Heel Spurs
Natural Remedies

Heel Spurs Treatment - Home Remedies that Work!

| Modified on Jul 28, 2024
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What Are Heel Spurs?

If you suffer from heel spurs you know the intensity of heel pain that can come with it, but you may not know quite what is going on in your foot. The pain you feel is the result of a spiky accumulation of calcium on the heel bone. Obviously, our bones are substantially made of calcium in any case, but in the case of a heel spur this is an improperly grown bone formation. The plantar fascia, a band of connective tissue running between your heel and toes, detaches from the heel a bit and the calcification grows as a result of that detachment, giving you your heel bone spur.

Heel spur symptoms can be negligible. You may not notice them at all and may not know they are there without an x-ray of the foot. Usually, the heel spur is a minor issue in itself, a little calcium deposit on the bone, but the pain it is often accompanied by - plantar fasciitis - is no small thing. The pain of a heel spur can be tremendous and accompany every step you take. The calcium growth of the heel spur itself is often caused by the inflammation of plantar fasciitis, and the two conditions can then negatively reinforce each other until you are suffering from a chronic pain condition in one or both feet.

Home Remedy Options for Heel Spur Treatment

At present, the most popular remedies for heel spurs among ECers is supplemental calcium and an ankle wrap using apple cider vinegar. Additionally, stretching the affected foot; using arch supports or other orthotics to reduce impact and overpronation; rest and ice; anti-inflammatory foods, supplements, and drugs; and the herbal remedies ginger and turmeric can all help relieve heel spurs pain.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Alfalfa Tea

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Carol (Jacksonville, FL) on 06/05/2006

For a heel spur, take Alfalfa Tea several times a day for first 4 wks, then only 3-4 times a wk will be sufficient. Was recommended to me by a co-worker. Works great:)

Apple Cider Vinegar

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Lainee (Wesley Chapel, Florida) on 08/02/2023

I've been using ACV since 8/24/23 to treat heel spur. I've had this problem since May 2023. I've been to the Chiropractor for treatment which helped somewhat. Next, I proceeded to the Podiatrist who suggested that I get the special insole for my sneakers, also took an injection which provided some relief. In addition, I bought the orthopedic sandals. The sandals also provided my foot with great relief. However, finding the website was the “big deal” as I have been reading about the best natural remedies for heel spur. Therefore, I started using the ACV since 7/24/23. I have been soaking my foot twice per day with ACV in warm water twice per day aggressively. At nights, I use a waterproof band aid soaked with ACV and apply it to the area and wear a sock to bed. I even have a little hardened area below my ankle which has softened and is disappearing. Though the intervention is tedious, I can attest to the fact that it works.

I am also going to the physiotherapist twice per week - I do exercise, which also helps along with the physio massaging and icing the area. I am thankful for this website and ACV. I know that not all remedies works for everyone, but ACV REALLY, REALLY works for me.

NB I've also had to reduce my physical activity such as Zumba and walking. Glad I'm on break as my foot needed to rest.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jane Mnt (Fairfax VÀ ) on 11/23/2016

Thank God lead by Him to your web. I felt something usually on my left foot, but I was ok. It not bothered me. Somehow last late September 2016, both feet were inflame, around soles and needles seem poked under your soles!

I walked led as handicapped, not able to walk! I hurried ordered vitamine B complex, magnesium, calcium, potassium as my sister said that lack of those kind could gave me that sickness

X-ray showed that I have little bone spur on both feet. Oh, ye little but in pain, and not able to walk! Dr let me go to therapist. Help only 1/10 or 2/10 if I was lucky got the therapist with instrument to do the groupon (not sure the correct name) .other therapists they don' t have their own devices, they only massaged, not help at all!

Then how lucky I was, searching cure zone.com, it lead me to you . I applied vinager on both feet during whole night, the next morning, oh thank God I saw I was on heaven . I don't know how to use words to describe my happiness, my gratitude to your link with all readers had shared their success by using all the remedies on your link about bone spurs

May god bless you, link and readers, may God bless all seekers in pain, in need open mind to try all methods to avoid the unnecessary surgery

Jane MNT

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Donna Hyde (Lincoln, NE) on 07/06/2009

Have you all tried to drink organic apple cider vinegar for a heel spur? taking it internally works better than putting it on your skin. I had a spur on my foot the vinegar dissolved it. i was taking the vinegar to clean out my body. i was taking 1/4 cup in a glass of water 2 times a day. I did it for 1 month. It works.

