Natural Remedies

Top 10 Natural Remedies for Flu

General Feedback
Posted by Reinhold (Gatineau/ Aylmer, Qc,canada ) on 07/21/2011

I live in Aylmer. My mother (in Germany) always made Holunderbeerensuppe, what they called a soup made with them to clean the blood, for general health. I still have the original Kneipp Handbook, take ice cold baths all year round, garden outdoors a lot without much clothes on, and barefoot, Yoga, Acupuncture, eat mostly raw food and fruits, (right now I love mangoes) and apple juice, make my own apple/grape vinegar & vine, yoghurt. I never get/got colds or influenca or throat, for many, many years now.

Vitamins, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Katherine C (Newaygo, Us) on 04/13/2011


I am so very very thankful for you, I have influenza I was in the ER Sunday night- could not breathe they did take a chest xray and said my lungs looked good other then the blotch on the right lung from the influenza. They tested my blood to make sure of no clots and they gave me oxygen while there and vicodin to take home. However they could not give me anything else because it had already been 5 days. I was taking an antibiotic I had in my cupboard it is for upper respitory and also phemonia, big mistake as it did not help. As I know something that is viral can't be helped by antibiotics. I have been taking at least 8 vitamin D3's well I started that yesterday, boiled some water with ACV in it yesterday and inhaled it into my lungs, and then I also drank some ACV in tepid water. I also been doing Mega vitamin C (well it is called ermergenC) 1000 mg in one glass.

Needless to say I am feeling much better and I have you to thank I wish I could hug you seriously. I felt as though I was dieing, I do not think even my family realizes how serious respitory influenza really is. The only thing is I keep getting the reoccurring headaches I mean I been taking advil for it and wearing sunglasses as the sun or bright lightes make that worse. Gosh I am 38 yrs old and I have never had something that has made me so ill in all my life. If you have any suggestions for the headaches please let me know. And again I thank you so much for caring enough about the human race that you would share the knowledge you have with others to heal from this man-made virus. Hugs from Michigan...

Thank you, Erin

Posted by Kesha C. (Richmond, Va) on 01/19/2011

Okay..... I tried cayenne and it works for the flu. I wasn't feeling well yesterday almost as if I was coming down with the flu. My ears where achy as well as other parts of my body. I bought some Cayenne Pepper and sprinkled about 1/2 tablespoon in about 6oz of hot Water. I gargled some and drank some. I also bought some soup and sprinkled about a 1/4 tsp of Cayene Pepper in the soup. I instantly felt better. Thank you guys for the tips.

Vitamin C and Vitamin E
Posted by Sushilvr (Gainesville, Fl) on 01/13/2011

You might want to try this remedy; take 3000 mg of Vitamin C along with one 400 I. U. softgel of Vitamin E.

I'm an R.N. And had not heard of this before until a friend of mine in healthcare mentioned a couple of years ago. Apparently Vitamin E has a synergistic effect on Vitamin C. 3000 mg of Vitamin might sound like a lot; but remember C is water soluble, so what your body doesn't use, you'll pee the rest out. Granted Vitamin E is not water soluble, but I only take this concoction when I begin to feel sick. I'll take it as soon as the symptoms begin, then when I go to bed, when I wake up the next morning, and usually one more dose several hours later. I typically don't need to take it more than that as my symptoms disappear and whatever it was that was starting never culminated into a cold or anything else. You can buy Vitamin C where each tablet is 1000 mg; so you only need to take three of them. They're large and granted Vitamin C is kind of bitter, even if they're flavored tablets and the larger ones tend to be more expensive; but I prefer to do that as opposed to taking several of the smaller ones that are a smaller dose per tablet.

Anyone I've mentioned this to by the way, has eventually gotten back with me telling me that this worked for them.

I've only recently returned to nursing full-time as I had been a FT CSI while working PT as an R.N. For 13 years... So I'm still in the process of building up my immunity level. Most people in healthcare, after working full-time for 6 months, will have never been sicker those first 6 months, and then suddenly, it seems you just don't get anything. In the meantime, I'll stick with C & E regimen. It's worked every time without fail so there has to be something to it. I've been using it for about two years now since my friend told me about it.

Thanks for reading, and I hope this works for anyone else who may try it.

