Effective Natural Remedies for Toothache Relief

Posted by Jennifer (New Orleans, La) on 01/29/2010

I never post to these kind of sites but now I have to. I had been struggling with a toothache so bad that I was ready to pull the thing out with a pliers. I tried tea bags, salt water, listerine, pain killers, everything. After a day and a half of agony I found this site and I went out and bought ground clove. I applied it directly to the tooth that hurt and it feels SO much better! I still have a bit of a nagging pain and a headache but NOTHING near what it was before. Highly recommended.

Acmella Oleracea
Posted by William (Akron, Ohio) on 08/18/2009

Acmella oleracea, also known as Spilanthes acmella or toothache plant, is a natural analgesic which numbs the tongue and gums. Chewing a young bud results in extremely strong tingling and numbing effect.You can also make a tincture using 1 part herb (buds, flowers, leaves)1 part water, and 5 parts ethanol. Let stand for 2 to 3 weeks shaken occasionally. Apply to affected area with cotton wool.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Selena (Chula, GA) on 06/05/2009

I have been swishing with coconut oil several times a week. Two benefits I have noticed is 1->my yellow canine teeth have whitened considerably (I have tried without success bleaching, baking soda and peroxide, etc). 2->My sensitivity in my teeth have decreased dramatically. I have not been able to keep the coconut oil in for more than 10 minutes so far because my jaws seem to get so tired and I have such a desire to cough from the congestion it seems to pull from my sinuses, I always end up spitting it out after 10 mins or less. I also only do the swishing 3 or 4 times a week (due to forgetfulness). I am hoping to work my way up to the 20 mins every day because of the positive effects on my teeth.

Posted by Lisa (East Elmhurst, NY) on 12/07/2008

I had a horrible toothache. I held a whole clove on the tooth for 2-3 minutes and the pain is gone!

Posted by Jennifer (Seattle, WA) on 06/04/2007

WOW! is all I can say. I was in such severe pain from an exposed tooth nerve that I thought I was going to go to the E.R. Then I tried cloves and my goodness the pain was gone in 2 minutes. Thank you for this web site- It is now on my favorites list.!!!!!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Arazak (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 04/14/2007

H202 for toothache: I was recommended by a friend to gargle for one minute with H2O2 3% solution 2 or 3 times per day and repeat for three or so days to relieve throbbing pain. And IT WORKED.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jacqueline (Louisville ) on 11/29/2015

I've had a terrible toothache for 5 days, its been the worst pain I've had in my life!! I finally gargled hydrogen peroxide for like 25 seconds and it instantly stopped hurting. Try it now!!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Jane (Portland, Oregon) on 11/17/2011

In answer to your question, I always do a Tablespoon. I think it is sufficient. Any less may be too little.

Posted by Magnolia16 (VA) on 05/22/2024

Red wine will do the same thing!

Posted by Bakul (London) on 11/21/2022

I have used turmeric powder to rub on to the gums 2-3 times a day for gum infection and pain. Fast reduction in gum inflammation and pain

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by George (Alabama) on 08/11/2017

Apple cider vingar and a teaspoon salt and hot water works good.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Kandy (Michigan) on 04/20/2017

Now I started coconut oil swishing about a teaspoon in my mouth for a few minutes for major tooth pain the swelling did go down in my face and relieved my gums I also used clove oil on my gums now beware it is strong use a que tip dilute with coconut oil..acys as a natural antispetic similar to ambusol but without unatural substances.

Posted by Man (Sojouring America) on 01/23/2014

I have to agree with this clove solution to tooth pain. I used clove soaked in Extra Virgin olive oil that I had in the kitchen and just put a spoon full in my mouth and gently kept it over the tooth that hurt. I also chewed some garlic a few times today too to alievate the pain. I also swished a diluted solution of DMSO in Pure water 2 table spoons in twenty ounces (20) on and off all day. (The pain started really bad when I ate a bowl of home made sauerkraut., It has never been refrigerated, I have just kept the sauerkraut under salted water). I also have been using on an off an extract of clove in alcohol and put into a little spray bottle for emergency tooth pain. When the clove extract is fresh it is an amazing anaesthetic and it works really fast. I have had my current batch for so long that it has lost much of its properties, but still possesses enough to solve the problem.

Olive Leaf
Posted by Clo Sed Eye Sopen (Hometown, Usa) on 05/15/2012

Warm salt water works like magic to temporarily reduce or halt pain tooth pain. To reduce infection so salt water rinses are needed less or all together, nothing works like olive leaf extract! I wish you could see the look on my face or hear the sincere tone of voice I'd use to convey how awesome it works! I had a wisdome tooth that broke then later got infected. Olive leaf extract healed the infection. I ended up delaying the extraction out of plain ol' fear of the tooth pulling for months with no pain or problems. I don't advise putting off something this serious but if you need time, use the olive leaf extract. I took 2 caps 4 times a day. Let me tell you, its worth it because it works so good! You can tell by the second or 3rd dose that its working! Just this last time, I noticed a few hours after the 1st dose.

