Heart Disease
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Treatments for Heart Disease (Cardiovascular Disease)

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Probiotics and Alkalizing Green Drink

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Posted by P. Raghavan (Virudhunagar, Tn, India) on 03/16/2017

Probiotic Capsules and Alkalizing Green Drink For Heart Disease.

Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is usually caused by a build-up of fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries around the heart (coronary arteries). It is caused by high level of bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides in the blood. One of the main reasons for high level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides is the probiotic imbalance in the digestive system. Probiotic imbalance in the digestive system is caused by:

1) Antibiotic / Steroid treatment

2) Stress

3) high fat diet

4) Sedentary life style

5) Smoking

6) Alcohol

7) Refined sugar, etc.

The probiotic strains most often mentioned in the research papers for high level of bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides in the blood are the probiotic deficiencies of :

1) Tier I (Critical ) = B. longum, L. Plantarum and L. Reuteri.

2) Tier II ( Useful) = L. Fermentum, L. Casei and L. Achidophilus.

There are multi-strain probiotic capsules containing the above six strains ( including other probiotic strains) available online. One such probiotic capsules in Amazon.com is :

ULTRA-30 Probiotics - 18 strains - 60 capsule.

It cost about US Dollar 28.

One can follow the following protocal for the treatment of coronary heart heart disease:

1) Take one probiotic capsules containing the six probiotic strains in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast for 60 days.

2) If there are damaged cells in the heart (due to heart attach), coronary arteries ( due to fatty deposits ), and other parts of the body, take alkalizing green drink 30 minutes before dinner for 60 days.

It has to be prepared by taking chlorophyll-rich foods like spinach, cilantro, parsley, wheatgrass, etc. and add half cup of water. Extract green juice and then add 2 teaspoon of Apple cider vinegar, lemon juice from one lemon and pinch of sea salt. Apple cider vinegar and lemon juice will keep the body alkaline. Chlorophyll will repair the damaged cells under alkaline cellular environment.

After 60 days, if the bad cholesterol and triglycerides return to normal levels, you are cured. But one has to follow the protocol two days in a week for maintenance. Once the bad cholesterol and triglycerides returned to normal levels, the fatty deposits in the coronary arteries may start to dissolve.

If there is no improvement in the levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides after 60 days, the cause of coronary heart disease is other than probiotic imbalance. It may be due to:

1) Enzyme deficiency

2) Coenzyme deficiency,

3) Genetics, etc.

Best wishes,

P. Raghavan.

Replied by P. Raghavan
(Virudhunagar, Tn, India)

Re: Probiotics and Alkalizing Green Drink for Heart Disease.

There are a number of articles available in the net on the effects of different probiotic strains on lipid profile. There is an article available in the net titled " Effects of Probiotics on Lipid Profile: A Review " by Aziz Homauouni, et al. This article summarizes various animal and human studies using different strains on lipid profile. If one analyzes the summary, one can come to the conclusion that effective probiotic strain that can reduce total cholesterol, bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides is : B. Longum. There are two other probiotic strains namely L. Reuteri and L. Plantarum and these two probiotic strains can reduce total cholesterol and bad cholesterol.

According to a research paper titled " The Hypocholesterolaemic Effects of Milk Yogurt and Soy-yogurt containing Bifidobacteria in rats fed on Cholesterol-enriched diet " by Abd Ed-gawad, et al. According to this paper, forty eight hypocholesterolaemic rats were used in the study. Twenty four rats were given ordinary yogurt (control group) and the remaining 24 rats were given ordinary yogurt + B. Longum for 35 days. The rats which were fed by B. Longum showed the following results at the end of 35 days:

1) Total Cholesterol reduction = 50.3 %.

2) Triglycerides reduction = 51.2 %.

3) Bad Cholesterol reduction = 56.3 %.

There is another research paper titled " Effects of milk products fermented by B. Longum on blood lipids in rats and healthy adult male volunteers " by Xiao, et al. This study uses 32 male volunteers with serum cholesterol from 220 to 280. The study duration was 4 week. At the end of 4 th week, there was a considerable reduction of total cholesterol, triglycerides and bad cholesterol for the male volunteers who took B. Longum and also their initial total cholesterol levels in the range of 240 to 280. Also, for the volunteers who took B. Longum, there was an increase of 14.5 % of good cholesterol (HDL).

