Jock Itch
Natural Remedies

Jock Itch Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Gold Bond Powder

9 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
3 star (1) 
1 star (7) 

Posted by linda (Salem, Oregon, USA) on 11/18/2008

This has worked in my family for jock itch. Washing the area really well with a Tea Tree soap. Dry well and use GOLD BOND POWDER in the green bottle. It burns like fire for a few minutes but the next day the itching is gone. Do again the next day just to be on the safe side. Worked very well.

Replied by Ben
(Bellevue, KY)

This product does not work very well, I have seek out everything possible otc and through my doctor. This powder only helps to dry and cool the area for about 10 minutes and then it is back to the pain.

Replied by Christopher
(Arlington, Ma)

I do not recommend using any powder that contains cornstarch in it. Not knowing what I had, I used Gold Bond powder and it made the problem much worse. And then to top it all off I bought a powder that's supposed to cure jock itch and it's main ingredient is cornstarch.

P.s. rubbing alcohol...very painful!

Replied by Wally
(Cherry Hill, Nj)

Gold Bond doesn't work; it is ok if just starting to get symptoms, but once you get a bad case, I too think it makes it worse. Dr. Prescribed Econazole Nitrate Creme and it cleared up real fast.

Replied by Thenewguyintown
(Westwood, New Jersey, Usa)

I have had success with the goldbonds, however its the gold bottle that has worked best for me. The key is keeping it dry, use a blow dryer on the area after showering and dont forget the back door too! The moisture will definitely migrate to the front.....

Replied by Geoffrey
(Salisbury, Maryland, United States)

definate nay on this one, especially the blue/green bottle. Had jock itch and using this produce was like pouring sterno on the affected area (and of course washing it off just made it hurt even more) I did find that gold bond in the orange/yellow bottle while listing the same exact ingredients didn't have the inferno effect but did give some relief from the symptoms but not a cure

Replied by Fungaljungle
(Duluth, Ga)


Gold Bond works great when used after applying a cream (lamisil or perscription strength). If your infection is serious do not use the powder by itself, because it won't do anything to fight the fungus and may even feed it because of the cornstach content mentioned above. There is no need for green bottle, the whole point of using it is just to maintain dryness... Don't rely on it for anything else other than keeping you dry. The extra stuff that comes in the green bottle isn't really needed to achieve this goal.

Replied by Steve
(Statesville, Nc, Usa)


Gold Bond powder did not cure the condition for me at all, though it does provide a very temporary relief from the itch. The itch relief wears off quickly, though the powder does seem to keep the area drier than normal. It also smells quite medicinal, probably not the best thing for a date night.

Replied by D.


DO NOT I repeat DO NOT use Gold Bond if you already have jock itch I used it for 2 days and I had and intense itch afterwards followed by inflammation. The worst idea ever.

Hydrogen Peroxide

5 User Reviews
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3 star (1) 

Posted by JenCO (Birmingham, UK) on 05/18/2009

My husband used 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide (35 per cent food grade hydrogen peroxide diluted 1:10 with filtered water) sprayed onto his groin area, then left to dry, morning and evening. The spray did not sting in any way. The jock itch soon went away, and has never come back. This is an effective and cheap remedy.

Replied by Gary
(Reno, Nv, United States)


Gary from Reno, NVI tryed this remedy for the same problem and it seemed to work for awhile. Then in a couple weeks the problem returned.

Replied by Ed
(Bloomington, Mn)

Yes, but you have to use anti-fungal powder for awhile to make sure the fungus is gone.

Replied by J.e.pettitt
(Red Deer Ab Canada)

Hydrogen Peroxide is Cheap and Effective for Jock Itch

Bottom Line on several suggested treatments? -each to their own!

I myself discovered Hydrogen Peroxide somewhat by accident and am most pleased with it. I merely wet my palms and apply to either side of the groin--no diluting necessary (for me). Gold Bond? Only tried it once with no satisfaction. I also use alcohol pads (meant for diabetics) as they're very handy and simple, but only as a temporal measure. A worthy observation too-- don't sleep under too many blankets so as to sweat overnight and thereby cause the problem. I personally find an H.P. 'splash' only necessary when moistness and itching is evident. But again, each to their own.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Thomas (Homewood, Il / usa) on 02/17/2009

