FRESH pressed lemon in water helps! Distilled water helps but is not good for you long term. Try to drink a gallon of non florinated water a day, it works but not instantly.
No alcohol or coffee :(.
Sweating out toxins in a sauna helps! As long as you drink a Lot of water and replenish with fresh pressed vegetable juice.
Everyone should have a VEGETABLE JUICER. Juice fast for a week for dramatic healing, but NO FRUIT in the juicer, spiking insulin will negate healing.
Get VITAMIN D LEVELS OVER 50, tan or take 10,000 iu of d3 a day, but get tested, and don't accept 30 as normal, it's not! Read about it w the vitamin D council.
For relief get a vaginal suppository with BORIC ACID. Its cheap, look online and read about it. Stay away from chemicals down there, boric is natural.
Stretching, either Pilates or something thorough really helps reduce the inflammation and allow the fluids kin your body release.
I just came across a FREE Ebook about treating IC naturally. It's a book by Diana Brady. It talked about the combination of Bromelain and Quercetin to treat IC. New to me, will keep you posted if anyone wants to know. Just curious. Would like to get coffee back someday!
Folks get your vitamin D tested. The vitamin D council spells it out online why its so IMPORTANT and how it correlates to health problems like this. Theres no instant cure, but get that D up and do the other things. Stay off sugars! For good and it will heal! :)
Reader Feedback
Baking Soda
Baking Soda
Baking Soda
I didn't have to wait long and I tried the baking soda and within one hour the pain and frequency were gone. I have now used that on several occasions and for me it stopped the pain within the hour a simple miracle. CHEAP 1/8tsp in a very warm glass of water. Not particularly taste so now I put the 1/8 tsp in a gelatin capsule and I take it with the larage glass of warm water and golly gee, pain free within the hour. I know that everyone is different, thats for sure but this has to be a first try for everyone suffering like I was and like most things we take RX's they are costly and have all kinds of side effects, this is easy, cheap and it works great if not what have you lost. I encourage each of you to give it a try. Thanks for allowing me to tell my story, I hope it helps just one IC patient.
However, I had already tried 2 rounds of Cipro, and macrobid, and then started testing negative on all urine cultures, and being sent home empty handed, in horrible, horrible, horrible, crippling pain, feeling like I still have a bladder infection.
After finishing the z pack, I was almost all better, But 2 days later, symptoms returned full force and the nitemare was starting all over again for me. However, I knew the symptoms would return, and I couldnt get an appointment with my urologist, (which was 2 and a half hours away by the way, and I dont have a car) for another month. She wouldnt precscribe me another z pack, unless I retested again for the Ureaplasma. I would have to wait a month. Get retested, and wait an additional 4 days, then get more antibiotics, and hopefully be cured, but I knew it was impossible to wait the long, and it seemed horribly cruel, when I felt so close to a cure. Id have to start all over.
From the research Ive done on Ureaplasma, you almost always have to take more than one round of strong antibiotics to cure it, and some people take low dose long term antibiotics, from months to years to eradicate it. I saw a long painful road ahead, and I decided, getting Genital Herpes would have been a better fate for me than this, as at least with herpes u get periods of respite and you can SOMETIMES have sex, if your not having an outbreak. I was ready to Die.
I got the numbers of several Urologists closer to my area, about four. NONE of them tested for Ureaplasma, or even heard of it. I asked if they would do a test, they said no. You see. Many Urologist do not believe or even acknowledge the role Ureaplasma plays in IC, since 70% of the population carries this in their genital, bladder tracts without any problems. The community is split on the issue.
Ive been doing alot of research on this little bug, Ureaplasma. Its getting more and more attention, as more and more people are having problems with vulvodynia, and IC. Like I said, its considered sexually transmitted (but not), as we arent born with it, we get it thru sex.
A good gynecologist will also test for ureaplasma if you are having problems becoming pregnant, or have a history of miscarriages, or early deliveries. There's alot of talk about it on infertility boards on the net. The test is expensive. And the cure requires the use of long term antibiotics. Many doctors are hesitant to do that, these days.
As there is more and more hype about the overuse of antibiotics. Especially long term.
So I panicked, and I took matters in my own hands. I knew I needed more antibiotics. I had a reoccuring sinus infection for months. I made an appointment with my family doctor, and explained the situation, plus I made great emphasis on my sinus infection, (which had actually gotten better) but I wanted to make myself sound really sick (hammed it up), and she gave me Augmentin. A 10 day, supply and guess what. It is the third day, and I feel 95% awesomeness.
