Heart Disease
Natural Remedies

Heart Disease - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Heart Disease. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

5-Ingredient Heart Tonic

Posted by Bradleync (Lawndale, Nc) on 12/04/2018

Editor's Choice

I recently had a visit to the ER by the friendly EMS workers. Turns out I had a AFib attack and almost passed out. Lots of talk from the doctors about shocking me back into rhythm, nuclear stress tests, echo cardiograms, and whatever else they could add to the bill. I felt like a bag of money everyone wanted a piece of. Well, I didn't feel like being injected with radioactive dye, or being anesthetized and shocked! Who knows the short and long term effects of that. So, I started doing research. This lead me to the 5 mix and primarily this site as it has the most detailed recipe.

Today I went to Walmart and purchased a juicer for $49, and the ingredients to make a batch. I overbought as I have lots left over. The garlic juiced amazingly well, as did the ginger root. I juiced the whole lemon, peel and all. My 10 year old daughter helped break up the cloves of garlic. BTW, about 9 normal sized bulbs made 2/3 cup of garlic juice. I did not cook the mixture, added the honey directly to the juice, and flipped the bottle around for a couple of minutes to mix.

I know we're supposed to take it in the morning but I had to taste it. First thoughts.... Wow, this stuff really burns, like 151 going down... lol. The honey makes it cling to your throat so you feel it from your tongue to your belly. Kind of a head rush too. I wanted to chase it with some water but didn't, and after a few minutes it wasn't so bad. The taste isn't really bad, but the ginger really kicks. The aftertaste of the garlic lingers for quite a while though. I will see how I do tomorrow and perhaps follow up if I can but I will give this a try. Sure beats being put through the medical wringer if it can be avoided.

5-Ingredient Heart Tonic
Posted by Anonymous (USA) on 03/05/2018

Editor's Choice

I make the mix for my husband with a little variation. The ginger goes through the juicer and the 1 cup of juice is combined with 1 cup of garlic cloves in a high power blender. The 1 cup apple cider vinegar is warmed on the stove just enough to blend in 2 cups of raw honey. Then the 1 cup of fresh lemon juice is added, along with the ginger and garlic. It is poured into two empty glass vinegar bottles and kept in the fridge. He takes 3 or 4 Tablespoons once or twice a day. It has worked amazingly well, so I would say you do not need to cook it. He bought a tiny measuring cup that measures Tablespoon increments. 4 Tablespoons is a quarter cup if I remember right.

His skin has improved considerably. His face is much slimmer. His waist is slimmer. And I used to be able to feel his heart pounding when I put my hand under his left rib cage, now it feels nearly normal and the arrhythmia is almost undetectable. He snores much quieter and doesn't stop breathing as much as he used to.

He had very high blood pressure, 240/90 or some such about a year ago. He said it was down to 180/something a few months ago. He has been using the remedy on and off with some variation for 10 months.

Thank you EarthClinic and thank you to the people who posted the remedy!

5-Ingredient Heart Tonic
Posted by Amit (India) on 08/18/2015

Editor's Choice

ACV, Garlic, Ginger, Lemon, Honey:

The combination of all five ingredients is super effective if made properly and followed diligently.

I make this combination for family friends suffering from high cholesterol problems.

To make approx two liters of medicine....

  • Grind 500/600 grams of Ginger
  • 500/600 grams of Garlic, use a little water if required to make a fine paste.
  • 1 kilogram Lemon to make fresh lemon juice.
  • 600 ml of ACV (Apple cider vinegar)
  • and atleast 1 kilogram of raw honey.

Mix all four contents except honey in a utensil with a thick bottom and put on high flame for 5 minutes but keep stirring continuously without stopping. then lower the flame to a little less than medium and stir for 15 minutes. Finally increase the flame to high again and stir for 5 minutes continuously and then remove the utensil from the flame and let the mixture cool down.

Once the mixture is cool add all the honey and mix well. Store it in a pet bottle and keep it in the fridge.

Before you start this dose, get a cholesterol test done for future reference.

Dosage and Method

Every morning between 5 am to 7 am absolutely empty stomach...not even water

3 teaspoons of the mixture...you can go back to sleep if you need to.

