Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Mold Exposure and Allergies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Angela (Cheltenham, England) on 01/10/2010

My daughter is a student and the house she shares is damp and full of fungus on the walls. Her room is the worst. When I went to pick her up for the Christmas holidays I took a plastic spray bottle of Borax and water (just put enough Borax in so that no more will dissolve). I sprayed the walls with it when I arrived and then wiped all the fungus off. After helping her pack I sprayed the walls again and just left them to dry. This was a last ditch attempt to make things better because the landlord would not do anything.

When I took her back after Christmas I didn't know what we would find but imagine my delight when we walked into her room to find not a trace of mould.

Thanks to all on this website who have written about Borax and how it kills fungus.

I hope this helps others in the same situation.

By the way, I live in the UK and it is impossible to buy Borax in any shop (even Boots). They are now selling something called 'Borax substitute' and no-one will give me a straight answer as to why they won't sell Borax. One assistant in Boots said that it was because old people used to put it in their eyes. Anyway, I eventually ordered a tiny amount from Amazon and to be honest you don't need a huge amount. Though one chemical company said they would sell it to my by the ton at a very good price.

Oregano Oil, Garlic
Posted by Sarah (Ccworth, Georgia) on 10/28/2008

In response to the mold problem: You must kill the mold/fungus that resides inside of you. You must starve, kill,and remove.

#1.Fact. Sugar FEEDS mold and fungus inside us.

#2. Corn and wheat feeds them as well. Oil of oregano kills, Put as many drops as you can fit into a gelatin capsule. The taste is awful. But not when you take it like this. Take two capsules of this 3 times a day, till bottle is gone, remembering to stay OFF THE SUGAR, CORN and WHEAT. Mayo clinic findings has determined that there is nothing stronger to kill mold, fungus, bacterial and viral infections. i know this works. Check out Doug Kaulfmans web site. Garlic kills pathogens too. Research!!! many things kill these bastards. It may be essential to rotate. Garlic for 1 week. And I mean RAW, chopped up garlic,(with food in your tummmy before swallowing).etc.

Posted by Nicole (Chicago, IL) on 07/29/2008

Mold Toxicity and Chlorella: Once you no longer live or work in a moldy building, you will still have the neurotoxoins circulating in your body. The best way to remove them is to take a dose of chlorella (algae) 30 min before each meal, and the timing matters.

Mold in Your Building
Posted by April (Jacksonville, NC) on 06/21/2024

Hi, I just read that you suspect that you have candida. Try cutting out sugar completely because it feeds mold growth and start on a probiotic asap. My daughter had success with lactobacillus rhamnosus. She's only seven and was so affected by candida overgrowth that she kept getting recurrent yeast infections. After two weeks on the probiotic and cutting out sugar and most (not all because she's growing) simple carbs. It cleared up and hasn't been back. We also like olive leaf extract, oil of oregano, and charcoal for continued mold cleansing. (We unknowingly lived in mold 10 years...😳)

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Epeach (Ga) on 09/08/2018

Dear Bill from the Phillipines,

I pray that you are able to answer my question. Before posting, I researched this website at length. I have read everything I can find from you on these topics. I highly respect your knowledge and dedication to your own health and the health of others.

I began the Lugol's protocol a little over a year ago. I was suffering with symptoms of Hypothyroidism. I was on an anti-depressant which I stopped shortly after beginning the protocol. I also have included Borax, alkalizing, and ACV, daily.

In the past year, I realized I was exposed to mold at my workplace. I worked there 8 years. I kept reporting sightings and none were addressed and at the time I had no idea I was suffering because of it. I was able to diagnose myself from reading the symptoms you wrote about. I am currently not working due to a back injury that happened while at work. (a blessing in disguise?) I am not taking any prescriptions.

My question is, although, I have seen dramatic results and I am not completely cured, should I up my dose of Lugol's? Occasionally, I will add a few more drops of 2 percent. I include other supplements and remedies I see in your posts and other's, also. I use turpentine, oregano essential oil, cilantro, and thyme essential oil, occasionally..other than the turpentine, I am not aware of how much and how long I should use these remedies. I just ordered chanca piedra and a probiotic and I am waiting for them to come in. I wanted to give myself a year on the Lugol's before I posted this question. If I ever miss my dose, my neck will throb. So, I know my thyroid isn't completely healed.

I have reported my successes here on EC, so far. But, I am still not completely healthy. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

God bless you and keep you!

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Epeach (Ga) on 09/10/2018

Dear Bill,

Thank you so much for your response. I appreciate you taking the time to help me in my quest for good health.

I have followed the Iodine protocol with the companion nutrients as per your advice, from the beginning. That is why I was asking about increasing the dose. Or maybe, it will just take longer than I expected? I do not ingest dairy due to intolerance. I ordered the chanca piedra because I thought the calcium from other food I eat may not be dispersed properly? I think I read from one of your previous posts, although, I cannot quote, about calcium blocking something in the thyroid?

As for the quercetin and resveratrol, I will order them today. How long do I take these items? I will order 1 bottle of each until I hear from you.

Again, I am flattered that you responded, I really was not expecting it. You have made a huge impact on my health (and others, as well) and there are no words for how grateful I am. I have resorted to using EC exclusively to improve my health since I realized all of the medications the doctor has prescribed for me has done nothing but harm.

Many blessings!

