Natural Remedies

Ease Heartburn Naturally: Top Home Remedies

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Apple Cider Vinegar

29 User Reviews
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Posted by Cinapia (New Bedford, Massachusetts, United States) on 03/11/2010

I was wondering if you could just take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar straight without mixing in water. I actually did this for 3 days because I started with really bad heartburn. I have to say, it worked! I don't mind the taste taking it straight and all at once, but mixing it with water and drinking it prolongs the process in my opinion. Unless there are adverse affects if taking it undiluted. Can you advise?

Replied by Marlene
(Chatt., Tn.)

My sister takes it straight says it works better for her than any of that over the counter stuff.

Replied by Darlingrosepinkhu
(Blackfalds, Ab Canada)

Be sure that you rinse your mouth out after you take the ACV though. PProlonged contact with teeth enamel can cause sensitivity.

Replied by Cathryn

I take it straight as well with no problems.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lanette (Sacramento, Ca) on 10/09/2009

I would like to know if there is any problem with taking ACV with orange juice for heartburn. Thanks!

Replied by Crazydogjack
(New Castle, Pa, USA)

Hi Lanette,

For me, orange juice triggers heartburn and acid reflux. Try it just with water. You get used to it. I actually enjoy drinking it now.

Replied by Courtney
(Lake Mary, Fl)

Can you tell me what ACV stands for and how to make this mixture? I suffer from heartburn nearly daily and eat Tums every night... Thanks!

EC: ACV = Apple Cider Vinegar. See other posts in this section for recipes!

(Gilbert Arizona)

I know this reply is 13 years later, but time flies you know! ACV stands for Apple Cider Vinegar and I've been using it for a few years. Yes, it can re-adjust your gastrinal system and eliminate heartburn. The brand I use I believe is the best out there, but since we aren't supposed to name the brands, I guess I'll just "braggs" about it. Also, if you take a teaspoon of raw unfiltered honey from the bees in your locale, you'll find that the hard taste of the vinegar is almost eliminated as you swallow it. And the honey from your local area will also get rid of your allergies.

Replied by Gerald
(Columbus, Oh)

Try Mixing you Apple Cider Vinegar with Apple Juice. It tastes much better that way......close to the taste of Apple Cider. Apple juice, unlike orange or grapefruit juice is not acidic, so does not make heartburn worse.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Brian (Lexington, Kentucky) on 08/25/2009


Initial results good then I hit a wall... I started out last Sunday with 2tsp ACV, 2tsp honey, dash of cinnamon and 10 ounces of water 3 times a day. I saw immediate results and was mostly heartburn free. One night I had to get up in the middle of the night and took an extra dose due to heartburn and it knocked it out. Last night, which was Wednesday I got heartburn after dinner, nothing unusual about the dinner and it would not go away. I took my normal dose at bedtime and it did nothing. I tried again about 4 hours later and nothing. I am discouraged because it was working well. Should I take more ACV or less. I am confused, help.

Replied by Leelannee
(Sussex, Nj)

I read somewhere here on earthclinic that if you take too much ACV, your stomach makes less of it's own acid. I've used the water cure with good success (using unrefined sea salt or celtic salt). A lot of people seem to have success with the mustard method, too. I'm going to try that, as I've been slacking off on the salt lately & the burn is returning!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Irena (LA, CA) on 07/22/2009

It's 3 in the morning and I had such bad heartburn I was throwing up! I went to my computer to look up a natural cure since it'd be too inconvenient to go to the store. just one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar saved me!! This site is awesome. Thank you!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ed (Green Bay, Wisconsin) on 07/20/2009

I dont believe it, it really worked!...I was thinking to myself I bet someone is sitting behind their keyboard laughing their butt off thinking how many people are going to try this. Well I am gullible and I tried both ACV (mixed with pure maple syrup because I have no honey) and then I took a big gulp right out of the pickle jar!...yup they both worked. I did 2 teaspoons of ACV and then poured in the syrup (took a minute for the syrup to mix in with it) and boy is it NASTY!...but it works, it burned pretty bad for about 15-20 seconds after and then POOF it was gone!...then I decided for extra measure id slam some pickle juice. We recently got ACV because my wife found that mixed in with the pets' water its a great cure to rid fleas, otherwise we wouldnt even have it in the house. I have had GERD for about 10 years now and I have been taking prilosec as well as zantac and the like, and when I run out I use baking soda mixed with water and that almost makes me puke everytime, but also works. in a pinch I would suggest this to anyone, it really works!!!...no more water and baking soda for me, this is far more tolerable.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pat (Tulsa, Ok) on 06/05/2009

