Natural Remedies

Natural Fever Remedies: Safe & Effective Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Egg Whites
Posted by CH (PC, FL USA) on 02/06/2009

My husband had a very high fever, he was trembling with fever. I took the (organic) egg whits and i put some saran rap down, I put a hankershift and put about two egg whites in each one (one for each foot. I then had my husband hold his foot down over a pay and it placed the hankershift with the egg whites against the bottom of his foot and the the saran wrap over that so that it would not drip out and then a sock on his foot over that. (both feet) In about 10 minutes his fever was totally gone and never came back. I think the woman who the egg whites did not work for was not doing it properly.

Egg Whites
Posted by Tracy (Solon, Ohio) on 12/31/2008

Just tried the egg white method on our 3 year old son. Within 30 minutes, his fever broke. This really works and I highly recommend it! Thanks Earth Clinic!

Egg Whites
Posted by Barbara (Dallas, United States) on 12/20/2008

I tried the egg white remedy because my 4 1/2 year ols son had been having a high temp for the past 4 days ranging from 100 to 103.7!! we took him to doc they said continue taking tylenol/motrin and that wasnt seeming to bring his temp down at all!! he had also been giving antibiotics as well and he still has temp/did not go down ! we were told he should have viral bronchitis, but with all the medication his temp should have went down by now! especially since i had been giving him tylenol/motrin every 4 hours! So tonight i tried the remedy. I soaked two paper towels in two egg whites and wrapped around his feet and placed socks over them. in about 30 min took his temp and it went down from 103.00 to 100.3! I was impressed. now i will just have to see if it will go down some more or go back up!! on all the comments no one ever said if the temp ever came back up! So Im gonna check him again in a few hours and if its back up i will re-do the remedy again. Thanks for this great remedy! i will def pass it on!

Egg Whites
Posted by Sean (New Port Richey, FL) on 12/17/2008

Thank You so much for your site. My son had developed a terrible fever to 103 and was in pain and couldn't sleep. My wife tried a lot of things; ice, cool bath, etc. I came home and ran to your site, few clicks later I was breaking my first egg yolk (used 2 eggs per foot in plastic bags with handkerchief, put it on his feet then put socks over the bags to keep in place) You never let me down before, and doggone it, you saved the day again. in 5 minutes it dropped to 101 then 20 min later 100. My only problem was I left it too long (2hrs) and he has sensitive skin, so he broke out a little, no prob it soon went away, and he finally went to sleep!! (and so did I!! Amen

Egg Whites
Posted by Nichole (Stanton, CA) on 11/26/2008

Well I just want to say thanks sooo much for this remedy!!! I picked my nephew up for a visit this evening and found out he had a high fever when I picked him up. I found this site a few days ago and have been using Coconut oil to treat hypothyroidism which also caused a large nodule to form on my husbands neck... the coconut oil has been AMAZING! He has had anxiety attacks a lot lately but when he was feeling anxious I had him take some and within ten minutes he felt energetic and the anxiousness went away! I started using it myself and notice that I feel better both physically as I have more energy and mentally as I have this wonderful mental clarity. I've started giving it to my son as well and put it on some toast instead of butter or margarine and then added some jam.. tastes great and he cant tell the difference! Also a quick recipe to get kids to take ACV is to add a couple tablespoons to a bag of sliced apples, allow to sit for at least a day and the kids gobble them up!

K back to the fever... My nephews fever was at 102.3 when I looked up on this site what to use, he was feeling horrible with a really bad ache in his leg and his skin was so sensitive he didnt want us touching him. I found the egg white remedy and sent my mom to get four egg whites from downstairs, had him put on socks and soaked them in the eggwhites then bagged his feet so he could lay in bed. After an hour his fever just barely dropped so I got back on wondering what I did wrong... the socks had absorbed all the eggwhites so I got four more eggwhites and poured those into the baggies and this time put a second pair of socks over the bags to keep the egg whites on his feet. His fever started dropping in about 20 min to (99.4) then he got up and started playing with his cousin... so far its been about 45 min since adding the extra egg whites and he is feeling lots better, I cant account for the temp though because he's been running around playing lol. Right now its 101 but I think its cause hes not laying down and resting... I will post back later as to how long it took for his fever to break, I know it hasnt yet since he isnt sweating.

