Natural Remedies

Top Natural Remedies for Fibroids

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Blackstrap Molasses

48 User Reviews
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Posted by Tiffany (Los Angeles, California) on 08/09/2007

After my third period using Terramin Clay and BSM I can confirm that the tumors are no longer present.

When I began the Terramin treatment I noticed an abscess on my left breast that drained for appox. 4 days (the scarring remains as proof this occurred). Since then I no longer experience phantom pains that I had from my left breast. As I continued my treatment I noticed that during the second of the three periods an abscess formed outside my vaginal area. This drained for appox. 4 days concurrent with my period.

After the second period I've begun to experience an increase in energy, weight loss has continued (the fibroids increased my weight and this is being automatically reduced),dark circles under my eyes are gone, and NO MORE tumors as of third period. Also, no acne.

Native Americans use[d] clay to remove tumors and I can confirm that it works. Also, using BSM regulates the period VERY well. I will now decrease my use of Terramin and increase the use of BSM to regulate my cycle.

This is a wonderful cure for tumors, both the BSM and Terramin have similar mineral components and you don't need surgery to be healed

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Lauren (Raleigh, North Carolina) on 07/24/2007

Hello All...My cousin introduced me to this site and I read all the claims about BSM. I suffered from break through bleeding while on the PILL and in no time the bleeding was full blown. I was miserable and passed clots for two weeks straight. I had an ultra sound done and found out my fibroids came back. I went out and got the BSM and did the dosage recommended and in about a weeks time my cramps disappeared and I didn't feel like a whale. Thank you for these postings and insight on using something in our pantry.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Tracy (Los Angeles, USA) on 07/19/2007

This is amazing! I started using black strap molasses two months ago after reading the comments on this site. I have had fibroid tumors for two and a half years. I got a scan a few weeks ago and I found out they have doubled in size since my last scan, they are now 3" in size. The main problem for me has being the long periods and the heavy bleeding. My periods would last up to 2 weeks and I would pretty much go into hibernation since I was so paranoid about bleeding profusely while out in public..

I started taking black strap molasses 1 tbls. per day for a whole month, I did see some slowing down of my period for the first month but it was still quite heavy. I then found out I was anemic, what a surprise that explained the long hours I sleep and the lack of energy, I immediately increased my dosage to 3 tbls. per day and my last period I only had 2 heavy days and 3 really light ones.

Another area that seems to be affected by the tumors is my bladder, the tumors are pressing on my bladder so it seems that I have to run to the bathroom every five minutes to pee..

I will keep you up to speed on the tumors and my progress I am going to get a blood count again next month to see if there is any change there. My Doctor has recommended having the tumors removed and I told her to give me till the end of this year to see if the black strap molasses helps to shrink the tumors.

I am so glad I found this site and all the helpful testimonials..

Replied by Hannah
(London, Uk)

I've been looking at websites trying to find something to shrink my fibroids, which are very large, making my womb the size of a 12 week pregnancy. After reading about blackstrap molasses I bought some a few weeks ago and started taking 2 tablespoonfuls each day.

My period is usually quite heavy. I use a mooncup (a silicone menstrual cup), so I can see how much blood I'm losing. Well, apparently women lose on average 35ml of blood each period, but for the first few days of my period that's what I usually lose in one day.

I'm now on my first period since starting the BSM, and it seems much lighter than usual. Today is day 1, and I have only lost about 15ml, much less than usual. So I believe that it is doing something! I don't know yet whether or not it will have any effect on my fibroids, but I'm going to carry on with it, and see what happens.

I have tried taking Apple Cider Vinegar too, but it gives me very bad heartburn (I know, ACV is supposed to cure heartburn, but I'm the other way round for some reason... Does anyone have any suggestions why this might be?).

I'm finding the posts on here fascinating, especially as so many people have had positive results. I really don't want to have a hysterectomy, as one doctor suggested, as I'm only 37. Thanks for all the information so far. I'll update with how I get on with the BSM.

Replied by Ariel
(San Jose, Ca)

Hannah, how are you? Has it helped?

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Lyn (Saint Clair, Missouri) on 07/17/2007

Just an update for all. I started the Black Strap Molasses for my Fibroids on 6/25/07 today alittle less than 1 month later....I can tell for sure it is working ladies. Don't delay anymore, this really works. Praise GOD all the way!!!! I'm also taking Organic Apple Cider vinegar and can tell a huge difference in my joint stiffiness. Good Luck!!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Tiffany (Los Angeles, California) on 07/13/2007

I've experienced all the symptoms of Fibroids. I did BSM and it did significantly help; enough that my partner noticed the reduction in blood. I became a Vegetarian also to cut back on eating animals and consuming their toxins and fatty materials.

