Effective Natural Remedies for H. Pylori: Herbal and Dietary Solutions

D-Mannose, Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Posted by Max (Los Angeles, CA) on 11/21/2008

Hi Guys,

I have gotten relief from d-mannose, particularly for the cramping. For me, the cramping stops immediately. And Omega 3 Fatty Acids seem to be very beneficial in a general sense.

Here's something I just found on-line and decided to come back here to let everyone know in case you're interested.

From cancertutor.com, a very reliable website:

Ellagic acid is anti-bacterial, [it] destroys the H. pylori bacteria responsible for stomach ulcers. Ellagic acid is a naturally occurring polyphenolic constituent found in 46 different fruits and nuts, like grapes, pomegranate, red raspberry, strawberry, blueberry and walnuts.

This non-profit site: http://www.cancertutor.com/Cancer/EllagicAcid.html discusses ellagic acid and has links to other sites that discuss it. Linked vendors are identified as such, but tend to be reputable.

I'm going to try it and get back.

Max - Los Angeles

Avoid Pepto Bismol
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 391 posts

The distention will be helped with the bicarbonate remedy. The problem about the Pepto is the bismuth. It is a heavy metal. If fluid retention is causing problems alpha lipoic acid supplements and green tea (no sugar no milk) will reduce it too. Pomegranate fruits are also very diuretic, if I happen to take a couple of REAL fruits, not the juice, to reduce the water retention, in case there is one. H. Pylori may also reduced with tannin rich green tea too. Zinc gluoconate sometimes help kill the H. Pylori too, but only if they are chewed I believe.

Mastic Gum
Posted by MJC (East York, Ontario) on 11/14/2020

I had h pylori - mastica gum (is not a chewing gum) took 4 capsules before breakfast, lunch & supper and before bed.

I also took marshmallow, cats claw, slippery elm and dgl licorice 3 after each meal for 2 weeks.

Also bought edible clay - 1/4 cup with aloe vera with spring water -take away from other medications other it will bind and be no benefit to you. Take plenty of probiotics too. Take urea test when finished with h pylori. Take plenty of water & cranberry juice to get rid of hp in one's bladder.

Mastic Gum
Posted by Vonna (Phoenix ) on 01/01/2022

I wish this worked for me. I am what I consider a severe case. Bedridden for weeks. Have had to get IVs, for the dehydration due to the constant vomiting and not being able to eat and drink. I have tried so many things, this was one of them. Did not work for me.

Mastic Gum
Posted by BevilNC (NC) on 01/03/2022

I have a small ozone generator with a little bubble stone I can put on the tube and immerse in a glass of water. Got it on Amazon...did not cost much at all.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 09/18/2018

Dear Jessica,

The length of time that I have used natural antibiotics has varied greatly depending on the bacteria and how well the body is responding to treatment.

It seems that with H. Pylori, it can take a while. I would probably want to use turmeric for at least a month. Maybe the honey for just 2 weeks since it is pricey. You will probably be able to judge for yourself how you are responding and if you should continue longer.

~Mama to Many~

H2O2 and Turpentine
Posted by Wesley (Conway, Ar) on 07/03/2018

Hello Mark, Is there a certain type of Turpentine that you used? And Triple Strength Ginger Brew, do you have a recipe for your regular Ginger Brew? I'll triple the strength. Thanks

Posted by Dianek (Ga) on 03/16/2014

I take a probiotic w 66 billion of good bacteria that I order from swanson vitamins and it helped me a lot. I also have to change my diet and I try to eat ever 2 to 3 hours of small meals.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Steve (Las Vegas) on 10/18/2013

You can make colloidal silver with 3 9v batteries and a couple of strips of .9999 silver. Google it. If you want a machine that makes it automatically I haven't found anything that works better than the silver puppy CS generator.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Nick S. (Usa) on 11/08/2017

Hi I was curious what you used to treat H. Pylori. I know I have it and doctor gave me test while on antibiotics and PPI and probiotics and my breath test came back negative. I've had it in the past and I can tell from my stools by the way it looks and smells not to mention the way I feel.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sue (Usa) on 06/24/2020

I bought it from Amazon. Hopefully I don't jinx myself but almost three years and no return of the H Pylori from what I can tell from my health. I have not been tested again.