I've had 'jock itch' now for around 20 years. It comes and goes and is always worse in the summer. I've tried all the creams and sprays and all they do is suppress it and control it. I ordered some food grade H202 on line, 35% and just dabbed it on with a cotton ball and it immediately turned white and started to burn, I let it burn for about 20 seconds then jumped in the shower and rinsed it off. I did this again at night.The next day I diluted it by half and applied it again for as long as I could stand it, no longer then a minute. As I did this I noticed that the fungus was spread around a larger area then I ever imagined. I had small areas that went from my inner leg all the way up above my pubic hair. Anyway after about 10 days the insidious fungus was eradicated and hasn't come back! Thank you Earth Clinic. I am now huffing H202 a few times a day and I gargle with it twice a day and notice my teeth are getting whiter and cleaner. Who knew?

Replied by Jim
(Frankfort, IL)

Please be careful! 35% hydrogen peroxide can be VERY DANGEROUS and can cause severe burns. A man on this site writing about using it for jock itch and for oral care did not mention DILUTING the hydrogen peroxide. I believe it is crucial to dilute it properly.

Replied by Annie
(Temecula, CA)

To Jim: it looks like he dabbed 35% on straight, then jumped in the shower and rinsed it off. I have soaked my nail fungus in 20% H202 for 15 minutes and it hasn't been a problem. But you're right, for the inhalation, it needs to be diluted down to 3%!!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Joe (Somerville, NJ) on 02/04/2007

I've used hydrogen peroxide, 3% pharmacy grade cut 50% with water, to rinse my mouth before brushing, which has been a great help with eliminating bad breath and plaque. But here's a remedy that no one may have thought - a treatment for "tinea cruris" commonly known as jock itch. I had an issue with this for several months and during this period, several times a week, I used Curex and other over-the-counter options to eliminate it, spending $20.00 to $30.00 to no avail. I knew hydrogen peroxide was effective in killing bacteria, so, as a last resort, I cut the pharmacy 3% grade 50%, just like the mouth wash, and used it-in 2 days!!! the itch and soreness was gone! No joke. Total cost 20 cents!

Replied by Ben
(Bellevue, KY)

Are you people kidding me diluting the peroxide, it doesnt work anyways but diluting it would only make it not powerful and for using it as mouth wash my grandfather has been doing it for 30 years and he does not dilute it. This is folly, Avoid listening to these.

Replied by Toxeia
(Lf, Tx)

Hydrogen peroxide (3%, 35%, any concentration) is a carcinogen (read: Can cause cancer). Orally, it is also a bad idea to use as it causes a condition known as "brown hairy tongue." While the name isn't very authoritative sounding, I've seen it myself in patients that claim to use H2O2 as a daily mouth rinse.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)

Hi Toxela...Here is the MSDS(Material Safety Data Sheet) -- which accords with ALL research and is the Bible in this regard.

You will notice that under the Cancer List in the Toxicity Info section, 3% HP has no Known or Anticiated cancer causing effects.

Also you will notice that Phenocetin -- used as the HP stabilizer for 3% HP IS a cancer causing agent.

Therefore 35% pure food grade HP is NOT a carcinogen.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Petroleum Jelly

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Jay (Cape Town, South Africa) on 06/16/2010

I'm not a big fan of pharmaceuticals, so did a little bit of research on my favourite remedy for many things to see wether there are applications for it in treating jock itch - hydrogen peroxide. I applied 3% solution with a drenched piece of cotton wool which burnt like CRAZY, leaving the infected area red, sore and tender. I'm not sure whether the hydrogen peroxide finally aided or not, but in any event I had to do something about the discomfort as it was time to go to work and the next simplest thing I could think of was plain petroleum jelly.

After applying a decent amount of petroleum jelly on the affected area the sting went away and when I got home I applied some more before going to bed. By the morning the rash was more than 90% gone and the itch as well! Amazing! I can't wait until next year to see whether petroleum jelly by itself would be effective-- I've read that this fungus which affects the top layer of skin cannot receive oxygen through oil and thus dies upon the application of most oils or lotions.

Replied by Jack
(Montreal, Quebec)

Petroleum Jelly works better than anything I've tried so far.

