There is a small cavity at the end of the insertion of the thumb in hand, over the wrist. This is an acupuncture special point to calm heart palpitations and to make normal the rhythm of heart. You can pressure it with the thumb of right hand in cases of emergency, or to use a band of acuppressure.
To your best days.
(San Diego, Ca)
I love this post by Louis from Cali, Columbia! I've been having a couple of skipped heart beats per minute since I did something that brought on arrhythmia a few days ago. I'm not sure what I did but luckily it calmed down except for the two skipped beats per minute. Anyway, I found an indentation between my wrist and the base of my right thumb. This is easy for me to find because of my age, ha, ha, I'm getting those bony hands. But, if you go down your thumb heading for your wrist you will come to a kind of knob just before your wrist. Then, on your right hand, immediately after the knob there's a kind of indentation, then another knob that is part of the wrist. That indentation is what Cali was talking about, and if you move in it slightly to the right you will see it's a bit bigger. I just put pressure in that larger indentation, and my heart is now beating without skipping any beats! Interestingly, when I first put pressure there, I could feel a pulse. But, now I can't. I tried my left thumb/wrist and again I felt a pulse at first, but after I let up on the pressure then pushed down again, I could no longer feel a pulse. You know, this reminds me of my friend Javier from Panama telling me I don't need strong pain pills after having a tooth pulled, just Coka Cola! He said, just let it sit on the area that hurts for awhile and the pain will be much less. Well, I gave it a try when I had to have a tooth pulled and lo!, it worked!! :-)
Is that along the outside edge of the thumb? I don't have palpitations or irregular rhythm but after I pushed there, what appears to be a major vein became quite visible. I don't know if I just didn't notice it before or if it only appeared after I applied pressure. I can't imagine not having noticed it before, it's so prominent...
Adrenal Fatigue Connection
(Wirral, Merseyside, England)
I believe my heart palpitations could be being caused by adrenal fatigue, after I suffered a panic attack last november that lasted nearly a whole day. Could you tell me what you took to help yourself?
(Philadelphia, Pa)
No no no, please don't discredit something you likely know very little or nothing about, except what you've been brainwashed to believe by "real" doctors and the pharmaceutical cartel's extensive effort to fix studies in order to keep all treatments flowing $$ into their own wallets. Most of all, don't discourage people to do their own research on alternative medicine--people have the right to study what's good for their bodies rather than simply acquiescing and taking anything their doctors have been paid to push.
(Austin, Tx)
Amen to that! I've begun to see that doctors often are in league with the pharmaceutical industry as well and will push products on their patients whether they actually need them or not.
(Painesville, Oh)
I agree that regular doctors only want to push pills & medications because they are rewarded by pharmaceutical companies. I went to my endocronologist website where I saw how proud he was of all the recognitions and awards he had received from the pharmaceutical companies, that's when I stop going to him. The worse thing is that he was highly recomended & said to be the best endocronologist in my area. My other choice was his brother. So I started looking for treatments on my own on the internet for Sjogren's Syndrome.
(San Antonio, Texas)
You have to be carful before experimenting with electrolytes as a possible cause of your palpitations. The reason is that a low or high potassium level can cause palpitations and arrhythmias. A potassium overdose can kill you. Your doctor will need to check your blood levels.
(Corcicana Tx)
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello David from Corsicana, Tx
Re your heart palpations...
When did the problem begin?...You mention a number of problems that might be associated...dizzy, nervous, sleepy and tired.
I'm always suspecting a virus lurking around causing all kinds of problems. And David, especially, I look for a TIME prior to the onset of the symptoms when one might have fought off a really bad infection like mono or strep etc.
Just checking...think back to the onset; did you have a bad infection prior to symptoms...think back six months to a year or so...a really bad infection like I named above. If so, then we need to discuss how to get rid of the probable causative infection of some kind. Now just because you can't recall one doesn't necessarily mean that no infection is involved but so often I discover a "smoking gun" in the form of a bad infection. Post again if you suspect a possible lingering infection, and I'd describe what I do to knock out such infections.
Hoping you get better...keep searching because there IS a solution!!!