I'm using terramin clay (eat plenty of apples for fiber) now to stop the fibroids. What I have noticed coming out of my body now is astonishing. It's really de-toxing. I stopped using BSM and not solely use the clay, although I may return to the BSM for a little while longer. Both the clay and BSM are rich in iron, so my hair and nails are growing like mad and are extremely thick and strong. I'm now begriming to naturally lose the weight I gained from the fibroids. I deduced that the product will speak for itself and I'm not going to kill myself in the gym trying to lose weight. My appetite has diminished so that I eat one complete meal a day and one small one in the evening, if at all. My cravings for sweets is gone; however, I do chew ice - now I think it more to do with work stress than anemia as my eyes are white with no discoloration and the other signs of a healthy body are reappearing. I will say that I need to get into shape. Although, fatigued doesn't last long, walking up stairs just about kills me. I ordered the clay through cal earth minerals when I saw the discovery channel piece on its calcium ab/adsorption benefits too.

Replied by Jaycee
(Fairfax, Va)

Hello would you mind sharing the name and brand of terrain tablets that you used and where to order them? Thank you so much!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Renee (El Dorado, Kansas) on 07/02/2007

Just finished my second "normal" period thanks to BSM. Fairly certain that any fibroids are reducing in size as the pressure I've been feeling in a couple of places is now much less... but still there somewhat. Plus, 99% reduction in heart palpatations - and they were bad ones, very scarey.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Lyn (saint clair, missouri) on 06/25/2007

I have uterian fibroids. One is particularly large and puts pressure on my bladder. We all know what the doctors want to do but I really don't want the surgery. Praise God I found this website and today June 25, 2007 I'm starting to take black strap molasses. I know this is going to work. I will keep you all updated. I'm also anemic from all of the bleeding. So I'm sure that will change here in the near future also. Praise to God!

Replied by May
(Kampala, Uganda)

Hello, I would like to know how Renee from El Dorado, Kansas is fairing, I have similar problem like hers and would like to know whether BSM shrunk her fibroids. Thx

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Susan (Ripley, WV) on 06/21/2007

I've been taking black strap Molasses for about 6 months. One thing it's done for me is my fingernails grows fast. I never had pretty nails before now I can grow them. It has to be the Molasses. Still waiting for the fibroid tumors to go, having faith they will. I've taken apple cider vineger for 40 years. It's how I keep my weight down. I'm glad we have this website to check out. I've also used Cayenne Pepper daily for about 3 years. Something is keeping me healthy, so I'll keep doing it. Thanks to all of you that take time to post. age 72, feel like 40

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by annette (humble, texas) on 06/07/2007

i tried blackstrap molasses for two months. i don't have a period so i don't know if anything was coming out in my cycle. i don' t feel any different. stomach is still large . i am through taking it, there is no way to know if it work or not. i am looking for other natural cures.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Renee (El Dorado, Kansas) on 06/07/2007

re: Molasses for Fibroids... My last period was 18 days of intense bleeding. I was so wiped out and worried about what was happening to me. I could feel a small knot/buldge on one side of my abdomen and figured it was a fibroid. Found this site about 2 weeks ago and have been taking dark, unsoldered Molasses ever since. Will get BSM next time I go to a larger town. This period is 3 days now, very light and cramping only one day. I've not had a period this easy on me since going off birth control 8 years ago. I'm impressed and thank the creator(s) and contributors of this site. I think you've saved my parts. Me Happy.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mimmer (LONDON, ENGLAND) on 06/04/2007

Hi all, I was chatting with a lady at work who suggested BSM and ACV [apple cider vinegar]. For a year I have suffered with constipation, bad back and general tighness of muscles in the neck area. For 20 yrs i have had trouble with fibroids (had surgery but too multiple to remove all). On 26-5-07, I bought BSM and ACV. I took it right away, doses-2 large spoons of BSM in warm water, followed by 3 tablespoons of ACV in warm water. I done this morning b4 breakfast and last thing at night. The second day on it I had a very easy bowel movement and have done everyday since. My constipation is now a thing of the past. My back (which I had to get medication from the doctors for-didnt help) was cured during the week, along with the muscle ache. I sleep deeper and dont seem to eat as much. I totally know that this 'tonic' as I like to call it will clear my fibriods eventually. I also want to see after 3months how i do as I want to give it to my Auntie for her Arthritis. I thank you all for posting your experiences as this has given me constant strength and encouragement. I look forward to this journey and please if you are having or have had VICTORY over fibriods with 'The Tonic' then please post so I can read it. I am a big beliver in foods for healing and this sure is a testament to God's produce. smiles