Replied by Tekkers
(Austin, Texas)

I developed jock itch for the first time in my life and thought it would simply go away with some OTC cream. When that didn't work after a month, a doctor prescribed a stronger cream and some anti-fungal oral pills. That did not work, so I came here. I used regular OTC anti-fungal cream but after it had dried somewhat, I covered the area in petroleum jelly to "seal" it in... That helped a LOT. I should also mention a couple of things the doctor suggested: Keep the area dry, use baby powder in the surrounding area and change towels often. I also changed boxers once a day so I didn't sleep in the pair I wore all day. The doctor also mentioned that if possible (and this is weird if you don't live by yourself or have a very understanding wife like I do) to leave yourself exposed while at home, so that the light helps keep the fungus at bay. Fungus needs darkness and oxygen to grow, so if you keep light on it and seal it in with the jelly that will really slow it down.

After two weeks of this, I still felt like I had it although it was the best it had been (it rarely itched and I could work or go the whole day without even thinking about it). I decided to return to the doctor to see if I could get more prescription strength cream in the hope of finishing it off. This time I saw a dermatologist, who observed that it looked like the fungus was gone, but my skin was irritated by all the medicine. She gave me prescription strength cortizone which after just four days of use I was able to cut down to once a day, and then none at all after 3 more. The area is still healing, in that it no longer itches but it is still a little dry so I'm just not taking very hot showers and using hand lotion now to help it heal. I try not to use the cortizone since it does have a steroid and can thin the skin if used too much.

Anyways, all in all this was three months total of irritation, but I have to thank this forum for the petroleum jelly solution since I believe that is what eventually cured it. It also made it much more tolerable. Best of luck!

Replied by John
(Toronto, Ontario)

Ok... This is it! After reading several posts I tried to get rid of my jock itch after seeing my doctor several times and trying numerous creams. The first thing is to use a mild soap to keep the area clean. Once out of the shower, I dried the area with paper towel. Then I rubbed rubbing alcohol on the area. This is painful. Next, I soaked the area with hydrogen peroxide. I put my shorts on with no underwear. When ever I had a chance, I wore nothing. I washed the area after ever bowel movement and used boxers instead of briefs. I also took Epson salt baths regularly. I noticed huge improvement immediately. But it was still there. I decided to buy several bottles of hydrogen peroxide and a large plastic container. I poured the peroxide into the container and soaked the area once a day for a couple of days. I am happy to say it is gone.

Replied by C.c.
(San Jose, Ca)

I have used heavy petroleum many times.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Carlos (Barcelona) on 07/14/2015


I read that kefir would get rid of Jock itch. I was given lamisil topical and oral by my doctor last summer and it went away but this summer it returned.

I have tried some remedies from here like ACV with didnt work for me, teatre oil seemed to work but made it worst.The best thing I used was vaseline, but still the next day I could feel th yeasty cheesy smell that Ive grown to hate.

So Ive been keeping it under control with vaseline.

I started drinking homemade kefir and I saw other health benefits but no benefit on my jock itch. I applied the kefir milk to my jock itch too, and I got relieve but the smell was back the next day.

2 days ago I saw my kefir grains were growing too much so I thought, why not use th kefir grains straight on my jock itch?

So I took a shower and washd the area with first hot water, then cold water for long time sinc I heard its good to apply cold.I dont use any soap sinc it has always agravate my problem.Then I dried the area with a towell I grabbed about 1 or 2 tbsps of kefir grains and I rubbed it on all the area for about 5 min .

Try to filter the grains befor so they dont have much milk, remember milk is food for all fungus yeast and it turns to glucose so milk is not the best thing to apply.

Be careful cause it can be very messy, grains will fall to the floor your feet etc.

It was just amazing, at the same tim I was rubbing the grains over my skin, the red patches were turning brown, it was killing the fungus in front my eyes and it felt so refreshing.

I didnt rinse. Latr while laying in bed I felt some stinging I thought oh no this is not working but I think it was the fungus dying.

Long story short, 2 days later I feel no disconfort AT ALL. Theres no redness only dark pigmentation that will go overtime, no swelling.And the best indicator.Its been 2 days I dont take a shower Ive sweat a lot and its summer but I dont have that cheesy yasty smell anymore.You may think Im nasty but I just wanted to fully test the kefir grains effect with only one use.

Im in disbilief caus lamisil took the pain away and rash but the cheesy smell was always there and thats how I knew it would com back eventually.

The reason behind this working is:

one kefir grains are tooo acidic, much more than the milk that you drink from the grains yt it doesnt irritate the skin like alcohol vinegar lemon etc

two.Kefir brains also contain billions of benefitial bateria yeast and fungus that when applied to your skin compete with the candida responsible for jock itch to survive, killing it in the process.

