Hiatal Hernia Relief: Top Natural Remedies Guide

Weight Loss
Posted by Girlinterupted (, Durban, South Africa,) on 09/16/2013

Hiatal Hernia: I would like to know if losing stomach fat can take pressure off the hernia therefore making me feel better and less sore/bloated?

Posted by Thewoman (Atlanta, Ga) on 05/23/2013

Find a chiropractor or osteopath who knows how to do a manipulation of a hiatal hernia, putting the stomach back into place from the diaphragm. Google it, it's a simple, painless, quick procedure. Then find one to do it for you. My chiro did this for me. he even told me that if it slipped out again, if I would bring my husband (or someone) with me, he would show them how to do it so I wouldn't have to come back to him necessarily.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ellen (London, UK) on 04/08/2013

Certain acidic foods like Apple Cider Vinegar and lemon are acidic but produce an alkaline effect in the body.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Haverwench (Middlesex County, Nj, Usa) on 04/07/2013

Apple cider vinegar most certainly is NOT alkaline. It is acidic, like all other kinds of vinegar. Acetic acid, to be specific. This is basic chemistry.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Marsh57 (Denver, Co, Usa) on 11/09/2012

I was diagnosed with a hiatel hernia in 1988 at 30 years old and was told it would be prescriptions the rest of my life. A chiropractor taught me how to push it back into place on my own and a kinesiologist helped to determine food allergies and aggrevators. Stayed on a diet without wheat, sugar, caffeine and dairy for a year when my physician said it wasn't bad enough to operate on. I can't imagine what 'bad' was! Anyway, the diet worked for over 20 years. It helps to eat on a regular schedule and not to wait until your stomach is growling. It began coming back about a year ago so am careful to eat and manage stress. ACV definitely helps with the reflux.

Posted by Rafzacarias (Manila, Philippines) on 07/16/2012

It's more than 2 years ago when I got a surgery. Feel great and im in excellent condition. In fact I will be joining Milo Marathon late this month.. Thanks and God bless!!!

Orange Peel, Chamomile Tea
Posted by Desiree (Portland, Or) on 04/19/2012

D-Limonene - available at your health food store. It has orange peel "oil" in it. I paid about $9 at a chain called "Super Supplements. " I couldn't find it any place else, but you can order it online. You can also find out how it works online. It takes care of the reflux part of the hiatel hernia. The other part can be helped with exercises. Some people report only needing to take it 2-3 times. Please take as directed (with food) and read the directions. This is an incredible fix for the reflux. I didn't even think I really needed it, but it helped the pain alot. Best Wishes!

Finger Pressure
Posted by Pyroluriac (Alamogordo, Nm) on 03/25/2012

Jana from Bountiful, Utah: It's good you learned how to get your stomach down. Now you might want to learn what causes hiatal hernia. Look up "hypochlorhydria" and "low stomach acid". The tums may be what is causing your trouble.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lulu (Wells, Somerset) on 02/20/2012

Apple Cider Vinegar is Alkaline! So is Ok for Hiatus Hernia... Try slippery Elm, works a treat!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lama (Mclean, Va) on 02/16/2012

I too have a hiatal hernia. You should check the acidity level in your stomach before consuming apple cider vinegar. It will only help you if your stomach is not producing enough acid. Otherwise it will make your condition worse because ACV is highly acidic.

Posted by Rafzacarias (Makati, Philippines) on 12/29/2011

I'm here again... I regained my original weight of 150lbs and all the symptoms are gone.... .. God Bless

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne
Posted by Linda (New Haven, Ct - Connecticut) on 12/15/2011

I have Hiatal Hernia as well & have been taking 2 tsp ACV in 8 oz water twice a day for the past 8 months and 1 tsp turmeric & 1/2 cayenne pepper in milk twice a day as well for the past 6 months and have had no issues with my Hiatal Hernia at all.