Apple Cider Vinegar Soak

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lisa (Va.) on 07/09/2016

For my heel spur, I SOAK my feet in a bucket full of Acv. Anything else for me is a waste of time. Gone!!

Replied by Maria
(Manalapan, New Jersey)

I have heel spur pain for about two months now, I saw a doctor and he is sending me for physical therapy, buy I will like to try the apple cider vinegar soak. Please tell me how many times a week and how much vinegar, do i mix it with water, and how long do i soak my feet in the vinegar?.

Replied by Ellen

Try 1/2 water plus 1/2 apple cider vinegar.

Soak 20 minutes twice daily.

Or soak a cloth in apple cider vinegar and put it on your heel spur and cover with plastic wrap and an ace bandage overnight.

Replied by Amalia

I am suffering for about 4 years that pain is killing me. I have spur in both feet on the back just near to my talon. Nothing help only strong medication, tonight I going to try the vinegar to see. this pain is constantly I am not resting enough, make me feel sad and old, no more walks no exercises no more fun because make me feel tired.

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap

15 User Reviews
5 star (12) 
4 star (1) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Pammie (Australia) on 10/26/2021

Hi all,

I have had heel spurs for 8 weeks. In a lot pain. I had x-ray ultra scan which showed a heel spur flat arch. I had a shock wave treatment which didn't help much so I tried Apple vinegar wraps. brown paper bag soaked in a cup of vinegar. Brown bag in old slippers when home. changed when dry to wet moist ones. I started with 5 times a day for only day 3 and no pain. I kept it up for two weeks but such a relief to walk on heel again.

Try it, it works 🦶😀

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Roderick (Miami) on 08/21/2015

Yesterday I spent a few hours on my feet and at night my heel spurs were on fire. Pushing down even lightly on it felt like a nasty bruise.

I found the apple cider vinegar wrap remedy last night and immediately tried it. I used two small hand towels and Saran wrap. I placed the dry towel on my heel and started wrapping from my ankle down. Once the towel was tightly wrapped I poured the ACV down there and soaked the towel. I then finished wrapping to about the arch of my foot. This left my toes comfortably uncovered.

I slept about 7 hours and then took them off. My heels were like grapes. I thought that maybe I over did it. I pushed on the heel and felt no pain.

Today I was on my feet for hours and my feet feel great compared to yesterday. I don't have the bruising feeling. I just wrapped them again. I don't think I'll need to continue this very long. I'll update

Replied by Melissa
(Indianapolis, In)

Yes, please update. I am soaking in Apple Cider Vinegar and taking 2 tb a day.i can see the deposits pushing thru my achilles. I've changed to expensive support shoes and refuse to have surgery. I heard vinegar dissolves calcium. Here we go!

Replied by Sarah

Did you use the organic ..my heel spurs/and plantar fasciitis had been a problem for GOING on 5 month now and no relief in site.

Replied by Stacey W.
(Louisville, Ky)

Did it work? Please update. My Mom suffers from them and I am trying to find something to help her.

Replied by Rick H.
(Kelseyville, Ca.)

Yeah! To whoever said, Here We Go! I got a real laugh out of that! I've been wondering what I'm going to do about my feet for almost 2 yrs. now, all the while they get worse! My X told me about soaking them in ACV but with a little honey or sodium. At this point I'm going to, I just figured this out as I was typing.

I'm going to use an ace bandage and soak it in ACV and sodium, I'm not talking about regular salt I'm talking about the kind you get from the hospital or pharmacy, HCL, sodium used for external irrigation, anyway, thanks for the inspiration. Rick from Calif.

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by June (Australia) on 03/18/2014

Apple cider vinegar wrap worked for mey heel spur I was in agony for months I had 3 cortozone injections in a week, that's how bad I was. I used a paper towel and made it damp but not soakin put it on my heel for most of the day. When it dried out I repeated the procedure. I did this for 6 weeks taking it of at night and I have been pain free for a year and a half. It sounded really daft but I think its fantastic. My skin peeled where I put to much but it wasn't painful. My brother soaked his feet in a bucket of water with apple cider vinegar added and he got relief too.

Replied by Krishna

I tried soaking a brown paper in ACV and putting it in my shoe, but I realized that it can't be reused as the paper tears into several smaller pieces and it also dries up quickly... Can I just dip the part of the sock that goes near the heel into ACV and wear it?