So this is my recipe, wash throuly with warm and then cold water.Dry the area with a towell and or hair drier.Rub the kefir grains for as long as you can in every area, let it air dry for a few minutes and gt dressed as usual.

Reducing sugar bread intake and drinking raw kefir is aditional help.Also dont use soap in that area sinc soaps remove your skin natural protection.

Please try this, I know how dificult it is to deal with this condition specially psycologically.

Google about kefir, learn how simple it is to make it at home.Find someone near to give you grains or buy them online cheap. You wont be disapointed.I us Milk kefir grains, I ve never had water kefir grains.

Ill keep reporting


1 User Review
1 star (1) 

Posted by Don (Ohio) on 08/20/2016

Lemon for jock itch - gotta say nay on this one, my lord it burned more than any other remedy on here, sorry

Posted by Jaya (Chennai, Tamilnadu And India) on 03/01/2013

Lemon for jock itch: apply plain lemon juice without adding water. 2 days u get complete cure.

Replied by Louwrence
(Rustenburg, North West, South Africa)

Hi Jaya, Urine works quicker.

Replied by Fina
(Norcross, Ga)

We get it, Louwrence - we should use urine to cure any ailment. Coughs, colds, sore holes or pimples on your pecker - use urine. (I'm being silly, not snarky. Couldn't help myself, since week after week, every other post cites urine as a cure, no matter what the ailment.)

Replied by Biz
(New York)

@Fina: Actually urine's main ingredient is ammonia with traces of sulphur. The guy is on to something.

Lemon Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by The Experimentalist (Jerusalem, Palestine) on 03/24/2016

I suffered from jock itch after getting a yeast infection, which happened right after I cured my self from a BV with greek yogurt (it always works for me when I have a BV). Yes, I had a horrible time for almost two months. I could hardly do anything. I finally treated the yeast infection using apple cider vinegar after reading reviews on earth clinic, which worked like magic. However, when I applied diluted apple cider vinegar on my inner thighs, not only did it not work, but it got worse. I don't think the ACV is to blame. I believe this happened because when I rubbed an ACV-soaked cotton on the affected area, some fungus were transferred to the cotton ball, and then when I rubbed it on close-by unaffected areas, the fungus was transferred there, and started multiplying. So I stopped using the ACV, and went on to try other remedies. I went on earth clinic to check for remedies. I didn't have rubbing alcohol at the time, so I tried other treatments, but none of them worked. Some remedies had a soothing effect for a couple of hours but then the itch would come back. I tried coconut oil, tea tree oil, oregano oil, clove oil, peppermint oil, olive oil, ground cayenne pepper, ACV, and Aloe Vera gel, but nothing worked. Then I thought, I have to give rubbing alcohol a try. I can't live like this! So I went to the nearest pharmacy and bought 70% rubbing alcohol, but guess what! Not even the least effect!! I was so hopeless! What kind of fungus is not killed by rubbing alcohol?!

Anyway, next I went to my favorite natural remedies guide for a wide range of ailments. It is published by the Budwig Center. I looked for remedies for jock itch (since it's also caused by yeast), and one of the remedies they suggested is lemon essential oil diluted in a carrier oil, like coconut and almond oils. Luckily, I had both lemon and almond oils at home. I mixed them together in a 50/50 ratio, and used a cotton swab to apply the mixture on my inner thighs. It was amazing! I felt a bit uncomfortable for some minutes because lemon essential oil (and citrus oils in general) burn the skin and must be diluted before use. So I felt a burning sensation for some time, which I thought at first covered on the itchy feeling. But after the burning sensation stopped, I didn't feel itchy at all. I repeated for two more days, and now I am yeast infection-free!! I feel so grateful!

Lemongrass Oil

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Joel R. (Philadelphia, Pa) on 03/25/2018 17 posts

Jock Itch:

What worked for me was lemongrass essential oil diluted into a carrier oil (best is squalane but maybe any will work). How dilute to make it depends on how sensitive your skin is, which partly depends on how bad the fungus is. At first, make it pretty dilute, like maybe only 20% lemongrass oil. As your fungus goes away you will be able to increase to 60% or even 70% lemongrass oil.

Apply it 4 times daily or more. If it burns like hell then dilute it more. It should burn just a little bit if your fungus is bad.

