108 User Reviews
Hello everyone, Niall again here with some updates.
The following are updates dating from the 1st of January 2017 or two days since my half-hearted experimental self-treatment with turmeric. Now, I'm serious about the regimen regarding infection control.
Day 1:
Infection on Elbow fold: Oozy, weeping slightly milky and yellowish discharge, crater is swollen and red, no new accumulation of pus in tissue surrounding crater. Skin is dying outside the rim. Gradual swell and redness on skin extends from crater, 4 inches to arm and 2 inches to biceps area and elbow. Noticeably tender to the touch, impedes free natural movements.
Infection on hand: The boil popped yesterday and it is starting to swell. Skin that formed the boil fell in and it is now accumulating pus. Little pain but redness is spreading.
Infection on lower arm (Initially a small but open wound - infected through indirect contact): Excessive discharge of milky liquid, crater is filled with semi-solid yellow substance, looks like dead tissue still clinging to living ones. The previous pale red is getting brighter, swelling and pain have decreased perhaps by 30%. No new accumulation of puss around inner perimeter, but it is still constantly weeping from the center.
~Treatment: Fresh turmeric root 80%, fresh garlic cloves, 15 %, fresh candle nut 5%. Turn to paste, bring to boil and cool it again. Apply with gauze. Change when stiff and dry.
Day 2:
Infection on Elbow fold: Crater is bigger. Base of crater is filled with semi-solid yellow substance, oozes slightly milky liquid which turns flaky when draining on its own, no new accumulation of pus. Cellulitis hasn't reduced much, I still have troubles moving my arms freely below the elbow, I can't even straighten my arm without feeling pain – like trying to stretch untrained muscle.
Infection on hand: Showing symptoms similar to that of elbow fold. No Cellulitis.
Infection on lower arm*: Morning to afternoon was similar to previous day. But in the evening when changing gauze, the yellow mass inside the crater was ripped out with the dry turmeric. It shows bright pink flesh, very little milky substance left and it bleed. Never seen this spot bleed since the infection, so this must be good.
~Treatment: For elbow fold, liberal application of turmeric paste onto the skin to cover areas with cellulitis, then wrapped (but not tightly) with clean strips of bandage. I am beginning to look like Homer Simpson now.
~Treatment*: For infection on hand and arm, I'll try a new trick, I'm making gumdrops.
Virgin coconut oil 1 tsbp
Raw honey (not the famous Manuka) 2 tbsp
Coconut shell coal tar/oil 2 tbsp
Existing turmeric paste 2 tbsp
Corn flour 2 tbsp
Crushed garlic 2 cloves
Mix all thoroughly and slowly heat on a pan, add drops of water as you go. You'd get thick and lumpy goo that you can rip out in small chunks like gumdrops. I stick a lump on the infected spots that are not too weepy and secure it with bandage. This is what “ripped out" the dead tissue in the crater.
Day 3:
Infection on Elbow fold: Surface is dry. Crater looks somewhat smaller. Occasional breakage of scab oozes semi-milky liquid. Scab is forming well. On outer perimeter however, there are loose skins, raw underneath and it oozes out a tiny bit of clear liquid when I drain it. Cellulitis improved significantly. I can straighten my arm now. Perimeter of pain has reduced to 60% of the initial size. Redness is almost completely gone. No swelling at all.
Infection on hand:
Surface is completely dry and covered in scab. No pain at all except if I press hard directly on the scab. In the afternoon, I pinch-press it, and it oozes tiny bit of milky liquid. I can see new skin start to form.
Infection on lower arm: Showing symptoms similar to infected spot on the hand, including the small milky discharge. I ripped open the scab entirely and reapply fresh turmeric “gum-drop" onto the wound.
~Treatment: Gum-drops everywhere with occasional turmeric and coal tar ointment, applied topically. Except for the one on the elbow fold, I put ointment everywhere. I am morphing into Homer Simpson for real.
~Treatment Experiment: I can work with my left hand again now that moving the arm isn't an ordeal. So I make turmeric cream. Here is the recipe and instruction.
