Natural Remedies

Natural Fever Remedies: Safe & Effective Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Egg Whites
Posted by Jersey Girl Of Jersey City, Nj (Jersey City, New Jersey) on 12/20/2010

My husband has 103.5 temp fever and Tylenol didn't really work. So I searched for home remedies and thank God I found this site. The egg whites worked! I come from a family of medically related professions and haven't really tried something like this, but now I have proven it myself, its not only medicine helps cure fever.. Thanks so much for this site.

Egg Whites
Posted by Tpast70 (Raleigh, Nc) on 07/10/2010

Today was the first day I've ever seen this web site, but I'm glad I found it! My 14 month old son has had a fever for the past 3 days, and today he was burning up with 103. 6 temp. Our first notion would be to give him a pain med/fever reducer, but I was thinking that's just defeating the purpose of a fever - the body's way of getting toxins out. I saw the feedback on the egg whites and told my wife & we gave it a try. We put one egg white in each one of his socks and put them on his feet then covered them with a plasic ziplock baggie. After 30 minutes his temp came down to 102.4 and after an hour he was at 101.3! It worked. I took off the scoks and gave him a cool bath in a 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar. After the second hour we are down to 100.5. I love these natural remedies. . . No doctors and no medicine. Thank You!!!

Egg Whites
Posted by L.c. (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) on 06/11/2010

For the past three days, my body temperature has been going up with fever and down again. We were short on staff at work and I continued to work (12 hour work days!) which of course didn't help.

Tonight I was feeling slightly better and fell asleep on the couch, under a blanket, only to wake up two hours later shaking and trembling. It scared me, because the only other time I had trembled like this during a fever was when I had blood poisoning twenty years ago from an infected insect bite. I have no insurance and am broke, so was panicking about going to an Emergency Room and not being able to pay the bill.

Naturally, I went to earthclinic to find a cure... and tried out the eggwhites. I tell you, trying to separate whites from yolks while shaking like a leaf isn't easy :/

I used 3 eggwhites and tissues, and I had a garbage bag ready to place my feet in. The most amazing thing happened... I wrapped a soaked tissue around my right foot, and I INSTANTLY STOPPED TREMBLING, with only one tissue applied! Wrapped my left foot into a eggwhite soaked tissue as well, put my feet inside the bag and sat under a blanket, watching TV for distraction. I kept the compresses on for about an hour. My fever didn't break though, and I was out of eggs, but I was feeling a lot better and most importantly, I wasn't freezing any more, and the shaking had disappeared completely.

I then took a shower, ending it with cool-warm-cool and paying special attention to my legs, cooling them (groin and knee pits especially).

Thank you, earthclinic. You saved me from panic.

Egg Whites
Posted by Sambones16 (Crystal Lake, Il) on 03/04/2010

My 11 year old had a cold that turned into a sinus infection. His fever kept climbing today, went to doc and did prescribe an antibiotic for the infection, but the fever kept rising. When it hit 102.8, I started freaking as he has had a febrile seizure before. I put cool cloths on his head and then turned to the internet and found this site with the egg white remedy. I thought it was nutty, my mom had never heard of this one before, but the ibuprofen I had given my son wasn't working. I figured what the heck, what was there to lose. I soaked a couple of paper napkins (I don't use paper towels for environmental reasons and someone here said not to use regular cloths) in two egg whites beat up, put the napkins in 2 gallon size plastic bags, and spread the napkins out on the bottom of his feet. I put the bags back on over his feet and then his socks. I did that at 6:57, by 7:15 his temp had dropped from 102.8 to 100.6. Amazing!! Thank you all!!

Egg Whites
Posted by Rak (London, Uk) on 11/20/2009

My son had a fever which was on and off for 3 weeks. It again started 2 days back and calpol was not showing any effect. I tried egg white remedy (one for each foot) and kept it for 1.5 hrs....after that he woke up crying, the pillow was totally soaked with sweat and his fever had broke. Thanks a lot for this remedy, can't praise enough.

Egg Whites
Posted by Zubair (Lahore, Pakistan) on 11/12/2009

Thanks you very much for this site and all the peoples who share best experience. My 5 years daughter have 102 or 103 fever last 11 days and when i give ibrufin fever go down for 6 hours and then again come back at 103, today i use this search with google and found this site, thanks again egg white work very well.

GOD bless every one,
Umar Zubair

Egg Whites
Posted by Rohdkill (Portland, Or) on 10/31/2009

My son had a fever of 102 degrees and was very sick. We did the egg white method (3-4 egg whites) using cheesecloth inside a pair of his big brothers socks. In the first 1/2 hour his fever dropped 1/2 a degree and within the hour it had dropped two degrees. After that we took the cheesecloth off and up went the fever, so we did it again and left him for the night. The next morning he felt much better and was actually running and jumping around again. Thank you for all the information on this site. Go natural cures!!!!