Garlic, Onion, Horseradish, Cayenne, Ginger
Posted by Naturalhealer (Brooklyn, Us) on 11/20/2010

The following is a cure and even prevents the flu and colds:
Blend equal parts of: garlic, onion, horseradish, hot pepper (cayenne), and ginger. Soak it in apple cider vinegar (best when soaked for at least 2 weeks) and strain. Take a tsp of this mixure (somewhere there is a guarantee that by using an ounce you will be cured within 48 hrs) every 2 hours. I have treated the flu OVERNIGHT with this, and constantly see the cold virus dealt with easily with this. While the Western medical community says there is no cure for these viruses, I beg to differ. YB, PA-S

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Joan (Fresh Meadows, New York ) on 10/23/2010

Just found your site searching about combining ACV and H202 and found out that was not a good combination. Also found all the testimonials about the benefits of ACV and the flu. Very excited, going to try that immediately.

Here's one for you. I have the flu. Been fighting with it for a week because I have not been eating correctly. I found that putting just ONE or TWO drops of food grade 3% H202 in a half glass of water and sipping it when I start to cough or get congested immediately clears up my head, takes away the sore throat, and gives me an hour of peace. Just like you said, it works for about an hour! Just one drop works! Amazing! Had to share that. Experimenting with H202. Even just a drop... Now I will try the ACV each day and see how that works. Love your site. Be very blessed. Joan

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 03/04/2010 391 posts

The One Hour Flu Cure.

Is it really possible to cure flu in one hour? Yes, but it's usually less than an hour. Not that I wanted it to but as a necessity. One case told me (one of my students) had only one aspirin. The other case is the owner of LPG gas, whose store had to close due to 5 p.m. closing time and didn't want the employees to go home with a bad flu (two of them in fact) and the fact that she hates the idea of taking aspirin more than one.

So the remedies, assuming you have them, is in a full glass of water, aspirin is dissolved, added with 4 drops of 0.1% methylene blue and 8 drops of concentrated Hydrochloric acid. 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt is option to stop the mucus that sometimes occur. Lysine 1000 mg is optional, although lysine is a rare commodity here in Bangkok. It will go stop the flu in less than an hour.

There's just one catch: make sure you wash your hands before eating food and clean the enviroment otherwise you will catch it again the next day or two, and obviously avoid picking nose, a bad habit my students have and recaught the flu 2 more times, before he stopped that habit and never had a flu since.

In case some people are low on aspirin, and by chance happen to have methylene blue 0.1% and hydrochloric acid, this remedy would work. How it works is relatively simple. The methylene blue raise the energy level it works on the same principle of caffeine in a strong black coffee is used instead, and this can be mixed with the aspirin. In case hydrochloric acid isn't sitting around, I think plain distilled vinegar say 2 tablespoons with lemon juice one tablespoon is mixed can be substituted to have a similar effect as the one hour flu cure.

It is important to wash the hands after flu is gone. I prefer to wash my hands in vinegar, or a very weak solution of hydrochloric acid such as 10 drops per glass as antiseptic solution, as virus in general do not die in alcohol gel and other alcohol antiseptic. They also resist fairly well with most chlorine antiseptic solution, but they do not survive well in vinegar, hydrogen peroxide solutions in general. The hydrogen peroxide antiseptic solution should preferably be about 1% concentration when using as hand wash or general cleaning the area to avoid reinfection. Of course if a person were to get necrotising fasciitis, the preferred remedy is not this one, they don't survive well in betadine iodine solution mixed with other chlorine washes.

Posted by Susan (Minneola, Fl) on 02/05/2010

hi Earth clinic, ive been reading your cures for years . My Son is a cancer survior. He came down with a flu or virus and had a high fever all week . It was very scary. First I found the egg white to bring the fever down and that helped a litte bit besides the great laugh we had helped too. Well the fever was spiking again today and i was very worried. Went on here and found the asprin help for flu. I followed it exactly as I read it and after the first dose he got up and was playing. went from 102.7 to 101.5 in the first hour after the third treatment he went down to 98.7 much to our great joy. Ive been taking his temp all week and use many natural therapies. This was the miracle breakthough we needed. This is the first time i am writing in because i am so very grateful for all the other people who have written here.I would like to start to contribute more often as I have learned so very much here and through reading alot of books. God bless this work and Thank you everyone who contributes.

Baking Soda
Posted by Kathleen (Chicago, Illinois) on 12/30/2009

I wanted to share with you a remarkable family story of healing. My mother was born in Arkansas in 1920, two years after the frightening 1918 flu pandemic, but my aforesaid Irish grandmother had four young boys at the time. The story goes that the local doctor was able to treat and cure every patient with baking soda! Not a single patient of his died! I assume he administered it in water. I think that's really something; we're still talking about it 90 years later! Would that help today with the flu? I don't know, but unless there was a reason not to give it to young children, I'd sure try it.

I have to go now and read more of your site! Thank all of you! Happy and Healthy New Year!