1. Mix 3 tbsp turmeric paste and ½ cup of virgin coconut oil. Bring to boil with medium heat, cool it the strain.
2. Mix 3 tbsp turmeric paste, ½ cup of water, 1 tbsp cloves powder, 1 tbsp cinnamon powder. Bring to boil with medium heat, cool it the strain.
Now you have turmeric oil and turmeric water. Now prepare a double boiler, when it is ready, re-heat turmeric water, let it steam (not boil), then put it aside and drop 2 tbsp of honey into it. Next, heat the oil, put in 1 tbsp clean of beeswax (or emulsifier). When the wax thoroughly melts, stir the mix for a couple of minutes and set it down.
Gradually compare the temperature between the turmeric water and oil, if you have thermometer, great. I do it with my finger wrapped in plastic. When they're about the same, pour the water into oil, and mix it. Hand mixer will do really well. In my case, I use egg beater and I beat rapidly till I felt my hand was going to fall off. Sweet old lady next door and her husband helped me turning the mixture into a cream. Now I have a jar of magic turmeric cream which hopefully can safe me the hassle of gauze and paste.
***PRO TIP***
1. DO NOT just mix the turmeric powder you buy from shop into your drink or apply it straight off the jar. The preparation of that powder may not be hygienic. Remember, that yellow powder you're drinking comes from a root, planted in soil. Unless it is specifically prepared for pharmeutical industry, it might be from the ground, to dryer, to crusher, to your table for all you know. ALWAYS sterilize your turmeric powder. Mix them in water then boil it. You should not take any herb from the market for granted just because it's antibacterial. Please don't get me wrong, turmeric is a great medicine. I'm just saying that, for this kind of product, it is better to exercise caution.
2. Try not to consume too much sugar when you still have infection. Staph bacteria feed off sugar. That is why I mix only a small measure of honey into my cream and paste, it's antibacterial but I don't want the bacteria to benefit from it in any way. Honey is sweet after all.
3. The old guy next door told me he had similar infection a few years ago and it was hurting him badly. He was and still is a farmer who could not afford to stop working even for a day. So he pounded some fresh turmeric, mixed it in oil and boiled it in a spoon with candle flame. Then he smeared some coconut oil & fresh aloevera mucus/gel onto the skin surrounding the infection, bite on a corn kernel and poured that boiling turmeric onto the crater of infection. He was in agony for like 10 minutes, but it killed the MRSA on the spot. He wrapped his infected calf with some rag and went back working in the field, barefooted. The infection never came back. Please do not do this if you have serious health problems but if you ever want to go Viking on MRSA, now you know how.
4. Wear old clothes and line your bed with old linens, or you will turn everything yellow.
5. Beware the stranger's stares. People will think that you're part of the Simpsons family.
I incidentally caught MRSA through touching contaminated objects in a friend's house. I didn't realize his 8 year old son had a severe case of impetigo pustularis that covered most of his hands and feet. Obviously they didn't keep proper hygiene regiments.
I had a small cigarette burn on my right arm that just popped, and that was where the infection started. I initially thought it was just a common infection until I realize that it did not heal after 4 days. Even worse, it got bigger and covered in pus. Every time I cleaned it the surrounding tissue of the crater would simply swell and accumulate pus again. After my internet research, I found out what it was and began establishing regiments to control the spread and heal the current 3 open wounds. All showing similar symptoms (crater, pain, slight swelling, redness and puss).
I've just began treating the wounds with turmeric paste two days ago. I use freshly turmeric roots, some garlic and just a pinch of candle nut. I put them in a blender to produce fine paste, then heat it up in a pan till it boiled. I keep a batch in a jar for when I need to change the gauze that covers the infection. I changed it every time it is dry, I can feel it by the stiffness of the gauze.
So far, on the smaller two in my right arm, it shows minor improvements including significantly reduced pain, swelling and redness, and no new accumulation of pus around the ring of the infection/crater.