Orange Peel, Chamomile Tea
Posted by Greg M. (Walla Walla, Wa) on 12/02/2011

Hello again, Just checking back in after my posting in July 2009 about the Orange Peel Seasoning. First of all it never bothered me in any way and I never lost any sleep. But the good news is I no longer suffer from GERD in everyday living. I never used any other medications while using the Orange Peel so I firmly believe in the use of the seaasoning. I wish there were more testimonals after all this time. If you read this please spend $5 and try home remedy and let us all know your results. Thanks. Greg

Finger Pressure
Posted by Jana (Bountiful, Utah, Usa) on 07/29/2011

I also found that massaging my stomach right under the ribcage helps me with my Hernia. I also take 4 tablets of tums. Drink lots of water too.

Vitamin B12
Posted by Cordell (Minto, N.b Canada) on 05/06/2011

I have recieved a few emails lately in regards to the exact protocol I have used to treat hiatal hernia, stomach distention, acid reflux etc.... So I would like to post the response I made to a few people, in hopes that someone might find it helpful. The cause of hiatal hernia appears to be invading bacteria or fungus, or a combination of both due to lowered immunity (environmental toxins, heavy metals, poor diet etc) Anyway, here is the response for anyone who is wanting to know what helped me put my symptoms into remission:

My response to questions about dosage etc:

The dosage of b3 (niacinamide) that seems most helpful is 500-1000mg per day. This helps with low energy (along with b complex at 50-100mg per day), and seems to clear the liver out too (I only know because I sometimes suffer from allergies, and it helps dramatically).

** If b12 is low, then all b vitamins will absorb poorly.. It may be worth it to check b12 status at a physician

As far as the minerals, Ive experimented a bit since posting on earthclinic.. and from my observations the most helpful minerals are chromium, selenium, boron (or borax), and magnesium.

You can play around with the dosages, but what works best for me is 500mcg of chromium chloride or chromic chloride (sometimes known as chromium gtf).. Chromium picolinate can also be used. 50-200mcg of selenium. 1/4 teaspoon of borax (mineral boron) dissolved completely in a litre of water. And roughly 500mg of magnesium (chloride or citrate form) per day. some breaks are needed such as a day or two off after every 4-5 days.

another one worth mentioning is copper. In my case copper seems to raise the immunity against whatever bug causes the hernia (maybe candida, maybe some mycobacterium, or both)... If you suspect you are low on copper it may be helpful.. one sure sign of deficiency is white hairs, and possibly headaches

Consuming cilantro to remove heavy metals from the body may also be helpful, if the bacteria is using heavy metals to hide from whatever is helpful in killing it off, but ive yet to confirm that this has any effect on the symptoms or not long term....

I have had the symptoms come back at different times, as well as gone into complete remission several times... In my case, I suspect the reason for symptom flare-up is because I end up stopping this protocol (thinking im completely cured) , and things like binging on junk foods (holidays etc)... There are certain foods which make the symptoms worse such as processed sugar, sweets, white bread, and other processed foods being the obvious ones. Also cooked vegetable oils seem to cause problems as well, such as deep fried or heavily fried foods

I highly suspect there is a certain bug/bacteria that causes hiatal hernia, and ive yet to totally beat this one, but I've yet to give up on fighting it. as time goes on this protocol seems to work effectively, but it may take more diligence on my part, or anyone trying to raise immunity to it to really beat this thing out. (the amount of time and diligence needed to completely heal is yet to be determined) there are probably other things that can help raise the bodies immunity to whatever the true cause is... And im sure that with enough diligence it could probably be taken care of for good

having said all that.. Id also like to just throw in that cayenne pepper, like say one teaspoon to a glass of warm water is also really good at relieving the symptoms... I do this when symptoms flare up and it helps.. Plus the cayenne is very good at killing off invading bacteria and improving digestion overall.. Another one is the organic apple cider vinegar, but ive had mixed results with that... Ted from earth clinic suggests taking it periodically so that the malic acid can help with detoxification, and so I take it from time to time for that purpose (baking soda may need to be added, if the water is soft or simply lacking bicarbonates)

and of course, last but not least is the alkalizing with a teaspoon of baking soda in water bout 3 times a day... This one is essential at keeping the symptoms at bay

well, I hope that information helps you, I know hiatal hernia symptoms can be really irritating, sometimes debilitating... So I wish you all the best.. if theres ever anything you want to share or ask, feel free :-)

sincerely, Cordell"

if anyone has anything to share in regards to the above protocol, would like to add anything that helps, or ask questions I can be reached my new email: spiritbearshamanic(at)gmail.com

Love and Light

Finger Pressure
Posted by Laurens. (Saratoga, Ny ) on 02/01/2011

This website helps so many people. I have a hiatel hernia and a simple and fast correction for it. Every morning or when it is acting up stand up staright, feet shoulder width apart, take a deep breath and place your fingers into your "chest" (right where your rib cage seperates) as far as you can, upon exhale pull the fingers straight down. Repeat as nescessary. God Bless!

