Here is a generic reply given a month ago here. Look for my 12/31/2010 post 1/4 down the page:
The key site you want to visit is Dr. Shoemaker's newest one at the root URL www.survivingmold.com
The specific area you want is under the "TREATMENT" tab, at:
His FIRST STEP is the most important by far! You will have to leave your moldy workplace or domicile immediately and permanently, since he claims that once exposure time reaches a certain length (again, highly individually specific), the mold toxin damage may be irreversible, even with the best current medical science.
If the patient feels fine with simple removal from exposure, no more steps are needed. There are a few people who are fixed with this step alone.
He uses cholestyramine, a Rx "old school" cholesterol-lowering drug that comes in a gritty powder, as the base of his treatment. It binds and holds, in the gut, the mold toxins that flood down into the gut with the bile after a meal! But for those so badly damaged that even the blood test markers are skewed, he uses all manner of other science, like Epogen the Amgen RBC regenerating drug (hormone), plus now many others.
IF you can print out some pages there, & IF you show some of his work to your PCP who sees the match in symptoms with yours, then perhaps you can get an "off-label" Rx for the cholestyramine right there without consulting with Dr. Shoemaker in the interim to get started on pulling out those mold toxins. The longer they circulate when unable to breakdown & excrete them, the more damage they do.