Milk of Magnesia + Tea Tree Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Finally_Cured (Los Angeles, CA) on 10/04/2021

Listen carefully because I finally found the cure after 3 years of torture.

I am pretty sure I got a pretty virulent resistant form, because I am a healthy athlete who cleans up well with no other medical issues.

It was so bad that I felt like I was being punished and the jock itch was karma for any prior womanizing (it really made me think if I had done any wrongs because I would never wish this on my enemy). There have been many nights where I couldn't sleep due to the itching. Straight up torture.

I have tried all creams, oral meds like diflucan, etc. NOTHING seemed to work. Plus the embarrassment of telling anyone. And then keeping to myself so I wouldn't spread it I.e. partners or dates.

I hope this helps anyone that has a bad case out there. There is a cure. Literally, the cheapest two things that you can get at any CVS or Walgreens over the counter. Forget the creams, forget the sprays. All you need is two things.

1) Milk of Magnesia (make sure to get the one with passive ingredient Sodium Hypochlorite, because it turns into chlorine).
2) Tea tree oil

Supplement these with Selenium Sulfide and Ketoconazole shampoo (these are not necessary but I would wash first with these and rinse).

I am on day 1 of Milk of Magnesia and wow I think I am 80-90% cured so I had to share and itch are improved drastically after one application of milk of magnesia. I am on day 4 of Tea Tree oil which did improve the Jock itch by 40% or so, but the Milk of Mag just literally dealt a blow to the fungus. I'll explain more in detail and how to use each.

1) First off change your underwear everyday. That's a given and reduce exposure to sweat on your balls by showering right after your workouts.

2) Use a blow dryer after every shower to air dry (this helped the jock itch like 15%)

3) Step one in the shower is to lather with Selenium Sulfide to remove any debris on your crotch area.

4) Then lather with Nizoral Shampoo and let it sit for a few minutes and soak into your skin and follicles. Rinse.

5) Next use Tea Tree oil with aloe vera and Peppermint. Both Tea Tree oil and Peppermint have been shown in research studies to kill fungus. Warning this is going to burn like crazy because you will let it dry into your skin (do not rinse the tea tree oil lather off). Let it sit for 10 minutes and let it burn...obviously you be the judge, if you think you are having a bad reaction obviously get professional help.

6) The finishing blow which is almost like a miracle cure is Milk of Magnesia, I'll tell you why. NO PAIN AT ALL! The milk of magnesia at your local pharmacy also contains Sodium Hypochlorite which turns into chlorine :) You've heard some of the reviews find cures after being in the swimming pool, well look no further the Milk of Mag will cause the formation of Chlorine from the sodium hypochlorite. I did the research, Milk of Mag removes all moisture around the skin and has a pH level of 10.5 where fungus usually thrives at around pH 5-7 and up to 9.

Today I saw really good results and am feeling confident and relieved. I would like to share this with others so they can get rid of this annoying condition.

TL;DR Get Milk of Magnesia asap to treat jock itch! It's cheap, there's no pain, and the results are amazing!


3 User Reviews
5 star (2) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Jl (Malaysia) on 06/29/2015

I've been suffering from jock itch for nearly a year. Have tried all kinds of medication. Oral - fluconazole, itraconazole. Cream - miconazole, daktarin, lamisil.. Went away twice but it recurred months later (also probably due to the fact that the doctors didn't tell me to continue the treatment even after the symptoms were gone). Last cream I tried was lamisil. Even with one week application twice a day, itch was still there. I was at my wit's end when I read up about listerine and how it can combat jock itch. Figured I'd give it a try. Poured some onto a cotton ball and applied to the affected area. Stung a lot at first, but I left it on for a few mins and rinsed off with water. Wiped dry and applied baby powder. This is the most relief I've ever had in a long time! I've been almost itch free for two days. Going to continue this for maybe a week and see how it goes.. Probably the high concentration of ethanol (about 20%) in listerine dries the moisture and kills the fungus. It's also antiseptic in nature. Read about many trying isopropyl alcohol which helped too.. but it's toxic if absorbed into the body. Would definitely recommend Listerine!

Posted by Petersen (Southampton, Uk) on 08/04/2009

Listerene (mouth wash) cured my Jock Itch.

I had Jock Itch for years and had tried the usual creams that they advertise, they didn't work. I read on a site somewhere to use Listerne, as I already had some in my bathroom cabinet I decided to give it a trial run.