I've suffered from heartburn for about 8 years. I've had to take omeprazole for the last 3 years. I started taking raw, unfiltered ACV. No heartburn for over two weeks now. I take a 16.9 fl. oz. bottle, take one drink, & then fill it back up with ACV. It also seems to suppress appetite as well.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Patty (Suburban Philadelphia, PA USA) on 05/25/2009

I've suffered chronic heartburn for 8 years and finally got myself down to one OTC PPI every other day but that really was not enough.I had heard that PPI's are bad for the bones. I am a 54 y/o woman, so I just had to get off this stupid pill. I have tried and tried to get off the proton pump inhibitor but always had to go back. Well I am so glad I found this info! I got the organic made in USA apple cider vinegar. 2 TEAspoons in 8 oz. 3 times a day.A little honey makes it quite refreshing on a hot day. I have it first thing in the morning, around midday and before dinner. No heartburn and I can even enjoy my cup of coffee and a before dinner beer. wow! It's only day 3 but usually by this time I am chewing antacids like crazy. have not even had one! I told my gastro guy I was going to do this and he said go ahead, it won't hurt you. I can't wait to tell him i am cured!! (fingers crossed)

Replied by Patty
(Suburban Philadelphia, PA USA)

Just a follow up on the ACV comments I made.. I had a great first 5 days on ACV then heartburn started to creep back in. I wes so disappointed. I took one heartburn pill one day, skipped a day and then heartburn OTC H2 blocker again. All the while taking the 2 teaspoons organic raw ACV 3 times a day. Now I've been 3 days without any medication, just the ACV and things seem to have settled down and I think my body is adapting. It is good! I'm guessing that heartburn could have been part of the "rebound" of long term PPI use. I'm being careful in my diet and will stick with the ACV.So if you are just starting on the regimen, do give it a chance and expect a few bad days as you adjust. Good luck everyone!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gage (Poland, Ny) on 05/10/2009

apple cider vinegar cured my heart burn! i swallowed 2 tablespoons and then the heart burn flared up so i was on the floor holding my chest then, bam, gone. i will never suffer from heart burn agin!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Melissa (Camden, MI) on 01/12/2009

I had terrible heartburn that I'm sure was brought on by Very spicy Chili and then a couple of wine coolers in the evening. Imediately came to earth clinic for my cure.. Sure enough! Apple cider vinegar! it worked!! Thanks once again earth clinic. I love this site.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sylvia (Colchester, Essex,England UK) on 11/17/2008

Hi, I had a bad attack of heartburn recently,none of the commercial products relieved it. I tried two teaspoons of applecider vinegar mixed with one teaspoon of honey. Guess what it worked! Regards Sylvia

Replied by Jean
(Las Vegas, NV, USA)

I am now a believer! I used 2 tablespoons of ACV and 1 tablespoon of maple syrup just because I ran out of honey or I would have used that instead. The cure was instant.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anna (Los Angeles, California) on 02/27/2008

I just tried AVC for the first time and it actually is quite the miracle... I feel lots of energy just from the first drink! And I actually think it tastes pretty good... 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar 1/2 tspn of cayenne pepper 1/2 lemon juice 2 tspns of maple syrup I was not actually expecting to find this today or this website... while I couldn't go to school today from horrible heartburn and this remedy actually helps if you ever get heartburn!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by sandy (modesto, ca) on 01/19/2008

2 tablespoons of ACV w/the mother mixed with 4 tablesspoons of fruit juice and my heartburn was gone! Super!... my husband won't try it, he's sticks with tums

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by chris a (san antonio, texas) on 01/04/2008

Hi just writing to let you all know that that I was looking for a remedy for Hep c and stumbled across H202. And ACV for high cholestrol. well i have been taking H2o2 as directed with a dropper. And i have noticed that this product cleared an annoying cough. The ACV helped out with the bad heartburn that i had. When the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob made this world he made it perfect. Praise the lord for the natural remedies that he has made. CGA, Sa,Tex

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jennifer (Windsor, California) on 08/14/2007

Hi Karen, My mother occasionally experiences the same heartburn discomfort after taking ACV. She can't take it on an empty stomach and has to sip it slowly. She does take it every morning after breakfast diluted in 16 oz of filtered water. In regards to lowering blood pressure, she's had wonderful success with cayenne pepper. Do a search on Dr. Richard Schultz for lots more info. My Mom's doctor reduced her blood pressure med in half several months ago and my Mom hopes to be able to stop completely when she goes back in for her checkup in a couple of months. Besides eating well and taking the ACV and cayenne, she walks several miles 3 - 4 times a week.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Debbie (Cortland, NY) on 01/30/2007

tried 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinager and i havent had any more problems with heartburn for 6mos already

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