Mold Removal Remedies
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 08/07/2017

Hello Dr. bl,

Re the mold issue and your use of CS. I use it too and in addition to your irrigation (mouth/eyes and ears), I also use a steamer inhaler to get the CS into lungs and from lungs a more direct root to heart and bloodstream. Also I use the CS with DMSO and apply equal parts as a poultice for 15 minutes applying to various parts of body...chest, sides, legs and especially to back of neck so it will get to brain. The above applications is what I use for a body wide infestation.

Mold Removal Remedies
Posted by Teena (Melbourne Australia) on 08/07/2017 233 posts

I would urge you to look at borax for mold removal effective for the dwelling and for your lungs upon ingesting. I would expect severe detox symptoms because of your situation and so I would start very small. I have linked just one ec experience but there are many.

Check at Night With Flashlight
Posted by Susan F. (El Dorado, Kansas) on 07/07/2016

Is anyone wondering what causes the 'ice pick' pain usually listed as a symptom of toxic mold exposure. It is mold injecting itself into your skin. If the scientist would take the lid off their specimen jars they'd learn that mold doesn't need a opening from a surgery or broken skin to enter thru. That stuff sliced thru skin and dives in.

It's true. One on my ice pick pains hurt so bad and I saw a black curly Q string sticking the spot of pain. I broke off when I tried to remove it. Two years later no doctor will help me and I can barely use my hand. I am having better luck with my fingertips on my other hand but I touched the wrong thing and The pain was worse than I can believe. I ran for a magnifying glass to see what was wrong and there were fine black short hairs stuck in my fingertips. They wisp away when I rub them but It felt like a million poisons needles in my skin.

That's only 2 stories from my past two years in the twilight zone. One more bit of info. is check your house after dark with a flashlight. I accidentally found my bedroom ceiling was thick with a cobweb like mold hanging 3 to 4 inches deep and covering the entire ceiling. I still can't believe what I saw when my flashlight lit it up in pastel colors fading into one another.

Two years massive migraines, vision loss and major loss of brain function and no idea I was sleeping under that massive colony. Honest I never saw even one hint there was anything on my ceiling. I'm afraid of lady bugs I sure wouldn't have ignored that.

Ck. your house at night with a flashlight. I just happened to walk into my bedroom one night with a lit flashlight and wow. Never knew it was there.

God help us all.

Ammonia Chloride
Posted by Littlecat (Sf) on 07/28/2015

Ammonia kills mycotoxins. We fogged our house with 2x this was after remediation . We of course wore a bunnysuit total face cover and eye googles. Ammonia kills the mycotoxins. Get this it does not kill the by-product that is gassed off from the dead mycotoxins. Nor can you get mold out of carpet and the walls completely it can travel deep into the walls it is invisible. The majority of patients from this doctors case studies showed that many patient return to remediated house. They all got sick and moved , except one family was going to go back there and try to live. The same happened to me we returned to our remediated home and I got sick we moved. Do not gamble with your health or your life.

Doctors Who Treat Mold Exposure
Posted by Helps (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/23/2014

Some of the known doctors who treat mold sickness in the U.S. are:

Dr. Michael Gray in Benson, AZ; Dr. Irene Grant in Tarrytown, NY; Dr. William Rea, an environmental doctor in Dallas, Texas; Dr. Janette Hope in Santa Barbara, CA; Dr. Mary Short-Ray, D.O. in Jacksonville, FL.

There is a website for Dr Mary Short-Ray called Toxic-Black-Mold-Syndrome. She also wrote a book called Surviving Toxic Black Mold Syndrome.

There is a website for Dr. Lisa Levine Nagy M.D. who recovered from a severe case of toxic mold syndrome called environmentalmedicineinfo.

Website for Dr. Irene Grant irenegrantmd.

Also a test we found to be helpful besides the Mycotoxin test from Realtime Labs was a Dark Field Microscopy test.

Doctors Who Treat Mold Exposure
Posted by Tina I. (Amherst, Ohio) on 03/05/2015

My family is sick from mold poisoning from a rented home we have lived in for over 5 years, the mold was hidden under the paneling and carpet in the basement. Long story, and not a good one.

We just went to NY to see Dr. Irene Grant, she is AMAZING and knows a lot. I would HIGHLY recommend her.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Victory (Pdx) on 04/18/2016

I want to share a few more points. Mold exposure may infect the sinuses. My doctor was certain. I had mold in my sinuses. I had a nasal smear, A specialized lab was used that mold literate doctors or an environmental illness doctors will use to identify what is growing in the sinuses. From what, I understand this must be done or you will get sick again and again, because what is growing in the sinuses will reinfect you. I was given EDTA spray for biofilm and the doctor told me I could use xylitol, (buy at grocery store). I then mixed the xylitol with sterilized warm water in my neti pot and pinch of baking soda and sea salt to flush sinuses, then wait a few minutes for the biofilm to dissolve then use the medicine spray. In my case this was determined by what was found growing in my sinuses.

