Natural Remedies That Alleviate Menopause Symptoms

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ibiza (New York, NY) on 07/10/2010

I have been suffering from hormone disruption that I believe was caused by exposure to environmental toxins. I started having hot flashes 2 1/2 years ago. It took me a while to make the connection between toxins and my body because of my age (in 40's). Anyway, always an advocate of natural remedies, I tried maca. It worked like a dream and my hot flashes disappeared for a few months. Then they returned and the maca no longer worked. To make a long story short, I've tried many different herbs and natural formulas, nothing has worked. I found this site and eagerly tried drinking organic ACV twice daily. I can't remember the amount, I think 1 or 2 tablespoons in water. It worked for one day. What's worse is that it had a HORRIBLE effect on my teeth. Plaque and sensitivity increased. (I have now started oil pulling organic unrefined coconut oil and even after the first time, the plaque on the my teeth that I used to feel with my tongue, has disappeared. What a God-send! I thought that it was downhill all the way, concerning my teeth).

Anyway, after a week of still having hot flashes and feeling my teeth degrade (even after brushing my teeth after drinking the ACV AND also using a straw), I gave up on it. Maybe because the root of my issue is toxins and not a natural reproductive process, the ACV and other remedies are not working. What I have found is that some things work for one day. It's like my body would be curious about the new substance and take a break from producing hot flashes to spend time dealing with the new substance, then, once it figured it out, go back to making the hot flashes. In doing research, I've discovered that my liver has probably been overworked. I now eat a very plain cleaning diet of veggies, fruits, nuts and beans. I think I am overly yang and need to become more yin. I also plan to renew my yoga practice because I know that yoga is SUPER for the liver (especially any forward bend). I can't do a stronger cleanse because it over works my liver causes a greater hormonal imbalance. I also started drinking a quart of sage and milk thistle tea a day. After 2 months of this diet and tea, my hot flashes have been reduced. Now it just seems like I have "heat sensitivity" where if it's hot (and it's been over 90) I get a flash. But if I feel cool, I'm fine. Lastly, along with the hot flashes, the sweating odor was a nightmare. I learned here about using 1/2 of a fresh organic lime to rub over my body (where it was sweating), wait 10 minutes and shower. This has been FANTASTIC! I also use an all natural organic lemongrass soap or the popular peppermint castille soap. But even if I run out of the soap and use another, the lime has performed a miracle. Limes have antibacterial properties that prep my body so that the sweating doesn't create funk.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Caitlin (Austin, Tx) on 06/13/2012

Not over-eating at a sitting can keep hot flashes at minimum or not happening at all. For me, overeating always brings on a hot flash 15-30 minutes after a huge meal. The point where that does not happen is when I only eat 1/2 of a normal plate of food. Also, if I habitually eat grains, potatoes, and sugar (high carb-foods) hot flashes keep me up all night. Sticking to a diet of meat, berry fruit (low carb), and veggies in smaller amounts than I once ate when I was younger and buring vast amounts of calories, has proven to be ideal for this older woman's long-term health and nutritional assimulation. There is also less to nil inflammatory arthritic flareups.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Suzy (Chrisman, Illinois) on 07/14/2008

Hi ,I just had to tell you what a blessing your site is! I just started using two tablespoons of molasses daily for my arthritis and hot flashes.Wow I just can't believe it works !!! Within two days my pain has almost gone away and no hot flashes and as an added bonus I have so much more energy! I am 53 and I don't feel or act like I am ,any longer!! God bless who ever came up with these {inexpensive} remedies. I am going to try some of thr rosacea remedied, I hope they work too. Thanks. Suzy

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Diane (Modesto, CA) on 04/01/2008

For 2 years now, I have been able to avoid hot flashes by not having caffeine. I even had to stay away from having too much decaf coffee otherwise the small amount of caffeine in the decaf would cause me to flash. Shortly after I started taking ACV (2 tbsp. 2 times a day) for joint pain, I had read that people were having success with it helping hot flashes. I decided to try drinking regular coffee again and I am still hot flash free! The ACV is wonderful!!!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Patricia (Mooresville, IN) on 07/04/2007

Re Night Sweats: I changed to a vegan diet and am no longer having night sweats. Eliminate all meat, all milk products, eggs, and as much oil and butter from the diet as you possibly can.

Don't eat wheat products but change to rye bread, ezekiel bread or other good whole grain bread. You can have sugar in small quantities and use fruit spreads, jams and jellies on toast. You can have refried beans on tortillas or soft tacos with as many of the fixings as you like - just no cheese. Lose weight, stop having night sweats, and control diabetes too.

After three days I lost several pounds, reduced blood pressure, had tons of energy and stopped all night sweats.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joanie (Akron, Ohio)

My cousin's doctor recommended ACV for gout, she passed this website on to me, so I've only been using ACV for about 3 weeks now, and no migraines, no sinus headaches (northeast ohio weather horrible), allergy symptoms have all but disappeared, and FEWER HOT FLASHES (am 47), I don't understand why more physicians don't tell us about this miracle cure-all!"

P.S. my energy levels are off the charts. my 47 year old skin feels like the proverbial "baby's bottom", and I'm losing weight without even really trying!