First 3-4 days you may feel uneasy or maybe have a bad stomach...but don't worry.

After the first 7 days, start going for brisk walk for 20 minutes or a treadmill jog for 10 minutes at 25 KMPH. Follow this schedule for next 23 days, then get a cholesterol test done once again and check. The last person I gave this medicine...Bad cholesterol dropped from 254 to 172 in 35 days.

My best wishes to you all.

5-Ingredient Heart Tonic
Posted by Tin Ko (Newbury Park, Ca) on 02/15/2015

Editor's Choice

My friend was diagnosed as important arteries blocked 50%. Doctors appointed him to insert a stent for the next week. He told the doctor that his horoscope was not good that time frame and dragged another weeks. But the doctor gave him 12 days appointment. Mean time he tried the ACV, Garlic, Ginger, Lemon recipe with 1 table spoon in the morning and one in the afternoon. On the day of operation, the doctors found out that the arteries were only 10% blocked and told him no need to insert the stent. Amazing home remedy.

5-Ingredient Heart Tonic
Posted by Fantastic (India) on 04/23/2014

Editor's Choice

I had a mild heart attack in 2007. Refused to take an angiogram as I recovered very quickly. For some people the dye used is toxic....it kills. No way to test this out in advance. Anyway I had to take several pills supposedly all my life. I felt terrible with the medicines and scaled them down over time and in 4 months stopped them all. I continued with garlic and honey and cinnamon powder and honey ( 1 + 1 tsp ) three times a day for a year. I recovered completely. I couldn't climb the stairs earlier . After one year I could run up the stairs and not pant or feel uncomfortable......and I was 55 years old! I had also reduced my weight ...to 78Kg from the 91Kg that I was earlier.

Now I'm 62 and still don't take any pills. I am healthier than many 40 year old's. I can walk a couple of hours a day ( at one stretch) and not get exhausted. I've been taking the 5 mix ( ginger, garlic, lime, honey, ACV) since I was 56. Two months at a stretch. Then a break of a month then another 2 months of 5 mix etc.

Yesterday another friend who started taking it just under two months ago told me his test results. He almost had a major heart attack with over 80 % multiple blocks as shown in his angiogram. He refused to have a stent or have any other invasive solution. He started taking the 5 mix three times a day. His latest angiogram showed less than 50% blocks. His earlier EF ( Ejection factor : shows how well the heart is pumping) was 40% which is not good at all. Now it is 50%! 55% and above is considered to be an average ( and safe) level . He'll get there soon. He is already back at the factory where he is working normally! There are many more I can tell you, but to all those who are scoffing at this 5 mix please continue to do so. For the others who want to get better , start on it immediately. You'll never regret it! I don't take a single pill since 2008 and neither does my friend who recovered recently!

It's better that all of you over 40 start on this 5 mix to clean out your arteries as good blood flow leads to good oxygen distribution and will keep illnesses at bay. Don't wait for a problem to surface! Please note that the angiogram shows wider arteries after several months! That's because the artery walls regain their elasticity and become ( naturally ) wider than constricted older arteries.

You can also wait for 100 to 200 years after they publish research reports that this method works. Otherwise believe in the knowledge of those who lived long before us and the results that today's users report. It is after all your life. You can do what you want with it! 5mix yourself and enjoy the rest of your life like you haven't been able to do recently!

Cheers to the Good Lord from where all the ingredients came! Use them!

5-Ingredient Heart Tonic
Posted by Karmau (Toronto, Canada) on 01/23/2014

Editor's Choice

I have been suffering from angina and shortness of breadth for more than three years. Upon advice from my cardiologist, I went for an angiogram three months ago and found 7 of my arteries were blocked, 2 at 90%, the rest were between 40 and 80%. A stent was immediately inserted on the artery with 90% blockage, and I was asked to go back for another angioplasty in two weeks time. I hesitated as I dislike the invasive operation and I wanted to have a more conservative approach to my heart problems.

My son suggested I should try the concoction of garlic, ginger, lemon and apple cider vinegar juice.