I had a pretty bad fever yesterday, and I surmised that it was from the one on my upper left arm, just above the elbow joint. It looks like cellulitis. The effect of turmeric paste in this area is similar to that of the other two, but the redness and swelling that spread to the lower, inner arm below the elbow shows little improvements. It not so red, but it hurts quite badly, even wearing a jumper or moving my arm is an ordeal.
On the brighter side, I found out that a mixture of turmeric oil and coal tar kill MRSA on the skin upon contact. Whenever I felt slight tinge or itch in places near where the infections are, I'd just rub the ointment onto it and it ceases right away. It is also effective for infection before the bacteria enters below the skin, when it's just a tiny weeny red dot without any pus or boil, just rub some turmeric-coal tar ointment onto it and it will disappears in an hour or so.
If you have suggestions about how I should deal with the cellulitis or how I can improve my regiment, please let me know. Also, the area where I live is pretty far from town, so no fancy medicines like colloidal silver is available. At the moment I'm resorting to traditional and herbal medicine to get rid of the infection, when I figure out how, then I'd try help that poor kid who's been plagued with impetigo for nearly two months now.
Ps. The nearest doctor is 3 hours ride away.
Aye mate, I read that already. But I can't go digging for clay when open sores in my hand, even when covered. Living in rural, I mean, remote part of a 3rd world country here. No fancy things like sterile clay here mate, no doctor, no hospital, no pharmacy.
(Madison, Wi, Usa)
Do not heat preparations with garlic in them. It destroys the allicin and other things you need.
It started Saturday with some discomfort. Sunday I spent the day at the Zoo and we had unlimited passes to ride the train. Every time I sat down it was more and more painful. Monday was a holiday and I spent most of the day in bed keeping pressure off the back of my leg. But Tuesday, October 13th I started a new job and was required to sit all day while I learned the job. It was painful. But I did my best to smile and not die.
That night I started taking pictures of my leg to record what the cyst was doing. I took the first picture just before bed that night after my first day at work. It was just 3 days after the discomfort started. When I zoomed in I noticed a small pimple-like spot in the center.
I took a picture the next day and saw that the spot was a darker shade of red - probably from sitting on it all day.
Within 12 hours of that photo the pimple broke open, turned purple and oozed blood and puss. I was happy with this progress.
Because it was in such an awkward spot on my leg, it was hard to keep it covered. I had to place the bandaid at just the right angle. And I still had to sit on it all day long.
Another 12 hours passed and it turned into an angry wound. That's when I realized I was dealing with something else. Maybe not a sebaceous cyst. Maybe a spider bite?
That night, October 15th I developed a fever. I knew this was bad. Well, good because my body was obviously fighting an infection ... but bad because THERE WAS A BAD INFECTION. I searched and searched the internet to find out what I was dealing with. By 4pm October 16th I found the picture of a "spider bite vs MRSA" and I knew immediately that I was dealing with MRSA. My heart sank.
My immediate gut reaction was to rush off to urgent care but I wasn't able to go right away. I had to take care of some urgent financial issues before the close of business day that Friday. And so the delay gave me an extra hour to breath and process this information. And it gave me an extra hour to google natural remedies. I really try to avoid antibiotics. I believe they can save lives, save limbs, and are necessary when absolutely needed but I wasn't convinced they were needed. After all ... MRSA is resistant to them ... and yet ... if I went to urgent care I knew they would prescribe one. That was my first "wait a minute" moment. No, I couldn't touch the back of my thigh without crying but I was willing to wait and see what natural remedies could do. I was willing to give my body a fighting chance before resorting to an antibiotic.
I was so thankful to have found this site with nearly 90 "yea" responses to turmeric.
I decided to make a paste. I warmed and mixed 1/4 tsp of coconut oil and 1/2 tsp of turmeric together, applied it to a band-aid and slapped it on my angry half-dollar sized wound.
By morning the angry red was gone and the surface was showing signs of drying up.
Every morning and every night I cleaned the area and applied the turmeric paste. (I eventually switched to a mix of 10 drops of tea tree oil and 1/8 tsp coconut oil with 1/2 tsp turmeric.)
I didn't squeeze. I didn't mess with it. Just cleaned and applied. Three days later the infection released from my body and I literally pulled the sac out! It was nasty!