Silver Support Nano Natural Immune Support System (Gallon)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by M.A (Phoenix, AZ) on 04/16/2021

You can buy colloidal generators online for a decent price. I had a friend make mine for less than $50. YouTube has excellent videos on how to make your own. My friend made it by watching a YouTube video. I'm still learning how to make it. The color after it's made confuses me.

I have suffered h.pylori for almost a year. It caused me to lose weight drastically where my body was starving itself because everything I ate wasn't digesting. The first time I thought I cured it by taking black seed oil 2x's day with manuka honey (1 tsp each) for a week and my symptoms seemed gone but came back after a few days. Manuka honey was too expensive so I stopped that regimen. I thought I cured h.pylori (by accident) bc I was curing a parasite infection that I thought was causing my weight loss. I bought a black walnut, wormwood, and complex online. Tried it for 2 weeks and one week off and two weeks again (2 to 3 squeezes 3times a day). All my symptoms of h.pylori were gone except I still wasn't gaining weight. Then about 5 months later I got the symptoms of h.pylori again and got tested to confirm. This time I decided to go full war in this thing. I first started with the black walnut complex with a pinch of borax regimen for two weeks.. no change. so I add 15 drops of oregano oil to it. I only went up to 11 days bc I tested my urine and I saw something bilirubin showing on the strip so I stopped (a high dose of oregano oil can wreak havoc on your liver so you have to be careful) in water 3 times day first thing in the morning and waited half hour to drink my tea. In my tea I put 1 tsp black seed oil, 2k mg vitamin c powder, 1 tsp turmeric, pinch of black pepper, 1/4 tsp Himalayan salt, 1 tsp of local raw honey from a private hive, 1 tsp moringa powder (for nutrition) in warm water 2x's daily on empty stomach. I waited half hour and ate my regular anti-inflammatory diet with 1 cup of real cranberry juice twice daily. I started this on the 3rd week bc I still wasn't getting results and after the cranberry.i saw improvements within a day. So I continued with all my regimen and decided to add 2 tbs of fulvic acid to my cranberry juice. I'm very lucky bc I can buy it in N.Mexico not far from me, where it's the only place it comes from. Btw I stopped the h. Salt bc I was taking fulvic acid instead. I may go back to h. Salt layer down the road. Then a few days later I ate yogurt or kefir twice a day with 2 pills of Mastic gum, 2 pills of B-complex, 2 pills of probiotics plus 1/16 tsp of real aspirin powder and 1/16 tsp of lysine powder and a few drops of chlorophyll (for my RA) twice a day. I don't like pills so I just emptied the capsules and stirred them into my yougurt/kefir.

Within a few days my h.pylori symptoms were 90% gone. I then added 1/8tsp of powdered dgl in my blackwalnut, wormwood complex twice daily. To me, the dgl worked in one day. Before, I had a few days of gurgling and bloating a gas and feeling like I need to use bathroom. Withing a few hours of dgl (first dose) I had diareah and my stomach and stools have been fine since. I felt like my body and the h.pylori were battling and my body won. It's been about a week now and no more nausea, bloating, gas, burping, etc from h.pylori. I'm going to do this entire regimen for 2 to 3 months and then get tested.