Hi, really interested in your comments about a 'smoking gun'. I had a severe throat infection over Xmas ( possible glandular fever ) and never been the same since. My heart palpitations started about 3 weeks or so after the infection and have gradually worsened to the point of being hospitalised in Mar and diagnosed with Proxysmal Atrial Fibrilation. I have visited the cardiologist on several occasions and have had numerous ECG's, echocardiogram, bloods, etc all of which come back clear. I am at a loss to what to do next and it is really starting to effect my quality of life. Any guidance / help yo. Are able to give would be very much appreciated.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hi there David,
With symptoms that combine:
1. Definite Infection and
2. A Fib...
If this were me I know I had a magnesium deficiency AND the virus has attacked the cardio, usually the heart.
The combo requires...Colloidal Silver (three tablespoons daily on empty stomach away from mineral intake) for at least a month AND
Magnesium supplements. If you have Epsom salts, you can take ES baths three times weekly for a super infusion possibly more comprehensive than just oral supplement.
But with a problem like yours, I'd both take the baths and supplement with 500 mg daily.
Usually A Fib can be eradicated with just mag...but if there's a virus lurking, then the condition is much worse than irregular heart beat or fast beat. The TWO conditions (virus plus deficient mag) make for a potential disaster.
As usual my standard disclaimer .... I'm not diagnosing or treating or advising...I am saying what I would do if this were happening to me.
I think the "smoking gun " theory may be right on.. heart issues may be from infections, viruses, parasites, and vitamin defieciecies can cause heart palpitations. I've been reading about is EMS electo-magnetic sensitivity that is the body is reactiong to WiFI. cell phones, lab tops microwaves and smart meters I think it is best to have land line for all electronic devices. I had a hidden dental infection a root canal extraction site infected the jaw bone. I had cavitation surgery as you know dental infections usually go for the heart. I also wondered if your taking coconut oil. It must be organic virgin coconut oil that is from fresh coconut because the it is harvested from dried coconut there is mycotoxins in it and it can also be in coffee peanuts, this is very allergic causing substance so be sure you trying the right kind.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hey there Faith from Pdx,
Yeah, the "smoking gun" theory nails a lot of medical issues that track back to infection by virus/fungus.
Folks rarely put together an infection (even though usually mono or strep) and a condition six months later. The underlying culprit is the virus or fungus or both...a co-infection.
That's why I'm such an advocate for colloidal silver... or anything that used consistently might kill the invader. I won't turn my nose up at MMS or Iodine or ACV or the various "oils" that are virus/ fungus killers. The problem is most folks don't keep up the regimen long enough to finish off the infection.
And I'm an example!
I've mentioned a few times on EC how a Live Cell Microscopy analysis found fungus greater than the norm in my system. I had to increase my own CS dose to three times daily on empty stomach to kill the fungus. I had been taking a few tablespoons four or five times weekly...not enough to kill the fungus.
But I suspected the "smoking gun" so that is why I had myself tested.
Hi, my joints swelled last Christmas for a couple of months needed steroid injections to bring the swelling down, then started getting dizzy in April for 5 weeks it went away for 2 weeks and then since then I have been very light headed on and off throughout the day. Also, for the last 6 weeks I've been having heart palpitations and insomnia, extreme tension in my stomach and extreme emotions when the tension is great. I've had lots of acupuncture and been to see a Chinese doctor who has given me tablets to balance my hormones for the last 3 months however am still really struggling... any suggestions? Thanks
Aloe Vera
(Croxley Green, Hertfordshire, Uk)
Be very careful before taking Aloe Vera for fast heart beat as it depletes potassium and low potassium is one of the main causes for fast heart beat. John
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Houston, TX)
You know, you may have a point Christine.
I was fine until drinking Apple Cider Vinegar in water every morning for about 2 weeks and now I am experiencing heart palpitations. This is day 2 of not having the Apple Cider Vinegar and I'm going to see what happens while I continue to research.
Thank you.♥
EC: Heart palpitations are a common side effect of ACV. Read more from Earth Climic readers here:
Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV helped for a couple of days and now its back again doctors say there nothing that can be done. Oh and my aorta valve is 2 not 3 I live in fear now because the heart stops for up to 4 seconds between the palps horrible feeling.