A big puss-filled hole was left and because I didn't know any better, I continued to put paste on it hoping the remaining infection would clear up. But the wet paste wasn't helping as much as I thought. A friend told me I needed to let it heal with a dry bandage and that was the info I needed. So I used dry bandages from then on.
I didn't quite understand everything I needed to do to keep it contained. I didn't use a bandaid that sealed it in while I was at work and so the blood oozed out the sides of the bandaid and onto my jeans.
I started tucking a clean wash cloth inside my pant leg so it wouldn't get on my jeans but every time I used the rest room I repositioned the wash cloth, not realizing the implications of infecting another area of my leg.
I ended up with several pimples farther down my leg and decided I needed something more. My leg looked like a battle field.
A friend ran to the store and bought me some tea tree oil and turmeric pills. I swallowed the pills, applied the oil straight to my leg liberally. I applied the turmeric past and bandaged all 7 new pimple spots. I was discouraged but optimistic.
Most of the pimples dried up with the turmeric paste but one of the spots started hurting like the first. I immediately put the turmeric paste on it with focus.It didn't get any larger than a dime. It released the infection FAST and dried up nicely. Once the infection was released from the center I just kept it clean and covered with a dry bandage. Thankfully, it never turned hard and hot under the surface.
But a new spot sprung up on the meat of backside and started hurting. You don't forget that pain .. I recognized it immediately. So similar to the pain of the first spot. And so I applied the paste to that one expecting a quick healing like the other small pimples. But it didn't heal.
The pimple opened up but the tissue underneath grew hard. Hot. Red. Growing in size under the skin. it was painful to sit once again. I was frustrated and of course turned to the interwebs for some mental relief. From further reading I understood I was dealing with cellulitis along with MRSA and that was most likely the situation of the very first spot as well.
Cellulitis is no joke. I worried about sepsis. Worried about losing a limb. My thoughts and emotions were everywhere! The excruciating pain had me praying and asking God if this is how he intended me to die! ? I considered going to urgent care at 3am. But first, I read on. Other MRSA stories were encouraging and terrifying. I decided I needed more than turmeric. So the next day I spent the last $40 I had to my name on a big bottle of colloidal silver and took 1 tsp every three to four hours. And I started seeing progress! Turmeric pills, colloidal silver, turmeric paste, tea tree oil, some praying ... the pain went from a constant 10 down to an 8 the next morning. And then within a few hours of waking up it was down to a ZERO unless I touched the cellulitis. So I didn't touch it. I took the day off, I rested. I continued with the regimen and prayed. I was optimistic but uncertain.
So here we are. Improvement. The infection was pulled out this morning! Now I deal with another hole. This one the size of a quarter. The healing process, the routine of cleaning, covering, disinfecting, and waiting.... ever vigilant.
If you're dealing with MRSA, you're not alone. It's exhausting, but it's possible to find progress and healing. It is.
Here are my " MRSA tools" that I found necessary:
Bandaids of all sizes. Gauze pads. White washcloths. White granny panties. Clorox wipes to wipe the seat after you pee. Foaming hand soap. Hot water. Organic turmeric. Turmeric pills. Tea tree oil. Colloidal silver. Qtips. Small container to mix the paste in. (Disposable ketchup cups from fast food restaurants are perfect) A full length mirror to prop under my leg so I could see what was going on back there. Cell phone camera for up close and personal pics. A bucket to put your MRSA-filled washcloths and granny panties in. Bleach to wash your whites. A willingness to wash your cothes after EVERY use. No wearing clothes twice while you're infected. Thank you Earthclinic.com for creating a place for others to tell their success stories! Here's hoping these spots I'm treating today are the final spots in this MONTH LONG JOURNEY! My picture documentary are found on my blog. I'm sure if you search for any of the phrases I wrote above, you'll find it. Thanks again for letting me share and for helping me heal!
(Chicago, Il)
Today is 4/15/2015. I started mixing a tablespoon of turmeric into the mupirocin/silver mixture yesterday, 4/14/15, evening. It is my intention to document the progress, if any, of the addition of turmeric to the regimen.
