Firstly, your site is amazing!!! Thanks.
I cured my bleeding gum problem of many years by using turmeric powder as a toothpaste. I would first brush my teeth normally with toothpaste and then wash out and then my next round of brushing I use tumeric powder and apply it to the brush and start brushing away. The turmeric kills of any bacteria that lives in the gums which cause the bleeding and its great for your mouth as a whole. Whenever I used to ask my dentist how to cure my bleeding gums he would just tell me to come into his surgery for a scale and clean for the teeth which costs almost $200 australian dollars. I ignored it and it struck me that turmeric is a great anti-bacterial so that should fix my problem. I now brush this daily and my gums have never bled since, and it costs just a few dollars. Be warned, turmeric stains yellow and although this HARDLY ever affects the color of your teeth but if you want to be super sure then finish the last round of brushing using pure baking soda, this will remove any small turmeric leftover, keep your mouth in an alkeline state and super brighten your teeth!
Best of luck!
What I did:
After first brushing and flossing, I took a toothbrush (don't use the expensive kind that you use on an electric toothbrush because it will stain yellow after the first use) and dipped it in turmeric. I brushed my teeth and gums vigorously, adding as much turmeric as possible 2-3 times to the toothbrush. After brushing with turmeric, I rinsed out my mouth well and then swished (as in oil pulled) more turmeric in water for a good 2-3 minutes. I am very curious now to see what would happen if I added turmeric to my oil pulling regime. It does not stain the teeth, but you might need to be careful with crowns or dentures. My teeth do look remarkably whiter for some bizarre reason after brushing with the turmeric. My mouth feels oh so fresh, I may start to forgo the toothpaste and just brush with tumeric. Ra ra ra TURMERIC!!!
At once, I thought of using turmeric. I mixed turmeric spice with water and dabbed it on my flare spots. I had to scrub hard to remove it next day as it stains the skin, but 3 days later, my flare spots were gone. I take 1 teaspoon of turmeric in water each day, internally.
Then, I had to have a dental procedure where they had to do a lot of digging around in the gum to install a temporary crown. I was told my gums would feel sore and to take some ibuprofen. Instead, I swirled turmeric in my mouth after brushing my teeth, letting it reach all my gums, then swallowed it. I did this every night for the next 3 weeks. I had no gum pain at all and when I returned to have the crown installed, the dentist was amazed at how healthy my gums were. I told him I'd used turmeric.
Warning---turmeric stains white cloth and clothing, and it will probably stain artificial dental implants and dentures. But if you have all your teeth and want something extra for healthy gums, turmeric is amazing stuff. Warning..it may constipate in considerable dosages so if you have to use a lot of it, increase both fluid and fiber intake.