One of the most effective, fastest way to get well is to starve mold out of the body, Stop alcohol, sugar, dairy, grains, no peanuts or, mushroom or corn. The anti- fungal diet or look up Mold Warriors diet this is so important it spends up recovery. Drink lots of cilantro and celery juice this is chelator

Cholestraymine is drug of choice, it, has sugar in it and it is cheap. There is a special order a pure form no dye, no sugar it is more pricey . Some people will take cholestepure they want something natural . I took cholestraymine, but I prefer the broken cell wall chlorella, zeolites, clays and activated charcoal. Before bed I would take a detox med. then I would wake up at midnight and take some charcoal or mixed clay and go back to sleep so my body is in a continual state of detoxing, while I sleep. As for ozone it does not kill mycotoxins I read it crystallizes mold, Yikes

This took me awhile to understand, that fastest way to detox is get on the diet and take several different things since they all do different things and work on different parts of the body. The cure is an attack on all fronts.

For clothes exposed to mold /mycotoxins .I had black garbage bags for contaminated clothes and then I would put in white bags for cleaned clothes Wash clothes in washer with 2 cups ammonia I do a triple rinse and dry. Another doctor suggests 1 cup borax detergent, 2 tablespoons nizoral which has 1% keticonazole and I use 1 cup biokleen detergent or regular detergent again extra rinse. I did both to be on the safe side

DO NOT MiX ammonia and Bleach ever, most people know this, it is worth repeating.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Niomi (Ca, Usa) on 06/30/2013

I should also mention that I took protease enzymes (with an alkalizing diet), and did a couple of liver cleanses (outlined in Andreas Moritz book).

Black Mold Remedies
Posted by Faith (Pdx) on 06/07/2014

I we had hidden black mold in our new new house and I began to get ill slowy first itchy eyes, tiredness, sinus issues, rash, nausea, dry heaves, dizziness , weight loss, stiff neck, tremors, heart palpitations, shortness of breath , blurred vision my brain was misfiring like it was on fire brain fog memory loss, and flu like feeling at this point I was totally home bound. It seemed like I saw a hundred doctors they had no idea of the cause. Two years later the wall cracked from water leak and the reason of my illness was made clear. I had black mold/mycotoxin exposure and inhalation illness. Most doctors do not know how to assess , test, or treat myctoxoins / black mold illness so if you suspect that you have this illness find a specialist . I have an MD that is an enviromental specialist. and another MD that knows how to treat mold illness. First thing both doctors told me was to MOVE OUT of the house we did. One MD subscribes to Dr Shoemaker's method of taking cholestyramine (3- 4x a day) which binds to the mold /mycotoxins and gathers it and takes it out of your body. I believe there is an alternative to Cholestyramine . Dr Shoemaker mentions some other things that are very effective being used in other countries but it is not used in the states, of course big pharma got the market cornered here

This is what I gathered from both of these medical doctors. One is get on a fungal free diet which I felt was pretty close to the SCD diet. Stop all sugar, grains, dairy, vinegars, cotton seed oils, hard cheeses, coffee, alcohol, peanuts and anything made from DRIED coconut oil. The list is longer you can look it up on the web. Nuts have mycotoxins on them and need to be treated before eating I just avoided them altogether. Take a high quality best probiotics take on an empty stomach for greater efficacy. The SCD diet has the method of making yogurt that was recommended that I use . This diet was imperative in healing the body. This diet is literally starving the mycotoxins of their food source so they die.

The was also given Gamma Detox FX the MD gave this to me is a very powerful detox formula with 50% zeolite laumontie, 50% calcium bentonite. A rare form of calcium based zeolites called laumonite, a form of zeolite for gentle and full body detox. Medi-Clay is a quantum-state, rare desert clay (calcium bentonite benonite clay zeolites) binding agent that carries all the toxins out of the body.

I was also given a few other natural things by my MD ZeoForce ( zeolite) , Mycotoxin inhibitor x20 , and ACZ nano extra strength this is activated cellular zeolite spray

Interesting when I got sick I had super low ferritin/iron and I was taking supplementS but iron was not building up. Ted on Earthclinic, nailed it he said fungus eats iron. When I started iron IV'S I had been on a fungal free diet so I know that I was getting the iron not feeding the mycotoxins.

Now here is the catch apparently cholestryamine has sugar in it. Please be aware of this fact , a good compounding he pharmacy can make it sugarfree.

The efficacy for Cholestyramine seems superior , to many other binding agents .

A couple other things is taking charcoal pills, and drinking 1/2 tsp baking soda in a glass of water daily helps kills fungus so does a couple drops of oregano oil in water kills fungus , Grapefruit seed extract is also great antifungal. Borax 1/8 tsp in a liter of water is helpful , you can also get the pellets in homepathic dept of the store

In order to not cross contaminate our new enviroment . We put everything in storage. Moved into all wood floor home. Since ammonia kills mycotoxins before moving I wore glove and eye goggles and we washed all of our clothes with ammonia and wiped out the dryer and washer with ammonia. That kills the myctoxins, I wiped down all our leather furniture, wood tables chair with ammonia and water and we tossed all fabric covered furniture pillow blankets

Mold/ mycotoxin poisoning disrupts many of the body processes /pathways. It can become very complicated , very quickly I think it is important to find a someone that is specialist that can slowly bring you entire body back into balance.

Black Mold Remedies
Posted by Faith (Pdx, US) on 08/10/2014

Taking Chlorella is one of the best binders, and taking activated charcoal is another binder that my MD recommended to me. Along with Pectaclear detox. Cholestyramine is great, but I really prefer Chlorella since Chlorella is a natural binder .

I had a re-exposure to mold at a newer hotel we stayed at so I took a bath with a couple tablespoons of ammonia ... I did wear eye goggles while I soaked in the bath. This helps

I noticed now that so many places have water leak issues and /or mold so be mindful of hotels, restaurants, the work place, car, even going to old antiques stores or an old historical building can now trigger issues.