More to follow.
Three days ago, I started adding turmeric to the prescription ointments I was already using. This mixture was mupirocin, (bactroban), and silver sulfadiazine. Now, I am mixing in about 1/2 tsp. of turmeric, and have been experimenting with amounts. The first day, I added a tbs to the mix and the next day my legs were very tender. The next day, I reduced the amount to 1/2 tsp. I have already been amazed at the progress of my right leg. The swelling is going down and the gravel texture of the skin is going away! There was a spot on the top of the right foot, on the metatarsal arch, that was beginning to develop necrotic tissue. A black spot had appeared and the area was extremely sensitive to touch. Now, the spot is gone and the area is becoming less sensitive.
All in all, I am very impressed. The seeming results that are occurring so quickly... I just hope that it continues and doesn't plateau.
More to come...
Today is 4/21/15. I am writing this as an update on my addition of turmeric to my ointment regimen. After the first day, when I used a whole tbs of turmeric and caused a "burn" on my legs we, (my loving wife and I), reduced the amount to 1/2 tsp. My legs had a "gravelly" texture to the skin when I started the turmeric and the bumps were actually tiny blisters which would "weep". By weep, I mean that they would drain clear fluid constantly. This would soak my pant legs and socks and give off an unpleasant odor. Needless to say, I did not get out in public much.
After six days, starting with the addition of turmeric on the 15th, my right leg has lost most of its gravelly appearance and texture and become smooth skin. There are patches where the redness is starting to go away and return to normal color. This to me is absolutely amazing!
True to its nature, the MRSA has tried to spread to the top of my foot. My wife, who was helping me spread the ointment, noticed the beginnings of some new blisters on the top of my right foot. We started spreading the turmeric-infused ointment on it last night, the 20th. More on that progress to be included in future update/posts.
(Tyler, Tx)
Personally (your mileage may vary), Turmeric didn't really do much for treatment or prevention of my boils. I was drinking quite a bit of it, but I never saw much change in my outbreaks. I think things really began to change for me when I started:
1.) Eating better. I changed my diet from mostly processed food and meat to probably 80% veggie, and only high quality meats, fish, and dairy for the remainder. I cooked all of my own meals and ate a lot of organic produce.
2.) Making daily smoothies loaded with healthy things, including coconut oil, local raw honey, green superfoods, fruits, flax seeds, and green leafy vegetables. I can share the recipe if anyone wants it.
3.) Taking garlic baths. This sounds strange, but it may have been THE thing that helped me get control of the external wounds that formed at the infection sites. To do these I blended up big chunks of garlic in water and let the water sit for 15min to allow allicin to form. Then I would draw a hot bath and pour the garlic puree into it and soak for an hour or two. The lesions would drain, allowing the garlic water to effectively infiltrate the areas of infection. I believe it took about a week of doing this once or twice a day to reverse the infection and show significant healing.
Other things I was taking at the time include Olive Leaf, Oregano Oil, and Apple Cider Vinegar.
I tried these and many other things over the course of my four month ordeal with staph, including two failed attempts to eradicate with antibiotics. I relentlessly scoured this site and others for hope and feel grateful to everyone here for helping me pull through that miserable stage of my life. I hope this humble contribution can help someone else to overcome this affliction just as your combined contributions eventually led to the things that helped me overcome it. Thank you all.
I cannot believe turmeric has actually worked, above antibiotics and prescription mupirocin cream, better than heat and epsom salts. After being on Bactrim and mupirocin for three days, I saw no results. I have boils under my arm (maybe 6, some are small, some are golf ball sized), one on my shoulder, and one on my sternum. I had one on my right breast a couple months ago, which was misdiagnosed as a brown recluse bite, lanced, drained, and packed by a surgeon. OUCH!