Replied by Mama To Many

We use vinegar on a cloth or sock as you describe with great results!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Corcoran's
(Foley, Al)

On the Apple Cider Vinegar for heel spurs, we use Organic Unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar, Unfiltered.Organic Unrefined. It still has apple bits in it. You can find this in grocery stores or you can order online . This means the apples and the tree were never sprayed with chemicals and it's important to have the bits from the fermenting.

Replied by Jean
(Atlanta, Ga.)

Thank you so much. I have had two cortizone shots for my heal spur and it is the worst pain I have had since I gave birth to my son. It only solves the problem temporarily and leaves you with an avoidance paranoia.I have seen other reports with good results also. Thanks for sharing😊

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Suzanneh (Newcastle, Australia ) on 10/10/2013

My family laughed at me when I told them I was going to try an apple cider vinegar wrap for my heel spur. The first morning, it did feel better, but didn't last for long only a few hours. The next day it felt better. The third day it felt heaps better. Not sure if I felt something perhaps break in the heal like the spur broke off. Anyway we are at the Bathurst racetrack now for the big race and I have been walking around a lot and it is good, so much better than before I tried it only a very small amount of pain now. Will do a few more treatments when we go back home.

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Diane (Grants Pass, Or) on 08/28/2013

I am trying the various remedies for heel spurs. I started the apple cider vinegar wrap 4 days ago. I wrapped it with a gauze bandage soaked in ACV with a plastic bag tied around my foot and left on overnight for the 4 nights. I didn't notice much difference in the pain, but thought maybe I needed to continue this procedure longer. Well today I noticed a big chunk of skin where I have been soaking coming off my heal. This will be quite painful if this skin comes off. So I am stopping the soaking and want to warn others not to soak too much with the ACV. I am going to continue with drinking ACV, Coconut Oil, & taking Calcium and hope these cures work for me.

Replied by Pru
(Medicine Hat)

I used a pair of socks and soaked them in apple cider vinegar and put bags on them for my heel spur.

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Mary (Escanaba, Mi) on 06/24/2011

I am a foot reflexologist and I have been having pain in my heel from what I believe is a heel spur. I had been working on my feet and enduring the pain as I did not want to have cortizone injections. I started wrapping my heel with an ace bandage soaked in ACV. I also starting taking it orally 2 T daily as I have read many other benefits of ACV. Also, a huge plus, the wrap on my heel took away all the built up callus. I am going to wrap my other foot as well!

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Carol (Keller, Texas) on 06/07/2011

I don't know if I have a heel spur or planter fasia, but I read some of your remedies and I just tried organic apple cider vinegar by rubbing and massaging it on my heel and the side of my foot. It is so much better and I didn't have any problem walking when I first got out of bed this morning. I am in no pain and it feels great.

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Lori (Lincoln, NE) on 07/06/2009

I used the ACV wrap at night w a bag around my foot for 7 days and saw no relief at all. And it stunk up my house and my bedding. Not worth it!

Replied by Yvette
(New Mexico)

Drink it. :)

2 tsps / cup purified water before every meal. (you can half it, and drink half.)

Replied by Shirley
(Wichita, Ks)

If ACV is too hard on your feet, try castor oil, just rub in at night for a week or less. That works very well for me.

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Ronald (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) on 01/25/2009

I have had a heel spur for about 4 years. Buying high quality shoes - a well known jogger brand but the black office type helped immensely but didn't get rid of the problem. The other day I went for a 9 KM run and the ankle flared up. I tried the wrap and it is working. Two days later there is almost no sign of it. I highly recommend the ACV wrap.

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Ileana (Miami, Florida) on 10/10/2008

I had had heel spurs for almost a year now. I had try everything (cortisone shot, pills, creams, physical therapy, acupunture, thai massage, foot massage,etc) I had been using the apple cider for more than a week at night. However, I still have the pain. I think it is better. Do you think I should be using the apple cider for longer time?? Please, any recomendation will be apreciated.

Replied by Lou
(Tyler, Tx)

I wrapped my feet with ACV soaked flannel overnight in a plastic gallon sized zip-lock bag on each foot. It gave me much relief. I wore Spenco orthotics ($40) in athletic shoes most of the summer. Target has some dress shoe orthotics that are clear and thinner (for when you are better) to wear with wedgies. My foot doctor recommended I wear wedge-heel shoes to support the arch.