Ammonia Chloride
Posted by Arcticmoon (Anchorage) on 03/09/2014

Hi, I personally would not recommend taking Ammonia baths, particularly if you have Lyme. Ammonia is a neurotoxin left behind after killing Lyme along with Quinolinic Acid. I am very sensitive to Ammonia and when I get near an Ammonia bottle, I have head tremors. Most of us with Mycotoxin illness have faulty methylation due to mutations in our genes. Many of us already have too much Ammonia in our bodies because we have a faulty Ammonia and Sulphur detox ability. I would only use it to clean up mold on window sills or around the house, but remember our skin is one of the biggest organs and absorbs what we put on it.

Ammonia Chloride
Posted by Littlecat (Sd) on 04/16/2014

Mold is a biotoxin, it is the equivalent of being exposed to agent orange, mold will eventually wear down your immune system because your body is fighting its invasion, You may became very ill, and it is seriuos t you can die from mold it can give you a heart attack I'm not trying to scare you but it is serious health hazard why do you think when the clean up team showns up to clean up mold they wear the hazmat suits an respirators. I kid you not get out of the house mold are found to be carcinagenic Find a doctor that trained with Dr Shoemaker and get treatment

Ammonia Chloride
Posted by Dave (Pa., US) on 02/24/2015

I have mcs from mold so I'm wondering how to take this stuff when I'm so sensitive. I think I have mold in the lungs.

Mold Removal Remedies
Posted by Mater Magna (Cape Town, South Africa) on 07/06/2012

Hello Grant, I appreciated your posting on this matter and would like to discuss other possibilities of keeping moulds out of the house.

To all other sufferers I would suggest the following:

1/ identify the type of mould in your habitat (house, appartment, office, etc)

2/ inform yourself, try find as much information as possible about that precise mould: where it comes from, how does it develop, what does it need to thrive like humidity % in the room, heat, cold etc and also what it doesnt like, for example extreme heat or extreme cold

3/ Remove the mould out of your house... Not only treat it but remove it (like that woman from England who washed ALL the walls with borax not just the piece where mould was present). Keep your house clean of dust and dirt and allow fresh air into your house at all times. Keep an eye especially on your bathroom under the sink, under and behind the toilet under the bathtub, the showercubicle. In your kitchen under the sink and definitely the fridge, more accurately the sealing plastic... Moulds looove hiding in the ridge, same for the washing machines

As to which ingredient to use... I was just browsing the internet and stumbled on information about something called 'active oxygen' which seems to be related to peroxide and ammonia (check wikipedia 'active oxygen')

4/as to how remove it from your bodies: WHAT you use and HOW MUCH you use , it will depend on each INDIVIDUAL. Also here I'd suggest to first have the organs checked which have to process any type of medication you choose to use. The liver, the pancreas, spleen, heart, ... All these organs as well as the immune system have to work hard to keep your body running swiftly under normal circumstances so imagine how much harder they have to work when your body is compromised by some illness. In consequence probably the first good advice would be to avoid further toxins (such as alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, drugs, frying oils etc) in order to allow your organs to do their job properly which is to keep your bodies clean of toxins. Second, try going for a walk or a bicycle ride somewhere where you can breathe in pure clean air at least 1/2 hour every day.

In reference to the ammonia bath: ammonia at 3% is used in swimmingpools to keep the water free of moulds. So probably also good ingredient to clean your kitchens, bathrooms, washing machines, fridges and also windows and windowsills.

Good luck to y'all! I'm going back to my research on 'active oxygen'

Posted by Faith (Forest Park, Ohio) on 12/28/2011

Regarding FRESH JUICES, I am referring to blending FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, those will feed the body the NUTRITION that the MOLD HAS ROBBED US OF... Yes, CANDIDA, mold is a fungus, but you need MINERALS and you have to get it from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Also, you have to COLON CLEANSE and you have to TAKE A DIGESTIVE AID (the undigested proteins cause MCS). The digestive aid should be taken PRIOR to each meal. Try to find an ALL PLANT BASED digestive aid. The digestive aid will digest the mold and parasites that are feeding on the mold in the body... You may have to double your dosage of the digestive aid, I take two prior to each meal. My meals, again, consist of lots of plant based fruits and vegetables, especially GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES because they are full of calcium. Lots of fatty protein based broths, soups and stews. Lots of bacon and egggs, hormone free because the HORMONES WILL FEED THE FUNGUS, and lots of coconut oil and olive oil because they are both ANTIBACTERIAL AND ANTIFUNGAL and they help to rebuild the body...

Good luck, we CAN HEAL, I'm much much better than I was... Trust me when I tell you that I was dying.

