DHEA and Progesterone Pregnenolone
Black Cohosh
Multiple Remedies
I am 38, I have posted on the site before, and it is a blessing. Here is some news I wanted to share, in hopes of helping others. I started feeling like I was having early menopause symptoms, because my monthly periods were all out of wack, I felt like I was going crazy on some sort of emotional roller coaster, I was moody, and had other early unpleasant menopause symptoms. Anyway, after some research I went to Wal-Mart and bought a bottle of Spring Valley brand Fish, Flaxseed, Borage Oil, Omega 3, 6, 9(that's exactly what the bottles states on the front too). I also bought a bottle of Natrol brand Menopause Formula(purple bottle with female symbol)This has a large array of ingredients such as calcium, magnesium, soy extract, red raspberry extract, and 11 other herbs. I take the first one(fish oil, etc. ) 2 pills a day when I wake up, and the second one at night before I go to bed(also 2 pills). I have not been taking them quite a week, and have already started feeling better. My mood has improved, I feel ALOT less emotional, and cranky, and I was even able able to stop taking my ant-depressant Zoloft! Also, I was feeling hungry all the time, and so I bought some slim fast as a between meal boost, and have been drinking two a day of those, at the very least I figured the vitamins in it would help, but I have been feeling less hungry. At night, before I go to bed, I also drink alot of water, it helps make me feel fuller, and may possibly be helping me sleep better.
Blackstrap Molasses