Egg Whites
Posted by Wendy (Raleigh, North Carolina) on 11/21/2008

I just took my son to the dr today with a high fever of 103.9. I had been giving him ibuprofen and since his white blood count was fine they suggested I continue to do that and watch him. His temp started to go back up after coming down a little with the Motrin so I tried the egg remedy.I dipped some paper towels in egg whites and wrapped his feet and then used plastic bags and put socks over that. WOW!!! I am amazed and very thankful. He went from being listless on the couch to playing in about 45 mins. I took his temp a few mins ago and it went from 103.8 to 102. I LOVE this site!!!! Thanks!!!

Egg Whites
Posted by Annie (Grand Rapids, MI) on 11/14/2008

My 9 yr old son, has had a fever for the last 2 days, I discovered this website, after telling myself, LOOK FOR HOLISTIC!! I am a huge Earth Mom! So, I found this site, and THANK YOU!!!

I made my son lay in bed and put a bath towel underneath his legs. I soaked paper towel in the egg whites and then put ziploc baggies over each foot followed by a pair of socks- then, i covered his feet with the bath towel

I left the "potion" on for about 20 minutes or so! I checked his feet after about 10 minutes, and could feel tremendous heat!!! I waited, and repeated after about another 30 minutes!

After the second application of the "potion" he had instant energy and was more like his happy fun self!

THANK YOU!! I must add, he thought it was funny that his Mom was putting eggs on his feet, I explained what ancient medicine is, and that this particular method came from Chinese ( as I read on the site) and he asked if it was "Buddha's recipe!!" :))))

Thank you soo much!!
Annie in Grand Rapids, MI

Egg Whites
Posted by Renisa (Los Angeles, CA) on 11/05/2008

Absolutely miraculous. My daughter had a fever ranging from 100 to 103 for 3 days. This remedy brought her fever down to 98. In less than 1/2 an hour and it never went back up. Wow. I used 2 paper towels to soak up 2 egg whites (cold out the fridge), then used plastic baggies and socks. No rubber bands. It's kinda messy but amazing. Do it now!

Egg Whites
Posted by Sherry (Sudbury/Levack, Ontario/Canada) on 09/23/2008

hay there! for all those people that are desperate to help your toddler when they have a high fever, egg whites really works! my son is 19 months and is fighting a virus that is going around, he has had a fever of 100 or more for 2 nights now and nothing has worked. i tryed a cool bath, tempera, and even rubbing alcohol, so i tryed the egg white remedy from this sight. i put 3 egg whites in a bowl. then saturated 2 paper napkins in the egg, wrapped his feet and covered them with socks. i repeated this twice and within 1 hour the fever has almost diminished! thanks to all who said this works because it does. now i can get some sleep!

Egg Whites
Posted by Helen (Southport, Australia) on 08/21/2008

This is another way of applying egg white for reducing fever that I learnt from my Chinese Grandma. Hard boil the egg and remove the egg yolk. Put the hard boiled egg white including the shell in a handkerchief. Twist the content into a ball and massage body from head to toe. Brings the temp down instantaneously. My Grandma would also insert a silver ring in the egg white content when massaging. Silver would change to different colours when rubbed on different patients. This was used to diagnose the cause of the fever and then she would use (ying/yang) herbal treatment for the illness. Sadly, I am unable to read the silver ring. My children always ask for an egg massage when they have high temperature and it always does the trick.