Check for Gluten Allergy
Posted by Kauai_syren (Mendocino, Ca) on 12/20/2010

To the person who is suffering Hiatel Hernia with no luck:
Have you thought about the possibly that you could be gluten intolerant? I am gluten intolerant and suffer hiatel hernias when I am exposed to gluten... Also, both my left and right ileocecal valves open up. This causes a lot of pain and I suffer....! However, I am very lucky and blessed as I have a wonderful doctor that always seems to fix me. She is a doctor of chiropractic and an applied kinesiologist specializing in nutrition and food allergy testing. She is also celiac (allergic to gluten). If you are intrigued and want to know more, please take your chance! Being gluten free changed my life. I don't know what I would have done if I had not made this change. It is hard, but is there really any price to pay for feeling healthy?

Posted by Rafael (Manila, Philippines) on 10/31/2010

Manila, Philippines

I also been with this worst agony in my life. I thought I will be 6 feet below the ground by now if not been cured of my sliding hiatal hernia. These are some of the symptoms:
1. Adrenal fatigue
2. Weight loss (from 150lbs to 90lbs)
3. Easily loss my temper
4. Hair fall
5. Loss appetite
6. Palpitation
7. Difficulty in grasping fresh air
8. Regurgaration
9. Constipation

ACV, pickle juice and other medication mentioned in this website helps temporarily. I was diaganosed with Sliding hiatal hernia. By the way, dont take those medicine given by doctors for it will only worsten your acid reflux and will enhance your palpitation based on my personal experience. Last April 19 2010, I decided to undergo risky surgery for I have no choice since im lossing weight significantly. It's better to die fighting than doing nothing. I really selected the best thoracic surgeon in the city and also conducted some background investigation on his patients who undergo the same operations. Now its already November and feel like a brand new person again. However almost 3 months after the operation, you will still feel pain but after that it feels like heaven. Hope this help those who have been in the same situation. [email protected]...


Posted by John (Trang, Thailand) on 09/28/2010

The following is from a website "A Quick Fix for Hiatal Hernia" Worked instantly for me and I do it whenever I feel bloated. No medicines needed. First thing in the morning, after fasting all night, drink a full glass of water quickly. This puts weight in the stomach. Then hop up and down (You don't have to leap entirely off the ground. Getting up on your toes and bouncing will do. ) while relaxing your abdominal muscles. Basically, what this does is pull the stomach back down below the diaphragm where it belongs. Then if you can avoid putting pressure on the stomach from below while it is full, it will pretty much stay there.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Thecity1 (Austin, Texas) on 09/25/2010

I've heard really great things about going to a Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) for a HH. They are able to manually adjust your rib to decrease the pain. They are MD's with special training.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Tom (Regina, Sk) on 09/24/2010


What natural remedies HAVE you tried, from this or any other site?

Did you try the "glass of warm water in the morning" remedy? It's 100% free! It's under "BREATHING EXERCISE" there. 06/19/2010

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Chris (Carlinville, Il ) on 09/24/2010

Need feedback please. I have hiatel hernia and tried all meds, currently not taking meds because nothing works very long ( also changed my diet and did not work)my pain is worse when I sleep (right below sternum). The ACV and baking soda works well. I know my problem will be ongoing (my Dr. Says the jury is still out on consistant results from surgery)so my question is - are there any major health concerns with taking Ted's recipe for the long term or at least until someday they get this surgery perfected? Thanks.