Egg Whites
Posted by Tonya (Clarkson, Ky) on 10/23/2009

Egg whites for fever

My daughter has been running a 102 degree fever for the last two days. After reading the remedy for using egg whites for fever to my fiance he laughed hysterically. Asking how that was going to ever work, I did it just as instructed and showed him. He still laughed, probably even harder than before. Within 15 minutes I checked her temperature again and it had dropped a degree within the first 15 and 2 degrees within 30 minutes. I was a believer and he stopped laughing.

Egg Whites
Posted by Crista (Benbrook, Tx) on 10/06/2009

I have a 4 year old who doesn't like medicine at all! He's had a fever off and on for 24 hours. We've tried giving him medicine. He came to me in the afternoon with a low grade temperature. I put the egg whites on rags and tied them to his feet and the fever broke in less than 15 minutes. He is resting peacefully.

Egg Whites
Posted by Elizabeth (Indianapolis, Indiana) on 07/11/2009

My 16 month old son has been battling some sort of respiratory ailment with lots of coughing & wheezing & a fever around 102 degrees. He was so miserable last night that I got on your site to see what other people have used. We have our own chickens so I took a couple of XXL eggs & gave the egg whites a try. I used one egg white per foot two times before bed last night & his fever is gone this morning. I soaked 2 paper towels in the whites & then dropped it into a pair of his big brother's socks & then put them on his feet. He sure howled at first at the cold but then it didn't bother him. It did bother me when he was thrashing all over the bed & soaking everything with the whites which were leaking through the socks! Time to wash the sheets & jammies! Thanks EC!

Egg Whites
Posted by Mary (Burbank, CA) on 07/07/2009

Hello, first of all I wanted to say GOD BLESS whoever came up with this remedy and this site for the advice. My one and a half year old daughter had a seizure about a week ago because of her fever and was diagnosed with a throat infection. When we came home she was very sick that night with fever of 104, i would put her in the tub and her fever would go down but about 30 minutes later it would go up again. Then, I started researching and found your site and THANK GOD i did because it saved her life. I followed the directions and her fever went from 104 to 99.4 in a matter of 30 minutes, and when I left it on all night, she never once had a fever!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have tried it on myself too because I now have strep-throat, and I also had a fever of 104 and it worked wonders. BEST REMEDY EVER!

Egg Whites
Posted by SassySarah (Los Angeles, California) on 06/16/2009

Last winter I had a burning fever and felt awful. I was also nursing a 4 month old baby so being out of it was horrible. I needed to break the fever and start healing. I read on the site to put egg whites on my feet. My dear husband wrapped my feet in egg white clothes, wrapped them in plastic bags and watched the clock for 15 minutes. We joked that the coldness of the whites is probably why the fever breaks because I started shivering. I piled blankets on, careful not to get egg on them. Finally, he took them off, but we didn't notice a big change. But later, my fever broke and I started feeling better the next day. So, I say try the egg whites.

Egg Whites
Posted by Elaine Garcia (Chicago, IL USA) on 03/24/2009

Egg Whites For Fever...a sure win!!

I have been fighting a low grade fever for 5 days. Today it actually went up to 100.4. I searched on earth clinic and found the egg white remedy. It did not work at first for me. I went to bed with a fever, aches and chills. I woke up at one a.m. and decided to try it again. The first time, I soaked papaer towels in the egg whites and put baggies over them...did not work. This time, I read a diffferent way someone got it to work. I put on loose socks and poured half the whites of one egg in one sock and the other half in the other sock. I put another sock over that one. I waited. At first, nothing. Then, I poured more egg white in each sock. The key is to be patient. After 40 minutes my fever was down from 100.4 to 99.5. Then 30 mintues later, it went down to 98.7.

I started to feel better. I felt hungry as I had not eaten much all day. I felt cool and relaxed, the aches and pains were leaving. I am going to leave the egg white socks on for another half hour to be sure it stays down. The key for me was keeping the sock soaked in egg whites; I kept adding egg white as needed.It is nice to feel like I am on my way to recovery. I feel exhausted and I am going to get some sleep. I will apply the egg whites again tomorrow, just to be sure. Thanks Earth Clinc...again!

Egg Whites
Posted by Toni (Salt Lake City, UT) on 02/23/2009

Eggs White Cure : Last night I was searching on the web for a natural cure for my 4-year-old daughter's fever, I found this website. Asked my daugther, Anna Marie if I could do this crazy medicine on her feet. She allowed me to do it, and within 20-minutes the fever was gone. It did not come back! Thank you so much for this information, it is so valuable.

Gratefully, Toni & Anna Marie Lock

Egg Whites
Posted by Shawn (Appleton, WI) on 02/19/2009


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