Effective Natural Remedies for Toothache Relief

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Katie (Wrexham, Wales) on 01/14/2009

The other comments here look excellent.

I also just wanted to add that a few drops of tea tree oil and/or witchhazel, as helpful too- straight onto the gum with a finger or toothbrush (diluted in some oil or straight on seems fine for me too). It has helped me a lot- the pain had been unbearable, it took a couple of days both times I tried it. I'm not sure if its totally healed now this time, so I will continue this for a bit longer, and may try clove oil and/or garlic, cayenne, or oil pulling remedies too to compare their efficiency.

Posted by Kelly (Miramar, FL) on 11/19/2006

Powdered clove cured my tooth ache. Thank the Divine; this worked IMMEDIATELY!

Posted by Ed (Roxborough, PA) on 10/23/2006

Have used this remedy a few times, take a slice off fresh Ginger root, put on gum of bothersome tooth, relieves the pain and discomfort

Vitamin C
Posted by Lawrence S (North Charleston,SC)

if you have a tooth ache and don't want to go to the dentist, here is a cure: take 1000 mg of vitamin C plus one capsule of Echinacea Root. Make sure it has 450 mg of Echinacea and take it twice a day for about 2 weeks. The pain will go away and then you don't have to take anything. One more thing -- don't take them all at once, take them like 9 am and 9 pm or some like that. if you can't take the pain take some pain pills with it. I have a bad tooth and no pain and i don't take any thing for it.

Oil Pulling
Posted by JC Mors (Ontario) on 12/30/2021

I tried oil pulling for a toothache and to my amazement, it worked.

I used Olive Oil 3 times a day and in 3 days my pain was completely gone.

I am continuing the process for further healing.


Tissue Paper Trick
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 09/28/2021

Garlic and vitamin c are blood thinners and can cause mouth bleeding. As far as your infection goes, you have a fight on your hands....be careful how you tackle it. I am fighting mine in the spirit realm as all natural cures won't fix mine anymore, only keep them controlled.

Activated charcoal will suck up the infection and use some castor oil with it and salt, I use the pink salt. The teeth also have a connection to the sinus cavity and jaw bone. Pulling teeth is the answer they say is best but then you watch those denture cream commercials and they spell out all the suffering and then implants are an accident waiting to happen. You are gambling with your heart and liver and brain here. Turmeric is good. Ginger is good for oral and gut health. Neem works only when using the brie< I think it is. People who used neem, not from area where brie from goats was eaten did not get dental benefits. Can't find the article I read. coconut oil works wonders too. As far as what is going on behind the scenes here, is it your gut health, emotional health affecting gut health, tonsil stones, or is it exposure to toxins? Find the source so you can put out the fire. Cover face in castor oil at night and cover pillowcase with an old t-shirt.

Healing Teeth Natural without Drugs, Surgery or Dentists (healingnews.com)

Symptoms of Mineral Deficiencies (life-enthusiast.com)

Posted by Deirdre (CT) on 11/19/2020

Hi David,

When I had extreme tooth nerve sensitivity last summer, it was from detoxing too much too fast. I took a potassium supplement and within half an hour, completely better. I continued to take one tablet a day for the next few days.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Jignesh Dave (Vadodara (gujarat)) on 10/12/2017

I am doing oil pulling with sesame oil at night after dinner since last 4-5 days ... its very beneficial ..i am suffering from pain at right corner 2-3 teeths of bottom....but I have observed that due to oil pulling pain decreased and also teeths becomes more clean...fantastic ...everyone must do this process.....

Posted by Michele M. (Fresno, Ca) on 11/27/2016

Using whole cloves for toothache remedy.

It really does work, I made a satchel of whole cloves, bashed it with a hammer, and gnawed at it for 15 min....finally relief!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Jeri (Colorado) on 09/16/2016

I also tried oil pulling with garlic. However, I was getting too burned by chopped up garlic and being the wussy I am, I opted for some organic garlic powder instead. I used coconut oil (enough to swish around in your mouth) and just poured some garlic powder on it and mixed it together until the oil was the yellow garlic color. I oil pull for at least 20 minutes at a time. The more often I do it, the more effective. I really just need to get this cavity fixed, but in the meantime, this has brought much relief.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Coregon (Tennessee) on 09/06/2016

For toothache when you can't get in to dentist right away, I swish 3% peroxide in mouth, hold for 30 seconds..then SPIT OUT. Repeat until you no longer see lots of bubbles or toothache relieved. See dentist if toothache is persistent.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Joyce (Lansdowne, Pa) on 07/23/2015

About 7 years ago I had a bridge installed in my mouth. At the time the dentist was shaving down one of the tooth to accommodate the bridge he shaved down too far exposing the nerve. I subsequently had to have a root canal done. A year later the bridge fell out because said tooth was broken. A post was installed and the bridge rebonded. About 6 weeks ago, the bridge became loose. I went to the dentist, he took out the bridge soak in in some listerine and then rebonded. A week later I went in to have my annual cleaning done and everything went well. A day later, I started to have pains in the tooth where the root canal was done. It was unbearable to the point where I could not eat.