I then made a few more calls, and found out, I can get my doctor (the one that actually believes in Ureaplasma) to fax over an order to my family doctor or lab of my choice to do the test and everything will be gravy. So Im gonna test again for it, a week after I finish the Augmentin. Its also interesting to note that after researching IC, unrelentingly, for the last 4 months, and visiting, every IC website, and healthboard on the planet, and hearing people talk, Augmentin is considered one of the successful antibiotics for IC.
Thers only 3 that work against IC, only three.
Zinthromax (z Pack)
From what I read, its hard, hard, hard to cure. Harder than any STD. But its not incurable. It usually takes months to eradicate it.
many women just live with the pain, and take steroids, pain killers, and ANTIDEPRESSANTS. Isnt that sad?? Thats part of the protocol for IC patients. They give you an antidressant too, to cope with your life being over!!
I know on a gut level, this was some kind of elusive, hidden bacteria, embedded deep inside my bladder. Most people develop IC after a bad bladder infection. The pain lasts for years, YEARS. and its almost impossible to get a Urologist to help or even hear you.
I prayed to God to help me.
Its a miracle, and I will never doubt his presense and his ability to heal me again. Its a miracle the first Urologist I saw helped me, and was cutting edge enough to do this test.
Multiple Remedies
I was frustrated wanting faster healing, so I stopped the Bio-identical progesterone as they were making me extremely hot at night, creating horrible insomnia. I had been struggling to take progesterone pills since January (rarely taking them), but my Dr kept saying I needed to take them or I would not be allowed to take the estrogen, by her. I looked up progesterone allergy on google and saw: http://www.onlineallergycenter.com/blogpage.htm and called Dr. Roby who said I was allergic to progesterone as I had assumed. (I remembered that I started a progesterone cream when all this IC started years ago!!! Could there be a connection??) He said to stop the progesterone, as I am obviously allergic to it and ordered the progesterone allergy drops.
On day 2 of the drops I woke up w/NO pain (2 days before my period!! ). Same w/day 3 (1 day before my period!!! ). Then I got my period (Ouch each night (up 6-8x to pee w/pain) and then 3 days later, restarted vaginal estriol, (I continued the Tri-est drops, and Dr. Roby's progesterone allergy drops through my period). Now NO pain during the day if diet is good) and pain at 1 at night if perfect diet during the day. (actually 5 total days of 0 "awaking in the AM pain). I am at 2 weeks on the progesterone allergy drops. I am at 6 months of the Bi-est and estriol vaginal cream. I recently asked my bio-identical Dr for body cream instead of Bi-est drops as I read it's better for you. And Dr. Roby's progesterone allergy drops cost me 57 bucks for 3 month's worth of drops, and a book on how they work. He called me 5 times to see how I was doing. Such a caring man!!!
Will update again soon.
Also, Ureaplasma is linked to miscarriage, and infertilty, which would explain my failure to conceive over the last 3 years. Like 50% of couples failing to conceive, looking for in vitro fertilization tested positive for this bacteria. But then AGAIN. Many people have this. Its just some people seem to have real problems with it, as it is SO LINKED to IC. Maybe some people's bodies dont like it, as one girl I read on a forum said. Ive also added coconut water to my regime. As I read some people cured bladder infections with it. It also makes your skin glow :))
Ok. Parsley, essential oils, colostrum, cayenne... needless to say, did not really work to eradicate this infection.
I made an appointment with a Urologist. Breakthru!!!! She immediately tested me in my vaginal culture for everything, including a test for a microbe called Ureaplasma. I have never heard of this. Now, Ive been tested numerous times over the years, and everything always came out negative, but I get a call about 4 days ago from her saying I tested positive for this. She put me on zinthromax and I am taking it now. She tells me this is not an STD, but a sexually transmitted disease??? present in 70% of the human populations normal flora, (rectal, genital, and bladder tracts), but it is transmitted sexually, meaning, we are not born with this, we get it thruout the course of our sexually active lives. , and usually it does not cause problems for people, however.... There is now a compelling link between IC and this bacteria, or mycoplasma. I guess the test is expensive. Which is why most doctors will blow you off, and try to not test you , or REFUSE you and tell you tat since this is considered common flora for most people it wouldnt be considered a factor in causing, your IC. Cleveland Ohio is rated second best in the country for urology, with sum of the best urologists in the country studying and researching, IC. The first test they perform is for Ureaplasma. They say they get a 50% cure rate right there for people, once they treat it with antibiotics. However, my symptoms have improved vastly, I must go back again, and get retested. I was reading just now, online, that many people end up going back and still testing positive, and then after a three week course of doxycycline, get a complete cure. Googling it, I can hardly find any imformation at all about this, I cant believe how ignorant and reticent physicians are about testing for this, its awful, and scary. I was just reading about a gal, who had to fight to get tested and then fight to get treated for it, she saw 8 different doctors, and urologists... So be prepared to fight. There is compelling link here guys google it. I was really doomed. It scary, how a little microbe can jeopardize your whole future and life.
