Natural Remedies

Ease Heartburn Naturally: Top Home Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Lie On Your Left Side

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Posted by Marilyn (Warner Robins, Ga) on 04/05/2018

Lie on left side for GERD, heartburn, stomach virus, etc.

I have had stomach problems since birth with terrible heartburn. I have a hiatal hernia and GERD. When I can't afford NEXIUM because it's $1 per pill I use ACV but I also read somewhere that I should lie on my left side when resting and sleeping and it makes an unbelievable difference. It's also better for your heart and blood pressure, especially when pregnant. Let me know if it also helps ya'll.

Lime Peel Tea

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Posted by Kellysam (Nassua, Bahamas) on 08/13/2009

I have been recently diagnosed with Gerds after a recent flare up, for the last three weeks i have been using every suggestion i have found , none with lasting benefits. After having heartburn for three days i tried lime tea, that is the skin of one lime, peeled off and brewed in hot water, drinking that with a little sugar or without throughout the day, at least three times has helped to relieve and even rid me of my heartburn. Also i found that i was not making enough bowel movements, this i believe can increase heartburn, because the stomach is not emptying fast enough so gases and acids are released upwards.So a good colon cleanse as also been of great help.

Low Carb Diet

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Posted by Anthony (Weirton, WV, USA) on 01/10/2009

Heartburn cure: A low carb diet completely cured my heartburn/acid reflux. I tried everything from ezymes to raw apple cider vinegar and nothing worked. I quit coffee (which I love), but it still remained. When I went on a low carb diet, the heartburn went away. It took about a week to totally cured.

By low carb I mean 30-40g of carbs per day. I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this. If you feel you have tried everything to cure heartburn, this may be just what you needed.

Replied by Cassady
(Norman, Ok)

100% of my heartburn is due to gluten intolerance. I can eat whatever I like, as long as it doesn't have any damn gluten in it. As soon as I eat gluten, I get awful heartburn. My point here being, perhaps a low carb diet helps some people with heartburn because they are generally eating less breads and pastas? Maybe try eliminating gluten from your diet if you've tried everything else.

I'm here because sometimes... You just have to have a slice of pizza!! I ate a pear, per someone's suggestion cause I already had that and not an apple. Heartburn has not disappeared completely but is DEF much better!! Thanks!

Low Carbohydrate Diet

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Posted by Max (Titusville, Pa / Usa) on 03/28/2011

Recently I switched to a very low carbohydrate diet to control my weight. My heartburn, along with cracking skin and calluses on my feet disapeared along with my heartburn! I have had heartburn for quite awhile and did get relief form apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and celery but it would come back. I can now eat spicy chili and drink coffee and the heartburn does not appear. It is amazing.

Replied by Francois

From my own experience with heartburn and low-carbohydrate dieting, I think it has to do with the reducing or supression of wheat and rye in the diet.

I have recommended some friends with GERD to stop eating wheat products (not an easy task: bread, pasta, cookies etc.), and those who did try it, found relief. Without following a low-carb diet.

I am convinced that low-carb diets are great, and I'm a low-carber, but lots of people won't go there: too much hassle and too counter-intuitive for them.

Cutting down or removing wheat (and rye), while still a hassle, is easier for them to achieve than following such a 'strange' thing (strange in their view) as a low-carb diet.

Replied by KT

This is so true. I read where a doctor cut carbs only to lose weight but discovered he no longer had heartburn by doing that. The problem now is not only with starches. All of our fruits and vegetables have been genetically modified to last longer so, in my opinion, this makes them harder to digest, hence the rise in diabetes. It was a long time learning for me. I've had to reduce portions of meat, get smaller eggs and two percent milk because the animals we eat or get milk and eggs from are being fed GMO grasses and grains.


