Heart Palpitations
Natural Remedies

Managing Heart Palpitations Naturally: Tips and Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Vagus Nerve Theory

Posted by June (Cincinnati) on 11/04/2016

Hi, just wanted to share a theory! The theory is that most people who have heart palpitations actually have colitis and don't know it! The palpitations are the result of an irritated vagus nerve!

So in that case you would take 2 or 3 tablespoons of olive oil daily to heal your intestines. And maybe some inner leaf only aloe. Just wanted to share this idea.

Replied by Janet

Interesting video regarding Heart Palpitations and the vagus nerve.


Vitamins B1, B6 and B12

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Posted by James (Seattle, Washington) on 06/26/2007

Lugol's iodine caused my heart to palpitate (and not in a good way; the bad way). So I thought no more Lugol's. I felt bad because I read the health benefits on this site and others and I could not take even one drop. Then while researching fatty acid metabolism I found that you use a lot of vitamin B-1, B-6 and B-12. All the of these B's have heart palpitations as a sign of their deficiencies. So I took all three. Now I can take Lugol's. Yeah!

Also selenium and zinc deficiencies can cause heart palpitations. So if you can't take iodine because of the heart quivers you might have a deficiency you need to correct first.

Replied by Kristy
(Lansing, Michigan Usa)

I would like to add that I am completely unimpressed with kelp supplements. After talking with the nurse from my doctor's office about a week and a half ago, I found that I will begin treatment for an underactive thyroid at my follow up appointment at the end of the month.

After trying to educate myself about hypothyroidism, I decided that I'd help things along and get some iodine supplements. Not impressed with the fact that iodine can worsen thyroid problems, I bought a low dose supplement and decided I'd only take it twice a week.

Tonight was the third time, following a supper with more salt that I usually have in three days. Apparently the combination was too much and I experienced the palpitations James, from Seattle, mentioned. And they lasted for several hours. Definitely NOT the good kind.

B vitamins or not, I don't think I'll be taking anymore kelp. The experience scared me so much that my blood pressure shot way up and I'm still trying to relax enough to get it back down to it's normal 'slightly high' range.

Believe the warnings, people. Check with your doctor before trying kelp. Even the manager of the health food store suggested I talk with mine before trying it, but I sometimes think I know more than anyone else.

Believe me, you don't want to experience this. In between considering a trip to the emergency room, I really worried about the possibility of dying. That's how scary it was. Check with your doctor first... or you might have an 'exciting' night, too.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Kristy... I am confused as to why you suggest that iodine would cause racing heart and high blood pressure. You posted that you had these symptoms directly after eating a high salt meal. Was this salt refined salt? Because if it was, and it doesn't matter if it was iodized salt, then that would be enough to give racing heart as well as high blood on its own. The worst diet combination for racing heart and high blood is refined salt and glucose. Just check the reasons for high blood pressure and racing heart on EC.

Your reaction might also have been due to the fact that iodine was removing fluorine/bromine from your body. This can give some strange detox reactions.

When I had tachycardia(racing heart) there were two supplements that stopped this problem completely. One was magnesium chloride and the other was lugols iodine. Now, every day, I take about 12.5 mgs iodine. This is 100 times more than the RDA. I even experimented and increased my lugols iodine dose for two weeks to between 50 mgs and 100 mgs a day to see what would happen. No racing heart. I was taking 400 to 800 times more iodine than the RDA. If you have healthy kidneys then you should have no problems with this dose. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi -- the Nobel Prize winner and discoverer of Vitamin C -- took 1000 mgs of potassium iodide every day. That's 8000 times the current RDA for iodine. He lived to the ripe old age of 93.

Unfortunately, regarding the benefits from iodine intake, I would completely agree with you that kelp tablets are useless in ths respect. And it's not the fault of the kelp but is because of the restrictions imposed on dosage by the RDA via the FDA. If you read the dose on the kelp bottle it will probably say that each tablet contains 125 MICROgrams of iodine. As I've said before, this just might satisfy the iodine needs of a mouse but will do very little for a human who is hypothyroid.

Taking selenium, tyrosine, magnesium and large dose vitamin C(1000 - 2000 mgs/day) as well will aid and assist the conversion of iodide to iodine for storage in the thyroid gland. Vitamin C removes any of the transport and cell absorption problems associated with iodine and selenium, amongst all its other wonderful benefits, also works to convert the T4(throxine) into the more active and useful T3(triiodothyronine) thyroid hormone. These supplements should also help your hypothyroid problem.

Replied by Madeline
(Santiago, Chile)

Hello from Chile.... A few comments of my own.... First time I read Earth Clinic and I thank everybody for their input. I am 71 and have had tachycardia since I was about 5, but had an ablation when I was 53 with great success. Now I have them once in awhile. Definitely, no caffeine, maybe a very diluted cup of tea. Definitely for me, the blackstrap molasses improved my digestion, very important because the food and gas push the diaphram upwards and causes palpitations. No overeating, especially in the evening. Cheese is difficult to digest. I will try all the things I think might help, especially not eating the yogurt. Try to avoid stressful situations as much as possible. Thanks for all the info

Replied by Kc
(Charlotte, Nc, Usa)

I started having heart palpitations, especially at night when I was lying down, about three months ago. It started to really disturb me. I take several prescription drugs since back surgery over a year ago. I am overweight and I smoke and was eating a very poor diet as well.

I did some internet research and started taking a B-complex vitamin and the palpitations stopped the very same day! This was exciting enough that I continued my research to try to solve other chronic issues I have such as acne, difficulty losing weight, and ongoing neuropathy (from my damaged spinal nerves) with a lot of success! I plan to post my success stories in other sections on earth clinic soon.

Among the more interesting things I learned while doing research was how long-term use of prescription drugs can deplete your body of certain vitamins. This is not something my doctors ever told me. With the smoking (I'm working on that) and a poor diet (I've since made some major changes), I think I was running on fumes, so to speak.

Since starting a good B-complex vitamin, I haven't had any heart palpitations at all.

Replied by Citygirl27
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)

Also, Taurine regulates heartbeat and can smooth out tachycardia. It also helps alleviate other cardiac issues such as MVP and MI. It can also protect against cardiac side effects from drugs. This is a link to a non-selling page, with technical information on taurine's effects on cardiac functions and EKG results. Most doctors will scoff at it because they can't sell it to you.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

... and Taurine also helps regulate blood pressure, brain function, and is very beneficial for the eyes/vision. I take about 1grm daily.

Replied by Nick
(Sofia, US)

I have A-fibulation of the heart and my heart rate is 90-120 all the time. I refuse to take beta-blockers and statin. In his book "The amazing way to reverse heart disease", Dr Braverman has described many cases of people with very bad heart conditions. He is returning them to normal by using mega doses of Vit B6 (at 500mg daily), magnesium - up to 3 gm, primrose oil (3 gm), taurine (3 gm), and many times recomends also garlic and fish oil of 3-5 gm per day (I'm vegetarian and replacing it with the better then fish oil formula of Ovega-3).

On the other hand, Dr Hoffer has also many cases when he had returned pationts back to normal with mega doses of Niacine (vit B3) of 2-4 mg per day (regular, not a flash free) plus mega dose of Follic assid (two to 3 doses per day of 15 mg (yes, mg, not mcg). You can read about his exeriences here: http://weeksmd.com/2009/01/dr-hoffer-on-cholesterol-and-niacin/

Best, Nick

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