Natural Remedies

Holistic Therapy: Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by Shell (California) on 10/29/2017

My 12 yr. old daughter was hospitalized in late Nov'16 (23rd Nov). She spent 48d ays in the UCSF hospital fighting for her life. Drs. has diagnosed her with lupus nephritis and ANCA vasculitis. As a result, her kidneys(CKD5) are affected and she went for dialysis until July'17. She was treated with and was treated with steroids, Rituximab(one dose), Cytoxan (6 doses). With lots of prayers and support, she came off from dialysis and is presently being treated at LPCH(Stanford). She was a perfectly healthy child up to this incidence and has never been sick. Recently her creatinine started going up she is losing her appetite and pain in her legs she is hardly able to walk. It seems her lupus flaring up causing her kidneys affected as well pain in legs and joints.

We are using a natural path where she is on many protocols such as magnesium, Galactose, mannose, Vitamin D, Mineral waters etc. we were hoping with the help of natural path and regular treatment we will be able to save her not to flare up. But it seems not happening. Her blood test results haven't shown any lupus or ANCA yet but we could she because it happened same when she was diagnosed and hospitalized. My husband and I can't sleep and very worried about her. However, very sure that there must be some solution for her kidneys and disease. Looking for ways to revive it and keep her safe from dialysis as much as

Dr is asking to give her IV steroid that might help her stopping the flare up and in kidneys as well.

Any Help or similar situations anyone have deal and were able to solve will be appreciated.

Replied by Tom


My prayers are with you and hope your daughter gets well really soon. I know it must be really difficult for your daughter and your family and as a parent you are doing your best.

My 11 year old daughter has been diagnosed with Lupus/Crohns last year. Doctors cannot pinpoint whether it is crohns or lupus since she had all the symptoms related to crohns and lupus both.

We started her on SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet) this year since Feb 2018. She has weaned off all her medication since Feb 2018 except proguanil which is given to Malaria patients. However this medication has shown good benefits with Lupus also.

Since Mar 2018 we are doing her blood test every 2 months and she is 100 % normal. All her results are coming as normal. I think the major benefit is because of SCD diet. You can google this to know more about SCD. I'm not sure whether it will help your daughter or please look into that.

Hope your daughter get well soon. Take care.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Shell: Need to find the root cause of Kidney disease. You need to do some medical history especially vaccines.

Basically there is a major toxicity issue going on here, which is why she is responding so poorly to conventional and alternative treatments. To help detox her body, in addition to her current ND regimen, add a very high quality multivitamin/mineral with added nutrients like green foods, digestive enzymes, etc. To eradicate infection in the gut, Oil of Oregano softgels plus Milled Flax Seed 2x daily with meals. Eat lots of Pineapple (ether fresh whole or canned) to help digestion and reduce inflammation) To help the Kidneys particularly, in addition to the Mannose, take a minimal dose of Dr Christopher's herbal "Kidney/Bladder" formula, and slowly increase to recommended dose for children or adults. Before retiring, take either Bentonite Clay or Activated Charcoal to remove toxins from the body.

Clean up the diet as much as possible. Very little or no processed sugars or food additives, and add healthy fats like Fish, Evening Primrose, and Borage Oil will help. Clean up house of organic or inorganic material. All chemical fragrances, perfumes, etc, must go. Replace air filter with something of high quality like a permanent washable filter or HEPA filter, or purchase a whole house indoor Air Purifier; also purify all water. Organic only household & body products can be found at most health-food stores, one online store I highly recommend is Mike Adam's (The Health Ranger) Natural News & Foods. Find healthy here . Hemp/CBD Oil will improve most any disease condition.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Shell,

I am so sorry - I am sure it is hard to sleep when you see your daughter suffer so much.

The thing that come to mind as I read your post that I would be considering if this were my daughter would be charcoal poultices over the kidney area at night.

Here is an interesting study about the use of charcoal in kidney disease and its ability to decrease creatinine levels. Now, the specific kidney disease, age of patient and way of administering charcoal are different in this study, but it does make me thing that charcoal would be something to consider. Especially since external poultices should not come with interactions with any medications.

And here is a story about a child with vasculitis on the brain with suspected lupus that was healed with charcoal. (Look about 1/5 of the way down the page.)

Some other things to consider would be nettle tea as a blood purifier; we have seen it do some wonderful things for children in our house. But I would make sure with the doctor that that was okay.

Please do keep us posted. I am praying for her!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Janet

Shell I have not had experience with these issues. For our family we use Teds information as he has been spot on through the years.