One way B. Longum reduces bad cholesterol and triglycerides is as follows: B. Longum produces Bile Salt Hydrolases (BSH) enzymes. These enzymes will convert bile salt into amino acids and cholic acids. Cholic acids are not soluble in water and they are excreted. Amino acids acids are reabsorbed into intestinal track. Since the production of cholesterol is reduced by the BSH enzyme activity, serum cholesterol will also reduce. Because of this, bad cholesterol and triglycerides levels will come down. Once the bad cholesterol and triglycerides return to normal levels, fatty deposits in the coronary arteries will slowly dissolve.

According to an article titled " Daily doses of a new probiotic reduces 'bad' and total cholesterol by JO, 127 adult patients with high cholesterol participated in a study. They took 200 mg of L. Reuteri per day for 9 weeks. At the end of 9 weeks, the following are the results:

1) Total cholesterol reduction = 9.1 %.

2) Bad cholesterol reduction = 11.6 %.

According to an article titled "Cholesterol - lowering efficacy of L. Plantarum in hypercholesterolaemic adults " by Fuentes, et al, 60 volunteers participated in the study for 12 weeks. Those volunteers who took L. Plantarum and also their initial total cholesterol levels between 251 and 300 showed the following results :

1) Total cholesterol reduction = 17.4 %.

2) Bad cholesterol reduction = 17.6 %.

If one wants to control only bad cholesterol and triglycerides levels, there is no need to take alkalizing green drink. Take one multi strain probiotic capsule 30 minute before breakfast for 60 days and see the results after 60 days.

This thread is based on my understanding of various articles on this subject in the net. Any correction or additions will be appreciated.

Best Wishes

P. Raghavan.

Resveratrol, L Arginine

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Posted by Mohammed (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 10/09/2012


After three angioplasty procedures in a period of long ten years, my heart health never improved. At last, I was admitted to st. Michael hospital toronto, canada for an immediate open heart surgery. For six months I was ok but my heart complaints started to come back slowly. Chest pain, high blood pressure, heavy feeling after every meal, difficulty walking on stairs etc. I am sure every heart patient is familiar with these symptoms.

In a state of frustration, I determined to do some research on myself. I tested every possible herb or supplement on my heart health and at last came to a miraculous conclusion. Nowadays I almost claim my heart works like a baby.

In a long period of time after the bombardment of statin and blood pressure pills, your heart loses its natural activity. It needs an alignment by proper supplements to combat three factors at the same time:

Fat and cholesterol reduction, blood pressure control, and opening clogged artery.

It's about a miracle molecule Resveratrol and L arginine the ultimate arsenal to reduce blood pressure without any side effect, egg white the only cholesterol free pure protein against its rival carbohydrate to turn fat and triglycerides into body mass, and a cup of green tea all included in a breakfast.

I claim is a discovery if you implement it in my ways. Trust me I suffered for long 15 years and I found a positive way to inflict an alignment on my heart one day at a time. And in 10 to 15 days your heart starts working like a baby.

Safe for Diabetics?

2 User Reviews
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Posted by Kalidass (Chennai, India) on 07/20/2012

Adam Barai: Kalidass From india. If diabetic patient take this mixture. Please let me know or give your number for further clarification.

Replied by Shivraj
(New Delhi, Delhi)

Any diabetic person can take this syrup and can we take this syrup with the mixing of quarter cup light hot water. Then it will be effective or not

Replied by Elaine

Yes, you can give this to a diabetic.


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Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 05/17/2009 490 posts

Usually what gets clogged is the arteries, and that includes coronary arteries, retinal arteries, carotids and all, but these are areas most often causing trouble. There is a simple, safe remedy for this. See if you can locate a compounding pharmacist where you live and call asking them if they can prepare an 8 ounce supply of SSKI (potassium iodide). Get it quickly and in the meantime type potassium iodide into your search window and go. When references come up look for the Tahoma Clinic one (on my computer I think it appears about the 3rd or 4th page. Dr. Jonathan Wright's article can be downloaded for free, so read it thoroughly, because the decision on going this route is yours, not mine, but you will have good information in your hands to help you make a wise decision.