IC Caused By Bladder Stone
Essential Oils
Im getting better. I feel great today, but I did have pain return with a vengeance 3 days ago, to the point where Ive made an appointment with a urologist, and I was looking up worst case scenerios stories on the net about having my bladder removed! :(( $%#@!!
Ive come to conclusion that this is a bacterial issue and not a physical or ulcerated bladder problem. How do I know this??
Ive upped my dosage of essential oils.
I did some research about curing stubborn bladder problems with alternative medicine, and I found out about a product sold in canada and eastern europe called nano drops. I found one random company in eastern europe that sells it. Its $80. There is also a youtube video under "nano drops" cure UTI. I wondered if it was a scam, and anywho, I dont have the money. However, Credited naturopaths had seen it clear incurable serious, interstitial cystitus cases, etc, etc, I found alot of different posts about it so I figured it was for real.
I looked up the ingredients. Juniper essential oil, Lavender, Eucalyptus and Pine needle oil. Thats all. $80. And thats it. In the directions it said, put 10 to 20 drops in a glass of water 3 times a day for up to a month until symptoms dissappear.
So, I increased my lavender and juniper oil intake signifigantly. I then ordered more juniper, and lavender, cuz I knew Id go thru the bottles in no time flat. I also ordered Cinnamon and Lemon oil cuz along with Clove, those are the main ingredients to the "thieves Oil" which is really helping me.
I take about 5-10 drops of juniper and 4 drops lavender in a capsule 4-5 times a day, no joke along with random gelcaps of 1 or 2 drops rosemary(cuz rosemary can be toxic) and more lavender 1 or 2 drops 2 drops peppermint, 1 or 2 drops sandlewood oil, or 1 drop clove here and there. Its been sporadic, Im just trying to get this fixed. Whenever I feel pain , I pop a gelcap with a few drops of random oils, being cautios about the more toxic ones (rosemary, clove) Everyday I push the envelope a little more. My bladder is healing. I can feel it. I cant believe it. It is awesome. I also have been dosing myself with cayenne, and turmeric basically, Ive been stuck at home, with the burning, flaming rocket runs :))) But its worth it. Drinking lots and lots of water, cuz I noticed symptoms started really returning when I slacked off on the water intake. Ive been at home, not going anywhere, focused, on trying to beat this thing.
I do not want biopsies, dont want to have them fill my bladder with potassium iodide or whatever, dont want these horribly invasive tests and procedures. Dont want this to ruin my life. I dont want the nitemare, and now that this has happened to me, its made me aware of this awful disease, I didnt even really know existed.
Ill sometimes do a random capsule of thieves, when I get hit with real pain, usually after I go to the bathroom. About 10 drops. Its pretty safe. I experiment with myself. Sometimes I get racing heart, or strange sensations when I do clove, or too many oils at once, I get paranoid, drink milk, and monitor myself. Its fine. And then I do more. Ive researched younglivingessential oils, and this is fairly safe, as there are recipes on the net calling for quit a few drops of oils, that I thought might be volatile, or unsafe to take. Just be careful.
Do your research guys. I have. Im determined. Im scared and determined. Im 32 years old, and Im not ready to throw the rest of my life away on this disease.
Turmeric is awesome for me. I cap my own and I take about 3 capsules, three times a day, and MSM powder as well, I take about 2 capsules three times a day.
Guys, D MANNOSE!!! I have tried D mannose TWICE before in the past and it seemed to do nothing for me. It was like drinking sugar water, it seemed to be the most rediculous cure ever!!!!! However, after tireless internet google research, all these women were swearing by it, (even saying things like, 9 out of 10 women are cured by D mannose, and I have interstitial incurable bladder disease and this cured me) so I decided to give it another go.
I tried a really cheap brand of D mannose before, and some women claimed that it DOES make a difference to go with a high quality more expensive brand, and that not all d mannose are created equal, I guess, so I spent about $25. 00 for a little jar.