Here is his extensive information from Earth Clinic. The first email is his most recent re lupus. Janet

Replied by Sher

Have you read the book Goodbye Lupus? The raw vegan diet with chia seeds for calories/fats/protein and omega 3 put one medical doctor's lupus into remission after having it for 12 years. She was on a kidney transplant list. Last name Goldner. It may work, I hope and pray it does work.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Peggy (Cresskill, NJ) on 09/19/2012

Hello all~~~ First let me say, I am glad to have stumbled on you all. Other patients, contributors, I have never soaked up so much information in all my life. Even with a strong medical background, instant connections were swirling around so quickly - I didn't know what I wanted to do first! The last twelve years has been a struggle living with SLE. My lungs & bones are affected, chronic pain due to bone degeneration, herniations, and compression fractures has left me but a sliver of the person I used to be. At 38, with three small children, my life seemed to be so far away. I knew the treatment was killing me. Treatment for my complications always involved high dose steroids, then chemotherapy, then supposedly a Lifetime of Immunosuppressive drugs..... If for nothing else, don't tell me I can't do something, or there isn't anything else you can do for me. Funny, that's exactly when Professionals start to blame symptoms on depression!

I found the closest, most trusted homeopath I could get to - now disabled & in a wheelchair due to pain. She was my first angel & I started on the road less traveled. I still don't believe that if anyone else had heard this prognosis they wouldn't have looked elsewhere for help. My journey began with alkalinizing & purifying all water, a liver detox and immune support. This truly was the only time I had feelings of what I used to be. I was capable of so little, I'm not sure how I got through with so little home support. Now, friends & family jumped on the "crazy" bandwagon. As they kept themselves busy, I improved. With the support of a pain interventionist, I can now walk 50 feet with a cane, food shop holding on to the cart & cook 5 nights/wk, the decent food my family needs too.

This year I found a second angel to build on the routine, I wanted to feel better & knew I could with support. Then I found you, found the first true hope & healing in all these years.... Now, if I can organize this plan, I will be very busy. I continue ph Balance, through clean, ionized water mixed with baking soda & ACV, candida support, dairy free probiotics & enzymes with meals, immune modulation with colostrum & peptides, neurological support with B vitamins & Antioxidants & free radical scavengers. I continue liver support & use DMSO for pain & inflammation. I have seen a glimpse of how good I will feel, as I have also had to move slowly due to Herxheimer reaction. I read as much as I can & see that many recommend following a celiac diet & new suggestions for vitamins & amino acids for energy & acupuncture for ongoing pain. I really needed to thank all of you for taking the time to post & care. I have never felt this level of hope. I know I have a long way to go, positivity seems to make all the difference. I only hope as I improve I can inspire someone as you all did for me & continue to pay it Forward... Thanks again~~~~~~~

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Dr. Gluck (a Harvard educated expert on LDN) had two aunts with lupus. He asked them if they wanted to try Low dose naltrexone. They did, and in a month they were both doing well. Lupus is an autoimmune disease that responds very well to LDN, a harmless, no side effect FDA approved drug. See or read Julia Schopick's best seller, "Honest Medicine. ". Be well.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bret (Phoenix, Arizona) on 05/30/2008

Follow up on Viral Theory Of Autoimmune: Reading all of these postings can be tiresome. Nobody can possibly take all the substances and institute all the diets recommended by alternative do-gooders. We as a whole do not understand how and why these therapies appear to work. Unless we use an anaerobic disease model. Suddenly, everything seems so logical and simple.

The problem with all of these therapies is that Lupus, all by itself, can go into remission. In fact it almost always has dormancy phases. How do we know in our hearts that our alternative regime is why "our Lupus got better." Time, in this instance, will be our friend. Over time we will see for sure if our alternative protocols are effectively battling this bizarre disease.

One thing that is for certain. Lupus is not a case of our bodies attacking ourselves and then suddenly stopping. Besides being inconsistent with all laws of biology, independant laboratory studies have confirmed that in more than one autoimmune disease, the immune markers and antibodies that are over produced are exactly identicle to those found in severe viral infection. Beta Interferon, antibody proteins, other cytokines are no different in severe viral infections as autoimmune. Ok! Why? Why should we overlook the obvious link here?

Then, when seeing that Tulane has in fact isolated a Type A retrovirus in several autoimmune diseases we should should really move past this now outdated notion that our bodies are committing suicide. This leads us back to the anaerobic disease model. Viruses hate oxygen! Almost every alternative protocol in this forum actually boosts the immune system and exploits the respiratory mechanism of anaerbic organisms.

