thank you for this website....my 1 1/2 year old has been treated by doctors in the past for mrsa, this time when she got a boil (size of a golf ball) on her belly, i didnt take her to the doctors, instead i give her two 30-40 min warm baths a day, and then i waited until it came to a head, after it started to drain i put a tablespoon of baking soda and mixed it with a little water at a time until a got a nice paste, (baby didn't mind) covered it with gaze and tape. the baking soda helped drain it a lot. once the boil was down about three days later and turned into a big big crater, i stopped the baking soda and started using honey, overnight, it looked so much better its almost gone, baking soda/honey help my baby girl fight off that nasty bug ..it works!!! and its not painful for baby.