so I am currently suffering from this 'jock itch'(never had it b4) and I swear it is worse than anything I've ever gone through... (n I had gone thru a lot... Near death cases of food poisoning n typhoid) but this itch is unbearably annoying especially when u've got a busy week and work's piling up. I used an otc cloratrimizol or sth like that but it doesnt help the itch much and that's the worst part of this condition then I tried the mouthwash thing and it works well. I don't knw if it cures the condition(still having it... Just my first day of listerine treatment) but it definetly helps the itch although it burns when u apply the listerine but frankly I would gladly take burning and pain than itching. I've also decided to make a paste of the anti-fungal cream with the listerine just to be safe.... Let's see if it cures it... And thanks for the advice