Sarcoidosis, is not a virus, was/is called autoimmune and has been proven to be cause by a rare bacterium. (Anaerobic). Ask yourself why an infection can be mistaken for an autoimmune? Answer,...Autoimmunes are infections.

Black strap molasses is very high in potassium. Potassium readily will enter cells and alter the Ph. Higher ph is in fact anti viral. Black strap Molasses also contains iron, improving our hemoglobin production, increasing oxygen delivery. Apple cider vinegar contains very concentrated and potent polyphenols. Apple skin extract itself is high in these compounds but the fermentation process actually produces even more of these molecules. These complex molecules have many oxygen donor sites. I have made these chemical structures available to the public on a research website.

Gluten is poorly digested by many of us. Most people with autoimmune disease and cancer have higher levels of anti-gluten antibodies, meaning they are allergic to gluten. Chronic allergic stress has proven to lower immune system, lower oxygen levels in cells, cause general tissue inflamation in the gut, etc. Heck, any viral infection will get worse if the patient undergoes stressors.

Eliminating gluten is a good thing but understanding why is crucial so we can maximize our regimes. Just remember this. Viruses hate oxygen and our immune systems must keep viruses dormant so any protocol that decreases toxicities and increases Oxygen perfusion will theoretically improve symptoms of autoimmune disease.

Finally, Coq10 is molecule that grabs oxygen from cell cytoplams and pulls it into the mitochondria to make ATP. Burning glucose with oxygen is so important in this regard as anaerobic respiration produces acid and lowers Oxygen levels. Any oxygen therapy can be enhanced by taking this enzyme. After all, what good is high O2 fuel if there is no fuel pump to utilize the fuel?
Always take Coq10 with any alternative protocol.

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
490 posts

Hello Bret,

We certainly agree on one thing: "Logical thinking is a good thing".

After reading your discourse on the causes of lupus, I recalled reading that some doctor trying to solve the cause of Gulf War Syndrome, realized that many of the symptoms of GWS were the same as systemic lupus and started looking for causes. Somehow she knew that squalene had been used as a stabilizer in the anthrax vaccine given to the veterans before being deployed to the GW. She then proceeded to pull saved blood specimens from a lot of these vets and testing them, finding that everyone of them had squalene antibodies. So I went looking for facts on the GWS. Mostly what I found is that a lot of experts still aren't in agreement as to what causes it! I did find a statement that the sickest veterans were the ones with the highest levels of squalene antibodies. Logical thinking tells me that squalene must be involved in causing the symptoms of GWS. Common sense, as well as logical thinking, tells me that a lot of other things these veterans were exposed to (gases, pesticides, aspartame in diet colas ( they drank that were probably in plastic bottles and probably overheated in the hot areas of the Gulf War) , depleted uranium, excessive smoke from oil fires, etc. did not contribute to good health or wellness. I am sure that the added stress of being in a war did not add to their feeling of security and contributed greatly to increasing their stress levels - I know it would have mine!

Drinking water from a plastic bottle that has been left in a car all day is now connected to some cancers. Logical thinking tells me that if being left in the drinkers car all day in the sun makes it dangerous to drink, being delivered in a metal-bed truck in the hot sun probably made it too dangerous to drink before they even purchased the bottled water at the store. If you add carbonated beverage, with aspartame sweetener, look how many other detrimental things you have added to the possibilities of interfering with one's health and well-being.

Moving on to your statement: "Most people with autoimmune disease and cancer have higher levels of antigluten antibodies, meaning they are allergic to gluten". When I went on a high protein-low carbohydrate diet, to lose weight, I not only lost weight, but about the second week of eating this diet it suddenly occurred to me that I hadn't had the heartburn, indigestion, and nausea that was usually my constant unwanted companion. Knowing that I did have allelrgies to some things, I realized that it had to be something that I was eating or drinking daily that was creating my gastric problems. The first two things that I thought it might be was milk and bread. After losing 22 pounds in six weeks, I returned to my usual eating except for milk and bread, thinking I was probably allergic to wheat. But then it occurred to me that it might not be the wheat itself. So I went to whole grain bread and had no problems with it. But when I tried bleached flour bread, the heartburn, bloating, flatulence returned big time within l5 minutes after eating it. Aha! Logical thinking is a good thing - I surmised it was not the wheat I was allergic to, but something used in the bleaching process that was causing the problem. I find that is still true some 35 years later. I also found that I could drink my coffee black without problems, add milk to it and I got indigestion - big time!