Oh, I wanted to add, I take 1/8 tsp borax throughout the day either with my regimen or just with water. I also added ph water with my black walnut complex regimen about a week ago and I think that helped ( I test my urine first thing in am and it's 6.5 still trying into increase bt 7 to 8). So overall, I think what really worked for me quickly was the real cranberry juice twice daily, the mastic gum and the dgl. I'm still going to continue everything except the oregano oil. I'm taking milk thistle to heal my liver just in case I overworked it by taking such a high dose of oregano oil..I may go back to it on a few weeks to see how I feel. You know what's the weirdest of all this. The next day after my first dose of dgl, my body was so hungry (having h. pylori, I had little appetite) but my body craved so much food that I haven't had in over a year (pizza, lasagna, just heavy home cooked hot meals my body just wanted to eat and eat). I didn't give into it and stuck with my anitinflamnatory diet. Another thing, my joint pain from R arthritis is 95% gone! Not sure why but I'm finally sleeping moving around just being pain-free from suffering debilitating pain for almost a year! I think killing the bacteria may have stopped the gas that it was releasing which caused my joint pain? Not sure but I'm happy. Hope this helps. I'm still going to get tested in a few months and see if it worked. I also wanted to add that when I was losing weight drastically for 5 month, an ND suggested Himalayan salt 2 times daily to kill whatever was causing my drastic weight loss. I started 1/4 tsp in warm water twice daily and within a few days I started gaining weight. I went from 92 to 106 within 2 months. My weight has remained steady. This was after I thought I cured my h.pylori the first time. Even though I got it again, it has not effected my weight bc I tackled it immediately as I felt symptoms. I'm sorry this is so long. I just wanted to be specific and detailed so it might help someone else.

This is a horrible bacteria that can drain you physically and emotionally.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dsmom (Usa) on 07/05/2016

Where can I find Ted's advice? I have searched the internet with no luck. Thank you!

EC: Ted's suggestions for H. Pylori.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Rosie (Los Angeles ) on 01/07/2023

Hi, what food grade of H202 did you use? Thank you.

EC: That post was written in 2009 when people commonly used a few 35% food-grade peroxide drops in at least 8 oz of distilled water.

Dietary Changes
Posted by JR (Las Vegas, NV) on 07/17/2009

Here is what helped me with my H Pylori. I hope it helps others.

After being told I would have to live on antacids, I thought this is not the way to live.I noticed the food I ate was the culprit and caused great disomfort. I also noticed if I was stressed or tired, I also increased my stomach discomfort and pain. After a lot of trial and error, I found the best thing you can do is, eat a diet with a PH balance higher in Alakaline. A simple thing like and apple settled my stomach even in the middle of the night.I looked up which foods contain acids and which ones where alkaline. I bought a ph test paper at a local health store to determine what my PH level was. This test will determine if you are too acidic. If you are too acidic you will have have a low PH under 7.0. When the Ph balance is over 7.0 or higher you will notice your stomach pain is relieved. I have no stomach pain when mine is 7.5, but if it goes lower because of stress or the wrong food I eat.

My advice is to look up acidic and alkaline food groups, buy the ph test paper and hopefully you will see it will help your life too.


Dietary Changes
Posted by David (Chadron, Nebraska) on 04/04/2018

Respectfully, JR's last line is advice you're needing here now. Google "acidic alkaline food tables" and steer yourself away from acidic foods as much as you can. Broccoli sprouts are easy to grow (one of my routines for years) that may well help your H-Pylori along with regular green tea. Many aggregate fruits (berries) are also helpful. One key is keeping your body on the slightly alkaline side. Again, JR's bottom line of his post is key advice. Best to you, Mary.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Aloe Vera, Lemon Water
Posted by Chai (Bellevue ) on 03/28/2024

Thank you so much, this remedy worked for me! After a couple months of suffering my doctor ran two tests one was stool test for C.diff test and H pylori test both were negative. My naturopathic thinks tests are not always accurate. Since Mayo Clinic found 80% of initial diagnosis is INCORRECT it is possible test is wrong. I started trying different things and the Two Tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar before bed, Two ounces Aloe Vera juice throughout the day and drinking lemon water with pinch of salt worked great . I added one supplement which is sulforaphane it is basically broccoli sprouts concentrate this is a very POTENT against h.pylori. I bought one that had broccoli sprouts and mustard seed in it. I took a pill four times a day.