Start this SSKI at 4 to 6 drops in unchlorinated water once a day. Since it will take several months to unclog these arteries, be sure to have your doctor follow your thyroid function as there is a slight risk of thyroid problems developing with long term SSKI. The other thing that Dr. Wright recommends to use along with SSKI to declog your arteries, is niacin. More than the amount he recommends will be obtained from B complex 100 daily and will not hurt you. If your problem includes any irregularity of your heart rate, also get a 400 to 500 mgm magnesium supplement and take 1 morning and evening.

When you feel that your problems is much better, drop your SSKI to a maintenance dose of 2 drops in unchlorinated water each day. Don't let anyone talk you into an invasive procedure such as coronary artery bypass or placement of stents until you give the above a chance to work it's wonders.

Keep us posted because it will help other members of the EC family to know what works and what doesn't and help them make wise decisions in their own health care in the future and that is what EC is all about.


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Posted by Tom (Roseburg, Oregon, Usa) on 12/10/2009

Clearing Blockages

In 2002, an angiogram showed 4 blockages in my heart. I took: 250mg Proline b.i.d., 250mg Lysine b.i.d., 8000mg Vitamin C daily, 1200IU Vitamin E daily, 120mg CoQ10 daily, 3 tbsp fish oil daily, Selenium 400mcg daily, along with a full spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. In 6 months, I could run short distances, and in 18 months, I'm back to normal function. I can pass a stress test.

EC: B.I.D. means 2 times per day.

Replied by Rob
(Manhattan, New York)

fantastic news!...thanks for the valuable info!

Replied by Heart Concerned
(Los Angeles, California)

How is your heart doing now? Did you keep up your good progress?


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Posted by Azhar (Rawalpindi, Pakistan) on 01/08/2011

I had a heart Attack in 1994 and a portion of my heart was damaged. To repair this damage I took turmeric 1/4 spoon twice a day. After 1 year there was no sign of damage. In India and Pakistan turmeric is still number one therapy for skin, internal bleeding, for sprains and many more. Anyone who has had a heart attack I could use red chillies & turmeric with fresh yogurt.

Vitamin C

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Pete (Arizona) on 04/18/2021 5 posts

As I understand it, when you have a large difference between systolic and diastolic, it is an indication of hardening of the arteries.

I do not remember why I started mega doses of vitamin C, but it has corrected a couple of problems. A year ago, my spread between systolic and diastolic was typically 75 with a bp 155/80. I just took it a few minutes ago, and it is 143/84, a spread of 59.

I have not taken any meds of any kind for decades. I am 68 yo. male. I started out aiming for 200 grams of vitamin C per day spread out through each day. Now it seems hard to remember, so I end up with about 30 grams a day.

I take 6 grams at a time and try to do it each hour. I try to quit by 4 pm so I can sleep without so much gas.

Another problem that was helped was blood in the semen. It cured it. Makes sense. Vitamin C helps the body to produce collagen, and collagen strengthens the blood vessels. I use ascorbic acid and make my own capsules. At times I will put a spoonful in a glass of water with some honey. The cheapest vitamin C I have found is from Vitacost. Every once in a while, it goes on sale BOGO half off.

Vitamin C
Posted by Bo Goodwin (Australia) on 06/27/2014

Heard a doctor once tell a old italian man to take three times the regular dose of vitamin C for six months to clear blocked artery in his heart. It works because I tried it. Get a strong dose of chelating minerals and seaweed minerals every day, selenium stops heart attacks, potassium slows the heart to a regular beat thus lowering the blood pressure through the arteries. Calcium is another one to maintain a heathy blood pressure, all in these minerals and seaweed minerals these also contain humic acid and fulvic acid, the carbon of live, where we all come from. People and animals florish on this stuff. Regards Bo

Vitamin C
Posted by Thehandyman1947 (Poland, Ohio) on 12/17/2013

Heart disease, google 1989 nobel prize in medicine dr linus pauling, heart disease is a very bad vit c deficiency.

Replied by Prioris

Linus Pauling protocol Vitamin C, etc have been obsoleted with fibrolytic enzymes such as nattokinase. Fibrolytic enzymes get at the root cause of heart disease.