Years later, researching PUD for a term paper, I learned that PUD first became a problem in the upper socio-economic group, later moving into the middle socio-economic group, and finally on down to the lower socio-economic group. Remembering my own problem with bleached flour products, I researched when they started bleaching flour. I don't remember the exact years now, but adding the two searches together, PUD became a problem ll-15 years after they first started bleaching flour and that it was so expensive that they were the only group who could afford it. It followed (by the same time frame) in the middle group, when it became cheap that they could afford it. When somebody in Minnesota came up with a bleaching process that made it cheap enough for the lower group to afford it, PUD moved into this group following the same time frame.

Now orthodox medicine tells us that PUD is caused by H. campylobacter and treat it with antibiotics that you must see an MD to get. I have never been diagnosed or treated for this organism, but I have never had the ulcer pain that I used to get 3 or 4 times each year, plus I am not bothered by the daily problems I had before the ulcer pain got so bad. Is it caused by H. campylobacter or is it caused by chronic alllergy or intolerance to something in the bleaching process. Since I am rid of the problem, without treatment, it may be that it creates a gastrointestinal condition that harbors the supposed organism and causes the ulcer. I don't really care which it is, because I know that as long as I avoid bleached flour I don't have the problem.

My common sense, and maybe, a little logical thinking tells me that eventually we will all come to realize that many of the additives in our drinking water (sodium fluoride & chlorine)), and in our food & drink(monosodium glutamate and aspartame), and other toxins in our environment, all stress our immune systems, and when our immune systems are busy trying to protect itself and our bodies from harm, some opportunistic organisms, whether molds, viruses, bacteria, sneak in and try to take over.

It is known that systemic lupus can be caused by antibiotics & I think it is still considered a woman's disease because the birth control pills have been blamed for a number of cases. It is very possible that the stressors just create the situation that lets the opportunistic organisms move in and cause distress in the form of disease. Trying to use logical thinking on that is kind of like trying to solve: which came first, the chicken or the egg? I leave that to you solvle - I just appreciate having both the chickens and the eggs they produce.

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

Dear Bret:

My own experience in dealing with lupus after taking certain supplements, pus reduces within matter of hours, condition is noticeably reduced within a week. However, most of the lupus I encountered were in line mostly with the mycoplasma or fungus like organism as being the prime cause because they more responsive to anti-fungal remedies as opposed to anti-viral remedies.

For instance anti-viral remedies, such as zinc and magnesium wasn't so responsive as the antifungal remedies used in borax, chromium, and alkalization. Both antiviral and antifungal remedies were responsive with alkaline remedy.

This means the best remedies I have found so far that worked the best is baking soda, sodium carbonate, and borax in general, while zinc and magnesium were somewhat less responsive. The remedies I mentioned were laid out in details as mentioned.

As to apple cider vinegar, containing polyphenols, etc. alkalization involves alkalizing both extracellular fluids and intracellular fluids. Therefore, sodium bicarbonate and sodium carbonate will resolve the extracellular fluids and intracellular fluids are potassium bicarbonate. The pH in monitoring lupus help is the urinary pH for extracellular fluids and salivary pH for intracellular fluids.

Therefore the theory on the basis of responsiveness to remedy were more in line with fungus, nanoinsects, and mycoplasma more so than virus. The only viral cause I have found were very much due to Morgellon's disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, astenia, and Epstein Barr Virus.

In which case most virus conditions are more responsive to zinc, magnesium, vitamin B complex, but also to alkalizing.

It's difficult to cover all possible cases for different conditions, but for lupus it appears to be one of mycoplasma and fungus like organism.

Replied by Bret
(Phoenix, Arizona)

Whether we disagree with Tulane Medical School or not, whether we think Lupus is a mycobacterium or virus, whether we ignore that retro-viral antibodies are found in almost every Lupus patient tested, we agree on one thing: Diseases that hate oxygen should be treated with higher oxygen. Higher Ph helps achieve this goal,(Warburg/Koch.)

Probiotics in Fermented Food

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Nico (Australia) on 09/22/2019

I have Lupus Nephritis. It has at times been very serious.

I have found that a vegan gluten fee diet helps, but what really makes a difference to the kidney involvement is daily consumption of natural probiotics in fermented food. This includes coconut yogurt or kefir (I found out early on that avoiding dairy helped my lupus tremendously), cultured vegetables with live cultures (not to be confused with vinegar preserved veggies) and small amounts of kombucha (tart, not too sweet). If I eat these daily in small amounts the kidney inflammation is non existent. When starting out be gradual and add each slowly to your diet as they are powerful, and can cause a detox reaction. Eat well, eat fresh, avoid sugar and fast foods/drinks.