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Posted by Miranda (Passau, Bavaria, Germany) on 07/30/2009

Despite eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise, I suffered from really bad heartburn for over 10 years. At first I just used antacids the doctor prescribed, but I realised that was just covering up the symptoms.Then my heartburn got so bad that I suffered from it almost all the time, especially during the night. The doctor diagnosed reflux and for 3 years I took pills daily to prevent an attack. He even advised me to have an operation. One Friday I ran out of pills. That afternoon I got a really bad cramp in my leg that lasted about a quarter of an hour and was so painful I nearly passed out. In agony, I took two 80 gr. magnesium pills at once and four more spread out over the next 12 hours. Then I took 3 pills a day for the next 2 days, after that one pill a day. When the weekend passed I realised I hadn't had any heartburn all weekend, despite not having taken any heartburn pills. Now I take a magnesium supplement every day and haven't had any heartburn or reflux for two years. It was like a miracle and it certainly gave me a new lease of life.

Major Heartburn Warning

1 User Review

Posted by Mikeyb33 (Concord, Ca) on 11/27/2010


I thought I was experiencing severe heartburn at 5am in the morning. It was unbearable and I could not sit, lie or stand still. The only thing that helped was to walk around outside, but that only lasted for a few moments. I decided to drive to the hospital ER with my wife. Once inside the ER admitting area, they asked me to sign a few forms, but before I could, I told the admissions person I was feeling lightheaded, and at that point passed out. I woke up in the ER room with several people attending me. It turns out that my heartburn was the prelude to a massive heart attack, where I had to be revived with CPR and the shock pads. They said I had left them for a few moments. Thank God I decided to go to the ER, something I was very reluctant to do. But now I know, that at the slightest signs of a heartburn, or any thing related to the heart, to call 911 immediately. I hope this helps many people who think they are experiencing what they feel is severe heartburn. Hopefully in everyone elses case it is only heartburn, and not the onset of a heart attack. I feel very blessed to be alive to be able to relay this message. Eat Healthy. Live Healthy. Stay Healthy.


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Posted by Ssidhu (Toronto) on 11/12/2015

For heartburn, try cold milk, two sips at a time.

Posted by Veronica (San Antonio, Texas) on 02/21/2008

I noticed a couple of swallows of milk will always relieve my heartburn. I thought everyone knew that milk was good for burning sensations in the mouth and throat, but it seems that is not so. Milk also works much better then water on stopping the burning sensaton from hot sauce.

Replied by Becki
(Washington, Indiana)

Throughout both of my pregnancies and afterwards, both dairy and non-dairy milk has always worked for me. During my menstral cycle, I notice that I become lactose intolerant. So, I will drink soy, almond, rice, and even coconut milk to soothe my heartburn. I find that when I drink the non-dairy milks it will take a lot more to soothe the burning than dairy milk. However, my favorite remedy is chocolate milk and dark chocolate almond milk. I suppose, it is because of the thickness it helps to ease off in a matter of seconds.

Posted by Taryn (Topeka, Kansas) on 02/19/2008

I have had acid reflux for about 7 years now mine is chronic so it'll never go away, but I found that if you have really bad heartburn drink a COLD glass of milk and it'll sooth the pain. If it doesn't go away after one glass get another and keep doing this process until your heartburn dies down.

Replied by Carrie
(Halifax, NS, Canada)

Milk (Dairy) is in the Acid Family. At the time of consumption milk offers immediate relief from acid reflux symptoms, but this is only temporary and the reflux will return. A trick that really works for me is not consuming liquid 30 minutes before and 45 minutes after food consumption. Water (liquids) often times slow digestion and digestive fluids, thus contributing to acid reflux and slow digestion. Hope this helps!

Replied by Fatima
(London, UK)

Drink milk mixed with water , one glass water half glass milk. This is also good for pregnancy related heartburn.

Milk Thistle

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Posted by Misty1966 (Barrie, ON, Canada) on 02/27/2024

I was suffering with debilitating heartburn for years. It was almost daily and so bad that I would dread doing anything physical because I knew it would ruin my day. Last summer it dawned on me (I'm a slow learner! ) that my heartburn could be a symptom of something bigger and I don't know where I was reading it but I happened upon a post about the liver and that hearburn and gas was a symptom of livers that need detoxing. I used milk thistle religiously for 3 months. I felt better within a couple of days. I still take it once in a while when I get gassy or after I've been using any medication.