Barley Grass
Posted by Debbie (Roxas, Capiz) on 02/08/2013

buy Barley Grass from New Zealand, its organic.

Sea Salt
Posted by Josh K (Amboy, Il USA) on 10/31/2010

No one can praise the power of good old warm salt water... It helps my toothaches almost instantly and was recommended to me by a respected Dentist. Worked for me again this morning :)"

Posted by Tina (Toledo, Ohio, Usa) on 06/07/2010


Tried clove powder on my painful broken tooth w/ cavity. Worked for a day then stopped. Tried clove oil and oregano oil,also tried baking soda. All worked for a day and stopped. Had to resort to pain pills but have keeped with taking clove and oregano oil diluted in olive oil(needs diluting or will burn)for infection. After a week or so of taking pain pills the pain has mysteriously faded to an ache. Will continue with natural antibiotics till I can have the tooth pulled. Very sad the natural stuff didn't work for the pain.

Posted by Mindy (Sandy, Utah) on 09/24/2010

One time when I had a terrible toothache on a weekend and also had no insurance, I called around trying to find a dentist who would see me. Finally one dentist told me that there was a product available at the drug store called Tooth Aid. I went and got it and it was a God send. The package contains cotton balls, the bottle of medicine and a pair of tweezers. You dip a tiny piece of cotton into the bottle and squeeze out what you can. Then you try to get the small piece between the two teeth nearest the ache. It can be hard to do if the teeth are close together. It did work beautifully and took away the pain for quite a long time.

When one of my children had an abcess, I couldn't get the cotton between his teeth and the oil began to burn his gums, so I found a better trick that I now use all the time. I get a q-tip wet with water and then barely touch it to the medicine. Then I rub it on the sore spot very gently. This finally provided him with relief. Used this way I had to do it more often but it didn't burn his gums. Since that time I've found other similar products at Walgreen's and Rite-aid that I've purchased. They all seem to have Eugenol as their active ingredient. I think this is a form of clove oil. I also coupled this with Melaleuca Tea Tree Oil. One of the properties of the tea tree oil is that is pulls the infection to one spot, which makes it easier to 'pop' and drain.

One last tip that I used to use before I found the oil trick. When I was in severe pain the only thing that helped was to rub a baby aspirin on the gums by the sore tooth. When I told the dentist how I made it through till I got in to him he warned me that this can do damage to the gums, but at the time I wouldn't have cared because the pain was so severe. Hope this helps someone.

Posted by Cappy (Jacksonville, Fl) on 10/24/2009

I have been dealing with a toothache that has been radiating through my mouth all week long. I have been in so much pain and even strong pain killers were not providing an ounce of relief. I was also using tons of numbing solutions only to find myself in pain again a few minutes later. My Mom pulled up your site as we usually do (I don't know why we didn't do it sooner) and after reading the feedback about clove oil, went right out to find some. It was hard to find, major chains and vitamin shops didn't carry it but we do have a wonderful whole foods shop that did carry it. So when the pain fired up again this evening.. I put some of the Clove oil onto a gauze pad and held it down on the area that has been bothering me the most and I can't believe the results. I'm sitting here pain free. It seemed to work very quickly too.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Laurie (Decatur, Georgia) on 02/24/2009

I just discovered this site today, but wanted to share my experience. I read about oil pulling two months ago and thought it would be good to try for painful tooth that 3 dentists gave me 3 different diagnoses on. Bought a large bottle of pure sesame oil and pulled three mornings in a row with one tablespoon of oil. On the third day I noticed I had a slight sore throat. Two days later that was followed by what appeared to be the flu for four days (I now know that was the Herkximer reaction). The curious thing is I had no fever or digestive compliants the entire time of said "flu" - bad nasal congestion, eyes hurt like a headache and horrible coughing. When it was over I noticed that I was able to chew on the left side of my mouth which I had not been able to do for a few months! Was it the oil pulling? I seriously suspect so. If you were a bad microbe and could not produce your own food, where would you choose to live in the human body? Close to where the food comes in, right?

Posted by Joan (Greenville, South Carolina) on 01/13/2009

I was looking on the internet for help on toothache pain found alot of comments on clove. went to store looked for clove oil but could only find powder. however I put some on my gums was amazed at how well it worked

Posted by Susan (Missoula, Montana, USA) on 04/18/2008

Be careful what you put out in the universe, keep it positive at all times! Yesterday there was a boring meeting I just did not feel like attending so I crossed my fingers and used the little "white lie" about a toothache! This morning I woke up to a throbbing in an upper molar, and drinking cold water set me over the edge! Grabbed a tiny bottle of pure Clove Oil. Applied two drops to outside of my cheek opposite my toothe, then one drop on gum area! I couldn't believe it...sure it's a tad bitter, but ten minutes later I am pain free...like magic!

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