Good luck!

Russian Herbs

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Sam (Portland, Oregon) on 07/03/2012

Editor's Choice

I am Russian, and we, as the rest of the world, rely on herbs as a first choice of treatment for chronic and acute diseases. Here is a translation from Russian wikipedia about treatment of lupus. Phytotherapy in the treatment of lupus erythematosus: a good supplement to traditional methods of treating lupus will phytotherapy. It will gradually reduce the dosage of drugs, reduce their side effects. For this purpose, use herbal teas, relieving symptoms of inflammation and improve blood circulation. Properly chosen herbal remedies relieve symptoms of an allergic reaction, can help the body to recuperate faster. As preventive measures to avoid the impact of ultraviolet radiation and other treatments, while staying in the open air should be applied on the skin sunscreen. Despite the fact that the disease is chronic, many patients with poorly marked form, are able to maintain their way of life. If this is the main importance is the depth and nature of the lesions of internal organs, especially the dangerous of which is severe and irreversible renal failure leading to death. Modern medicine has a wide range of drugs that help slow the pathological processes that greatly facilitate the negative symptoms, and thus extend the life of man.

For the treatment of lupus herbs should be taken: nettle leaf, bilberry pine, color, tansy, herb St. John's wort, birch leaves, grass, Knotweed, leaf plantain, mother and stepmother, pine, dandelion root, Oregano grass, clover drug, herb yarrow - equallyTwo tablespoons pre-shredded (in a coffee grinder or grinder) collection pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, drain, along with the grass in a thermos, leave overnight. Take 1/3-1/4 cup 3-4 times a day. The course of 1.5-2 months. After 1 month of treatment interruption herbs can be repeated.

Salt Therapy

Posted by Neal (Asheville, North Carolina Usa) on 02/20/2013

Hello Ted, I was wondering if you had any information about using salt therapy in the treatment of Lupus? By salt therapy I am referring to a manufactured salt micro climate similar to what is found in a salt mine. I have 'built' a micro climate of Himalayan and Polish salt from approximately 20 tons of salt mined from approximately 1-2 miles underground from salt that is about 200 million years old. This 'cave' is a controlled environment kept at between 67-72 degrees fahrenheit and 50-60% humidity. This mimics the conditions in a salt mine.

This type of treatment has been shown to be beneficial for respiratory problems (asthma, bronchitis, allergies), dermatologic problems (eczema, psoriasis, acne), hypertension, stomach disorders, stress, and some autoimmune diseases, but have not found specific guidelines for Lupus.

Could you let me know of any findings you have that might support this treatment for sufferers of Lupus. Thank you, Neal from Sola

Replied by Keri
(West Virginia)

Did the salt cave therapy ever help?


4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Journey5000 (USA) on 12/31/2023

I understand that a lot of people with lupus, suffer from a lot of inflammation. I suggest omega-3 Fish Oil and Irish sea moss for inflammation as well. Zinc and Selenium to prevent inflammation. A GOOD multivitamin to boost immunity (add A, E & C vitamins). To calm down pain Lavender and Carrageenan.

Posted by Gricel (Dallas, Tx) on 01/11/2016

I have lupus, with kidney related problems, I was on dialysis for 6 months and taking steroids before I started my road to recovery with natural remedies, my DNA us still positive but overall I feel good most of the time, I have taken many products over the years, but the ones that have worked the most are a multi vitamin with minerals.

I am a woman so I feel that hormones play a role in my lupus as well, so I also take DNA 50mg a day in combination with dong quai, damiana, and maca, I use half the dose as directed by the bottle.

For the inflammation I use fish oil, 2,000 mg per day or more sometimes, and for kidney I use kidney support from Tibetan Herbal Balance.

Even though my lupus is still active I don't have to take all the crap from the doctors, hope this helps other people

Replied by Truself

What is DNA you mention? A supplement?

Posted by Deborah (New York, NY) on 04/01/2012

Last year I was diagnosed with cutaneous lupus. I have two large skin patches one on my arm and one on my left butt cheek. These are itchy and feel bruised and have also atrophied to leave a concave indentation in my flesh. I am told that this is because the inflammation is in my subcutanaeous fat. I'd like to say I have found a cure for these but I have not - yet. HOWEVER. I began to have accompanying joint pain - terrible nipping pains and feeling constantly like I had been in a car accident - an all over feeling off stiffness and bad bruising. It was debilitating and depressing. Through exhaustive research, trial and error I have found two supplements that are working for me and have decreased the pain SIGNIFICANTLY. One is CM - cetyl myristoleate. I would advise Googling it and doing your own research but I could find no down side. The other is Perna - green lipped mussel extract - a fairly high dose. I began taking these two things together and initially my symptoms worsened but suddenly and quite dramatically the pain lifted. I do think these are worth a try for anyone suffering from chronic joint pain. They certainly changed my life.