Vitamin B12
Posted by Cordell (Minto, Nb Canada) on 09/05/2010

UPDATE: add to this regimen a good multi-mineral supplement, to complete the healing. The most important seem to be the boron, chromium, and selenium. The reason being I suspect is that fungus or mycobacteria are also involved. I've yet to determine which minerals are most vital, but a good multi-mineral at substantial dosages should be therapeutic in time. One I take now is a liquid mineral supplement that contains macro-minerals, boron, zinc, selenium, chromium, manganese, molybdenum. Besides this I take extra boron (in capsule form) for it's anti-fungal properties, and extra manganese (for hair loss). Anyway, acid reflux, hernia, bowel distention, gastritis etc have all gone into remission for me on all the above protocol. Hopefully it helps someone else too. Peace and love

Vitamin B12
Posted by Cordell (Minto, Nb Canada) on 08/11/2010

UPDATE: Something else that helps to reduce the hiatal hernia: Eating green apples. I experimented with this off and on, and it helps the healing. They are supposed to be good for dissolving gallbladder stones. Stones generally accumulate as a result of poor digestion, which leads to further impairment. So, I would suggest adding green apples (maybe 1-3 or more! ) to this healing regimen. Don't forget to keep alkaline! Cordell

Vitamin B12
Posted by Cordell (Minto, New Brunswick Canada) on 08/03/2010

I have to somewhat recall this feedback, because since the time I posted it I discovered vitamin b12 may have only played a minor role in complete healing. I did not heal completely with b12 alone in other words. After adding in the alkaline remedy of 1/4 sodium bicarbonate plus potassium citrate about 3 times daily: 11am, 3pm, and 11pm, between meals, and also taking magnesium citrate 5 days a week I noticed significant improvement. I had to eliminate dairy and wheat though as well. However, this still was not enough. Things were better, but still not the best. I had read on this site from Ted, that hernia was most likely cause by a bacteria. For a few days on and a few days off I also consumed milk of magnesia (with a ph of 12) to try and kill off any bacteria along the digestive tract. I did this for a couple weeks. I did have diarrhea, but went on the recommendation it causes some internal cleansing. This seemed to really help with distention in the lower part of the stomach I had experienced for some time. Ok. So did this heal the hernia, and stomach distention I had completely? Still no, but things were definitely looking up! I must also mention that, yes, b12 did help to relax me and this did help with the hernia and acid reflux burning, and since it helps other b vitamins absorb it is worth mentioning again since it wasnt until after I began taking high doses of niacinamide (b3), coupled with b50 twice a day that I noticed most improvement, and overall healing. I originally began taking niacinamide to deal with paranoid thoughts, anxiety and delusions that were bothering me. I wasn't diagnosed schizophrenic but from what I read on it, I was slowly becoming just that. Anyways, it worked wonders for anxiety and paranoia. But was unexpected was how much better I was feeling overall after a couple days, with increased energy, mental clarity, and how the hernia wasn't bothering me much at all. I'm now quite persuaded these remedies will work, especially if done long term, as long as it takes basically. One really interesting piece of information I discovered on b3 (niacinamide) was this:

"Niacin is one of the substances the body uses to help keep the smooth muscle of the digestive tract relaxed(smooth muscle is different from other muscle)without niacin the smooth muscle will tend to knot or kink or twist, it will do this especially where there is already a twist or turn in the tract, this occurs at the hiatus(the part of the esophagus which makes a 90 degree turn into the stomach). "

If anyone had bad digestion it was me, from top to bottom my stomach was in knots. Not anymore. I owe this to most of all Ted's remedies, and Dr. Abram Hoffer's research on b3. I'll mention briefly some other remedies I took. 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt in water with alkaline remedy sometimes for microminerals. Small pieces of zinc gluconate infrequently for immunity, plus selenium. Eating healthy, eating garlic from time to time for immunity. I consider the potassium citrate added with baking soda to be quite essential, as I noticed a more speedy recovery from this, than sodium bicarbonate alone. The excess gas I often had dissipated after a couple weeks entirely. Anyways, I hope this can be of help for someone. If you have any questions about anything I've posted here please don't hesitate to email me at [email protected]. I have taken a long road to get where I am now (3 years of intense bad digestion and anxiety), and I take little credit except that I did some research on this site and otherwise, used myself as a guinea pig in this time *laughs*. Peace and love.

Breathing Exercise
Posted by Tom (Regina, Sk) on 06/19/2010

This ongoing fix for a hiatus hernia comes from the 'Alternatives' health tips of Dr. David Williams.

