Effective Natural Remedies for H. Pylori: Herbal and Dietary Solutions

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jaki (Small Town, NM) on 08/07/2007

I have been using coconut oil for several weeks, initially for weight loss. A few years ago, I heard of using it as a remedy for so many things, but when I tried it, my face broke out, so I stopped using it. I quit smoking (YAY!) almost 4 months ago, and not only gained weight but was told by a doctor that my distended belly was the result of h.pylori bacteria. I can't believe I aquiessed, but took the prescription for double dose antibiotics I was given. I have rarely taken any antibiotics, and don't like them at all. They caused a Candida imbalance, and a return of intestinal parasites. Then I came across a jar of organic VCO in my fridge, and figured it was worth a try. Amazing results; my energy level rose immediately, my belly started disappearing after a week, and I seem to crave "good" food, while being relatively uninterested in unhealthy food. An unexpected benefit was how clear my sinuses became; even 2 months after stopping smoking, my head and ears were stopped up. I am now experiencing some minor break out on my face, but am beginning to suspect this is a cleansing reaction from candida die-off, parasite die off and tobacco cessation. I think it is important that the VCO be ORGANIC. Thanks for the site!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sue (U.s.a.) on 10/30/2017

It worked!! Just got a call from the regular medical doctors office. Did the test last week and it came back negative for H Pylori! This remedy works and I would highly recommend it. Thank you Dave for submitting this remedy. Am allergic to antibiotics and was at wits end as to what to do.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Kaya (London, Uk) on 08/02/2009

To totally eradicate H. Pyroli and kill it off within a month - take a dessert spooonful of Manuka Honey UMF 10+ or higher (it goes up to 20+) before meals 3 times and and a spoonful before you go to bed at night. This honey (made from Bees in NZ who feed on the tea tree bushes) has antibacterial, antibiotic, antifungal, antiinflamatory properties and can cure most stomach problems such as Barrets oesephogus, gastritus and stomach ulcers. It can also be used on bed sores and mrsa wounds. Look it up on the internet to see how it has worked for lots other people. Hospitals in UK and Australia are using it to cure MRSA wounds and ulcers on legs, etc. Good Luck!

Posted by Dougdesignsit4u (Chicago, Illinois) on 11/07/2012

The natural cure for h pylori infection is cayenne pepper capsules between 500-1000 mg a day usually one or two capsules for 30 days and the cayenne needs to have a heat value of 90,000 btu's or greater. Works every time!

Matula Tea
Posted by Walter (Fort Lauderdale, USA) on 02/27/2008

I have been suffering with very badly with H.pylori for at least the last 5 years. I had 10 treatents of antibiotics during this time without any success. Everytime I had the breath test it came back positive. I was getting so desperate about my health and even changed my Doctors several times after they all started to tell me that it was because I was panicking so much that I wasn't getting better. I finally searched the internet and found Matula Tea. I am pleased to tell you that Matula has proved to be a real winner and it has given me back my health again. A month after I completed the treatment I did the H.pylori stool antigen test and it came back negative. I was so happy I couldn't believe it. So much so for the antibiotics and other drugs that simply didn't work. I feel duty bound to let other people know about Matula Tea and how it has worked for me. ' What I found great about Matula Tea is that I didn't suffer any side effects like I did with all the antibiotic treatments. I hope that all you people that are suffering just like I did will find my story beneficial to your future health.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Melissa (Homer, Alaska) on 09/10/2007

re: Update on oil of oregano -- Taking the oil of oregano has really helped. I felt wonderful for 2 days then felt like I had the flu for the next 2 days. (Headache, dizzy, muscle and bodyaches ect.).But I think it was things being killed off in my body and a release of all those toxic critters. I have also done some reading about tumeric and have been putting it on my food which I think helps too. I take 20 drops of oil of oregano 2x's a day in water. The brand Im taking is Oregano Spirits 'by Herb Pharm. I hope this helps because I was feeling like the Hpylori was killing me. I was miserable and had no energy at all. After the oregano Im feeling so much better and I have more energy. Maybe because my body doesn't have to fight the Hpylori as hard with the help of oregano. I could be wrong but that is what it seems like to me. Im just glad Im feeling better! I hope this helps.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bex58 (Wales, Uk) on 12/03/2016

Hi, I've had h pylori since childhood, for several years I have been severely affected suffering notable deficiency of b12 and blood iron levels amongst many other symptoms, I have managed to adjust my diet enough to improve and control symptoms well enough to carry out serious research.