Keep Your pH Alkaline
Posted by Howaurayou (Las Vegas, NV) on 04/28/2009

If you have or are suffering from H pylori or just gastric stomach, go to any health food store and get PH paper. The paper dipped in your urine will let you know your PH level. If you are below 7.0, you will notice that is when your stomach will be at its worse. During these times, it is best to eat foods that are alkaline and not acidic. If you are like me, you will see there are foods that are acidic that you have been eating, and causing your stomach to feel even worse. If your body show a PH level below the norm of 7.0 eat foods like apples. When my stomach starts to feel this way one apple usually tones it down and even eliminates the pain and discomfort. It took me a few days of testing my PH levels and eating foods from the the Alakaline group. If you keep your food intake at 70% alkaline and 30 acidic, your PH will return to normal. I feel best when my PH is at 7.5. You may find you need it higher. The best place to look for an alkaline and acidic list of food groups, is to look it up on the internet. It will not cure your H Pylori, but it does make you feel like it is gone if you watch what you eat. Good luck and good health.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kate (Seattle, WA) on 02/15/2009


I have been diagnosed three times with H. pylori over the last eight years, and I am experiencing the symptoms of a fourth outbreak currently. I am reluctant at this point, however, to go back and get tested because the outcome is a fairly awful regimen of antibiotics and all sorts of other stuff. I do get tested afterwards and am negative, but I am wondering if I am just knocking the H. pylori down to a level that is below the threshold of detection. This regimen of medicines usually feels worse than the H. pylori symptoms, and help for awhile, but it always comes back. Does anyone else have this history of repeated outbreaks? I have also tried ACV or baking soda, because it seems like I have widely varying pH levels in my system, not just a basic or acidic system. I can usually tell which one I need- ACV when it feels like I am not digesting well, and baking soda when I have bad gas. I also reduce the amount of protein in my diet because I find it hard to digest, and as I get more symptomatic, I eat less and less in general and only mild stuff.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Art (California) on 09/29/2023 2154 posts


Here is a link to multiple suppliers of oregano in soft gels that makes it much easier to get oregano oil with much much less potential to taste it while taking it. You can smell it in the jar and with some products there may be a little taste, but nothing compared to essential oil drops :



Matula Tea
Posted by Tracy (Cape Town, South Africa) on 07/10/2007

re: Ulcers and h pylori (ailment) -- Matula Tea worked for me. Expensive but I am free from the pylori bug at last.

Posted by Shane (Detroit, MI) on 12/20/2022

Natural Factors - Gastro-Assist with Mastic Gum, Zinc, L-Carnosine & Chamomile, 60 capsules

Mastic Gum
Posted by Forge On! (Midwest Of Usa) on 01/06/2022

Hey ORH & Bevil......Thanks for that reminder. Got myself a simple generator on-line at Home Depot just recently. Forgot to mention it in my reply to Vonna. (some of my posts are under Sherri Lynn) I am just now getting started with drinking the ozonated water myself. Great stuff......Take Care

Mastic Gum, Probiotics
Posted by E (Illinois/US) on 04/10/2022

Thanks for your post…I was wondering what Probiotic did you use?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by LittleWing (Boston) on 02/16/2021

For me, EVC usually means extra virgin coconut oil. Although it's usually EVCO, maybe a typo?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Michele (Brandin ) on 03/17/2021

What is EVC?

EC: Probably Extra Virgin Coconut Oil.

Posted by Joy (Az) on 06/18/2015

Rosa In Clinton, N.C., Have your mother eat fresh pineapple for pain in stomach, or acid reflux. I was diagnosed with H Pylori (sure I have had it for many many years). It, pineapple is a life saver. Or dole juice in a can if you can't get fresh. Make a smoothie with 1 and 1/2 cups pineapple, 1 bananna, 1/2 c. plain greek yohgurt. drink before meals, It works.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil, Manuka Honey
Posted by Christine (Long Island ) on 05/18/2022

It's easier than you think....Have a cup of tea or glass of something with a little flavor ready...melt the oil down, put the spoon as far back towards the throat & quickly sip the tea. You will get used to it, and worth it! Good Luck & keep healing!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by M (PA) on 04/08/2021

Can you please specify details of aloe Vera? You are using commercial or homemade? I don't have accessibility to commercial as I live in Costa Rica and they sell large leaves everywhere here that I can make the juice myself. Can you say how much gel to water when creating the aloe juice for correct dosing? Thank you. Also I don't know how to make silver I read your brief description and I still do not know how to make my own colloidal silver. Could you please list details for how to make silver? I live in Costa Rica and they do not sell distilled water.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Raymonde (Canada) on 06/23/2021 3 posts

That sounds so nice but I'm confused with all you're taking.

