Cavity, Gum Soreness
She uses melatonin that dissolves in your mouth, so she decided to place melatonin at the site of the cavity with her tongue each night when she went to bed. She told me that within two months, the cavity was very significantly reduced in size, so she will continue to repeat this process until it is completely gone. She also told me she had an area of gum that was sore, so she told me she applied melatonin to the area of the sore gum, and she said the pain was gone in two days. This second aspect she is reporting does have studies to support that melatonin is healthful for the gums.
I was aware that melatonin is good for the health of the oral cavity, but I was not aware that it could reverse a relatively new cavity. When I looked at studies regarding melatonin and oral health, I found that melatonin is noted for use against or as a preventative for gum disease, but no mention as a cavity fighter. Here is a typical study discussing multiple health benefits of melatonin for the oral cavity, including bone regeneration, but teeth are not actually the same as bone :
Here are some relevant quotes from the study :
' Oral cavity is affected by a number of conditions such as periodontitis, mucositis, cancers, and cytotoxicity from various drugs or biomaterials. Research has suggested that melatonin is effective in treating the aforementioned pathologies. Furthermore, melatonin has been observed to enhance osseointegration and bone regeneration. '
' Topical administration of melatonin has a positive effect on periodontal health and osseointegration. Furthermore, melatonin is particularly effective in improving the periodontal parameters of diabetic patients with periodontitis. Melatonin exerts a regenerative effect on periodontal bone and may be incorporated into of periodontal scaffolds. The cytotoxic effect of various drugs and dental materials may be countered by the antioxidant properties of melatonin. Topical administration of melatonin promotes the healing of tooth extraction sockets and may also impede the progression of oral cancer. '
As you can see from this study, melatonin offers many benefits to help maintain oral health, but the repair of new cavities is a new one to me.
Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (CABG)
In this new study, 60 mg/day of melatonin helped improve outcomes in patients undergoing CABG as discussed here :
Here is a relevant quote from the study :
' TNF-α levels decreased in the MTG at T1(p = 0.034) versus PTG. At T2(p = 0.005), and T3(p = 0.04), TNF-α significantly increased in PTG versus MTG. Troponins significantly increased in PTG at T3 (p = 0.04) versus MTG. NF-κB levels declined at T1 (p = 0.013) and T2 (p = 0.0001) in MTG compared to PTG. IL-6 significantly increased in PTG versus MTG at T3 (p = 0.04). The QOR-40 score significantly decreased in MTG versus PTG. MTG had statistically significant decrease in DBP compared to the placebo group (p = 0.024). MTG had a statistically significant shorter intubation time than did the placebo group (p = 0.03). Melatonin 60 mg was well-tolerated without any reported side effects. Our findings suggested that melatonin could ameliorate myocardial I/R injury after on-pump CABG and that this outcome was essentially correlated to its antiapoptotic and anti-inflammatory effects. '
So the above results suggest that melatonin reduced major inflammatory markers TNF-alpha, IL-6, NF kappa b and lowered troponins, a marker indicating heart damage from a heart attack. Meanwhile, the placebo group had opposite and negative results of these parameters. Melatonin generated no side effects in this study.
This study is interesting because CABG these days is a common medical procedure and melatonin has a very good safety profile even at this higher dose of 60 mg/day with no side effects. Previously I wrote about the value of melatonin for promotion of cardiovascular health at the link below and the new study above shows that melatonin has very significant heart health value even when used in advanced heart disease situations such as CABG, stroke or heart attacks and as shown in other studies :
Effective Melatonin Dosages
He sleeps well now so the doctor said he should stop for now, so that the body doesn't start relying ONLY on the pills to fall asleep.
The first night off of it, he was not able to fall asleep all night. But now he does.
1. Is Melatonin for sleep addictive?
2. Being that he is not in favor of alternative medicine, I was hoping the little he was taking would help with other ailments. But the dosage was so low, it probably didn't do much for other things.
What are your thoughts on this?