One more note on the lupus. I have recently been seeing a new and very good naturopath. Through stool testing for parasites we discovered that I have a very high level of the parasite blastocystis hominis. Also of candida. I knew about the candida and that it was probably part of the lupus causing package but the parasite is a new and interesting development. I will be treating both of these things appropriately with herbs and continued healthy diet (I am completely gluten, caffeine, dairy, soy, alcohol, sugar, nightshade and red meat free; I am a great cook and its really not as hard as it sounds) and will be very curious to see the health benefits of getting rid of these critters. My naturopath feels that they could very likely be a major contributing factor to the jangling of my nervous/immune system that caused the lupus. I will report back with results and would love to hear if anyone else has discovered a parasite/lupus link. If I can help or support anyone else in their healing journey please let me know. Thanks and good health to all.

Replied by Chris
(San Luis Obispo, Ca)

I would live to try something homeopathic, but my body us so reactive right now. My Dr.Is not supportive of supplements. This site actually made me more scared. Reading people with Lupus die 10 years after diagnosis? I have never read that. The lists of suppliments and ideas are great but where do you begin? It so overwhelming!

Replied by Rsw

Hi Chris,

The first thing I would try for Lupus is LDN (low dose naltrexone). It will help moderate your immune system, not kill your immune system like many of the current medical options do. It has been known to be effective for Lupus. It can be taken with any other drug EXCEPT opiate based drugs, because they both compete for the same receptor sites, and LDN will always win, potentially throwing an opiate drug user into a dangerous withdrawal. It is a FDA approved drug at 50mg/day for addicts, but has been found to be very effective for a wide range of autoimmune, and other diseases at 1- 4.5mg/ day by a Harvard educated physician. It is out of patent and very inexpensive. You can read the official LDN site here:

That site will enable you to sign up for a Yahoo LDN Group with over 12,000 members who use LDN for various reasons, many with MS. They are very helpful and willing to answer any questions you may have. It is a non-toxic, non-addictive, no side effects drug that can be taken any time of day, so if sleep issues are a problem, it can be taken in the morning. I hope you will check it out. I have taken it myself for six years. You can also read about it in Julia Shoepick's best seller, "Honest Medicine." Best wishes.

Replied by Margie
(Harrison, Arkansas)

Wondering how the parasite results went?

Replied by Desma
(Knoxville, Tn)

Hi Deborah,

Curious to see how the blastocystis hominis treatment worked for you. I am also trying this.

Posted by Ineke Leer (Walker, MN) on 04/10/2009

Hi: My name is Ineke, I found out I had Lupus 4 weeks ago. I am on predisone and hydroxychoroquine. What a combo.....The predisone only works if taken in doses of 30 mg a day or higher. Its not the drug for me to be on. Can't sleep through the night and it makes me very edgy. Anyway I started taking Olive Leaf extract 2 capsules twice daily, msm 2000 mg twice daily, probiotic enzyme two tablets a day, purce bovine colostrum from first milking, and I had adjusted my diet, I do notice that sugar.....bad......refined carbs, far it hasn't made a difference, buts its only been 5 days since I started the natural supplements,, but, I am hopeful for results.

Any advise is welcomed.

Replied by Theola Williams
(Gainesville, Florida)

Stay Motivated and try not to stress!!! MESSAGE TO ALL!!!

Posted by Ineke Leer (Walker, MN) on 04/10/2009

Hi: My name is Ineke, I found out I had Lupus 4 weeks ago. I am on predisone and hydroxychoroquine. What a combo.....The predisone only works if taken in doses of 30 mg a day or higher. Its not the drug for me to be on. Can't sleep through the night and it makes me very edgy. Anyway I started taking Olive Leaf extract 2 capsules twice daily, msm 2000 mg twice daily, probiotic enzyme two tablets a day, purce bovine colostrum from first milking, and I had adjusted my diet, I do notice that sugar.....bad......refined carbs, far it hasn't made a difference, buts its only been 5 days since I started the natural supplements,, but, I am hopeful for results.

Any advise is welcomed.