Posted by Debra (Louisiana) on 08/13/2017

i am still in my house. I just found and came to the realization that my rashes/bumps that won't heal, my cockatoos feather loss, and my dogs itching and breathing problems are due to mold. First step in confirming was I covered my ceiling vents with filters and in 2 nights I started healing on my face! My next step was get a mold test so I bought the 5 min kit and got a positive result. Now I need mold clean up and a new or clean evaporator coil. I am running a window unit and a portable unit at the moment and not running my central air until I get someone in to clean it up! Next step DETOX! Not just for me but my precious animals! I have 2 parrots 3 dogs and a cat. There is no way I could have found temp shelter for them and myself going through this because they need care and I am their person …… the one! I started cleaning my and the animals skin with sulfur soap and using essential oils (frankincense has anti fungal properties) also giving us all activated charcoal. I stopped the circulation of the mold and started cleaning the environment for some immediate relief. In some cases homeowners insurance will cover it minus the deductible. In my case I believe they will because the summer before last my AC unit was struck by lightning and covered on home owners insurance and because it was off for 2-3 weeks the coil had opportunity to grow mold as a result. So they are directly related, cause and affect. Let's hope my insurance people see it the same way as the AC guy! This has unknowingly been ongoing since then and my symptoms fall in line with this time frame. Hope my story so far helps and I will keep you posted.

Ammonia + Supplements
Posted by Sorrokine (Vs, Ny, Usa) on 11/22/2010

Mold poisoning is serious and possibly will end in death. I have late stage two Mycotoxicosis which was from a contaminated building no outside ventilation. I had 18 months exposure. I was only 28. I was healthy before this. Started working there 05/08 3 months started the symptoms.

Surviving my almost death, I left job in 01/10 to try to live. Through careful studies I found this. I cured myself by finding that ammonia is the only known agent to kill mold and mycotoxins they leave behind including Candidas Albicanus. That's the worst part of Mold poisoning is when this yeast takes over from your digestive track. I have posted a remedy on this website explaining all the needed info, however, to give a short answer, and a website with my journey to healing, I will provide you with this.

Grapefruit seed extract, grape seed extract, Chlorophyll liquid or gelcap, Alfalfa Extract, Garlic and onion extract, Oregano, or oil of oregano (if oil 3 wks on 3 wks off harmful to liver if not done so), Milk Thistle, Dandelion, and Burdock root extracts. These combined together in a six hour regiment will cure you. I am living proof. Also if you are really overwhelmed with the sickness, taking a bath with an 8 ounce cup of ammonia will aid in removing the yeast and toxins from your body. Also ALWAYS wash all your clothing, sheets, towels and such in a cup of clear 3% ammonia (only use this kind of ammonia for all said treatments) in your cycle and spray out dryer with it as well. This will kill the toxins you ooze out from this sickness. If you continue to recontaminate your body you will never recover. I wish you well!

Ozone Treatment
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 10/10/2016 2043 posts


Don't forget about the importance of Iodine. Have you done the Borax cure for likely Mycoplasma in your joints & bones, what with all the pain and inability and all. Oregano Oil Softgels are quite potent, as is Black Cumin Seed, as well as Turpentine. Plus your Ozone and Rowens prescription and you should whip this one good over the winter and come out in the spring ready for the early garden.

Posted by Anne Dublin (Dublin, Ireland) on 12/10/2009


According to Paul Pitchford's 'healing with whole foods' the energy of Chorella is warming and doesn't cause or contribute to damp energetically speaking.

I'm on the colder side and don't find it cooling at all. I'm an acupuncturist and I've also suggested my clients who are on the energetically 'cold' side use it too and they have all found it helpful and not at all cooling.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Marybeth (Volcano, HI) on 09/21/2007

I have used GSE in the past for candida but I'm looking forward to using it for other things. I live where mold is a problem so I make a mixture of 20 drops GSE, 2 cups water, a few drops tea tree oil and a few drops lavender. I spray it on walls, furniture and it works great. I also put some in my dishwater-where I live there's no water lines to it's just rainwater in a big tank. The GSE helps with any bugs that may be there.

Essential Oils
Posted by Chris (Pennsylvania) on 12/18/2016

I read about non-standardized essential oregano oil being the best to keep the Synergy of all of the components intact. I read about the leaf of the oregano oil not being sufficent with the amount of constituents being unavailable is available and leaf and flower oil.

Where do I get a good unstandardized leaf AND flower oregano oil so that I can mix and spray in my home?

White Vinegar
Posted by MCG (Oregon) on 05/25/2022

Hi, I am an intuitive researcher. For mold poisoning symptoms:

Try this, take a small amount (tsp or so) white vinegar (not apple) and swirl in a pure copper cup for one minute just before bed, then 5 min later take a spoonful of yogurt (I like Triple Zero by Oikos brand with no sugar) or have a cup of roasted dandelion tea etc. to soothe your esophagus.

If no copper cup is available to you, you can use a piece of washed copper pure wire and stir the vinegar in a glass.

By only stirring for one minute, I find the toxicity to be near zero. In the mornings, I take natural Bob's Red Mill baking soda (not arm and hammer) between 1/4-1/2 tsp in a large glass of water to help balance out any excess acidity.

I have found this to be an amazing remedy. Not a cure all, many supporting therapies are still needed. You'll have to play around with this and cycle on off as needed. Anything can be overdone.

Posted by William C (Dallas) on 09/27/2021

I was very sick in 2005 from mold, arsenic and nickel. I got 70% well, but after doing my own stem cells in Dec of 2019, I got very sick 4 months later. I've lost 30 lbs of muscle with severe spinal pain and neurological issues. I've been terrified its invasive fungus but all docs say no.

I've been to Klinghardt and Simon Yu. I've spent 75,000 with no real improvement from docs. I soaked my mouth guard in Borax a few days ago and after wearing it yesterday, I feel way better. I'm wanting to go to Ted's clinic in Thailand for treatment but don't have contact info. Any help or advice is appreciated so much!!!

Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 09/28/2021

High Cortisol Occurs During and After Surgery – Cortisol Levels & Surgery Side Effects – Dr.Berg - YouTube

Possible your stem cells put your immune system on high alert. As far as Ted, enjoy all the work he has put into this site and all the people that commented on how much it changed their lives. He is not available any longer to help others.

Borax tells you many things. Calcium out of balance, fungal issues, hormone out of balance and many other things. Borax releases calcium out of soft tissues. Calcium in soft tissues creates misery. Chanca piedra helps break stones up as they come out of soft tissue and I would use it daily. Xylitol also does wonders for mouth issues Go low dose and slow to keep misery from overwhelming you. Blessings, Charity

Fear is a door and produces cortisol problems....

Mold Removal Remedies
Posted by Dr.b.l. (Oregon) on 08/07/2017

I am living in an apartment with toxic black MOLD.... waiting to MOVE....taking colloidal silver daily in EYES...nose... ears and ingesting daily. I have been having respiratory there anything else you can recommend I do besides the silver and staying out as MUCH as possible? I am troubled with muscle spasms and pain in my head and shoulders and neck and heart. I have been here for 9 months...not certain of when I can MOVE. Thanks!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Faithjoy (Wash) on 09/08/2016

Karen, it took me 2 years to get diagnosed.

When I first got mold illness there were other symptoms: Light (Photophobia), sound and movement sensitivity, blurred vision, dry heaves, brain fog, forgetfulness, breathing issues, wheezing, dizziness, heart issues, rash, fatigue and I was forgetting things. This level of illness lowers immune system, so small dental infection your body was keeping in check may now take over, that is why some o chronic illness specialist recommend biological dentist for cavitations surgery these infections drip virulent strains of toxins into the body. Complicated and costly. Many people will not get root canals in fear of setting up this scenario.

I did the two months and niacin detox and sometimes I did it twice a day.

Mold treatment took over a year . Still wheezing issue my doctor did a nasal smear MaRCONS. Got on BEGS spray most all of my symptoms are gone I had to do two rounds of BEGS to kill this infection. See mold specialist and get deep nasal smear, and the urine mycotoxin test.

A book that is imperative to read, Mold and Mycotoxin Current Evaluation and Treatment 2016. It is easy to read and understand it tells you how to get well

Essential Oils
Posted by Faith (Ca) on 07/28/2015

My doctor, an environmental illness and mold expert, is a great doctor! Mold allergy is serious can be fatal There are so many pathways in the body that are disrupted, and how the body reacts is shocking. A doctor of this caliber knew instantly how to deal with this mold/mycotoxins poisoning. For example I had a fired up parasympathetic nervous system caused heart palpitations, heart was beating so hard my body would shake, and I had tremors. I saw two cardiologist that gave me two different diagnosis. The underlying cause for my heart issue was mold poisoning.

It is best to move from mold house, and do not return even after remediation.( Believe me I know how hard it is to leave your home, but it so not worth it when you might die from mold exposure).Because your more likely will react, statistically that has been the case . Do not cross contaminate your new house with items from items from your old house.

Take several binding agents, because different binding agents bind to different types of mold! I took cholestyramine and few other binders. I did saunas, colonics, and several detoxifiers. I was also on specific kinds of IV's for releasing the mold toxins in the tissues, causing faster detoxification. Also injections into the ganglion centers was offered to reset the body and help the parasympathetic system.

The doctor explained to me once the house has mold you cannot get it out even after remediation. Imagine a grain of sand cut into 20 pieces how can you see that with the naked eye. If you breath one little piece in you will react.

Posted by Candra (Ahwatukee, Az) on 10/13/2014

I tried Dr. Shoemaker's protocols with a Dr. trained by him. I got MUCH worse. I found that colonics, coffee enemas, getting a portable IR sauna and doing veggie smoothies has helped. Also, things that bind toxins in your stomach to help move them out, like bentonite clay. I tried the hi-pro, low carb diet and got MUCH worse. Both Dr.'s I'm seeing now said that's a bad idea. Proteins are harder on the body and slow down assimilation and detoxification. I'm better now, but still have MCS and can't eat a lot of things. Still, most days I can think!! I read that women are 4x more likely to get adverse reactions to toxins like mold than men because of lower testosterone. Hmmm. I got my testosterone tested because I'm in perimenopause. ZERO. No testosterone. So I'm going bio-identical. Hope tht helps. BTW, if you do a home sauna, cover it w/ towels and wash often as the mold will get in it.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Victory (Chicago, IL) on 06/17/2014

I apologize, I left out of couple of important things. The item is called Gama Detox-FX is on Amazon . Drink oregano oil and olive leaf extract in water throughtout the day. Take high quality probiotics. A couple of other things to do is go on a anti-fungal diet or candida diet this diet; this stops the food source for the mold so they die. It took me many months to feel better but according to Shoemaker who is the mold authority he prescribes Cholestryamine which is supposedly the best product for mold poisoning. People on Cholestryamine generally feel better in two weeks unless you are severely ill so that is worth thinking about.

Vitamin C
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 11/03/2015 2043 posts

I tried the Horsetail Extract for Silica for healing but experienced absorption problems and irritated colon. Eventually I tried Diatomaceous Earth with other minerals in footbath with healing results.

So, another good natural source of Silica is Diatomaceous Earth.