I applied it to the area (and a bit further) after a shower in the morning, then in the evening before bed. Yes, at first it does burn a little, but after a while you get used to it and the burning does actually decrease (I assume because its working!). I basically nearly went through a whole bottle of the expensive Listerene, but I guess you could use the normal stuff. I have a feeling its the Menthol and/or maybe the Eucalyptol in the Mouth Wash that are the active ingredients.

*Please feel free to amend this email, I DO NOT work for the people who make Listerene! As I said I just have a feeling it was the active ingredients that worked and may exist in other mouth washes.


Replied by Jockitchsucksworsethantyphoid
(Sydney, Australia)

so I am currently suffering from this 'jock itch'(never had it b4) and I swear it is worse than anything I've ever gone through... (n I had gone thru a lot... Near death cases of food poisoning n typhoid) but this itch is unbearably annoying especially when u've got a busy week and work's piling up. I used an otc cloratrimizol or sth like that but it doesnt help the itch much and that's the worst part of this condition then I tried the mouthwash thing and it works well. I don't knw if it cures the condition(still having it... Just my first day of listerine treatment) but it definetly helps the itch although it burns when u apply the listerine but frankly I would gladly take burning and pain than itching. I've also decided to make a paste of the anti-fungal cream with the listerine just to be safe.... Let's see if it cures it... And thanks for the advice

Replied by Ryan
(Northern, Ca)

Day one: washed with dandruff shampoo, cleaned with listerine (artic mint), lotramine spray and sure deodorant. Looks inflamed. Will post more tomorrow.

Replied by Dean
(Auburn Hills, Mi)

Only the Brown Old fashion "Mouthwash" can cure jock itch. The others do not contain the essential Oils like Thymol, Menthol, and the othe two.

Replied by James
(Saint Petersburg, Fl)

Yes they all contain all the same active ingredients except the purple one with fluoride

Multiple Remedies

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4 star (1) 
1 star (2) 

Posted by Bob (Vancouver BC ) on 02/27/2019

Jock Itch Remedies: ACV doesn't work, rubbing alcohol doesn't work, hydrogen peroxide burns little sores on your scrotum but doesn't work. I've washed with lemon grass soap, anti dandruf soap, anti fungal soap to no avail. The over the counter jock itch cream and spray didn't work. I'm going to try the borax one next.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dan-o (Santa Rosa, Ca) on 01/14/2018

After 12 years of ineffectively dealing with athlete's foot fungus, it migrated to my crotch and so I made a full commitment to getting rid of it. It took two more years after trying many cures including ones on this excellent blog and also prescribed Lamisil taken internally.

The high points of my cure are:

- soak in a whirlpool bath that has a regulated anti-fungal solution (chlorine level monitored and maintained) for at least 10 minutes every day until the fungus is killed. If you have had the fungus for as long as I did, it is deeply embedded in your skin so it takes the chlorine a while to be absorbed adequately. You will feel the areas that are infested as they will itch while you are soaking. When the itching stops, the fungus has been killed. Repeat this treatment until the fungus is completely gone. It took around three months for me as it was deeply embedded. Chlorine has the benefit that it can actually kill the fungus and it's spores. Swimming in chlorinated pool suppressed my fungus, but wasn't concentrated enough to kill it off. Most other treatments cause the spores to go into a defensive mode that is very durable and will re-emerge.

- increase the acidity of the infested areas by applying a citric acid solution. Use a strength level of 1 teaspoon per cup of water. This acid is what is used for food products, can be ingested, is very effective and doesn't burn nearly as much as other options. This will keep spores from re-producing between whirlpool treatments. There are spores everywhere in your home if you've been infested for a while.

- wash your socks and underwear in very hot water for an extended cycle. Normal hot water washing didn't kill the spores of the fungus I had.

- toss shoes that are infested. If you have a really nice pair of shoes you'd like to salvage, you can lightly soak your socks and wear them in the infested shoes for a day. If this doesn't work, toss.

- clean your bathroom floors/shower/tub with a bleach solution to kill spores. This won't get them all as some will remain in bedroom carpets, etc. but this will get rid of most of them.

Replied by Dan-o
(Santa Rosa, Ca)

Update to the second to last comment about salvaging shoes, I neglected to say the socks should be lightly soaked in the Citric Acid solution.

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