 18 months after publishing my protocol on supplements that helped clear the more common forms of psoriais.

Within a matter of days, my body became 95% covered, meaning that it was almost impossible to find any clear skin on my body.

As you will see from the below images, these two forms are very severe and can be fatal.

Here is a link to what the erythrodermic form of psoriasis looks like.

Here is a link to what the pustular form of psoriasis looks like.

I looked like some of the worst images you will see in these links. The dermatologist simply said, "You have severe psoriasis." Both forms spread very quickly once they got started and can cover your body in about a week if you are very inflamed.

I ended up in the hospital 3 times for these two rarer forms of psoriasis, but I never had to go to the hospital with the other three milder forms. I had previously had the erythrodermic form, but had never had the pustular form and had no idea how bad it could be!

These two forms are like a completely different disease than the other 3, more common forms of psoriasis, and having those other forms in no way prepared me for these two.

There are also subclasses of the pustular form, and I'm pretty sure I had those also.

Severe Psoriasis - Diagnosis and Treatment

My initial stay in the hospital was an experience. Because my skin barrier function was compromised so badly, they put me on two very potent antibiotics against my wishes. They had to draw blood every morning at 6:00 am and sometimes in the evening too. The antibiotics ended up starting to damage my kidneys and liver and gave me diarrhea for about two months. They applied a strong steroid (clobetasol) to my whole body, morning and night.

Some of the many nurses had a very hard time just being able to look at me, but they were far better than the doctors that were seeing me. For me it was a nightmare that I hope I never have to go through again!

Medical Mystery

Doctors unfortunately know very little about these two forms of psoriasis. My dermatologist told me that they could try the biologics on me to see if any of them would work. I am not really interested in the biologics because they can have severe adverse events, including death.

My dermatologist also told me that they could not start me on a biologic until I had cleared very significantly from my then-current state because the biologics lower your immune system. This meant that I would have to use the most potent topical steroids to try and get some semblance of control over this disease, but even these topical steroids come with very significant side effects.

In my case, the topical steroids gave me hypertension, blurred vision, thinned skin, elevated cholesterol levels, weakened capillaries that rupture and cause large bruises that don't look like regular bruises, nocturia, loss of hair, intense itching, severe redness of the skin, round face, increased urination, thinning of the hair, changes in skin coloring, burning and stinging at the application site (whole-body), decreased vision and weight loss as I went from about 180 lbs to 130 lbs.

To make matters worse, the dermatologist told me that he did not know if these side effects would go away if I could get off of the steroid ointment!

With time, I can see that some have gone away, but the most severe side effects remain even though I am currently barely using any topical steroids.

Once out of the hospital for the third time, I improved to about 90% clear after a couple of months, but as soon as I got to that point, the psoriasis started coming back with a vengeance and had me covered again in about a week!

This process has played out at least 5 times now, where I get to around 90% clear only to have it come roaring back again. It is heartbreaking to feel that you are so close to normal only to have the rug pulled out from under you each and every time.

I am currently about 97% clear, and very hopeful that this time I may get to 100% clear. Since having these two forms, this is the clearest I have been!

My Treatment Regimen

Clobetasol Ointment / Topical Steroid 

I started at twice daily application and have attempted to reduce the application rate as the psoriasis has improved.

I am currently using this on an as-needed basis for any stubborn remnants of disease activity, but no longer having to use it every day on my whole body.

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver 320 ppm (AgNPs) applied topically twice daily to act as a potent broad-spectrum topical antibiotic.

Currently only applying as needed, but not daily anymore.

TCM Cream

A Chinese cream applied topically when the steroid ointment would stop working and then switching back to steroids when the cream would stop working. I am currently using the cream as needed and more than the steroid.

I apply it 2 times per day, but it says you can go up to 3 times per day, which I have only tried a couple of times. The cream is made up of 4 herbs and menthol.

It is all written in Chinese, but here is a link to the product on Amazon:

SUHAPPY Herbal Antibacterial Anti-Itching Cream Chinese Medical Dermatitis Eczema Treatment

Shower and Bedding

Shower every day if possible, and change bedding frequently.

I think this is important because when the skin barrier function is completely disrupted, pathogens can enter more easily through the skin and exacerbate the psoriasis.

This is also why I used the 320 ppm colloidal silver to help destroy such pathogens.


An assortment of skin lotions and creams to try and moisturize the skin and improve the skin barrier function, which is completely perturbed with this disease.

I also made many of my own topical treatments when I was well enough to be able to.

A spray bottle of witch hazel with peppermint essential oil, food-grade glycerine, and MSM was applied to soothe the irritated skin and reduce inflammation and itching.

I tried making the lotion from the indigo (blue) powder that I had used successfully with the other 3 forms of psoriasis, but it had zero effect on these two forms.

That whole protocol had little if any effect on these two forms. I initially thought it had a positive impact on the erythrodermic form because when I originally used it, I was getting over an erythrodermic flare-up, but in hindsight, I think that flare-up was just going into remission and would have cleared with or without the lotion, but that lotion was effective for the other 3 milder forms of psoriasis.


I tried Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for about 7 months, but it had no discernible effects. My dermatologist was willing to prescribe it when I asked if he would.


I used melatonin at a high dose (60 to 80 mg /night) and feel it helped to speed the healing process. I'm still taking the melatonin for its other potential health benefits.


My last addition to this treatment was a supplement that I had used regularly before to try and control the first 3 forms of psoriasis, zinc.

It is the re-addition of this zinc that I feel has allowed me to get to this state of 97% clear, which I have not been able to do in the previous 4 flare-ups and attempts to recover.