I did try for about 6 weeks and then one day I suddenly found myself have a very uncomfortable chest pain, and I was very much alarmed because of my heart history. I asked to be sent to the Emergency at Sunny Brook, a reputable research hospital, right away. In view of my recent record the doctor on duty scheduled me to have angioplasty the following morning, and immediately gave me a series of tests. The next morning, the cardiologist in charge studied results of my tests and could not found anything wrong with my heart but he could not take my case lightly in view of the record of blockages.

He then decided to give me further tests, including the Echo Stress Test. And again everything was found to be in excellent health and I was discharged in the evening. The cardiologist believed my chest pain was due to indigestion. I have no proof that my blockages were cleared since the doctor saw there was no need to give me an angiogram.

But I do believe it is the concoction that brings me back my heart health. I strongly suggest that anyone with a heart problem should try this remarkable concoction.

5-Ingredient Heart Tonic
Posted by Saudi Mike (Saudi) on 08/12/2013

Editor's Choice

Hello guys! I had a heart attack 1.5 years ago and started using this ACV, Garlic, Ginger, Lemon tonic so a few tips from me:

1. REMEMBER! This is not a medicine (and is possibly just snake oil I.E., A fraud! ). Do NOT stop taking your prescribed medicines (such as aspirin etc).

Desparate people like ourselves search the internet to a solution for our cardio woes and all you find are quack remedies and stories for gullible people from charlatans, cranks and pyramidiots!

2. There are natural items that will reduce cardio problems (such as garlic and ginger) which make me continue with this solution but do not expect a miracle cure! Overnight, 2 week, 2 month blockage clearance? Hah! Better make a sacrifice to the faerie folk!

3. If you have blocked or semi blocked arteries you will probably have them for life now but you can reduce the blockage (very very slowly!) over time if you follow a very strict regime. This means major lifestyle changes. Your present situation is as a result of genetics and bad practices earlier in your life.

4. I have a stent and 50% blocked arteries - this solution has not affected me so I am guessing it is fairly safe to use (in the small recommended doses people describe I.E., 1 or 2 spoons max.)

5. It always turns blue-green for me the moment I start cooking / simmering and reducing the volume down. I think this is normal.

6. To prevent it stinking the fridge out after it is prepared (I don't even refrigerate it, it just sits on my counter ready to use) put it in an airtight container doh! I store it in one of those glass bottles with a ceramic cork on top and a rubber seal at the base of the cork.

The best advice I have seen so far to really reduce a coronary blockage (and medically proven) is the 'Spectrum' system of Dr Dean Ornish M.D. He has treated Bill Clinton and others with advanced arteriosclerosis but his system is a quite radical change.

The major points of the system are to stop smoking (if you do), exercise regularly (40 mins a day of brisk walking 3-5 times a week is sufficient to make you fit!), eat healthily (essentially cutting ALL fats and oils down to the barest minimums for us serious cases - that means cooking without oil, cutting out all dairy, nuts, oily things like avocado and chocolate, seeds etc, reducing caffeine and alcohol intake and finally to put a little more love in your life by adopting a pet or changing your attitude towards family and friends.

I also took up Transcendental meditation (TM) as that was recommeded to reduce my stress, anxiety and aggression. It works! If you believe in a god or gods, then prayer may also be useful in this respect.

You can buy Dr Dean Ornish books (he also has a website) and I recommend if you only buy one, you get "The Spectrum".

Another useful book I came across was "Reverse Heart Disease Now" by Sinatra and Roberts (again both bonafide M. D. S). This book offers similar advice to Ornish with a recommendation to to use mineral and vitamin supplements to alleviate cardio problems.


I hope you find this advice useful! I started my changes after my heart attack and I lost loads of weight! I dropped 3 trouser sizes and I'm gonna keep going unti; I am the size of my late teens / early twenties! It's easy to lose weight if someone tells you that you will die if you don't, lol!

It is too early to see if my blockages are reduced. I will keep you posted if I do get the tests done.

By the way, I have a friend (Indian) who has a blood sugar problem and he keeps it under control by taking great care of his diet also. He avoids or drastically minimises sweet foods like fruits and also white rice (which makes his blood sugar spike dramatically).