First, a Simple Test:

It's not foolproof, but some doctors have their patients take a deep breath and hold it for 40 seconds. If you can't hold your breath for that long, and there are no other problems,then a hiatus hernia is a possibility.

A Simple Fix

If the top portion of the stomach is stuck up above the diaphragm, then the obvious answer is to get it out. This can be done in two steps:

Drink about a glass of either room temperature or slightly warm water when you get out of bed first thing in the morning. (No coffee, no tea, no juice, no cold water, just warm water.)

Then, while standing, bring your arms straight out from your sides and bend your elbows so that your hands are touching your chest. Then stand up on your toes as high as possible and DROP down onto your heels, rather like a weightlifter's squat! You should force a pretty good jolt. Drop down like this 10 times in a row. Then, while standing with your arms up, pant short quick breaths for about 15 seconds. That's it.

The warm water acts like a weight in the stomach. Warm water doesn't cause the stomach to cramp, but instead it relaxes it. Spreading your arms stretches the diaphragm and opens up that hole in the back. Dropping down on your heels jerks the stomach out of the hole, and the panting tightens up the diaphragm muscle to close the hole.

You need to do this exercise every day - not just until everything feels normal. This will also strengthen the area, and make the hiatal hernia less likely to come back.

Try it! It costs nothing.

Breathing Exercise
Posted by Laura (Lawrence, Ks) on 03/02/2010

After suffering from a hiatal hernia for six years (and trying three doctors, four chiropractors, 1 endoscopy, and around forty different herbal "remedies," I stumbled upon an exercise that actually brings relief: When the hernia is acting up, 1. I sit. 2. I take a deep breath, hold it. 3. Still holding my breath, I lift my knees as high and as long as I can. 4. I exhale and lower knees slowly (at the same time). 5. Walk around for a minute. 6. Repeat as necessary.

I can't believe this worked for me. I really thought I'd tried everything (AVC, aloe, charcoal, PPI's, slippery elm, blowing balloons, everything - I was seriously considering surgery), and this simple exercise is the only thing that brought relief. If anybody else gets the same relief from this exercise, I'll be even happier. Good luck.

Orange Peel, Chamomile Tea
Posted by Greg M. (Walla Walla, Wa) on 07/30/2009

I suffer from a Hiatal Hernia which in itself brought on my suffering from GERD. I was desperate in finding a way out. So by the time I realized that I was suffering from a hiatal hernia (caused by a real bad vomiting episode)I was desperate in finding a way out of this ill feeling I was ALWAYS having. I found this website and tried ACV with some good results but it still wasnt the normal feeling I was looking for. I forget how I started on Prilosec but it gave me the best results but I was still was feeling ill. My doctor gave me Nexium, but that was no better than the Prilosec I was taking. I tried other over the counter acid reflux medicines also but with little or the same results. I then read a book. What I read about those drugs was a bit scary. You actually need the stomach acids you produce to digest the food you eat. Dilute or reduce the acid you need and you are allowing raw food through your intestines and bowels. Yikes! No wonder the makers of those drugs want you to use them for no longer than 2 weeks at a time!

So I went back to the Internet to research my affliction again. Now, I dont want to take the credit, and I cant remember the site where I read my finding. So I give all the credit to that person who posted their results. But what I found and tried was too simple to ignore and that was ORANGE PEEL seasoning. Thats right! Just the very same Orange Peel Seasoning you can buy off your supermarket's shelves. Its somewhat expensive at $5-$6 for 1.5 oz's but a single bottle has lasted me nearly 2 months. I found a 16 oz bottle for less than $20 while searching the net. Well anyway, I use just a sprinkle on my breakfast cereal in the morning, and I sprinkle a little on my toast also, and I'm good for the day! All together the amount I use must equal to no more that a 1/2 teaspoon.