(Seattle, Washington)
Dear Shane,
It sounds like you might be deficient in magnesium. If you are not already taking magnesium, you should immediately start taking epsom salt baths in addition to either magnesium oil or magnesium supplements. If you use the magnesium oil, slather it around your entire chest area and armpits and leave it on for 20 minutes.
Stop drinking the apple cider vinegar. I have read on here that it can cause bad heart palpitations in some people.
You might also be deficient in iodine.
Hope this helps, Sean
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Brooklyn, NY)
to CH--glad you felt better with the ACV, but that bp is very dangerous!!! 210/110 is considered a hypertensive crisis and is truly a medical emergency. As an ER nurse, that is far FAR too high to see someone's pressure, especially if you're experiencing cardiac symptoms. I hope that you're being followed closely by a doctor, and that they're keeping tabs on how your BP is doing, regardless of the treatment you choose to use (pharmaceutical, natural or a combination.) Good luck!
(Orlando, Fl)
To CH from PD: has anyone tried using motherwort or hawthorne to help with the palpitations? Just google it guys and see the nemerous health benefits. As a plus it also lowers blood pressure. Also CO Q10 is also very helpful in any heart problems. Good luck to everyone and god bless
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Palo Alto, CA)
Hi, Debra. If you drink caffeine, you might want to come off it as soon as possible. Give it a couple of weeks before you introduce it back into your system. I get terrible heart palpitations whenever I drink coffee. Tea is okay, as long as it is diluted. Also, be careful with preservatives in food and artificial sweeteners like sucralose. These too can cause heart palps. I also read somewhere (Earth Clinic?) that corn syrup might cause irregular heart beats. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Dear Hank: Apple cider vinegar (with appropriate buffers such as bicarbonate or baking soda) removes the body of lactic acid, which in excess kills the cells and causes heart problems.
Yes, yogurt causes heart palpitations because it has lactic acid. Lactic acid is peculiarly toxic to the cell's mitochrondria. Atheletes dread lactic acid buildup and wish one day they can rid of them. Well there is a remedy, it is the acetates (and can come from apple cider vinegar and the side effects are also reduced with citrates - from lemon and bicarbonates).
As a student when I studied biochemistry I would cringe at the idea of lactic acid. If I do a cell cultures, and use lactic acid as a pH to adjust to ideal biological conditions, the cell cultures would immediately die. This is a well known fact.
Since the heart is the source of constant energy, mitochrondrial health is extremely important. Lactic acid buildup intracellulary is dangerous, and this is why athletes have short lives - from long lactic acidosis causing muscular fatigue, thus heart attack is frequent.
In my opinion, magnesium acetate and potassium acetate are an ideal form, and this is found best whenever apple cider vinegar and baking soda is added. May I dare say that apple cider vinegar and baking soda is a food for the heart.
The other issue is the calcium buildup which causes the cells to function improperly. Usually a citrates, found in 8 teaspoons of lime juice (or lemon) plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda is taken reduces the serum calcium buildup which clogs the cells. This should also help.
The best detoxification of lactic acid is either sodium acetate, potassium acetate, magnesium acetate. These acetate forms are found whenever apple cider vinegar is taken, in any brand, and it is reacted with the body's bicarbonates to neutralize and convert to acetate. The cells use the acetate to rid the body of lactic acid. The problem about ridding the intracellular is half of the problem. The other is the body needs to neutralize the acid extracellularly also, which I think is best handled with baking soda and citrates (lemon juice). I remember that whenever a person has a heart attack, they use Harvey Teams (in hospitals) to inject a large syringe of baking soda. This is a quick remedy, but not a complete one. Acetates, magnesium, potassium, and bicarbonates is the preferred remedy to use, in my opinion anyway.
I recently have a friend who came to visit me one day and told me her heart had a terrible heart palpitations that she would nearly faint and breathing becomes a problem. I knew it was a simple electrolytic imbalance. After taking 1/16 teaspoon of potassium citrate, 1/16 sea salt, 1/16 teaspoon of magnesium chloride, and some sodium citrate, the conditions stopped within minutes and never came back.