Cheers, Mike

5-Ingredient Heart Tonic
Posted by Rezwai (Dhaka, Bangladesh) on 04/04/2013

Editor's Choice

Artery Block Remover plus remedy for Cancer to Arthritis, lose extra body fat and weight.
Alzheimer disease, asthma, high blood pressure, headaches, hemorrhoids, toothaches

The recipe below dissolves residues in blocked arteries without any side effects as all ingredients are well known herbs and food items in daily use. It relieves Angina / Ischaemia (reduction of blood supply to parts of the body ) pain, reduces numbness to the extremities due to better Blood Circulation, Definite improvement in stamina and appetite.

This is in fact the natural God given way to do non invasive complete body Angioplasty.

Ingredients for 3 month period:

1. Ginger (fresh) 300 gram.
2. Garlic (fresh) 300 gram.
3. Lemon (Kagzi Laybu) 6 large ones (Little smaller than tennis ball size or 12 table tennis ball size))
4. Raw, Unfiltered, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar), with Mother (i.e. the remains of the apple from which the cider was made). One bottle (half litre). Processed Apple Cider Vinegar, (like Heinz brand, ) reduces the potency of the mixture to a large extent, for best results try to obtain Raw, Unfiltered, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, with Mother (i.e. the remains of the apple from which the cider was made).
5. Honey One Kg bottle ( 1 kg) of Pure Unprocessed Honey, better still if you can obtain, New Zealand's 100% Pure Active UMF 25 Manuka honey.


1. One tea cup (holds .19 litre capacity)
2. One Earthenware pot which can hold 3 litre of water.
3. One Glass Jar with cap which can hold 3 litre of water
4. One wooden Ladle (Large Spoon) for stirring.
5. One wooden Table Spoon.
6. A piece of filtering cotton cloth muslin type.
7. One kitchen knife.


1. Chop fresh Ginger (peeled) into pieces then grind and extract one tea Cup of Juice by placing Pulp of ginger on to the cotton cloth and squeezing the juice in to the cup. Repeat till the cup is full.
2. Grind fresh Garlic (peeled) and extract one tea Cup of Juice by placing Garlic pulp on to the cotton cloth and squeezing the juice in to the cup. Repeat till the cup is full.
3. Extract one cup of Lemon juice , and keep it in the fridge so that it does not ferment.
Note: For grinding Ginger and Garlic use 2 tablespoons of pure water to ease grinding and shake grinder jar when the pulp sits on the bottom.
4. Pour one cup of Ginger, one cup of Garlic and one cup of Lemon juice into the Earthen pot, you should have 3 tea cups of mixture
5. Mark the depth of the mixture in the Earthen pot by inserting the ladle into the centre of the pot and marking the ladle with a knife. This mark denotes three (3) tea cups of mixture.
6. Add one cup of Apple Cider Vinegar into the mixture, now you have 4 cups of mixture
7. Apply low heat to earthen pot, stirring all the time, till mixture is reduced to 3 tea cups. This you can ensure when the mixture level in the pot reaches the 3 cup mark you made earlier, on the ladle.
8. Take mixture off the cooker and let it cool.
9. When the mixture is at room temperature add 3 tea cups of Honey and stir till the Honey is completely dissolved.
10. Pour the Mixture into the Glass Jar for storage

Mixture Proportion:

Equal amount of Garlic, Ginger, Lemon and Apple Cider Vinegar is to be reduced by 25% by low heat and then add equal amount of Honey.


Stir Mixture till honey is dissolved completely. Take a Wooden Table Spoonful of Mixture before Breakfast, on an empty stomach and do not eat anything for 20 minutes. It could be a continues process with a month's gap, as we intake a lot of rich and trash food.


The above mixture of 1.14 litre, should last for 2 1.2 months as each tea cup roughly holds 12 tablespoons.


Posted by Joe (Philadelphia, PA USA) on 03/06/2009

Editor's Choice

Treatments for Chest Pains: My friend is an herbalist and he once cured a man with chest pains by giving him cayenne plus organic magnesium and wheat grass and it stopped the pain, plus the doctors told him it somehow fixed the damage from a previous heart issue also.