It says on the jar to take a teaspoon every 4 hours, (like 4 times a day) and double for a raging case, (like mine) I took a teaspoon and a half every 2 hours like SEVERAL times a day, and by the third day, I really almost feel normal again, I feel great. I ordered another jar, I really think its working!! Its pricey but worth it.
I suppose the d mannose receptors attract e coli to them and then they attach off the wall and get flushed out of the bladder. Ive also read the d mannose can do this to sperm! So be careful ladies, if your trying to conceive, I read d mannose might interfere with pregnancy. They are even trying to patten a contraceptive using d mannose, lol! I was thinking of using d mannose as a preventative, as many women have had success doing that, but since I want to have a baby... I'll have to try something else when I dont have an infection. Im gonna try a brand of herbal cranberry supplement sold on amazon. One women claims after intercourse she takes 2 pills and a full glass of water and she hasnt had an infection in 10 years.
Im going to continue the d mannose for another week after my symptoms have fully gone. A teaspoon three times a day. Good luck ladies, and I will report back with my progress!!
You guys, I was SURE, I had intersticial cystitus. Unexplainable bladder pain, getting up 8 times a night to pee, etc. Nothing was even touching it. My protocol is healing this, and in this journey, I have discovered the wonders of essential oil therapy. When antibiotics dont work, essential oils. Its a freakin miracal. O thought I had a prolapsed bladder or some physical problem, not bacterial. Unbelievable. Ive been taking the thieves and juniper along with the other oil recipes. I take about 3-5 drops theives, 1-2 drops juniper in a gelcap, couple times a day along with the others
Im researching Lemongrass, Thieves, Dragontime, Juniper, Pine, ravansara, Tyme, Oregano oil.
I actually found a page, listing essential oil recipes, and it was very interesting, as far most of my life I didnt think you can safely take essential oils, etc. I also started on the colostrum today, and it tastes very pleasant, and I feel great, Im excited about it :)
Reader Feedback
About 3 months ago, I got a UTI. What else is new, I get them all the time, but this was an especially bad one. I normally take probiotics everyday and it prevents them for me, so I hadnt got one in like 6 months, it was all gravy. But I missed about 3 days of my probiotics and BAM!! I got like, the worst UTI of my life, I was on the toilet weeping. Anywho, went to the doc, got a script for cipro, took it, didnt go away, got another script, took it, STILL didnt go away.
Now, antibiotics normally NEVER work for me. This is why Im very into alternative medicine, but I was desperate this time. and ofcourse, didnt work.
All the usual things I do for a UTI, didnt work at all, I tried every herb known to man, baking soda, 40 pills of vitain c in one day with gallons of water, apple cider vinegar, olive leaf extract, uva ursi, echinacia, even d mannose, (3 jars) didnt get rid of it. I was in EXTREME PAIN, and I was terrified.
Id been reading alot on the net, about overactive bladder, and a condition called interstitial cystitus on the net HOPING TO GOD, I didnt have it. Alot of women said it started with a bad UTI and ended with YEARS of chronic daily debilatating pain. I guess the theory is, the bladder lining somehow gets damaged, or ulcerated, or mayne you have a bacteria or virus that is hiding, or embedded somehow deep in the bladder walls, where antibiotics or anything else cant get to it. We are talking YEARS of this pain, even, to the point where these women cannot work, cant sleep, cant have sex, cant even function, cant ride rollercoasters, run or exercise. I already have so many problems with my female region as it is, I have struggled so long with other health problems, screw that! They even compare interstitial cystitus on the pain level scales to CANCER. Thats how awful it is. And there is no cure. And I was getting all the symptoms, and it didnt feel like these antibiotics or anything else I was doing was helping this pain. They prescibe Methadone to these folks.
I did some serious, serious research, and I came up with a game plan that is beating this interstitial cystitis.
In the morning I take:
a gel cap filled with one drop each clove oil, rosemary essential oil, lavender, sandlewood, and peppermint oils. Followed by 2 full glasses of water and 1-2 pills cayenne AFRICAN RED PEPPER(xtra hot) has a bright orange red color. 1 pill MSM, and 3-4 gelcaps of Turmeric powder, and 1-2 Dong Quai. I cap these herbs myself. Then I take:: 2 milk thistle, 2 echinacea. I bought those ones at the store.