People never realize that these electrolytes are the power cells that gives cells their electrical energy. In the olden days, they use salt with a cardboard in layers to create electricity (Alessandro Volta). If you have a multimeter, most salt solutions do have electricity. Usually it is about 1/2 volts, in case you are wondering. Just imagine what happens if the body's electrolytes are imbalance or lacking, the heart needs electrical energy for normal heart beat too.
(West Lafayette, In)
Here are some of my experiences with high dose magnesium acetate (metabolizes into magnesium bicarbonate in the liver). If RBC (red blood cell) magnesium is 5.3 mg/dL or better, and one takes about one level TBSP of magnesium acetate (in 1/4 glass of water), twice a day, then many people (50-60 and older) see a pretty big energy burst and increase in well being feeling. As you say, one of these mechanisms may be neutralizing lactic acid. This much oral magnesium may be over one's "diarrhea limit". Taking 1 TBSP of gelatin and/or flax seed just before seems to allow more oral ingestion before diarrhea limit. Also some just use it transdermally and still get an energy boost.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Lime
Arrhythmia Triggers
This is by no means all that causes problems for me. For 30 years, I've been trying to find out all the triggers. The worst is stress, negative thinking, fear, fear of impending event - or life change, panic. But any adrenaline inducing food or medicine can easily cause them. Bloating, or gas is a bad trigger also. Oh, I learned to NEVER let the dentist do epinephrine on me. It's an immediate heart racing and rhythm all over the place....I must get up and pace around the room.
I've tried magnesium. But I'm not giving up on that yet. I'm just not sure I've tried the RIGHT type- or enough. I think the HARD PILL Supplements may not absorb right- and just pass through.... And there may be a "combination" I'm not finding yet.
I'm open to suggestions!! It got a lot better for awhile, but gotten worse lately- with some stress issues. The stress issues are subsiding, but left me with "sensitized heart" again. (Read Claire Weeks books) She deals with some of this stuff. How- once the problem (stress) is gone, the body still responds like it's still there for weeks and sometimes months- a vicious cycle. Until biofeedback and meditation/relaxation is done "during" attacks....
S: Phenylalanine is a natural occurring amino acid that you assume is toxic or dangerous ingredient in Aspartame. To my knowledge, the toxic ingredient in Aspartame is wood alcohol. People deficient in Zinc & Niacin will likely have negative reactions or bad side-effects from this additive.
Back to Phenylalanine. P is considered a stimulant-type amino that agonizes epinephrine in the body. If you are experiencing reactions to even small amounts of P, then you definitely need heart support nutrients like the magnesium you mentioned, plus Carnitine, Selenium+CoQ10+Vit-E, and the herb Hawthorn Berry. The Zinc+Niacin will help remove the alcohols from the body and likely improve the nervous conditions.
Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
AVOID all the so called sweeteners, they cause SERIOUS reactions in many.
Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
(Kaduna, Nigeria)
(Cocoa Beach, Florida, United States)
To Dinma from Nigeria.. You asked about artificial sweeteners? here in the United States, we have many different kinds of things that taste sweet that are come from man made chemicals or from companies that alter the chemical components of real sugar. They taste sweet but are fake. Aspartame is one that is pure chemical and is man made. Another is called Splenda, and they say it is made from real sugar, but it is somehow altered so that it does not make you have a rise in your blood sugar levels. Some are not artificial at all, but come from sources other than sugar cane. Those include Sorbitol, Maltitol and Stevia. Sorbital and Maltitol I believe come from a plant called the Chickory Root. Stevia is a plant by itself that has been aroudn for thousands of years, and is just now getting recognition. Stevia does not affect your bloodsugar levels like real sugar and it has little to no calories. And it is all natural with nothing added to it. Sorbitol and Maltitol will give a little bit of a blood sugar rise, but it takes hours to notice. I woudl stay away from Splenda also known as Sucrolose ( and Aspartame (also know as Equal) I think Stevia is the best sweetener you can use.