Melatonin is not addictive in any way, shape, or form. It does not help everyone get to sleep, but for those that it does, it seems to work very well. In comparison to medical marijuana, when I was testing it as a sleep aid, I found that when I was done testing it, I definitely felt a "need" to take it again and in fact, it took some time for that urge to go away. After the test, I would be in bed, not quite asleep and I would be thinking that I should take some of the medical marijuana so I can get to sleep. I never have that issue with melatonin. If I forget a dose, I forget a dose and that is it.
It is not surprising that he had trouble falling asleep the first night off from melatonin, as the body needs a moment to adjust to the amount of melatonin it is getting at night.
As to whether your relative should stop melatonin, that would mainly depend on his age. If he is in his 40's or older, it may be useful to continue the melatonin to try and partially compensate for the age related decline of melatonin in people. If they are under 40, it may be fine to reserve melatonin for when the body can make good use of it, such as Covid-19 or worse.
I don't know what his other ailments are, so I can't really comment on that aspect of your post.
(somewhere, europe)
Thank you Art. I had been hoping it would help him with diabetes, a heart condition etc., but I guess this low dosage, 2-3 mg. wasn't doing much for that anyway.
Yes, I think when you are talking about major health conditions, 2 to 3 mg of melatonin may be better than no melatonin, but generally I would think that pharmacological dosing would be needed for maximum benefit.
If you hadn't said he is opposed to alternatives, I would make suggestions for diabetes and the heart, but that sounds like it would be a waste of time with him.
(somewhere, europe)
Correct, Art. But it's good to know that if he does continue with that low dose Melatonin, it not only does no harm, but even helps. Thank you!
More information about what symptoms you are experiencing and the doses of what you are taking would be helpful information.
Regarding melatonin, if you can tolerate more than 30 mg, that would be helpful. Dr. Shallenberger gives all of his patients 180 mg per night or more for more serious conditions such as stage 4 cancer. Don't take melatonin during the day. If you make a decision to add more melatonin, do it slowly.
For sleep, decide what time you want to go to bed. As an example, if you want to got to bed at 11:00pm, take one third of your melatonin dose at 9:00 pm, one third of your dose at 10:00pm and the last third of your dose at 11:00 pm. I call this melatonin 123 and it gives a slower release of melatonin that tries to mimic melatonin release from the pineal gland and sometimes is a bit more effective for sleep.
I wrote about the use of melatonin for stroke here :
For constipation, magnesium in the form of magnesium citrate at the max label dose may help. Take this or at least part of it with your second melatonin dose and take your zinc at that same time as it also helps with sleep. It helps with the melatonin for sleep. I wrote about these 3 for sleep here :
Adding vitamin D in the morning may be helpful as a deterrent for a second stroke as discussed here :
Here is a relevant study quote :
' Vitamin D supplementation in post stroke patients is helpful in prevention of recurrent stroke and is suggested to reduce neurological, psychological and musculoskeletal disorders [8]. It also reduces morbidity, mortality and improves functional outcome after stroke [9]. '
Aiming for the upper half of the reference range could be helpful. The reference range is 30 - 100 ng/ml for 25 OH d.
Once you have a stroke, even a TIA, the chance for another stroke increases significantly so you still have to keep preventatives in mind, not just treatments.
The berberine is helpful, but that would be at 1500 mg/day in 3 divided doses of 500 mg at breakfast lunch and dinner.
Another supplement that can be helpful is Vinpocetine at 30 mg/day as discussed here :
Here is a relevant quote :
' In controlled human studies, VPN increases cerebral perfusion and oxygen extraction and prevents the worsening of attention in patients with multiple cerebral infarcts so; VPN has been used to treat stroke in several countries in Europe. '
CoQ10 is also good at higher dose and in the more preferable form of Ubiquinol such as this :
Get earlier morning sun exposure such as 20 minutes or more each morning.
It takes time to recover from a stroke and I would think in terms of a year or more, but these steps may also help ward off another stroke or TIA and that is very important.
Art and Rob, Thank you for the info. I am going to try everything, Thank you for answering my questions. I feel supported. Do you know anything about bemers for sleep?
I will be trying melatonin soon because this author (age 77) has the retinas of a young man:
Induce Dreaming
(Powell, Wyoming)
Can you express a little more on the relationship between melatonin and the pineal. Thank you.