I can't figure out how to start this and what not to eat.

Could you give me a good idea? I'm taking an oregano oil capsule 3x a day with food and black seed oil 3x a day after meals. It's only been 2 days. I have been taking mastic gum before meals to coat my esophagus.

I would enjoy some ideas. I'm 74 and have to eat every few hours or when I'm hungry cause if I eat too much I don't digest. Thank you for your support.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Tito (Saugus, Ma) on 12/22/2011

I tried the best Manuka Honey to help with H Pylori and it did not work for me. Suffering from stomach issues for 4 years now.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Aaron (Tennessee) on 03/09/2016

I was told taking more than 4 tablespoons of colloidal silver was dangerous. No truth to this?! Thanks. ;-)

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Edwina (France) on 11/27/2017

Thanks so much for this. I have decided to try it. What I find hard, and it seems so simple but what is “on an empty stomach”. I am waiting for 2 hours until I take collodial then wait 30 mins then I have say eaten my meal. Is that too soon? Sorry to ask a dumb question. Thanks

Posted by Connie (Horicon, Wi) on 08/08/2015

Curious where you bought the epazote leaves, since I live not far from you? I have tried a couple of parasite treatments and still suffer. Thanks, Connie

Dietary Changes
Posted by Mary (Ill) on 04/03/2018

Can you please tell me what kinda food to eat bec I think you're so right. I need help

Light Meals After 4pm
Posted by Judy (Woodford, NSW Australia) on 05/02/2009

I have suffered from h pylori and night time was the most terrible experience because I could not sleep with the constant irritation of my stomach. I have been taking lots of ginger, garlic, tumeric, cabbage juice, brocholi sprouts, plenty water, probiotics. I have to eat lightly and the most important thing is not to eat any heavy food at night or I won't get to sleep. I therefore eliminate all processed foods - have lots of raw veg salads and light fish. What I discovered eliminated the night discomfort for me was just having watermelon or light fruit after 4 pm - nothing hard to digest. It allows the stomach to heal overnight as the stomach does not have to pump out a lot of acid when you just eat fruit. I started sleeping better, pain went away and I woke up feeling refreshed. I now do not have symptoms. AT night the stomach does NOT want to be digesting heavy food. Sip on teas made from tumeric, ginger, liquorice. When you get enough rest your body will be able to fight the bug.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by JeanL (Temescal Valley, CA) on 09/14/2023

I'm on my third diagnosis... Iv tried so many things .... I'm at a loss... I feel better for a week or two and it just comes back... Iv tried oregano oil, garlic, black seed oil, Probiotics, ppi's, Mastic gum, pepto, omeprazol, turmeric, taurine, several of these in combination etc. My next try is Lactobacillus Plantarum 299v with an H2 blocker, aloe vera and maybe oregano oil again... we'll see :(

Pine Nut Oil
Posted by Lula (Snellville, GA) on 05/27/2009

yes, I have and it worked good

Matula Tea
Posted by Elsabe (Bethal) on 09/15/2016

Can someone please tell me where I can buy this tea in South Africa and what it wiill cost?

Mastic Gum
Posted by Forge On! (Midwest Of Usa) on 01/06/2022

Thanks, ORH! Appreciate that info. Did not know.