I also noticed that when I eat Japanese umboshi plum it instantly makes me feel 'good' inside' my palate also changed quite immediatel. I looked this up and discovered that it is indeed powerful against h pylori.

After thorough research I have ordered ingredients for preparation including but not exclusive of propolis and mastic gum, as I have discovered knowledge to indicate them as being most efficient at eradicating h pylori, at 1 gram 3 times a day with a diet free of carbohydrates and processed foods, after min 2 weeks max 6 weeks for complete treatment.

For extra fool proof I shall include plum and colloidal silver which I have found to help. Also I shall be constructing to teas to help detox liver and kidneys to aid elimination of toxins and reduce die off symptoms and discomfort.

I shall return with updates on recipes and how they work for me, along with any side effects I find in my observations.

Posted by Lee (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 12/06/2011

Yes, thank you all you guys for sharing this truth that broccoli really cures H Pylori without any surgeries performed! My daugther of 14 years old was suffering from severe H P for 7 days. All medicine didn't cure it. Almost gave up. Then she tried your broccoli method and it works almost instantly! While eating it, she felt the pain just gone almost instantly! After eating the broccoli for the rest of the day, she was cured within that day itself!!!! Our entire family have been eating more broccoli since then to kill all bacteria in the stomach and body. Now even scientists say broccoli can cure cancer, not just prevent it. So guys, please eat more broccoli.


Apple Cider Vinegar, Aloe Vera, Lemon Water
Posted by Kinyata (Chicago, Illinois) on 05/15/2009

Apple Cider Vinegar WORKS! I have suffered from constipation,weight loss, cramping and bloating for about 5 years. Recently I had some lab work done and discovered that I have h.pylori. The doctor immediately prescribed me antibiotics. I have never been a pill popper,so I investigated other natural remedies thanks to my chemistry professor. He suggested ACV 2tbsp. before bed, 2 ozs. of aloe vera juice throughout the day & fresh warm lemon water in the am. After 1 day I saw the change in my bowel movements and my over all well being. I have noticed that I have shed 3lbs, but i know that was most of the toxins and impurities. I feel alot better overall. This is an amazing informative website.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Roseann (Coral Springs, FL) on 04/06/2009

Can't seem to kill H-Pylori... I tried the Matula tea and it did nothing. I re-tested and it was still positive, had a very hard time getting my money back. I tried the Mastic Gum, Broccoli sprouts, Cayene Peper. Nothing has helped and I refuse to take those antiboitics, they make me sick. There has to be something out there that helps. I take pro-biotics, cinnamon, ginger. I am at a loss, even tried cranberries. I don't understand why they can't find something else to cure this stubborn bug.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Cayenne
Posted by Adil (New York, USA) on 07/16/2008

I've been diagnosed with H.Pylori a while ago and refused to see the doctor after one round of unhelpful antibiotics. My stomach would sometimes bleed a little. I could detect it from my saliva and stools. But it wasn't a big deal. Last week, I was trying to finish my dissertation and was really stressed. My stomach started bleeding constantly so I figured it probably turned into an ulcer, though I don't know the exact diagnosis. I started using ACV+baking soda (which had cured my acid reflux and stomach problems previously for 8 months but had then stopped working) along with Cayenne Pepper. I mix all of them in a bit of water and take it on an empty stomach. Within a day or two my bleeding stopped and I generally feel an increased sense of well-being. Thank you EC, and thank God for natural remedies.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Ross (Hawke's Bay, NZ) on 07/11/2021

If the throat infection is Helicobacter Pylori, a very slow growing tough dual skinned bacteria with a tail, then the Manuka Honey would do the job.