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by E (Northamptonshire, United Kingdom) on 06/03/2007

Dear Sir, My recent scan shows I have uterine fibroids, biggest size: 5x3/4cms in the anterior wall of the uterus and four multiple fibroids - size 4cms each, also have one cyst, size: 2 inches on the left ovary. I am 47 years of age this June and weigh 45 kgs. I had been having fibroids since 1998 and experiencing heavy bleeding One fortunate day I happened to discover your website and I read all the positive benefits of BS Molasses. I immediately went to the nearest health store and started having 1 tbps of BSM first thing in the morning and 1 tbps of BSM before going to bed. I have started this routine since Feb. 15th of this year. The first benefit I had from BSM was it relieved my canker sores which I have been suffering ever since childhood, secondly it relieved me from acidity. My periods which used to come with a heavy force of bloodspray on the first day, became gentle, scanty with very few blood clots. I had my periods on the 3rd of March and it ended on the 6th of March. I felt I had found a remedy to my lifelong problem at last! I live in the UK and travelled to Spain on the 22nd of March Then again on 28th of March I again started mensurating and it lasted me until 11th of April, which was heavy and few blood clots but the duration was 14 days!! I had to travel again to India on the 21st of April and I did not have my periods until 27th of May and it was one of the most bizarre periods I have ever had. I had huge dark red blood clots in my bleeding and it is one of the worst periods I have ever experienced. I still continue to have and do not know when it will stop!! Furthermore I have also noticed that when I am bleeding I feel extremely drained, weak and get painful patches all over my head. Please could you analyse my situation? Would be much grateful if you could advise me on my situation. Thanking you

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Vickie (Ontario, Canada) on 05/29/2007


I have done extensive research on fibroids and their cures from several sources (books, internet, etc). I learned that cow's milk is not at all good for those with uterine fibroids. I know some of you said in order to get molasses down you mix it with warm milk. This may be alright for those of you who do not have fibroids but for the others who do have fibroids, please do not mix it with cow's milk. You may use almond milk or rice milk. What I personally do is mix it with plain warm water and some apple cidar vinegar. Now I do realize that, for some of us, this may still be hard to get down, if so, go for the almond or rice milk concoction.The molasses is good stuff so people please take it religiously! Good luck. V

Replied by Kate
(George, South Africa)

I gave up milk completely for 3 months and avoided dairy besides odd bit of organic cheese and plain yoghurt and it made absolutely no difference. I believe it has more to do with A. WHAT milk you consume, and B. your personal make up/dna..are you lactose tolerant and what's your blood type..the best is raw whole farm milk that goes for taste too.. if you want to blame your fibroids on toxins they're the ones created by MAN not nature

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Gloria (Ghana, Accra) on 04/18/2007

I was just about to seek medical help for fibroids when I read about the molasses treatment on Earth Clinic and tried it. The bleeding between periods has stopped and I am still taking the Molasses treatment and keeping my fingers crossed and praying for a total cure. I have always had a binge on ice cubes and was surprised to read that some women who have fibroids also have the ice cube habit. Is there a logical medical explanation for this?

Replied by Winston
(New York, Ny, Usa)

The cause of ice binging among women with fibroids is due to anemia. Anemia is caused from the blood loss induced by fibroids. If you have symptoms like weakness, fatigue, paleness, ice binging, shortness of breath or slight burning in the chest upon exertion, etc. Then you must see your doctor for a bloodtest. They can prescribe a high-iron supplement. Be sure to get the right kind as not all iron is equally bio-available. The way iron is prescribed can also be confusing: e. G. 200 mg of Ferrous Sulfate = 65 mg of elemental iron. Be sure you know what your doctor means with the amounts and types they prescribe. A good pharmacist can also help you decipher your doctor's intention.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by SHARON (LAKE CHARLES, LOUISIANA) on 03/21/2007