I also have two cups of Chamomile Tea a day, one at 7 AM with breakfast and one in the evening around 7 PM. The Tea works wonders and settles me down. I find I really only need the Orange Peel once a day but twice a day wouldnt hurt I guess. So I'm really interested in other people's experiences with the orange peel so please write and share your findings. If you are as desperate as I have been in feeling normal please give this a try. I'm glad I did :-) Thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Martha (Orange, Texas) on 03/01/2009

Hiatal Hernia & Acid Reflux: While pregnant with my 2nd daughter I got heartburn with everything I ate and was drinking a bottle of Maalox a day. After she was born it got a little better, but then worse again until everything including water gave me heartburn. Also I began to have reflux while sleeping and I would wake up after breathing the acid into my lungs. I was pretty scared to sleep lying down so I started sleeping at a 45 degree angle to prevent that from happening again.

I started xray school right after my daughter was born and during the 1st semester of training I saw all these people having Upper GI tests and were prescribed medications but people kept coming back because the meds weren't helping and that's when I decided to look for a solution naturally. I was told if you took a tablespoon of ACV when you had heartburn and the heartburn went away then you needed MORE acid and not less and the pills the docs were giving people STOPPED the production of acid, but you need that acid to help digest your food. I also assummed I had a hiatal hernia because sometimes my food felt like it didn't want to go down and stayed in my throat. After learning about the ACV treatment I did that for about 3 months. It was hard to drink it everyday but I did. I also cut out sodas, sweet tea, and tomato products as these things caused severe heartburn. I kept searching and talking to people and found a company that made food enzymes. I switched to food enzymes for about a year. My hiatal hernia and heartburn went away and I started sleeping flat again. That was in 1995 and I haven't had the problem again. I've told lots of people to try the ACV or food enzymes because I now know for sure that the meds people are put on are not the solution - oh I know it fixes some for a while but then the body is unable to get the vitamins from the foods they are eating and they come back to the hospital for a CAT SCAN to see what problem they have now. Since I work in a hospital and see the day to day problems that people have due to medication or Drs. who are simply overworked and most know nothing about nutrition, I go the natural way for everything. This is a great website and at least when people are searching for a solution they will try it, but I find that people look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them a simple solution to their problem, especially if it is going to mean they can't just take a pill and the problem goes away.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Eric M. (Port Orange, FL.) on 05/24/2009

I am 27 years old and have suffered with severe acid reflux since I was 17 years old. I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia after an endoscopy. I have been on about every type of medication known to man. My current meds were 1-Prilosec a day, then 1 to 3 Zantac 150's a day. I work in the medical field as an Emergency Dept. Tech. and my father is a doctor. I never heard about the Apple Cider Vinegar acid reflux cure until I happened to stumble across this website. WOW, WHAT A MIRACLE!!! I never thought I would find something to make the acid reflux pain go away. Thank you Earth Clinic and everyone who recommended this cure. I have only been on it for 4 days, but those four days have been life changing. I take 1 to 1 1/2 tbl. spoons with 8 oz. of water before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I have not had acid reflux since.

Vitamin B12
Posted by Cordell (Saint John, New Brunswick Canada) on 07/28/2009

B12 Cure for Hiatal Hernia and Illoceal Valve Syndrome

For more than a year I suffered from very poor digestion, with hiatal hernia, a closed illoceal valve, and trouble breathing or standing up quickly. Thankfully I just recently found the main culprit. Lack of B12! After taking 1000mcg sublingual tablets (methylcobalamin) twice a day, my symptoms have improved tenfold! Not to mention I have much more energy, and way less stress then I did before. After suspecting that my b12 might be low earlier on in my search for a cure I tried the non-sublingual tablets, but they hardly proved effective. This could possibly be because lack of instrisic factor in my body, or bacterial overgrowth. But I should note that I eat very healthy, and prior to discovering this, I had done several parasite cleanses, colon cleanses, and liver flush. I also avoided gluten containing products too (as I still do), as I suspected my poor digestion might be from gluten intolerance.

Anyway, I'm sharing this info because I hope that someone else that suffers from hiatal hernia and the breathing problems that comes with it might find that they just need more b12.

I would also like to add that taking enzymes, betaine hcl (hydrochloric acid tablets), and probiotics helped with my digestion too. But in the end b12 seemed to be the major component I was missing all along. If you suffer from the above mentioned problems that I did, I'd advise getting your b12 levels checked, or simply trying the sublingual tablets (b12 is very safe to take even if you have adequate amounts) to see if they help!



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