Unfortunately, I started intermittent fasting (IF) at the same time as the zinc as an antiinflammatory step of consequence, so I didn't know if it was the zinc or IF or both that were making the difference, so I stopped the IF to find out if it was the zinc or the IF that was helping.

Right now, I still have the improvement, so I am going to say it is most likely the zinc that has made the difference this time, but I do feel the IF could be additive to the zinc, but is the lesser of the two.

I take 50 mg of zinc picolinate two times per day for a total of 100 mg/day.

Zinc Picolinate is purported to be a more bioavailable form of zinc. In multiple studies, serum zinc level is low in people with psoriasis, but other studies show no difference between psoriasis and normal controls. It is worth noting that studies show "lower dermal zinc levels" in people with psoriasis, but frequently the serum zinc level may appear normal, as stated here.

Very recently, I came across a single case study for pustular psoriasis that tended to confirm my own protocol! The main difference being that the person in this study was not nearly as bad as I had been as you could see plenty of areas with clear skin.

Here is a link to the study and they do show a before and after picture:

Improvements at this point are in small increments over days, but these are much better days for me now as when I was at my worst, it hurt to move or just sit.

Laying down was as comfortable as I could get, but even that involved pain and discomfort. In the case study above, they mentioned the clearance of pustular psoriasis and then maintained clearance for at least 6 months after the study!

Long may it last!


About The Author

Art Solbrig is a researcher who has been reading scientific studies and testing natural remedies for over 30 years searching for useful studies and alternatives that apply positively to human health issues and natural treatments using minerals, vitamins, amino acids, essential oils, herbs, homeopathy, colloidal silver, combination treatments and other alternatives to improve the quality of life of others by writing about his findings and test results in places like Earth Clinic. He documents and writes about many of his experiences in helping others. Art is a native of sunny California.

Related Links:

Effective Natural Remedies for Psoriasis Relief
Melatonin Protocol for COVID-19
The Health Benefits of Melatonin

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Black Oregano Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mel (Blind Bay, B.C. Canada) on 09/18/2020

I recently had a bout of pustular psoriasis. Earth Clinic sent out their news letter and that was how I was able to determine my ailment. I had already started using creams and oils to relieve my anguish, but once I knew the what I was dealing with I jumped into highly medicinal oils.

I had started with tea tree oil and got some relief but after a few days I moved to Black Oregano Oil. It has been a week now and my hands look normal but I can still feel a slight prickling associated with my psoriasis.

I started applying the oil liberally for a few days then added taking one '0' gel cap twice daily. I feel this is coming from inside me as I am under severe stress levels so I added the oral aspect to help me control another outbreak.

My hands went from a bloody frightful mess to normal looking in a little over a week. Relief was almost instant. I hope this helps others as it has helped me. Best wishes to all who suffer from this debilitating disease.

Replied by Lester
(Traskwood, Ar Usa)


The Black Oregano Oil, What carrier oil and in what Rate of mix did you use?


(Blind Bay, B.C. Canada)


Black stands for Black Cumin Seed Oil that is mixed with Oregano Oil by the producer of the product which is Enerex. FYI - unfortunately this only maintained the psoriasis for the week+ then it progressed with a vengenance. But I didn't give up. I tried multiple things that all worked initally and then stopped.

I went to my local health food store and picked up a bottle of Immuno Care by Hedley. This is a combination of herbs and a few other essentials used to support the immune system. I started taking 2 every 6 hours immediately. I got such relief within the first 12 hours it was incredible. I also continued to take Boiron Sulfur 30C, 5 pellets every hour or so with a Calendula salve made locally, for topical use. In under 24 hours and 2 soaks in the tub with epsom and borax, I've basically stopped itching, hands have nearly stopped shedding, no more burning, reduced reddness and no further psoriasis development.

It's still early but I'm VERY optimistic that the immuno care is what is curing me. I may have to take this for awhile to build up my immune system as my stress causing situation is not over. I now sleep long, deep and uninterrupted by psoriasis.

The Black Oregano Oil is super good for internal use but became too harsh for topical on my tender psoriasis skin. I started using just Black Seed Oil to keep moisture in my body.

Replied by Sabita
(Orange City)

I have used oil of oregano with 70% carvacol for various issues. Right now for a flareup of psoriasis. I have successfully dried it up taking the oil of oregano capsules 3 three times a day. I'm also staying away from sugar and I am following the suggestions in Dr. Pagano‘s book Healing Psoriasis.I am having very good results. I really have to pay attention to what I eat in the future!

Oil of Oregano, NAC

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by MsBeachLizard (North Carolina ) on 08/04/2022

I haven't ever heard of black oregano oil. However, I have palmoplantar pustulosis. I was told to use a prescribed cream and wrap my feet and hands in plastic wrap every night before bed. That lasted one night. A few years later, I found by accident that Oil of Oregano and NAC daily have completely eliminated my PPP. During a move, I skipped for a couple of weeks and it came back--it was mild, but it was a reminder that I needed to get back on my regimen. Because Oil of Oregano is a hot oil, I take my oregano in homemade capsules. I started off by putting Two drops in a capsule and filling the rest of the capsule with either olive oil or MCT oil.

I also make my own NAC capsules. I use double 00 capsules and make each Oregano capsule by hand. The NAC I use a capsule machine making 100 at a time in just a few minutes. It's worth it. I have since worked my way up to between 6-8 drops of Oil of Oregano per capsule. My hands and feet aren't raw and bleeding anymore bc of this! Maybe this will help someone else.

Replied by Leslie

Can you tell me, please, what dosage of the NAC you take and how often? And how long did it take to increase the Oregano drops from 2 to 6-8 (and how often do you take it?). My son has PPP and I would love to find something that gives him some relief.