2-3 hours later. I fill another del cap 2 drops each peppermint oil, and rosemary oil. 2-3 hurs after that, 1 pill filled with; one drop each, lavender, rosemary, peppermint, and sandlewood, followed by 1 MSM, 1 cayenne, 2-3 turmeric, 1 dong quai. 2-3 hours later, 1 gelcap, 1 drop each peppermint, rosemary, or lavender )optional) I do this according to my pain levels. If the pain is especially bad, I will add more cayenne, or turmeric, as it is not dangerous to OD on those herbs. You cannot OD on cayenne or turmeric, unless you have a bad, sensitive stomach. Im only 30 years old, and I seem to have a cast Iron stomach, lol! LOTS and LOTS of water. Then before bed, 1 cayenne, 2-3 turmeric, 1 dong quai, 2 echinacia, 1 MSM. you can reduce herbs in the days following as you get better.
The essential oils: I used to be afraid to take essential oils, as I thought they might be extremely toxic. They are in large amounts, you just have to be careful. I never exceed 2 drops usually of anything. Clove, and lavender oil, can be pretty dangerous, especially clove, as only 6 drops can be toxic. Remember to get pure essential oils, not perfumes.
I went hardcore, and I didn't care if I got kidney failure, or liver damage from the herbs I was taking. This painful bladder condition has ruined lives, and I wasn't about to let that happen to me, after everything else Ive been thru. Of course, I'm fine. and I did not poison myself, and I am 95% pain free today, and It gets better every single day..so..
It's scary when you feel helpless and hopeless, and no doctors can help you.
I did alot of research on cayenne pepper actually healing bladder tissue.
Some people have cured themselves in less that a week using cayenne. They say you should build up to 3 in the morning, 3 in the eveneing, but I am already seeing at 2 a day, results so. Turmeric also heals mucas membrabe tissue, and MSM, is a sulpher based herb, and is excellent for pain. Alot of people are also talking about colostrum. and Ive already ordered that, its coming in the mail.
Aloe Vera
Ok, I thought I had Interstitial Cystitus, and since Im very prone to UTI's and I get them all the time, I finally did some kind of damage to my bladder from all the infections, or the cures, cuz I take vitamin c and drink apple cidar vinegar like its my job, and I figured I burnt my bladder lining or something, anywhoo....
My conclusion is that this maybe, perhaps, most probably, in many cases (not all), interstitial cystitus is an infection of some kind, that wont go away for whatever reason. The ecoli, has embedded itself in your bladder lining or something. Cuz I started taking essential oils, and it got 85% better.
Try Thieves oil, 3 drops a day, every day for a month. Its expensive, but im planning on buying it next month, since Ive used other oils with success, and Ive read great things online about it.
Reader Feedback
I was diagnosed with IC in 2002. I was scared and devastated because I soon realized that IC has no cure. I had the most respected urologist in the area as my doctor and great health insurance, yet the treatment plan he offered me was useless. I was facing a future of misery. My doctor wanted me on 5 different medications and wanted to schedule a surgery for my incontinence. I left his office and never returned. I realized that I was going to have to do my own research if I was going to have any hope at a normal life.
First I changed my diet, just with this careful analysis I drastically reduced my symptoms. In time all of my symptoms went away. I was symptom free for years. My incontinence resolved as well.
Now over the past 2 years I've had two flare ups. In the last flare up I went to urgent care and was treated for a UTI. Upon examining my urine they confirmed that most definitely I had a UTI, however my lab results were negative.
So again, my quest for treatment has resumed. I have been enjoying all the info on this site. I plan to try most of what I'm seeing here because it's less intrusive to the body than what my Dr offered. And because it seems to work better. If it works, it works.
One thing I have found to bring instant relief from the burning pain around the urethra and surrounding tissue is lavender oil. The real essential oil. I mix this with vitamins E and rub it liberally and gently where it hurts. The pain stop instantly. It is replace by a sort of menthol cooling sensation. I have a couple recipes for this blend. You can add Bergamont eo and a tiny bit of oregano oil. But I think the main relief comes from the lavender. This doesn't surprise me because lavender is great for burns. It takes the sting out.
Lavender 30 drops
Vitamine E. 1 tbls
Oregano 1 drop
Bergamont 5 drops
I carry this with me at all times.
Regards. Teri
I have had IC since I was a child but never knew, until my daughter was diagnosed with it at the age of 12 years. I had to live through her pain and anguish for years, and I'm not only living through her pain now; but mine too.
I have tried herbal remedies, and diet and I find one herbal remedy that will help calm that pain down within seconds, and that is Goldenseal! Try it!