But you need to buy Manuka Honey with a MGO rating (Methyglyoxal) rating of at least 80. The MGO rating is calculated when building the batch. Manuka Honey is made in hives put into the bush by helicopters amongst Manuka scrub.

If you get Acid Reflux, this is an indicator that you will be infected with H. Pylori.

Put a teaspoon of the Manuka Honey in your mouth under your tongue each day for 7 days. It will mix with the mucous in your mouth and spread. I would not take Manuka Honey long term after reading Metabolical by Dr Robert Lustig. Methyglyoxal is a result of Fructose processing in the body - he talks about the Maillard Reaction.

But Helicobacter Pylori is a tough bacteria. It can survive in Hydrochloric acid in the stomach and because it exists on the 'skin', antibiotics have trouble getting to it. Helicobacter Pylori is known for being able to infect the mouth, nose, sinuses, oesophagus all the way down to the stomach. It has trouble surviving in the intestines because other bacteria eat it.

When fixing stomach ulcers (caused by H. Pylori) with the Manuka Honey, I found it also cleared infections in my lungs causing Sleep Apnea and my Hay Fever faded away the next spring.

Good Luck.

Posted by Miles (Janesville, Wisconsin) on 06/06/2011

ive been battleing pylori for along time and ive been ill for many years. I have ulcers for many years and I couldnt even function, but now im rebuilding my stomach. First you need to get rid of the pylori and parasites, yes parasites.

Im married to a latin fellow, and ive been sick most of our marriage. I tried one herb to take out the parasites first. The name is epazote, tribal people from the rainforest and people in mexico use it to take out parasites, of every kind. Ive never felt better, once I took the plant which is sold in any mexican grocery strore, I made a tea, but only drink 1 quarter cup in the morning on an empty stomach for 3 days and on the fourth day they will die and exit in your feces, do again in 2 weeks to get any eggs that are left, you must do it a second time.

Then I took probiotics to put the good bacteria back and changed my diet, I also drink apple cider vinager in a glass of water before bed, I was amazed all acne is gone and my skin is soft as a babys bottem, now its time to heal it, im about to drink the cabbage juice, what I have is sort of a leaky gut syndrome, that is caused by to much over the counter pain aids and it wore the stomach lining down and thats when the stomach lining was damaged, then that gives the parasites and pylori the greenlight to take over, I was to the point where the toxins went into my blood stream and caused alot of pain and sickness, do not exceed 1 fourth cup of epazote tea a day for 3 days and make sure you do it a second time. This is the only way to really rid yourself of this nasty sickness, I also eat enzymes with every meal. goodluck my life made a total turn around.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Summerjoy (North Las Vegas, Nv, Usa) on 02/25/2013

Am I understanding you right? Organic Virgin Coconut Oil will get rid of H-Pylori? How long do you have to take it to be cured? Did you have a test done afterward to make sure the bacteria was gone?

Mastic Gum
Posted by Nina (Hawaii) on 07/14/2020

Mastic gum 350 mg a day will heal you in 14 days from H. Pylori.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Karen (Calgary) on 03/16/2014

I just wanted to get you to search manuka honey and how it beats heliobacter pylori every time!! Please do that. I am certain it will help. Good luck.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Art (California ) on 03/09/2016 2154 posts

I have taken one quart of colloidal silver nanoparticles everyday for a month as a self experiment with no apparent adverse effects, but there are many products on the market of varying or unknown quality so it is hard to know what you are buying and I would never recommend anyone take as much as I did. It was just my self experiment.

I would never take that quantity of any other forms of silver like ionic silver.


Posted by Linda (Memphis, Tn) on 08/08/2010

For H. Pylori broccoli juice cured my daughter. She went to the hospital about 3 times in one month. She could not keep anything down. I took a stalk of broccoli to her on her sick bed. She felt great within 10 minutes. She has been better since.

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