Nitric Oxide Boosters
These boosters are based on a nobel prize linking nitric oxide to cardiovascular health. Viagra uses this same principle and so does nitro glycerine which is used by patients with angina. In fact, erectile disfunction is usually just an early sign of heart disease. If you have heart disease anywhere, you have it everywhere.
I was introduced to it by a friend about 10 years ago and have used it ever since. I am now 69 years old. My dad died from a heart attack at age 59. I used to get a lot of arrythmia's (PAC's, PVC's and some atrial fibrillation) I have had none since I started using these products. I know that this works for me because I was having problems with ED but since using this I have absolutely no problem. The product is great for diabetics and claims to get rid of neuropathy. I have a friend who comfirms this.
It is important to get a decent product. There are now a lot of people trying to sell nitric oxide boosters but I think most are not very good. If the product only has arginine in it, it will not work because citruline is needed to extend the process throughout the day.
Note that arginine can casue some diahrea in the beginning.