I was told by a massage therapist I visited to try Cayenne peppers for ulcers; and I was desperate to try anything to calm this pain down... and do you know that within a few days, I feel great! It has not only helped my pain, but it has also given me energy and helped the muscles and lower back pain I have with IC.
I have also tried over the counter vaginal cream and that helps the burning you get with IC; it does the trick. I have never used medicines doctors have prescribed because of side effects, so I try the natural way always and lots of prayer!
There is another herbal product that will help with the goldenseal already in it and that is Kidney/Bladder by Natures Way, this product really helps and just follow the instructions on how much to take and carry it in your purse with you; and take it with each meal.
A candida diet helps too and stay away fron sodas, it will do you in!
I do hope some of this helps you, because it has helped me and I help my daughter with herbs!
May God Bless you all! Gwyn
Aloe Vera
I am able to drink coffee (sometimes) and basically anything I want for up for 6 months after the treatments and feel fine!
During this current bad flare up (the worst it's ever been) I've tried cinnamon pills, baking soda, and colliaded silver. So far cinnamon pills and baking soda may have helped a little and just took the silver so I'm not sure how that will work.
I would HIGHLY advise to get DSMO. The first treatment or 2 can be pretty painful in itself, but after that the results are so worth it.
Good luck everyone :)
Couch Grass
Multiple Remedies
Jan 3 2012: I started HGH homeopathic "Vital HGH" and bioidentical estrogen and progesterone for my IC and other health problems. (2 squirts 3Xday of HGH)... So far the only changes are sleeping deeper and lots of dream recall, and able to fall back to sleep after peeing 4-6 times/night (I was in bed 9.5 hrs/night due to insomnia, now down to 9) . My fibro is much less. Feel less "hopeless" now because I can now take Cysta-Q (trying 2/day) when before I got really HOT at night taking it and had a stomachache, so quit (Same w/just Querctin and CystaProtec. ). Estrogen is helping the HOT at night problem also. Been on Cysta-Q for 2 wks. No real change yet. Energy is higher during the day, and can exercise more often. I feel this is a dramatic change. Lost 2 lbs of belly fat w/out trying. (I am 126 lbs now, 5'4") I will try to update again if anything changes. If it doesn't, I will not. :-)
Multiple Remedies
The weird thing was however, I bought them from right where you are at a drug store in Anaheim. The bottle is labeled 'Henry's', freeze dried acidophilus. When they had run out I bought more from our local health shop (in New Zealand) and to my disdain, they didn't work!
I have no explanation for this, so I will have to get my brother, who lives in Anaheim, to send me some more, as those ones definitely did without fail!!
Good luck with this, keep us posted!
Chevygirl, NZ
Baking Soda
I learned these are common causes of flares at the IC website: Vitamin C, some B vitamins, the hormone Estrogen, acidic foods. Unfortunately, I suffered many years before I found what was helpful for my flares. Now I forget that I even have IC because I can treat it so easily. I'm hoping this will be helpful to someone.
Reader Feedback
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1
Google these for the product. If you look under amazon for it, there are hundreds of Vaginial Bactriorosis stories, but also some on IC. So hey I bought a bottle and WOW was it helpful. Pain gone. Like fast. Except I still can't cheat on the diet. But I can sleep, and go in the car on long rides, etc. For anyone with pain: Here is the fastest route to use this product: Day 1 eat 2 in AM, and 2 in vaginal tract. Just push the capsules up there. They will disintegrate. Within one hour, the pain will go to about zero. Then eat 2 b4 bed, and 2 more vaginally, After that, eat 2-3 per day, and 2-3 vaginally (especially 2 b4 bedtime). Stools may get looser. Maintain at 1 to 2 per day per oriface. Must be refrigerated. Buy the 60 capsule bottle as it 's almost the same price as the 30 capsules. Not a cure, but insanely helpful. I've been on this stuff for 3 weeks. I was about to go crazy. I had tried everything over 5 yrs. Side effect: at 3 capsules/day vaginally, the vaginal fluid smells acidic. Almost like stale pee. But hey it was just a few days. After 3 weeks I still can't try new foods, as when I do, I must do a vanignal capsule to calm down my bladder, but I am not in pain after about 1 hr. Blessings, Mary
Chondroitin, Glucosamine, MSM
I was wondering if you noticed any stool discoloration with taking the gelatin, because I have noticed reddish coloring when going to restroom since starting the gelatin about 3 days ago.