Black Mold Remedies
Posted by Kathy (Las Vegas, US) on 06/07/2014

I just read an article about essential oils and how they kill mold in homes...the brand is Young Living and the oil is Thieves.

Black Mold Remedies
Posted by Kbugg (Kansas City Area (usa)) on 08/05/2014

Precious Robyn: So sad you are dealing with so much! (Cyber hugs to you! ) And, sorry I am coming to this conversation so late!

Yes, stay away from apple cider vinegar, even the very best brand, as it is fermented! For me, after my very recent mold exposure, ACV was one of the things I was using to treat the symptoms (I broke out in a horrible case of hives---excruciating! ), totally unaware I was only feeding the problem!

I also can not eat naturally fermented sauerkraut, for the time being. That is really killing me, because I love the stuff! (And it was one of the things I purchased to help with the hives! ) Also, have to stay away from beer & wine, for the same reason.

I have done several things, including biofeedback (L.I.F.E. System), Bio-Electric resonance therapy & chiropractic. These 3, I feel, have been key for me. I feel the bio-electric resonance has done wonders for the mold issue. Another therapy, which I do not have access to currently, is RIFE treatments. Any of the better frequency-based treatments should prove beneficial, IMHO.

The bio-feedback session pinpointed some of the major contributing factors in my health crisis, including the fact that vinegar was excaberating the problem. (I can use distilled white vinegar with no problem. Use it in laundry & for household cleaning with no side-effects.)

Also, far-infrared will help. I used a friend's Bio-Mat and I feel that helped me as well.

I hope you can continue to explore ways to settle your body down, but I dare say that it is a daily challenge, since you have no place that is really 'home'. I am so hurt for you.....Hang tough.....Some of the best ways to heal our bodies do not cost all that much......And prayer does help, too......

Black Mold Remedies
Posted by Epeach (Ga) on 09/16/2017

I wanted to thank you for your post! I was looking through my plethora of items I have in my home. I realized that my enzyme contact solution has that ingredient. I squirted it on my window sill and various little spots in my bathroom that were moldy. It foamed up right away. My home is not infested, but I knew even a small amount in an non-ventilated bathroom could grow and cause a problem. I assumed if it is safe for my eyes, it must be safe enough to clean with!

Ammonia Chloride
Posted by Faith (Seattle, US) on 06/17/2014

Once you're exposed to black mold and your body has a reaction to mold/mycotoxins then it is best to avoid it forever! I have read about taking a bath in like a 1/4 cup of ammonia I would wear protection Eye goggles if I was to do that, but I think it is too risky to me. The best thing to do to save your health is move out. It is suggested strongly to avoid re-exposure since the may cause permanent problems. My doctor suggested we move out of our house which we did. I washed all my clothes in ammonia, wiped all the furniture down and threw away tons of cloth furniture. Take Choleystramine four times a day; it is the most effective mold binder in the states.

Ammonia Chloride
Posted by Tn222222 (Mo) on 12/15/2014

Why aren't you using bleach on black mold? And does ammonia really work on mold and yeast ( in clothes) and fungus? I cant find anything on this.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Bcnu147 (Anacortes) on 06/18/2016

I sprayed my throat 3 times per day. The mold caused an intermittent catch in my throat which made me cough.

Red Pine Oil
Posted by Russ (New York, N.Y.) on 01/13/2013

80 yrs old. Been there done that... My apt is fungus/mold for about 6 or so years.. Tried to get rid of it.. No use. I use google as my doctor.. Hes the best for finding what you need. Im a muralist/artist and hobby is health. Ive got a winner for you... Its about 3,000 to 4,000 years old. Its KOREAN RED PINE OIL MOLD AND FUNGUS was one that it helps get rid of. It runs about $109 for a three months. It says it takes about up to 6 months to cure.. Or much letter... READ UP ON this product.. Pine Oil is famous in china and Korea.. I take it with meals.. Most people think im about 65 or so.. I had candida big time for years... But the mold and fungus is really a killer. Have been taking it about a month.. Im changing again and for the better... Good luck.

Posted by Airzone (Hernando, Mississippi, Usa) on 10/02/2012

The best thing is Oxygen hydrogen Peroxide food grade it works. I also have been told the same thing- this is the reason I do not like Doctors and don't trust them if they give drugs it like they are throwing darts at the dart board at all the deferent drugs that the side effects are very harmful. hydrogen peroxide is natural it is in Honey the little bubbles you can see in the store shelves.

Anti-Fungal Herbs and Foods
Posted by Sara (Washington, Dc) on 10/10/2017

Over the last few years I have read tons and tons of posts regarding parasites and mold disease. I see Sorrokine's post is from seven years ago, but I want to thank him from the bottom of my heart. This is the most informative and uplifting post I've ever seen. I'm heading out for ammonia, (a couple cases), and will follow your herbal remedies to a "tea" ;). I hope you consider becoming a nutritionist. It's never too late.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Oil Pulling
Posted by Lera (Formerly St Petersburg, Fl) on 01/17/2013

Gail, Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. We moved across the country and I neglected to get on this site for a period of time.

I bought a bottle of saline solution and emptied the contents. Then I refilled the bottle using a 1 drop of 35% food grade peroxide to 11 drops of distilled water ratio.

After filling the bottle I lean forward and inhale as I spray the mist in the back of my mouth. I do this several times and inhale deeply. Within minutes I cough up mucus then feel much better for the rest of the day.