Induce Dreaming
I have a bit of migraine pain today, so hopefully that's not the melatonin but the stress. I'm probably a bit dehydrated, too, so need to take better care of myself.
EC: We are so sorry for your loss, GertJr. Sending you much love.
Dear Gertjr,
Bless you. I am so sorry about the deep loss of your husband! 💔😢
~Mama to Many~
(Faithvile, Us)
Gertjr, Sorry for the loss you are going through. Griefshare is a website that will send you free daily encouragement and information on how one processes and how it affects the body.
Many people avoid talking about grief trying not to cause more pain. Then it can be difficult, not feeling like you have someone to talk to about what you are going through. First and foremost stop all negative chatter in your head . Write positive things to say to yourself. I did well and I am well. Every day I celebrate how good life is, and I remember the good things . I have suffered depression and all that comes with it so I say this to encourage you as you transition to the next beautiful stage of your life. HIs Blessings, Charity
I am very sorry for the loss of your of your husband.
I am glad that you found benefit with melatonin and I hope it continues to help you through this difficult time. You need good sleep to allow your body to repair itself after so much damaging stress. Good health to you!
Dear Gertjr - I'm very sorry to hear that your husband passed away. You have so much stress to deal with but I'm glad to hear the melatonin is helping. As difficult as it is with so much to do, you will need time just for yourself - to grieve, to rest. You are in our thoughts. Take care ...
I'm from a city down the coast from you, Charleston. I really miss the ocean. It was easier to get enough sea salt there.
It appears that in your situation, there are paradoxes to negotiate. I've read that some people do have increased insomnia, anxiety, and other side effects from melatonin supplementation. It's been suggested that they may try a dosage as low as. 1-.3 mgs. I also have low cortisol, and insomnia from early childhood. Although I have tried so many substances for this; herbs, amino acids, exercise, and even medications; my best results have been from combining a low dose b-complex with a sublingual b12. There can be paradoxical reactions to them also, as some can relax and or stimulate the system. I suggest trying the b-complex made from foods. (unfortunately it's expensive) It may be only needed in smaller amounts. Try 1/2 tablet in the morning. ( I have it with an empty stomach, but it may be easier with food).
Also, try methylcobalamin sublinguals, (active-b12); because it enables the other b's to operate. A 1000 mcg. Tablet can be divided with a pill cutter into 4 wedges. It may be that only 250 mcgs. Is needed daily for sensitve individuals. I have also found that folate has been very helpful with depression, But it must be measured carefully according individual needs. I recommend methylfolate. It comes in 800 mcg. Tablets that can also be subdivided.
While there is the RDA of folate in supplements, some people with atypical depression have responded very well to extra folate. It can have mild stimulant properties for some people, so I suggest trying small amounts in the morning. (It is also good for sensitive gums and canker sores when dissolved in the mouth). I have found these supplements to also lower many types of inflammation that can deplete cortisol.
(Myrtle Beach, Sc/usa)
hi Connie
Thank you for responding back and I appreciate your input very much! Since my last post what I have done for the next 2 nights was stay at 2mg of melatonin and even though for both those nights I got awake in the middle of the night, I fell back to sleep for each of those nights for about another 2. 5 hours approx so I guess that is a good sign. Maybe my body had to get used to it if that is possible, I don't know. Last night I upped it to 3mg and slept striaght thru for a total of about 6. 5 hours. I'm atleast happy with this because I know for years that I have only been averaging about 5-6 hours of sleep per night. So "maybe" I am on the right path with the melatonin. Time will tell.
As far as you mentioning the B-12 and methylfolate, I have tried both of those in the past and both never seemed to do me any good. I think I have tried most every supplement under the sun LOL (and then some.. Haha) I had my B-12 levels checked awhile back and they were fine.. Actually very good but at that time I was taking B-12 even though it really didn't help me. As a matter of fact I have read that some people that are hypoadrenal can't handle the extra B-12. Whether or not that is true I don't know, but maybe it was true for me. I seem to even feel more lethargic which doesn't help my depression even when I do Brewers Yeast. Maybe it is a particular B that isn't agreeing with me. I "might" have been taking too much Pantethine. I tried it because many others and other websites mention it is good for hypoadrenal but quite frankly ever since I stopped taking it, I seem to be not as fatigued and not as achey in my joints.