Love to hear from you

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Jessica.V (Oslo, Norway) on 09/10/2018

Hi! It was said by Ted that taking 1 teaspoon of curcumin plus cumin plus oregano spices x 8 times a day would kill H. Pylori. I want to try this. My question relates to the spices, as Ted said just 1/8 of each, but I am not sure if he meant to say we have to take them in oil form, or just as plain spices. Perhaps Deirdre Layne or someone else knows? I have been through the H. Pilory multiple-remedy pages on earth clinic, whereas people used up to 2 months to get rid of this stomach bacteria but this one about curcumin and spices seemed the most inexpensive and faster remedy. Thank you!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Jessica.v (Oslo, Norway) on 09/14/2018

Thank you Mama to Many for your reply and kindness. I would like to ask you if there is a remedy regarding H. Pylori that has worked for you or people you may know, in case you have better advise. Ideally something that did not take months before it killed H. Pylori. Greetings from Norway and thanks!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Jessica.v (Oslo, Norway) on 09/15/2018

Thank you! Last question :-) For how many days or weeks should the Manuka honey and turmeric (3x day) be taken?

Kindly, Jessica

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jannice (Lake Elsinore, CA) on 02/13/2021

What is EVC??

Manuka Honey
Posted by Bill (Tillsonburg, ON ) on 01/01/2023

How long did it take to eradicate the pylori, and did it permanently remove it?? Also I'm curious, did you have die-off detox symptoms? I've been taking half a tsp 3 times a day along with colloidal silver. I'm only 3 days into this routine and have actually been feeling worse, but I'm assuming that means that it's working?

Posted by Alan (Mexico) on 11/30/2013

The wonderful ginger root is the best againt h pylory.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil, Manuka Honey
Posted by Jayne Hurly (UK) on 03/16/2021

How do you take a spoon of coconut oil? I think it would make me sick!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Zandie (Mississippi) on 04/24/2018

What kind of aloe vera? A drink?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Alex (Usa) on 06/24/2020

How about the colloidal silver.. what brand did you buy??

Coconut Oil
Posted by Paul (Tanzania) on 06/15/2013

I have ulcers from h. Pylori. Can coconut oil heal it? How much to use and for what time?

Manuka Honey
Posted by Rebecca (Lititz, PA) on 04/28/2021

What grade of honey should I get?

Posted by Norma (Vancouver) on 10/31/2016


what kind of portion of broccoli should be eaten daily for H. Pylori, how often daily and for what length off time, thanks?

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 03/09/2016

Dear Art,

Wow! Thanks for sharing that! I am assuming you are making the colloidal silver yourself?

~Mama to Many~

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Justin (Mesa, Arizona ) on 05/12/2023

Is this person saying no sugar for the duration of the entire treatment or saying no sugar just while you're taking the colloidal silver dose?

Colloidal Silver
Posted by ecSpook (Spookin) on 05/12/2023

He's saying don't have anything in your stomach when you take the silver. Not even sugar. Don't eat or drink anything for a while after taking the silver, either. Not even sugar. That's what he means.

Allowing anything to mix with the silver has a tendency to reduce or eliminate the effect of the silver.

Posted by Barti (South Africa) on 02/04/2017

Can you tell me is this epazote is it a tea or is it in powder form. Which shops stock it as I have friends in El Paso who will be able to get it for me.

Posted by Nat (Germany) on 01/27/2022

Hi, I was wondering which epazote did you take, because there are 2 different, epazote de zorillo or the normal one you use to make quesadillas?

Pine Nut Oil
Posted by Pat (Leadville, CO) on 04/07/2008

Has anyone taken extra virgin pine nut oil for H pylori? If you have what were the results?

Avoid Pepto Bismol
Posted by Cheryl (USA) on 09/28/2007

Just finished reading a couple of posts regardingcuring H. Pylori....Very interesting. My husband has been suffering for over a year....antibiotics have done nothing. He too was told to add Pepto .....a word to aspirin sensitive folks. Don't do it....We were not aware at the time that Pepto contains so much sodium...about 15% we were told.Caused my husband to spend 48 hours of very painful bloated down time.....This after only 4 doses alongwith his prescribed drugs. I think at this pointwe will try small doses of bicarb of soda and some turmeric on some of his food....along with some of the other spices and see if he gets any relief. The distention of his abdomen and stomach along with the pain are the hardest for him....Very uncomfortable....

Oregano Oil
Posted by Anita (The Netherlands ) on 09/29/2023

Do you take that much drops of oregano oil in water? I can't take even 1 drop, I get really sick of It, can't stand the smell and taste.

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