Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Mold Exposure and Allergies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Ammonia Chloride
Posted by Robertn (Ann Arbor, Mi, Usa) on 02/27/2013

Hey Ted, I have lived in a house that has had been infested with mold for about ten years and I have started to see more and more hard as a result. I just had a question about Ammonia chloride. I am currently using ammonia chloride 99% and I was wondering if this is safe to use? and if not what % of ammonia should I be using? where could I buy it? Thanks

Ammonia Chloride
Posted by Eric (Ann Arbor, United States, United States) on 01/31/2014

I live in Ann Arbor too and there are serious mold problems all over this city! Here's just one example:

Ammonia Chloride
Posted by Augustina (Germany) on 11/02/2016


do you have a link in regards to Cholestyramine being a scam? And for the Ozone, too? I researched both a lot, and would be interested to read what you've found.

Thanks, Augustina

Ammonia Chloride
Posted by Denise (Maryland ) on 12/24/2016

Hi I've been reading all these sites and some of them say that vinegar is the worst thing you can do, along with mushrooms. We have been doing both. This is so confusing and frightening.

Ammonia Chloride
Posted by Kelli (Vail) on 04/13/2018


I've also read go/no go on vinegar. I'm a big fan of the apple cider vinegar, but have eliminated it because of negative reviews.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Gwen (Canada) on 05/07/2014

Hi! Just wondering how much C. Silver you used, how many times per day? Did you take it in water? I suffer from asthma and think it was caused by mould exposure - do you mind me asking what your symptoms were? Thanks so much!

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Larry (Blue River, Oregon, Usa) on 11/20/2014

Yes, how did you take the Colloidal silver? In a mist in the lungs or spray in mouth or what ? I've been leaf blowing here in a very moldy fungus area of Oregon lots and lots of mold here and I disturb them up in the air and breathe them as I was using a backpack leaf blower and I believe my lungs have been infected with mold.

IV Vitamin C
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 12/26/2012

HI U JIMMY, , , , , , , , Glad your son is doing well with the Vit C I. V. , but your post is misleading as each one of the IV's you mentioned are for different situtations. I have been doing the three that you mentioned and others for the last 5 years. The mold infection will just come back if you do not kill it at the source. I have been down that trail when my truck's A/C had a mold colony in it. I've had over 60 EDTA Chelations to clean out my blood vessels and heavy metals. We do HP I.V. to avoid the flu and colds. Vit C I.V. we do for just general good health and my current cancer situtation. =====RH========

Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 02/09/2012 2043 posts

Shatsi, check the E. C. page for Mold & Fungus here and I posted some info on Grapefruitseed Extract here: "BHT SUBSTITUTE? UNAVAILABLE IN PAKISTAN"(sorry no hyperlink). As an opportunity to correct a big oversight, Oscar went into some detail on Grapefruitseed Extract and I hadn't read the entire post missing this until later as I spoke of GSE as if it hadn't been mentioned. But Oscar's theme was GSE as an anti-viral while mine was anti-fungal.

There are some great links on the Fungus & Mold page w/ one in particular a doctor using all natural products for the removal of the fungus from the body. I think her site is One nutrient in particular is Brown Seaweed Extract. Dr. Shoemaker prescribes Cholestramine® for removal. Both Dr's have websites and books in print that detail the problem of black mold.

Hope this helps and good luck. Please report results, update.

Posted by Zack (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) on 11/15/2011

Ok so Ted got back to me with an awesome reply on mold exposure chlorinated water causing hairloss, which I am greatful for... but I feel this is an important question that hasn't been asked on this site... I am about to be desensitized to mold via injections/drops under the tongue, but I am wondering if I start washing my hair with borax, and or injesting borax/clove oil/manganese/sodium ascorbate etc.. If it will have any effect on the desensitisation process?

Any reply would be greatly appreciated!

Posted by Shelly (Fayetteville, Tn, Usa) on 01/26/2011


Posted by Tom (Regina, Sk) on 01/26/2011

Shelly: Unfortunately, with mold illness/toxicity/exposure, the medical treatment regimen is very individualized depending on gender, genetics, exposure time and levels and mold type, and you haven't said anything about these.

Here is a generic reply given a month ago here. Look for my 12/31/2010 post 1/4 down the page:

The key site you want to visit is Dr. Shoemaker's newest one at the root URL

The specific area you want is under the "TREATMENT" tab, at:

His FIRST STEP is the most important by far! You will have to leave your moldy workplace or domicile immediately and permanently, since he claims that once exposure time reaches a certain length (again, highly individually specific), the mold toxin damage may be irreversible, even with the best current medical science.

If the patient feels fine with simple removal from exposure, no more steps are needed. There are a few people who are fixed with this step alone.

He uses cholestyramine, a Rx "old school" cholesterol-lowering drug that comes in a gritty powder, as the base of his treatment. It binds and holds, in the gut, the mold toxins that flood down into the gut with the bile after a meal! But for those so badly damaged that even the blood test markers are skewed, he uses all manner of other science, like Epogen the Amgen RBC regenerating drug (hormone), plus now many others.

IF you can print out some pages there, & IF you show some of his work to your PCP who sees the match in symptoms with yours, then perhaps you can get an "off-label" Rx for the cholestyramine right there without consulting with Dr. Shoemaker in the interim to get started on pulling out those mold toxins. The longer they circulate when unable to breakdown & excrete them, the more damage they do.