Replied by Mona
(Ny, Us)

I caught an infection from trying on pants in a store that someone had before and now I have the disease. I find that if you try homeopathy, there was clearly no other choice after trying traditional medicine. I also find that with homeopathic medicine, nothing happens at first until 6mo-1 yr. later and then it finally works. Problem is with that though, if you don't know what you're doing and you're just testing alternative therapies, you can waste a long time on the wrong alternative medicine.

Replied by Theola Williams
(Gainesville, Florida)

My name is Theola, from Gainesville, FL. I have been dx with Lupus for two years, and it has been a real long journey. I have been drinking hot sage tea which helps with my inflamation and joint pain. I hate taking steroids bc it makes me eat like a run away slave and gain weight. I'm starting to take more vitamins, and its really helping. Im thanking god im still here. Bless all!!!

Replied by Marie
(Houston, Tx)

Can someone please help me? I have been dealing with a skin burning problem for over 10 years when exposed to UV computer screens, TVs, lighting in stores, regular light, and sun. It's feels like a burn/inflammation. I think it might be connected to lupus as I had the rash 10 years ago. The rash never came back but the burning is relentless. I've tried fish oil, turmeric, acv, eating only veggies, vit e (which helps a little), cinnamon, and so so many other things to no avail. I work at a computer for 8 hours so I can't escape the burn. My whole life revolves around avoiding any kind of light, cooking in the dark, going blind b/c I have to turn down my computer screen so dark so I don't burn. Has anyone heard of this? Is there a cure? I'll try anything!

Replied by Rush

you haven't been around any giant hogweed have you? Contact can make your skin still sensitive and burn in light even years later

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

have you tried evo (coconut oil)?

Replied by William

If it were me, I would try tomato paste mixed with olive oil. Google that and see what you think.

Replied by Constance

Look into Electromagnetic Frequency poisoning.....happens with smart meters on your house and other routers, smart cell phones, digital home phones, etc.

Replied by Brian

Sounds like porphyria.

Ted's Remedies

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Posted by Altaf (Mumbai, India) on 08/17/2013

Ted: my sister aged 32 yrs was diagnosed of systemic lupus erythromatosis (SLE) in 2007 and has been on med: steroid (Prednisolone), non-steroid (methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine), warfarin (Acitrome), metaxcel (for endocarditis) and much more with some improvement in the past 6 years. Recently I came across this website with natural remedies which I got interested to try for my sister. I have recently (13/08/2013) started her with baking soda (Na-bi-carbonate) (1/2 tea spoon in half glass of filtered water) in the morning on empty stomach and before bedtime (at least 2hrs after dinner). Today (17/08/2013) morning (it was baking soda off day) when she took 2 teaspoons of sea salt with one glass of water on empty stomach (as suggested by you in one of your article on 'want to know top 10 lupus supplements') which I thought worth trying. But she could hold this in her stomach for an hour before she vomitted and soon followed by diarrhoea. Is this expected and okay? I plan to start her on borax (1/8th tea spoon in one liter of water throughout the day) from next week (26/08/2013) so that she can have enough pH buffering from baking soda. I would appreciate your comment on the sea salt issue and any suggestions or changes to help us implement these remedies correctly and efficiently. Thanks. God bless!

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Altaf, Here is a database for users of Low Dose Naltrexone and Lupus:

If you google LDN and lupus you will see other experiences of people with lupus successfully using FDA approved, low cost, no side effects LDN. And the best part, for you, is that it can be bought without a prescription at any pharmacy in India. (Trade names Revia, Naltima, etc.) If you get 50 mg. Tablets, simply dissolve one tablet in 50 ml. distilled water. Buy a children's syringe and withdraw from 3 to 4 ml of the solution and take it once every 24 hours, usually before bed. (No more often than this.) So easy. Store the rest of the solution in the refrigerator. Best wishes for improved health for your sister. For others reading this, look at to see how it successfully treats a host of autoimmune diseases, including MS, Crohn's disease, UC, and many more. Published clinical trial are shown for Crohn's, AIDS and ongoing for MS and Fibro.

Replied by Altaf
(Mumbai, India)

Hi: Any suggestion on whether should she stop her steroid and non-steroid meds before starting LDN OR can she start LDN and continue using her other meds and gradually get off them after seeing the response of LDN (since her regular meds are in the morning and this LDN would be at bedtime, amply spaced out) OR should she first gradually pull off all her other meds (possibly cleared from system) and then start LDN? Thanks again!

Replied by Altaf
(Mumbai, India)

Thank you so much for this precious piece of information! I read the links tha info on LDN its simply amazing and I am surprised why docs do not metion about it. I will buy them and start from today itself and keep updating at earthclinic. God bless!!