In flu season I regularly tilt my head to one side and spray a few pumps of the solution in my ear. I then turn my head so it runs down inside. After the bubbling stops I drain onto a tissue and do the other side. Since doing this I have not had the flu or even a bad cold. My husband, a skeptic, now asks for me to do his ears at the first sign a cold or the flu.

Hope this helps, and again I apologize for taking so long to respond.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by M (Galveston, Tx) on 06/23/2010

Thanks to everyone for the info, and mostly for the good humor. When I get days as bad as today, I stay home from work, as I lose all sense of humor and feel like I want to belt somebody. My mother used to drink ACV (straight!) for various infections, and after reading all your testimonials, I decided maybe I'd try some for my respiratory problem. I am getting desperate, as no OTC or prescribed medications are helping. I've had a chronic, violent cough which sometimes results in vomiting, and almost always in loss of urinary control, caused from living in a toxic mold-infested apartment after Hurricane Ike (and this was one I moved to in order to get out of one that flooded). In short, I have been coughing since January of 2009. The doctors don't seem to want to think of my problem in terms of the mold exposure - not sure why they are resistant to that - so they've tried (unsuccessfully, but expensively) treating me with asthma and allergy medications. Today I got some N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) from the health food store, and am hoping that will give me some relief. Sleep would be nice, too. After reading many of your comments, I thought I should report that drinking ACV immediately caused me to BECOME congested, where I hadn't been before. It could be that it's not the thing to take for a mold infection (some hint of that on the mold forum, which I read AFTER I drank the ACV!). Thanks, better breathing, and best wishes to all.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bessie (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 05/09/2010

Michele, I'm sorry that you had such a bad reaction to the ACV in your neti pot - although it seemed a long time coming if you did if for six months before having problems. Maybe using 1/2 teaspoon of ACV daily as a sinus wash was too much - did you try a few drops first? Unfortunately, not every remedy works for everyone all of the time - just like anything else in life. Anything you do (or eat, for that matter, in the case of allergies) is your own responsibility. Please don't blame Earth Clinic or _____s - that's why companies have disclaimers . . . use at your own risk. I hope your problems resolve.

Posted by Kathy (Florida) on 02/08/2018

Check out the ingredients in eye wash.
Borax is in it.
Thank God for old people who know natural remedies.
They most likely don't sale borax because they would rather have you buy something far more expensive.

Posted by Eric (Saratoga Springs, NY) on 09/22/2014

I found healing with whole foods by Paul Pitchford the most amazing book of all time. Although he rely's on cooked food. If you're fighting any disease you need more of a diet like hippocrates health institutes diet. I have cancer and massive candida and I am addicted to carbs. When I eat 3 salads a day and drink wheatgrass juice twice daily along with green juices I see the tumors go down to nothing. Also I use massive amounts of barley grass juice. Also taheebo tea!!!! Is the greatest anti bacterial, anti microbal, anti cancer herb out there. There are thousands of enzymes that go to work in barleygrass juice. they kill the fungus. The only problem with this approach is there is a massive die off reaction. You will be sick for a week or so. Use a good probiotic seperate from taheebo tea because taheebo tea will kill the good bacteria. Also they sell bee farm bee propolis extract 1000. Propolis is nothing short of amazing. Silver edge sells a great colloidal silver maker for cheap (truly a life saver).

Bacillus Thuringiensis
Posted by MCG (Oregon) on 05/26/2022

Do your homework on a spore-forming bacteria called Bacillus Thuringiensis. There is quite a lot of research on this organism. Here is one study entitled:

Antifungal activities of Bacillus thuringiensis isolates on barley and cucumber powdery mildews

Posted by Denise (Fl) on 03/06/2018

What can be used in place of cholestramine? Thanks.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Faithjoy (Wash) on 09/01/2016

Robert Henry, you're welcome and I'm glad it is helpful information

For mold it is suggested to use, Cholestryamine is better at attaching itself to mold toxins, than other binders. My doctor thinks many binders is better zeolite, and super activated charcoal

If you are not getting well from a sinus infection ... still wheezing, feel sick, brain fog dizziness and you had mold exposure or even a sinus infection. See a mold specialist for get tested for MARCons. Regular ENT doctors do not check for this .

MARCons (Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci) is an antibiotic resistant staph that resides deep in the nasal passage of 80% of people with low MSH (Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone), this is caused from mold/mycotoxin and chronic inflammatory illnesses CIRS .

The sinuses are a colonizing site for molds, the mold is living and reproducing in the sinuses 24 hours a day 7 days a week releasing toxins, increasing a toxic burden Here are few symptoms you may feel sick brain fog, tired, sleepy, dizzy, forgetful, wheezing, sinus inflammation headaches, and on edge because central nervous system in overwhelmed

Many people cannot get better from mold illness because the sinus are still infected. Get checked for MARCon. My test was positive and I took the BEGS sprays. BEGS spray is a prescription only. I think it was created by Dr. Shoemaker BEGS is an intense sinus spray it dissolves the biofilm so it can kill the infections. This cured my wheezing and the last lingering symptoms of my mold illness,

As for the niacin detox I wrote about it, is the greater the toxicity of the body the more niacin the doctor gives the patients I worked my way up to 600mg. It is best to get with a doctor that knows this stuff and can advise, supervise. For mold illness cholestyramine is very important and the niacin detox can help kick out the toxins and so you get well faster.

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