Vitamin E
Posted by Hisjewel (America, New York) on 08/20/2015

Vitamin E Works! I breezed right through all the signs of change of life by daily taking 800 IU of vitiamin E . My sisters were have a fit taking hormones. I wasn't sure I was in menopouse until my monthly stopped flowing. That how smooth it was.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Susan (Mexico) on 04/01/2017

I have always used lime instead of deodorant and just leave it there. No rinsing. Works like a charm

Posted by Leanne (Conroe, TX) on 03/21/2006

Hi, Thank you so much for your website, because my whole family is healthier and happier due to the natural remedies that I have found here. I am so very happy that I came across this particular remedy, as you can imagine. It was a bit by accident because I had bought my 16 yr old some protein drinks by Bolthouse Farms because, after reading the ingredients, I was impressed by how natural the product was and it also had added vitamins and minerals. My son is playing sports and growing really fast (6'5") now, so I wanted the best for his body. The drink has soy protein in it, and I had heard that soy was one of the best sources for protein. My husband & I also drink it off and on after working out, and the taste is great (believe me, I don't work for the company even though it may sound like I do!) But one night I decided I would warm a cup of it up and drink it before I went to I did, and I have not slept this good in a long time. I have not had one hot flash since that first night of the warm drink, and I am sleeping in a more deep sleep than I have done in years! I then remembered that I had read a few months back that in countries where women do not suffer from hot flashes and other menopause problems, it is because they have a diet high in soy. Then it all made sense to me as to why the before bed soy drink had helped me so much. It did not really help my menopause symptoms till I did the warm drink at night. I don't know if it will help others like it did me, but I am going to keep drinking it! Thank you so much...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Teresa (spartanburg,sc) on 01/12/2006

over a year ago i was diagnosed with severe larynx acid was causing sores on my vocal box,chronic coughing, post nasal drip,& etc. i was prescribed prilosec, it helped some but then it stopped working. then i was prescribed nexium which also helped some for awhile then stopped. so then i was prescribed nexium in the morning and zantac150 at night but of course this also stopped working i started taking organic apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons at night and i am completely off of all the prescriptions i was put on. and it works better than any of the other ever my sinuses have cleared up,no more coughing,no voice loss, and as an extra plus no more hot flashes at night.

Posted by Sandy (Lancs, Uk) on 02/11/2013

Acupuncture worked well for me for night sweats.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 02/12/2022

I first heard about this from a Romanian woman. It's a Folk Remedy using Apple Cider Vinegar. Pat down the body with full strength vinegar before retiring to bed for night sweats. It works!

Posted by Birdy (Ankeny, Iowa, Usa) on 04/06/2010

soy after menopause HIGHLY recommended

I use 100 mgs of soy isoflavanes daily since menopause and my skin looks better than before menopause. Not perfect, but softer, more refined, less dry, less wrinkled. I take 1 50mg twice a day. And the hot flashes that I also originally took it for are reduced by 80 to 90%.

Posted by Deborah (Rincon, Georgia) on 04/28/2008

Over a year ago I underwent surgery and had a total hysterectomy. I still have yet to have a hot flash, night sweat, etc. I believe my secret to this success has been to have alot of soy (soy milk, tofu, LUNA proteing bars which have soy) and my best ever salad dressing using Apple Cider Vinegar and Flax Seed Oil.(2 talbs. of each, mixed with garlic,oregano, pepper. I usually use 1/8 teaspoon of each spice). I do take multi vitamin along with other herbal and mineral supplements that are recommended in the book, Prescription for Natural Healing. Oh yeah..I exercise 2-3 times a week, garden.

Posted by Rose (New Mexico) on 02/20/2006

It was getting to the point where I could not enjoy going out to eat or spend any time with my friend due to the sweats that left me wet from from my head, neck, arms and under my breast. It was so uncomfortable that I felt as if I was going to combust from the heat. Only a women can explain the feeling and how awful it makes you feel. A glass of soy milk a day stopped them, and if I did get one it was very, very mild.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Diane (Alabama)

I tried several over the counter drug store medicines for my hot flashes and they did not work. First I got off coffee, cokes and sugar. Including artificial sugars. and then I did a candida cleanse and colon cleanse.I do not have hot flashes any more. I also drink lots of water and include vinegar in my water everyday.

General Feedback
Posted by Sunshine (Pdx) on 05/31/2017

My naturopathic doctor is a hormone top expert and apparently has people fly from outside the country to see her for hormone balancing. I was under her care she put me on plant based bio-identical hormones, and 75 mg progesterone that was dissolvable I took in the evening .

Also, it is worth noting that some menopausal women will have anxiety, uneasiness, which they have never had in the past, progesterone helps with that and increasing 5HTP which will increase serotonin levels. You can ask your doctor for neurotransmitter test, this helps shed light on what is going on. Also B-12 vitamin E and magnesium helps as well, and altering your diet eliminating sugar, gluten and caffeine. Alkalizing two to three times a day helps a lot. I chose the 20 hour fast with 4 hour window to eat strategy daily by Dr. Fung.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa, Usa) on 02/12/2013

I believe I am peri-meno, because of my age, and I do get night sweats at times and seem to be gaining weight in my middle. Isn't being a woman fun?!!!!! ;-)

Anyway, I have noticed that if I eat snacks after dinner I will get night sweats. It seems like the higher the calories, the worse it is.

The trick for me is not eating after dinner. sigh.

Good luck to you! :-)

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