Two days later was late Friday and the dentist was closed at 2 p.m. I was thinking that I would call them on Monday and I believed that the tooth would have to be extracted surgically as it was broken (I had the same experience in the past). I used baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to brush my teeth and I decided to spray the hydrogen peroxide directly on the tooth and went to bed. The next day, to my surprise there was no more pain. I sprayed the tooth again in the morning and at night and to this day I have had no more pain.

Posted by Aurora (Mason City Ia.) on 02/02/2014

Coconut oil worked for me and my husband. I hope you do find something soon and get the pain under control, no fun having tooth pain!

Posted by Prioris (Fl, Usa) on 02/02/2014

Cloves acts just to numb the tooth so it is good just for the pain. It doesn't address the streptococcus mutans bacteria etc. Oxygen is what can kill these anaerobic bacteria.

I have experimented with various things. So far 1 part 3% hydrogen peroxide mixed with 1 part water seems like the best. You can add 25% DMSO. I would use colloidal silver in place of the water.

The water is used to make HP more gentle and more seemingly stable in mouth. I haven't experimented with stabilized oxygen because the expense is absurd.

Posted by KT (Usa) on 09/21/2013

YES RACHAEL, WOW for the cloves. It worked... I too had to resort to using a whole clove in attempts to stop the pain! Incredible... I have a tooth that has a cracked root that went undetected until after a root canal and crown. The garlic clove worked on the pain of an abscess of another tooth so I started using the garlic for the one I had the crown removed but it was not woking as well. I used the teabag remedy that worked a little but when I saw this post and tried the whole clove... VOILA! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU EC!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Diane (Galway, Ireland) on 07/17/2013

I tried everything for toothache, cloves, garlic etc. The only thing that worked for me was oil pulling with coconut oil. The effect was instant and my teeth ending up shining white after a few days!

Every time now I feel a twitch of a toothache, I get straight in there and use the coconut oil.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by James (Edgewater , Florida) on 02/18/2016

Thank you so much. I've been doing ice water for over a week now and could not get to a dentist. I did exactly what you said, two tablespoons vinegar one big tablespoon of honey and warm water. The toothache pain disappeared in 10 seconds and has not been back. It's been over two hours now I honestly think I'll get some sleep tonight thanks again

Posted by Styleten (B.s., Usa) on 12/07/2011

After reading ths stuff on this site I choose to go to vitamin shop and for 6 bucks got clove bud oil got my tooth psin. I came home tested the taste and it was horrid. The dropper was odd so I choose to put it on a tooth brush and brush my teeth. Fitst the opposed side of the pain and I swished to check for pain tolerance. Then the teeth above the problem area. Finally I brushed my entire mouth and I got really fast pain relief. In the medicine cabinet it went. I may report back with how long it lasts. It's cheap enough where I can brush, then eat a real meal for a change then go back to being cautious. ^5 for better eating lol.

Posted by Sarah (Yellow Springs, Oh) on 06/03/2010

I had a really bad toothache with throbbing pain radiating out from my tooth and taking over half of my head. I tried the clove essential oil on a cotton swab rubbed on and around my tooth. My pain is gone. I have to reapply it every 4-6 hours when it starts hurting just a little again. It is really strong tasting, so I have a glass of juice ready to get the taste out after I apply it. Thanks for the good advice, Earth Clinic!

Green Tea
Posted by Tucson_arizona (Tucson, Arizona, U.s.a.) on 06/03/2010

I started having a toothache a week ago, I read before that green tea is suppose to help with gum disease, so I bought a bottle of green tea pills (I don't like the taste of the tea). They are 250 mg, and 95% polyphenols. I have been taking 4 of those a day, and mouth washing with peroxide and my toothache pain has reduced to almost no pain at all.

Posted by Jennifer (Rustburg, Virginia) on 04/02/2010

I love oil of cloves. I had a tooth extracted on Monday and the next day I had a dry socket. I went to the dentist on Thursday and they packed it, which was very painful. I read here about oil of cloves and went to my local health food store today and bought oil of cloves. I 1st put it on a piece of gauze with very little relief, I then put it on a Qtip and put it on the tooth site and I have NO PAIN now. Thank you so very much for this site.

God Bless

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