Vitamin C, Lysine

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Posted by Louise (Ocean Grove, Australia) on 09/18/2007

I have had broken capillaries on my face and neck since I was in my teens. Recently I read that broken capillaries anywhere on the body could be a sign of heart disease as they show that smaller capillaries in the body are under stress and possibly blocked with plaque. Since I have a family history of heart disease (mother, grandmother, grandfather and two great aunts) I started taking 6 grams of vitamin c and 3 grams of lysine daily. This is the basic Pauling protocol for the prevention of arteriosclerosis. It has been three weeks since I started taking this and the thread veins on my face and down near my ankles have nearly disappeared. Also my feet are warmer. Both of these supplements can be bought cheaply in bulk powder form, so for anyone who has a family history of heart disease or broken capillaries this may well be worth trying. For the record, I have taken large doses of vitamin c, complete with biovflavanoids and rutin, for years. The vitamin c by itself has never helped. It was only after I added the lysine that they virtually disappeared.

Vitamin D

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Posted by Janet (Indiana) on 04/06/2016

Heart Health - Damaged Hearts

This article is very good news...My own experience with vitamin D has been great as have my family members. I personally take high dose D3 right now to combat mold illness. Ted has mentioned that 10,000iu is what your body makes in sunlight easily. So therapeutic doses would be higher. Other Drs. Dr. Combria is having great luck reversing Multiple Sclerosis with high dose D. Ted recommends it in IBS and Crohn's. Things to watch would be the other ingredients in the gel cap no safflower oil. I use Now brand or Solgar D3 in coconut oil. I also take 200mcg of selenium and magnesium as glycinate malate, and magnesium oil 5 drops in water am and pm, plus k2 every other day, related to the absorption and utilization of D3. Janet

Vitamin E

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Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, SC) on 05/18/2013

After my father's heart surgery I got him on 1,000 iu of NATURAL ... not synthetic Vit E a day. He never got a build up and he lived 20 years after his heart surgery. Start with 200 iu of natural Vitamin E (d alpha tocopherol) NOT dl alpha tocopherol... And over a month increase to 400 etc till you are at 600 minimum. Vit E will thin the blood, so if one is on a blood thinner, you'd need to begin cutting back on the thinner as you increase the E. Asprin is a thinner, don't forget.

Vitamins K2 + D3

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Posted by P. Raghavan. (Virudhunagar, TN, India.) on 06/04/2019


A metabolic disorder occurs when the metabolism fails and causes the body to have either too much or too little of the essential substances needed to stay healthy. Metabolic disorder can be determined from stool testing by identifying list of probiotic strains below normal level and list of bad strains that are above normal levels in the stool.

According to Mayo clinic and Cleveland clinic, metabolic syndrome is defined as a collection of risk factors that increase the chance of developing:

1) Cardiovascular disease,
2) Stroke due to blockage and
3) Diabetes.

There are three important articles available in the net regarding metabolic syndrome:

1) Metabolic Syndrome – Cleveland Clinic.
2) Metabolic syndrome – Symptoms and Causes – Mayo Clinic.
3) About Metabolic Syndrome | American Heart Association.

Any disease associated with metabolic disorder can be cured only by following one or more of the following:

1) Consume probiotics with the required probiotic strains to fix the underlying metabolic disorders in the digestive system.
2) Consume fibre-rich foods (e.g., ground flax seed, cinnamon powder, etc.) so that it will help in the multiplication of probiotic microorganisms (microbes) since fibres are food for good microbes.
3) Reduce the consumption of sugar since sugar is the food for bad microbes in the digestive system.

I had a heart bypass surgery in the year 1980. About 10 years back, I started taking probiotics for my cardiovascular disease to reduce blockage in the arteries.

First I started with an ayurvedic fermented tonic called “ Hridayasanthi”.

Then I started taking probiotic Kefir, probiotic yogurt, etc. After taking probiotics, the rate of increase of blockage in my arteries stands at a low level of about 1.5 % per year. But the blockage never decreased.

About 8 months back, I watched a video by Dr. Breuer titled “Vitamin K2 – What is it? – Does it remove plaque“.

After watching that video, I realised that Vitamin K2 production in my digestive system is low and this is the root cause of my cardiovascular disease. Vitamin K2 guides calcium to its final destinations, bones and teeth. But if the production of Vitamin K2 is very low in the digestive system, calcium will deposit in the wrong areas such as arteries, lungs, kidney, knee, etc.