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by Dadhwalz (Ludhiana, India) on 04/11/2011

1) Sleep sitting up, or with the head, neck, and shoulders raised at least above the stomach. This will keep excess stomach acid from traveling upwards into your esophagus.

2) Eat smaller meals more frequently, as larger meals tend to create excess stomach acid, which then leads to heartburn.

3) Although not totally proven, avoiding certain foods like coffee, fruit juice, onions, chocolate, spicy foods, pretzels, tea, fatty foods, etc. can help reduce heartburn.

4. natural Aloe vera juice is another great approach that can help reduce the effects of acid inside the stomach.

5.Teas can be quite effective in assisting with digestive problems.

Replied by Catherine
(Wellington, New Zealand)

About heartburn.. It may be caused by hiatal hernia OR lack of HCL (low stomach acid)

HCL is needed to breakdown and digest foods, when it is lacking, digestion is incomplete and results in heartburn. When ACV works it indicates that HCL is needed and thats why ACV works for some heartburn and not others.

In hiatil hernia sleeping with head elevated keeps stomach acid from moving up the eosophagus, prime culprit in night time heartburn. Low carbohydrate diets work really well for heartburn and charcoal tablets can be effective in controlling belching.

Replied by Elly
(Topeka, Kansas)

Hi Catherine, so true! I was born with a hiatal hernia and sometimes get reflux. Strangely I sometimes get reflux on an empty stomach in the morning and after I drink filtered water. Apple cider vinegar with a little baking soda has always helped and for some hours. I was a little timid to try the HCL and wondered if maybe using ACV instead would be fine since they both seem to do about the same thing. I also took some digestive enzymes after meals but felt a tiny bit of reflux on continued use but I can't say for sure if they were to cause. ACV is a Godsend! Thanks!


26 User Reviews
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Posted by Mike (Kent, Uk) on 09/12/2020 25 posts

Mustard for Heartburn:

Seems to work fine. I'm not sure how long it works for but it's long enough to make me feel comfortable and seems fine.

All I've been doing is just getting a bit of dijon mustard (30% mustard seeds) on my finger and then quickly swallowing it with some water so it doesn't hit my tongue too much. Weirdly as long as it's only on one place on my tongue and goes quickly I don't really taste it much.

So yeah. That's what I've found :)

Posted by Lauren S (Allamuchy, Nj) on 02/06/2017

I started with horrible acid reflux right around the holidays, it was so bad that at one point, I thought I was having a heart attack. I have spent months and countless dollars on Nexium, Zegrid, Beano, TUMS, Rolaids, Activated Charcoal ...you name, I've tried it. I changed my diet but this past weekend, I didn't do so good (i.e. Thai food) and wow did I feel like I was dying all over again. I looked up foods that help for acid reflux and GERD. I ate a banana, applesauce, drank ACV diluted in water and had ginger tea. It helped a bit but then I read about mustard. Sure I like mustard, on hot dogs and burgers but the thought of just eating a spoonful by itself made me gag. my reflux was so bad at that point that I was willing to try anything so down the hatch it went and within minutes, NO MORE PAIN!! No more feeling like I had a lump in my throat, I was belching as much. I felt 95% better. I do see my GI next week but I will continue to use mustard in the meantime because it really did work!

Posted by Lynn (Canada) on 12/03/2016

I'm on some new medication for chronic, severe migraines and have developed heartburn for the first time in my life. It woke me up this morning at 2:00am in severe pain, and of course I had just run out of ACV!

Yellow mustard to the rescue, within minutes I had relief. A few hours later more heartburn, another TBS of mustard, and relief again. I'm so happy!

Posted by D (Ky ) on 06/16/2016

Mustard for Heartburn - This works miracles!!! My granny and mother taught me this remedy and it works. I'm pregnant and get heartburn every night or every day to where it is so bad I cannot even sleep. I tried this and it was beyond an success! Them Kentucky women sure know what they be talking about!!!

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