When I started getting the recent outbreak, I thought they were cysts. However, once the one on my shoulder showed up, I figured it was something else, as that one looked just like my "spider bite. " I went to the dermatologist who diagnosed it as a staph boils, and told me they were likely MRSA. My daughter had MRSA on her finger seven months ago, so I may have been carrying it since. He prescribed me Bactrim and mupirocin to put on my boils and in my nose. I tried heat, epsom salt baths, and drawing salve in addition to the antibiotics. There was no change.
In desperation yesterday, I started trying turmeric mixed with other things I heard would help. I combined turmeric (2 tsp), local raw honey (1/2 T), black pepper (1/4 tsp), aloe vera gel (didn't measure, maybe 2 tsp), and baking soda (just shook enough in to make a paste). I applied the mupirocin first, then slathered the turmeric paste on gauze and taped it to my boils. I also started taking turmeric shots. I put 1/2 T olive oil, 1 tsp turmeric, and 1/4 tsp black pepper in a shot glass, mix it up, and shoot it. I then chase it with hot water sweetened with honey. It's not delicious, but it's totally worth it.
Within hours of trying this, the excrutiating pain in my shoulder that had inhibited my movement and reduced me to tears all day long had receded substantially. I was able to move my arm without severe pain! This boil also had begun oozing. It was already open, but nothing was coming out until I put the turmeric on it. The one on my sternum (the oldest one, 2 weeks old or so, closed, and about the size of halfdollar), hadn't really changed in size, but it didn't hurt, and the biggest one under my arm started draining. I am amazed.
I changed my turmeric bandages about three times yesterday. I took three turmeric shots. It is now the morning, and the one on my sternum has significantly reduced in size. I haven't checked the others yet, but my pain has gone from an 8 to a 3 or 4, which is completely manageable. For the first time in over a week, I didn't wake up in excrutiating pain multiple times throughout the night. Turmeric is a miracle. If you're like me, you're in pain right now, reading all sorts of stuff on the Internet, looking for relief. Maybe you're hesitant to try turmeric because you think it will taste gross, and you don't want to risk staining your skin for something that may not work. I am kicking myself that I didn't try this sooner. I could have felt relief a week ago. I suffered needlessly for too long. What do you have to lose? Try turmeric!
Where do I buy turmeric?
EC: You can find turmeric in the spice section of your local grocery store. International grocery stores sell large bottles of turmeric very cheaply. Organic turmeric can be bought online.
If you can't stand taking a teaspoon of Turmeric three times a day mixed in water, try making a paste with honey. Better tasting, plus the honey seems to also help. I noticed immediate relief after only one day on this. Wish I would have know about this earlier.
In the beginning, I would take turmeric 3 times a day, 1 tsp with milk, and put the garlic clove on the wound. It seemed like turmeric reduced the inflamation as well as the speed of occurence, however, it was not gone completely, there were still some. Garlic just felt too harsh/stinging on my skin.
As I was determined to treat this problem, I decided to increase my dosage of turmeric. I treated it like an antibiotic. Took 4 times a day --1tsp of turmeric with 1 tsp of ACV and 8oz of water to make it more drinkable. I had added turmeric to the milk before but it was slightly difficult to swallow. 10 days have passed, and by the grace of Allah/God, the infection has substantially reduced, and I am pleased to see the results. I also try to take 1tsp of Manuka honey 2X a day. I took bleach baths on regular basis.
Turmeric can also cause some stomach issues, so one has to be patient. It is difficult to take in then an antibiotic, and it takes longer time to affect than an antibiotic. However, it definitely works, and has less side effects, praise God. For those people whom 2 tsp a day of turmeric doesn't work, then they should definitely try to increase their dosage slowly.
I pray that all those who are suffering from this painful disease become healthy, and spend a productive and meaningful life. Best wishes.
(Memphis, Tn)
Trust me, turmeric works on MRSA! You can drink it, but I also make a turmeric paste (directions can be found at http://phoebe1975.hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Make-a-Turmeric-Paste) and place it directly on the infected area. The first time I used turmeric was when I had a MRSA infection on my leg. I started getting worried after nearing the end of my 2 week antibiotic treatment that the infection had still not drained (sorry, I know that is gross!! ). I searched the web, found this site and discovered the wonders of turmeric- about two hours after I drank it, the infection started to drain. That was two years ago and I am a huge fan of turmeric now (and an even bigger fan of EC)!!