Egg Whites
Posted by Karla (Downey, California) on 07/09/2008

My 2 year old daughter had been fighting a fever for over a week and the fever did not want to subside. I searched on Earth Clinic and found the Egg Whites for the fever remedy and kept it in my mind to try. Well my daughter woke up with a 103 fever and I gave her the mixed dose of Tylenol and Motrin as my doctor had instructed. After 45 minutes, the fever had gone UP to 105! I began to panic and remembered the Egg Whites. I placed 2 Egg Whites in a bowl and soaked 2 paper towels in it. I wrapped my daughter's feet with the soaked paper towels, put little zip lock baggies on her feet with a rubber band at the top to hold them in place, and put her socks on her feet and waited. 30 minutes later her fever was down to 102. 1 hour after having started, her fever BROKE and was down at 99. I took the paper towels off her feet and they were HOT. I washed her feet and that was the END of her fevers after over a week of struggling! I've told all my friends! THANK YOU!

Egg Whites
Posted by Yolanda (Clinton, Canada) on 06/16/2008

At 8:15 I gave her a children's tylanol which usually takes about an hour to have any effect on my 3 year old. Her temperature was 39.3 C.
I put the egg whites on her feet in plastic bags, which she insisted on keeping open rather than tightly wrapped. Within 20 minutes her temp was 38.3, and in 30 minutes it was 38.0. She started to feel much more lively, much to my relief. The fever didn't break, so I don't know, should you repeat this treatment a few times? Anyway, so far so good. I'm thankful to see some improvement anyway.

Egg Whites
Posted by Candice (Victorville, California) on 06/04/2008

I had read about this cure when it was first written and never had the chance to use it but always remembered it, because it sounded so unusual. A collegue of mine recently told me that her son had come down with a cold and that he had a fever and she was worried about it and when she phoned the doctor he just told her to give him some childrens tylenol. Well like any mother she still worried and told me that he wasnt feeling well and had a fever and so I told her about this remedy and she tried it on Friday night (5/30/08) and she said that it worked and took away his fever for 3 hours and then she re-egged his foot! Haha! Its such a weird theory but it really works! And she said that the eggs were partially cooked when she removed the paper towels and socks.
Thanks for this amazing remedy!

Egg Whites
Posted by CETIzaguirre (Cheyenne, Wyo) on 05/06/2008

I have a 3 year old with a fever over 103 that motrin didn't seem to be helping. Out of desperation I looked for alternatives to a cold bath. I put a baby wash cloth in a sandwich baggie along with 4 egg whites, which i warmed to room temperature, double bagged for each foot. The to help hold them on and to keep the egg from slipping out, I used a fabric hair scrunchie around the ankle. He was not a big fan of the idea at first because it felt odd, but within 15 mintues he was sitting up and his fever had dropped by 1 degree. After 1/2 hour it dropped another 1/2 degree. Its been 4 hours since the Motrin and 1/2 hour since the egg whites. Next time, I'll head for the fridge first! Thank you EC!!!

Egg Whites
Posted by Doris (Murfreesboro, Tennessee) on 04/28/2008

Since my husband had pneumonia almost two years ago and was on a respirator for ten days and in rehab for ten days, I worry when he starts feeling sick. Last Saturday he developed a fever, sore throat and weakness. I came to this site and searched under "fever". There were a lot of testimonials about egg whites. So I put three egg whites in a bowl, took a washcloth and rubbed the bottoms of his feet with the mixture. (not telling him what I was using, because he would have said no) Within 20 minutes, before my son got back from the store with Tylenol, he was sweating and his fever was gone. The next day his temperature was 101 again so I did the same thing with the egg whites. It worked again within 20 minutes. I also started giving him extra vitamin c, sprayed ionic silver in his mouth and put some in his water. No fever yesterday or today and no sore throat. He still feels a little weak, but that's getting better, too. I don't know if he was starting to get pneumonia again or if it was a cold or flu, but this time he didn't have to go to the hospital. He goes to his doctor tomorrow for a checkup. Thank you so much for this site. I love it!

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