There are a number of articles available in the net regarding Vitamin K2 and probiotic strain related to Vitamin K2. Two such articles are given below:

1) Long-Chain vitamin K2 production in Lactococcus Lactis.
2) Lactococcus Lactis with high vitamin K2.

According to these articles, lactic acid bacteria Lactococcus Lactis can synthesize Vitamin K2 from the food we eat. Therefore, increasing the count of Lactococcus Lactis bacteria in the digestive system will increase vitamin K2 production in the body.

According to an article titled “Vitamin D and cardiovascular Disease”, vitamin D also plays an important role in treating cardiovascular disease. There is another article available in the net titled “Oral supplementation with probiotic L. Reuteri increases circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D”. This states that L. Reuteri increases serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D by 25.5 % over 9-week intervention in a human trial.

I was looking for multi-strain probiotic capsule / tablet that has probiotic strains Lactococcous Lactis (for vitamin K2) and L. Reuteri (for vitamin D). I searched the net and found 8 brands that contain the required probiotic strains and are listed below in the alphabetical order:

1) CaptainBiotics Probiotic – 19 probiotic strains.
2) Garden of Life RAW Probiotics for Women – 32 probiotic strains.
3) INNATE Vitality women's Probiotic – 17 probiotic strains.
4) InnovixLabs Multi strain Probiotic – 31 probiotic strains.
5) Nature's Secret Digestive Bliss – 18 probiotic strains.
6) NewRhythm Probiotic – 20 probiotic strains.
7) RAW Probiotics 100 Billion CFU – 34 probiotic strains.
8) Terranics Probiotic – 19 probiotic strains.

I selected one of these brands and took one tablet / capsule per day for about 90 days. I also took regular medication along with this probiotic. I also took 2 teaspoons of ground flax seed at night.

Now, blockage in my arteries are reducing and I feel great. Only regret I have is that I did not know about this treatment earlier. In my opinion, it is a simple and effective treatment for cardiovascular disease.

Best wishes.
P. Raghavan.

Replied by P. Raghavan.
(Virudhunagar, TN, India.)


Vitamin K2 prevents calcium from depositing in the wrong areas such as arteries, lungs, knees, etc.

There are a number of articles available in the net on Vitamin K2 for cardiovascular disease. The following two articles are very important: 1) “Vitamin K2: What is it? Does it remove plaque? “ by Dr. Brewer. 2) “Vitamin K2” by Dr. Mercola. According to articles available in the net, Vitamin K2 is synthesized by probiotic bacteria “Lactococcus Lactis” in our digestive system from the food we eat. If this probiotic strain is reduced in our digestive system because of stress / powerful antibiotic treatment / chemical exposure, etc., Vitamin K2 deficiency will occur. Since Vitamin K2 controls calcium metabolism, Vitamin K2 deficiency will cause calcium to be deposited in the wrong areas such as coronary arteries. This in turn will cause cardiovascular disease. One can take multi-strain probiotic tablet/ capsule containing probiotic strain “ Lactococcus Lactis “ to solve Vitamin K2 deficiency problem semi-permanently . I searched in the net for this tablet for about 45 minutes.

One can do additional searches in the net for other brands. But there are a limited number of brands with this probiotic strain. Then you can choose your brand based on user reviews or other criteria. This probiotic tablet may be taken half an hour before breakfast for about 30 days. If you have cardiovascular disease, it will be a good idea if you talk to your doctor regarding multi-strain probiotic capsules / tablets containing probiotic strain L. Lactis. It is a simple and effective treatment . One can take this probiotics along with regular medicines.

Best wishes. P. Raghavan.

Why Mix Turns Green

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Mike (Texas) on 03/02/2023

It's the garlic reacting with the acid in the lemon. It is fine.

Why Mix Turns Green
Posted by Jg (Bahrain ) on 11/07/2016

I made this as per yours and many other online recipe but turned out to military green after mixing honey. Can you or any body tell me what went wrong?

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Jg, that happens often when you mix crushed garlic with lemon. Especially if you don't consume it within a few hours. It's some chemical reaction.

It doesn't affect the taste, and probably not the medicinal properties, it's just quite unappetizing!!

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