We are our own best doctors and I am very grateful to people who know this and share their stories here at this wonderful website.
Ground turmeric 1 tsp twice a day worked to clear up my daughters' rash in only a weeks time! She has been suffering for 6 months from a bumpy flesh colored rash which started on her thighs and buttocks. She saw a doctor 3 times and was given several different prescriptions which didn't help, in fact the rash had spread to her abdomen, chest, arms and scalp. The intense itching was driving her crazy at night. She has tried, oral steroids, steroid creams, antibiotics and many over the counter creams. She swallowed benadryl to help with the itching. She was going to see a dermatologist for a possible biopsy when I discovered this site.
After some investigation and critical thinking, my daughter had suffered boils of her skin in the past few years. MRSA is what was diagnosed. I believe this itchy rash was a form of MRSA. In the medical field it is one of the fastest growing disorders and problems.
I am forever grateful to Earth Clinic and their very awesome homeopathic remedy of turmeric. You have renewed my faith in homeopathic medicine, thank you!!
(Lincoln, Nebraska)
(yea) If I get stressed enough, I sometimes have a staph infection (MRSA??) that breaks out on my thighs. I have found that turmeric tea and turmeric paste really helped to clear everything up in about 5 days for me. I make a tea by making a turmeric paste. First I heat 1 tablespoon of coconut oil with 1/8 teaspoon of black pepper in the microwave. Then stir in enough turmeric to make a paste. Let set, covered, for about an hour. Then to make the tea I use one teaspoon of paste in a 1/4 cup of hot Acai green tea, stir in the teaspoon into the turmeric paste, then add 1 teaspoon of honey stir until dissolved, and then 1/4 cup of soy milk. I like the woody taste of the turmeric.
I would say to folks to start off with small (maybe only the tip of a teaspoon) amounts of turmeric and work your way up to whatever level you are interested in being at. One teaspoon of turmeric yields about 220 mg. (a 1/5 of a gram) of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. The black pepper (active ingredient piperine) plus the oil (many folks use olive oil) greatly increase the bioavailabilty of the curcumin. I also use the paste directly on the sores, cover with a bandaid, however I pick clothes that I don't mind staining turmeric yellow.
I don't mean to be rude to point this out, but "homeopathic" is not the right word for using turmeric, an actual medicine. Homeopathy is a debunked, unscientific system, created by a German scientist in the 1700's, which posited that the less the actual medicine is present, somehow, the more effective it is.
I realize that many people have come to use this term as interchangeable with "natural medicine", but it isn't. Homeopathy, the opinions of a single man, does not compare to folk medicine traditions which are thousands of years old, such as Ayurveda, in which turmeric is used.
Again, I do not mean to be rude. It's just that I hear so many people make this confusion, and it does not help the "scientific-minded" skeptics to learn to accept natural medicines, when they are thinking "oh, they said 'homeopathy', and I know that's nonsense! "
No offense to people who like homeopathy: if it works for you, go with it. Just please, don't use the word as a replacement for "natural medicine", if you don't really mean a specifically homeopathic remedy.
I was very hopeful when I found your site and read so many encouraging testimonials about the fast results when taking tumeric three times daily for this monster of an infection. I bought ground turmeric right off the grocer's shelf and began taking it the minute I got home. Literally within hours the weeping sore on my collar bone was dry and the sore which hadn't broken the skin on my forehead was practically GONE; just THAT fast!!! I kept up a vigil of cleaning them with the cetaphil and tumeric three times a day disolved in warm water--ten days later, I cannot see where either of the MRSA sores were any longer. And not only did the tumeric work for those sores but it also annihilated a small outbreak of tenacious cystic acne that i'd been trying everything on the drug store shelves to rid myself of for months!!!!
I can't thank Earth Clinic and its contributors enough!!! I can attend my Nephew's wedding this weekend without a worry at all and I'm so grateful for your advice! I reccommend this treatment with the highest praise for Mother Nature herself!