Ammonia + Supplements
Posted by Babyk902 (Huntington, Ny, Usa) on 12/23/2010

Wow, thank you so much for this. I was exposed to toxic mold in my office as well, and have been dealing with ongoing symptoms for the past 6 months. It has honestly been the worst thing that has ever happened to me, and I have tried so many different things but haven't felt like anything has truly helped. I honestly feel like I'm drunk all the time, have been really dizzy, moody just not myself, vision changes (was wondering what kind of vision issues you have had also?), hearing issues, hair loss. It's been terrible! But I did go to a doctor recently who put me on an anti-candida diet as well, and am hoping it will make a big difference. I'm drinking milk thistle, burdock and dandelion tea everyday about 4x a day... Is there anything else you'd recommend? I'm feeling more decent lately, but not close to being ok, and I'm just so upset and having such a hard time getting over this. Thanks so much for ur help.

Ammonia + Supplements
Posted by Judy (Reidsville, North Carolina, Usa) on 03/12/2011

I'm confussed. Isn't Ammonia toxic to us? I've tried looking up ammonia for a treatment but couldn't find it anywhere but here. You didn't state if you only soaked in a tub with ammonia once or did you do it more than once??

I have very high mold inside me , (moved) and several high and very high heavy metals. I'm going to die from this soon if I can't find some real natural treatments.
Thanks for your help. ~ Judy ~

Ammonia + Supplements
Posted by Diamond (Salisbury, Mass.) on 03/13/2011

Tom; I do not care to buy or deal with any sales pitch especially those that promote information about using mice/rats for their experiments. I go against any one that uses any living/breathing human, animal or even a mammal.

Anti-Fungal Herbs and Foods
Posted by Tom (Plainview, Ny) on 09/28/2011

It is very important to remove mold from your home as soon as possible. Breathing in mold spores can be very dangerous to your health. Mold has been linked to asthma, respiratory issues, skin rashes, headaches, dizziness, SIDS and even cancer.We had mold in our home for years and didn't even know it. It does not always give off that typical "moldy" smell. Call in a mold professional to look over your home, they usually give a free evaluation and price quote for a cleanup. Then you will have a better idea of exactly what you are up against.

Ammonia + Supplements
Posted by Jal (Melbourne, Australia) on 10/18/2011

Re... "So He carefully instructed me to pour a 8 ounce cup of 3% clear ammonia into a warm bath and soak for 20 minutes. This saved my lungs which were coated in mold and mycotoxins, as well as .."

Can anyone else corroborate the safety of this treatment and or its effectiveness. Obviously this is bad for MCS but would it be suitable if I wore a face shield? I am wishing to treat a 5 year old tinea (?) type rash on one buttock :( and I have previous history of reactions to molds and recent treatment with Nystatin that was reduced in the faecal test but did not alter the rash.

Ammonia + Supplements
Posted by Fellowmoldsufferer (Minneapolis, Mn) on 12/12/2011

To Mike from Regina, Sask: Some of your girlfriend's symptoms, like the odd persistent sore throat, sound like they can be radiation-related. We are getting radiation from Fukushima since March of this year. It can cause sore throat, especially. The problem is mold sickness will be aggravated by radiation, so those unfortunate people may get sicker faster from radiation. The mold might also become more aggressive, from radiation. The symptoms of one can look like symptoms of the other, so be careful figuring out which one it is - it may be both, as well. I would think one way to tell is if the symptoms were there before March 11, 2011. If they were, and they are worse, it could be mold worsened by radiation. If they weren't, and suddenly came on after that date, especially after a few months so the radioactive particles had time to settle internally in your body from the food, water, and air, then maybe it's radiation (or radiation combined with some new mold exposure). Good luck to all of us getting either of these conditions properly diagnosed by doctors.

Ozone Treatment
Posted by Sue (St Joseph, Mi) on 10/10/2016

Curious as to what the Russian herbs were.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Oil Pulling
Posted by Gail (Quinte West, Canada) on 01/19/2012

Hello and thank you for your information. I would like to start the Peroxide inhaling. How do you do this and what is the mixture? Regards

Posted by Stef (Warrington) on 09/13/2015

Http:// This is where I get mine from :)

Posted by Yvonne (Tempe, Az) on 12/04/2009

I've survived mold and done much research, I would disagree with chlorella and green juices in general, since these usually produce cooling and/or dampening conditions in the body which would only make the situation worsen. Avoid mushrooms too except chinese reishi mushroom.

Mold in Your Building
Posted by Nicole (Chicago, IL) on 03/30/2008

I wanted to say that if people have extremely chronic respiratory or nervous conditions, they ought to find out if they are living or working in a moldy building. Nothing cures that but getting out or fixing the problem in the house!

Essential Oils
Posted by Laura (New York, Ny) on 08/15/2010

How long will it take to detox from exposure to mycotoxins? I've recently vacated my mold-infested apartment and have started taking essential oils, exercising regularly, and eating a low sugar, anti-yeast diet. My main symptoms are tingling, shaky arms and hands, muscle cramps, extreme fatigue, and chronic sinus infections. Over the last week symptoms have lessened slightly. I hope it will keep improving. Also, I left my apartment as soon as the mold was discovered (it was behind a wall and as soon as the area was exposed my symptoms kicked-in full force). I grabbed some clothes and ran. Is it safe to go back for my bed spread and sheets? Can they be salvaged by a hot wash? I don't want this to follow me.

Essential Oils
Posted by Anju (Flower Mound Tx) on 08/27/2016

We found mold in the house we just moved into 2 months ago and all of us have been having health problems.

I was researching for holistic ways to deal with mold and came across your post. What brand of essential oils do you recommend?

And what proportions of Oregano, Frankincense, Clove, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Lemon, and Eucalyptus do you use in your capsules?

What do you use in the diffuser?

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