6 User Reviews
I've tried melatonin a couple of times. Each time the side effects were terrible: nightmares, unable to breathe as I struggled to wake up, dizziness and nausea. felt I was drowning .the dose was 1.5 mg.
I suffer from Ibs, fibromyalgia, arthritis, anxiety and a lot of stress. Would this have interfered with neurotransmitters/hormones?
Thank you.
Hi Bindi,
If 1.5 mg of melatonin caused you that much distress, then all forms of supplemental melatonin should be off your list of supplements! All is not lost though. Instead, you can get your melatonin from the earlier morning and later afternoon sun exposure, foods rich in melatonin and red light therapy. These natural forms of melatonin seem to avoid any potential side effects of melatonin and the sun can improve your circadian rhythms also.
I wrote an article awhile back that describes a few natural ways to get melatonin here :
Side Effects
Side Effects
Now I'm fighting diabetes and liver damage and thyroid malfunction which came on all of a sudden also and while I am overcoming that slowly but surely by alternate day fasting, cutting ALL wheat products out of my diet, and the old timey cottage cheese and oil (Flax, black seed & Hemp oil) medicine cancer cure remedy!
But I'm not my old self by any stretch as before I started taking melatonin every night and so am very leery about ever taking melatonin again! Besides it always makes you feel so tired and groggy and who the hell needs that when your 65 yrs old? Certainly not me! So the jury is still out on that one! The side effect of melatonin is it makes you drowsy and tired, and I need just the opposite of that!
Hi Kenny,
Yes, there are people who can not tolerate melatonin as I have mentioned many times on EC, but the majority of people do tolerate melatonin as shown in many studies. Generally, as soon as you realize that there is a negative reaction to melatonin or you are not tolerating melatonin because of symptoms such as you described, it is probably a very good idea to stop using melatonin immediately rather than continuing. It is sort of like your body is trying to let you know that this is not compatible with you.
(Crescent City, CA)
I doubt I'd wake up at all if I took as much as some folks do, I am shocked don't mind saying. I took a 10mg tablet and felt groggy for most of the a.m. so please be careful with trying it out.
I need something to help me sleep as I am weaning off clonazapam and melatonin was again suggested. I was having a hard time at night, not upping to my usual dose of 1 mg of clonazapam, so I'd just fall back into the 1 mg per day. I'm hoping just a smaller dose of Melatonin will help me and not leave me hungover, or groggy.
I found some bottles of 5 mg Melatonin, but then I kept looking, and found 3 mg bottles so I bought the later. Very inexpensive and I am hoping. It these don't work for me, then I guess I'll have to find another hopefully safe sleeping supplement.
Amazon has melatonin down to .3 mg. for some people that is all they need for sleep. I take 132 mg/night, but I had to work my way up otherwise I felt very tired the next morning. Even now, when I move my dose up above 132 mg, I will feel it the next morning.
In one study it showed that just 2 mg of melatonin before bed could reduce nocturia, which is very helpful in getting more restful sleep.
I think if you have not already been taking melatonin for awhile and then just take 10 mg, it will likely make most people feel tired in the morning. Also, not everybody can tolerate melatonin, even at low doses. For those people it is better to use the natural ways to increase your melatonin levels because melatonin made in the body does not cause side effects. I wrote about how to do that here :
Denise, Google Mexidol. Also chinese herbal formulas: bupleurum&dragon bone is one of what it is called “shen tonics” that is very good. Better yet see an acupuncturist/herbalist. Never buy any supplements on Amazon. Mexidol is an exception-you can only buy it on Amazon. It might take up to 3 years to get off clonazepam.
Side Effects
Melatonin was a big help in starting my fight to get well even with side effects.
I decided to reorder some more Melatonin, because I was glad that I had it on hand to meet a possible emergency during my coughing fits. As I mentioned I took about 100mgs of Melatonin for each of 3 days. I took 4 to 5 pills a few times a day and once at night. They were 5mgs each. No, my brand did not make me sleep or sleepy; however, I found that when I was ready to sleep they let me sleep at least an hour or two at night. The side effect I had was loose stools.
Some years ago, I had ordered some Melatonin from eBay. I am not sure why I bought them, I do remember reading a book back then that said it was good for stopping any further memory loss in its track. Anyway, this Melatonin product was from overseas, it was a powder, and a very high mgs per tiny scoop. I do not remember the company. I remember going to sleep that night and not waking up until morning. In the garbage it went. As I used to do all night prayer often and too much sleep would interfere with my work. The interesting thing is I do not remember having any side effect, only what it said it would do give me sleep.
The Melatonin that I had on hand when I was sick this month, I bought last year because Earth Clinic, Art and others posted Melatonin benefits for COVID 19.When I decided to buy more, I noticed that I needed to find out what "Other ingredients" are in each brand and kind of Melatonin. The company that I got mine from had at least 3 different kind of Melatonin mixtures. I did not want any artificial sweeter in mine so I was reading the labels. Then it dawn on me that perhaps one of the" Other ingredients" in the brand that I already had was what caused the side effect that I encountered. So please read the label.
Hi HisJewel,
Thank you for the feedback on melatonin!
What I have noticed is that some people can develop diarrhea from HDM [High Dose Melatonin], but in the few people I have seen or heard of this side effect, that delay, can vary from 3 days to 3 weeks. In either case, the delay makes it possible to use melatonin long enough to help achieve the desired result with Covid-19 and it may be possible to use melatonin for a very brief period even if diarrhea does occur in an attempt to have maximal effect on Covid-19. Stoppage of HDM seems to allow a fairly quick recovery from the diarrhea. I still feel that the combination of melatonin plus the addition of the Xlear Nasal Spray, suggest the potential for a quick recovery.
Here is a link to what I wrote about Xlear Nasal Spray and Covid-19 : Https://www.earthclinic.com/xlear-for-covid-recovery.html
Side Effects
Then, last night, I took a 5 mg regular tablet and, during the night, woke up dizzy. Even at the gym this morning, doing barbell bench presses, I was dizzy upon sitting up. So, is this the melatonin or something else? I stay hydrated and my blood pressure was good (I took it several times), so it's not that.
Possibly low blood sugar? I had not eaten for some time when it happened. Any thoughts? I swim, so wonder if it's not my ears? I do not have vertigo during my normal day, only upon rising from flat to sitting (of course I don't stand until it passes). I don't want to visit a dr until I've eliminated other causes. Thanks. I really need relief of the insomnia! I've taking benadryl and want to stop.
I definitely feel your pain. I had insomnia for years. Turned out it was gluten. (Yeah, I thought I'd tried eliminating it, but I guess I hadn't. If I get even a pinch of flour, ping, eyes wide open all night long.) Melatonin makes me loopy as well unless I take a tiny tiny dose. Also, if I do high intensity workouts sometimes that makes it worse, especially if I'm fasted.
Side Effects
(Greensboro, Nc)
Hi Manti,
I use to take melatonin, but stopped because of two side effects. One side effect was that it acted as a diuretic, so I really didn't get much sleep b/c of running to the bathroom. The other was very real dreams. It got to the point that I could not figure out if I had really had conversations with people in my dreams versus reality. Melatonin is actually a hallucinagen your body naturally produces. I guess when you add more of the chemical to your body, it coases you to dream more realistically.