The site that I have frequented often which I think has a lot of good information is......says that too much intake of B-5, people can get severe fatigue and joint pain. Maybe this applies to me because ever since I stopped it I an not as fatigued nor as achey in my joints. The site actually mentions B-1 thiamine good for people that are hypoadrenal. It says that extra thiamine can help raise sodium, which I know us later stage AF'ers deal with. He also mentions choline can help with that also. Funny how when I did the Braverman test online awhile back I was also Acetylcholine deficent as well as being Dopamine deficient. So I am also starting to take CDP-Choline as well as some lecithin granules which I know Ted is very high on taking. I noticed you said you are still low cortisol. Have you tried extra thiamine? I just started yesterday taking Allithiamine. Apparently it is similar to Befotiamine that it is fat soluble, but I have read that Allithiamine may work better on the CNS where as Benfo works more periphally. Who knows but I am giving it a whirl and maybe it can atleast help to some degree with my atypical depression. The site also mentions tin being good for hypodrenal and I know Ted has mentioned it too and good for depression that can go along with it. So I am going to try that too. I just ordered some stannous chloride from a chemical supply company so I'll see how that works for me too when it arrives.
One other thing I wanted to mention, and maybe there is some merit to this. I can't remember which book I read this from.. It might have been Wilson's book on Adrenal Fatigue, in that having dental work done can stress the adrenals. I can look back and remember that it was around the time I had some dental work done that I started feeling a lot worse. Maybe it was that, that just sent my low adrenals over the edge.. Then on top of that I burned them out more by working out at the gym too strenuously. Live and learn. Recently I have read that weight lifting (not to the point of exaustion) can actually raise cortisol but anything aerobic lowers cortisol. So I'm going to just do the weights but ditch the running on the treadmill.
I'm also gonna start on some Systemic Proteolytic Enzymes. Certainly can't hurt cause I have read some theories out there that depression can stem from too much inflammation in the body. I've started back up taking some curcumin and have added some boswellia which is also good for inflammation. I'll see how this goes too LOL
Sorry for the long post, but thanks again for your input Connie. I'll keep trudging on :)
Maybe the moderator reading this can also post this in the adrenal fatigue and depression sections, since this post also applies to those conditions. Me being new here I don't know if I should be copying and pasting this in both of those sections.
The usual recommended dose of Melatonin to start with is 5 mgs., and then take it from there. This is a extremely effective supplement, and I would recommend it first before anything else.
(Myrtle Beach, Sc/usa)

I suffer from adrenal fatigue (low cortisol) and atypical depression so I decided to try melatonin the last couple of nights to try to give my adrenals some well needed rest. Typically I only average between 5 to 6 hours of sleep per night but the last couple of nights I only got about 3.5 hours of sleep. First night I only did 1mg and last night I did 2mg and with upping the dosage I still only got 3.5 hours of sleep. Why am I getting less sleep taking melatonin? I have read where it can have the opposite effect with some people and I am wondering why this happens? Anyone else have the same experience?
Old post but the melatonin may have been ineffective if it was not actually melatonin - a fraudulent product. Trying a different brand might have been the solution. My brand always works for me, my Mom's does not always work for her.
I have read a report recently that talks about the mixed findings with melatonin. It's hypothesis is that it relates to the circadian rhythm and should be taken at least 2 hours away from food. It is suggested that one might try to eat dinner earlier, and/or skip breakfast so as to avoid glycemic interference.
I, too, had little success with melatonin until Deirdre (I think, or was it Art?) mentioned large doses. I now take 10 mg an hour before bed and 10 mg of timed release melatonin just before bed. I also take niacin (for cholesterol, but the flush helps me sleep), only 500 mg, every night along with the timed release melatonin. I've been sleeping much better since I started this protocol. I still don't sleep great, still wake up off and on, and sleep only for about 5 hours per night, but it's so much better than it was. What does are you taking, Jake? Be careful, tho, since melatonin can make your stool loose. With my ibsd that's a real concern, but this dose I'm taking seems to do well.
Try this combo for better sleep :