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Hi Altaf, LDN can be taken with steroids and any other medication EXCEPT opiate based drugs. LDN and opiates both compete for the same receptors, and LDN will always win. This could put someone who is taking opiates into a serious and dangerous withdrawal. So, any medication is OK with LDN EXCEPT opiates. You can also join the Yahoo LDN Group that is mentioned at the site, and the other members (over 10,000 people) are always willing to answer any questions you may have. Please let us know how your sister is doing. Best wishes!

Replied by Noma
(Johannesburg, South Africa)

Hello everyone ; I was diagnosed with Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in 2012; and I had difficulty accepting the diagnosis as I have always been a health freak. My 2 weaknesses were dairy products and chocolates. I was diagnosed by my GP, then went to a homeopath who confirmed the diagnosis a year later. I then discovered that there are ways to manage this sickness, of which one is to go the natural way.

I am a good cook, but sometimes I find it challenging to stay away from red meat, since I am also in the food industry. My problem is I do not pass any stools, I can go on for more than a month without going to the loo. My diet is mostly veggies, fruits, grains and beans, chicken and fish. I dont get constipated but my question is where is this food that I eat going to? I have a huge appetite, but its like there is a worm inside me that is moving up and down, and the sad part is I can feel it moving, is this normal for lupus patients? I feel like its eating me up inside especially since I am always heating up in my waist area and in my kidneys.

I am taking my meds and supplements, but I prefer the natural way. If and when I do go to the loo, there is there is practically nothing that reflects the amount of food that I eat all this time. I take a lot of detoxifying herbs, but I just urinate a lot but no stools. Any advice would be welcomed as I am always having a pain and heaviness)) in my groin especially the right side. Thanking you all in advance.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Noma: Parasite infestations almost always cause both digestive & immune disorders as a consequence. Here is a link to the E.C. page for this condition.

Roundworm & Tapeworms are the worst, although the Flukes can kill the host over time. Try all the herbal wormers first and if you're not feeling any better after a few weeks or couple of months, you will need pharmaceutical grade meds to eradicate the devils. CureZone has extensive post on this condition.

Replied by Angelina

Hi, I have been diagnosed with lupus since 2008. I am on prednisone 5mg Cell Cell Cept and choroquine, vita D

Please advise how can use the borax and baking soda supplement?

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Wormgirl1 (Lowell, Ma Usa) on 07/04/2011

I read this post with interest and noticed that although it has received a lot of positive comments, only one person has given a "case report" of efficacy. That's too bad. I wish people would follow through and post their follow-up.

Ted, I also notice you commented on a low incidence of lupus in your native Thailand. I believe this might be because people in S.E. Asia are colonized with helminthic parasites, which are showing a lot of promise as therapies for several autoimmune problems in the developed world, including asthma, allergies, MS, and inflammatory bowel diseases. Parasites get a bad rap, but they may "train" the immune system not to overreact to harmless substances. Antibiotics kill off "good" bacteria, but we also lack parasites, which in low numbers may have a role in keeping us well.

I think you are dead on in altering pH as a method of degrading gut biofilms, which I believe create conditons for autoimmunity, but healthy gut flora are also important.

Replied by [email protected]
(Temecula, California)


Replied by Jennifer
(Owensboro, Kentucky)

I don't know if anyone has replied to you question. I have just now found this site and information. It is entirely health to continue the baking soda every day if you want. Personally I have not been using it because I use lemon or apple cider vinegar, but may add the baking soda as well. Baking soda is NOT the same as baking powder!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Crystalbailey076 (Salyersville, Kentucky) on 08/17/2009

I have systemic lupus and I have being using the borax and baking soda. I have read conflicting info on the amount of mixture to use. Some state 1 liter divided into 5 equal doses (one dose per day for 5 days), but then others state 1 liter of mixture per day for five days, which would be 5 liters in five days. So which should I be doing? and I would also like to add the sea salt and the acv but can I add it with the borax and baking soda??

Please respond because I really need some relief. One liter a day is alot different that 1/5 of a liter per day and I would not be getting the maximum results. thanks

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Tammy (Caroga Lake, New York) on 07/01/2009

Hello Ted! Thanks so much for your feedback on this site. I have been doing the Lupus treatments with borax/hydrogen peroxide/baking soda, etc. I just wanted to know with the Vitamin D3, Do you take it WITHOUT calcium? Or do you take it with it? I started taking the Vitamin D3, and noticed that some bottles contain calcium and some do not. But I noticed by reading comments about other supplements, that you say not to get it with calcium. I just want to make sure I am doing it right. Thanks so much again for all of your insight.

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