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Rjforshort (Dover, Oh, United States) on 12/23/2009

Grapefruit seed extract cured the flu

I felt the flu coming on pretty bad on Saturday around 2pm. I knew I needed to take something right away to catch it quickly. I took 15 drops of GSE in 4 oz of orange juice that evening. By then I had a fever and diarrhea. 1/2 hour later I took about 1 tsp. of ACV in 8oz h2o and went to bed at 8pm. I woke up at 2am and 8 with diarrhea, when I woke up at 2pm felt much better! Took another 15 drops GSE in 4 oz OJ and more ACV in h2o. Was symptom free from that time on! Took another round of GSE next morning to be safe!

Aspirin, Vitamin C
Posted by Diane (Oliver, Pa) on 12/04/2009

I agree with posts about Ted's Aspirin and Vitamin C for flu symptoms.

My husband used it twice when he was attacked by flu symptoms, along with the Lysine that Ted recommended. He didn't follow the instructions that Ted gave correctly, but it did work.

He took 1-1000mg Vitamin C, 1-325mg Aspirin, 1-500mg Lysine, AS SOON AS he felt flu symptoms.

The first time, he didn't need to repeat the dose. The second time it happened, (Several weeks later) he had to take these a second time and it worked like a miracle.

Aspirin, Vitamin C
Posted by David (Huntington Beach, Ca) on 12/03/2009

I'm a Chiropractor in Southern Cal, and want to thank you for this treatment. I have had the chance to use it on about 5 individuals myself and have passed it on to others.

For my family, it has worked like a miracle! A couple of times I have used it when the symptoms first start and it stops it cold!

On two occasions, I had my adult kids (in 20s) come home with terrible body aches, headache and fever. I got them started with aspirin and vitamin C. After the first hour they start doing much better. By the time I hit the 4th dose, its like a miracle.

Be on your guard, because this flu with come back a few times, but the aspirin and vitamin C will get rid of it each time. (325-650 mg aspirin depending on body wt, and 500-1000mg Vitamin C).

I made up a kit of aspirin and vitamin C as well as D3 and put it in a zip-lock bag along with instructions and send it off with my kids if the are off at school or out of town.

The quicker you jump on this treatment, the quicker and better results you will have. If you wait until the fever is full blown, you have a huge viral load to knock down,but it will do it. Be on guard with family and friends and try and start the treatment as soon as it becomes apparent they are getting sick.

God bless Ted and Earth Clinic for your really wonderful help offered the world...you have really made a difference for so many people!

Baking Soda
Posted by Earth Clinic on 12/02/2009

Recommended dosages from the Arm and Hammer Company for colds and influenza back in 1925 were:

During the first day take six doses of half teaspoonful of Arm & Hammer Bicarbonate of Soda in a glass of cool water, at about two-hour intervals.

During the second day take four doses of half teaspoonful of Arm and Hammer Bicarbonate of Soda in a glass of cool water, at the same intervals.

During the third day take two doses of half teaspoonful of Arm and Hammer Bicarbonate of Soda in a glass of cool water morning and evening, and thereafter half teaspoonful in a glass of cool water each morning until cold is cured...

Vitamin D
Posted by Austin (New Bern, Nc) on 11/20/2009

The reason the flu is so rampant during winter is because people tend to stay inside where it's warm! As the flu virus is everywhere, like those commercials which tell us there are over a million types of bacteria in our bathrooms, we are not always sick. The reason is the sun causes our body to create a special Vitamin D which comes from the UV-B rays and this Vitamin D actually seeks to destroy viruses.

The type of vitamin D which can fight viruses can ONLY be made from natural sunlight. It is known as D3, which is made from sunlight when 7-dehydrocholesterol in our skin reacts with UVB light.

Please search youtube.com with such keywords as "sunlight for vitamin d".

Vitamin D
Posted by Martha (Orange, Texas) on 11/08/2009

Flu and Vit. D

Tuesday I woke up with a light fever, chills, sore throat and a cough, I decided to stay and bed and fight with some natural stuff. It hasn't been too long ago that I read about Vit D helping with the FLU so I decided to experiment. I had about a half small bottle of 1000iu's of Vit D3 so I started taking them 1 - every hour. I ran out after about 10 I think. I didn't count them, but anyway. Sometime Wed my fever broke, Thurs, I could tell I was on the mend and by Friday I had my energy back. This was the fastest I have every gotten over the Flu and without taking anything other than the Vit. D3. I recommend you all try it. If I were to have had a full bottle I would have taken the same amount the 2nd day too. At least 5,000 iu's I think would do it.