(The Beach, Canada)
tumeric is oil soluable it may improve your results to take it with milk or almond milk if you have dairy issues.
(Seattle, Wa Usa)
... I agree, add oil like coconut or some milk (for the fat) to the turmeric... But it is also important to add pepper - it helps you absorb it in the gut! :-)
I read your warnings on them, I actually found some at walmart.. And they don't have any of the extra ingredients in them you mentioned. So, I was wondering if these are ok to use instead? I was going to start by taking one 500mg three times a day with meals. I'm fine with the extra cost, because I'd rather pay a few more dollars than gag everytime I try to drink or eat the stuff. So like I said, I'm just curious if this will be as effective as long as it doesn't have those extra ingredients? Also I'm using the actual powder I bought to make the paste to apply to the spots.
One more question, how long should it typically take for it to work? Especially on a smaller one?
Thanks so much!!
(Waco, Tx Usa)
I had an ex-fiance that I foolishly gave some curcumin (extract of tumeric) capsules to. He'd been having boils on, in, and around his ears for a year, and he kept asking me for a cure as he knows I am a real fan of alternative medicine.
Unfortunately, it cleared them right up! I let my good nature get the better of me. He really deserved them. Lol
(New Castle, In)
Thanks.. I'm glad to know it worked at least! I've been wondering.. I've been taking 4 500mg capsules.. Through out the day.. I can't take more than 1 at a time or it upsets my stomach too much. Not as bad as the powder mixed in water through. I take 1 with each meal and then 1 with a snack before bed. It still causes a bit of a stomach ache. But not as bad. And I drink a whole bottle of water after each one. So I'm wondering, how long should it take or does it normally take to notice a difference?
The spot that had some stuff coming out of it, seems to be flat and painless.. But still every morning I see a tiny bit come out of it.. Is this normal? It itches though.. Does this mean it's healing?
I have another spot that is just a small hard knot under the skin.. It hasn't broken the skin or anything. It doesn't really seem smaller either though. It's not really painful, I just want to keep it from getting to that point. Yesterday was my first full day of taking it.
I'm nervous, because we leave for our anniversary vacation next Saturday.. and I don't want to be dealing with this.
(Glennville, Ga)
(Sandton / Gauteng, South Africa)
Keep a shaker of Turmeric on the table, Sprinkle on bread or toast, butter over the turmeric and, as turmeric was / used to be, the yellow colouring in butter, there isn't much taste. A sprinkle of sulfer, does no harm either. John
(Robbinsville, Nj)
If you sprinkle Turmeric on chicken while cooking it it is really good.... You are still consuming it, just not drinking it.
Recently I have been getting them on my face and the antibiotics are taking up to 3 ten day rounds to get rid of them. I have been reluctant to move to vanco or anything stronger because of research I have done on this problem. I am afraid of getting immune to every antibiotic and having nowhere to turn if I ever got a possible fatal infection.
Anyway, I am not one to normally turn to herbs as a means of treating illness I guess because normally I have always been healthy and got over things. This battle however has really affected me mentally and phisically as you all know. I poured over these posts on MRSA for about a weekend after being refered by my mother in law. The first and most popular I found was Turmeric. The recent outbreak was a small one on my chin that came up fast from a spot it had previously been, that same night I could feel one starting in between my eyes as well as a sore spot on the side of my head. I knew exactly what was happening and was so sick of this. They are getting more and more networked at this point but not as huge, I guess because I run to the doc and treat them immeadiately now that I know what they are capable of. For me they seem to happen about four times a year mostly when I get worn down.
I began by mixing a tblsp of turmeric in a glass of warm water on Fri morning doing this three times a day. I didnt notice much until Sat afternoon. By Sun night it was apparent that they all were in retreat. Mon morning they were all drying up and going away. I really could not beleive this was working. Like I said eight years of mupriocin in the nose during and after outbreaks with antib's hot showers and compresses all the western med tricks. They would get rid of them but never as fast and they never obviously cured me. So as I set here tonight I am a firm believer in turmeric and will continue to take everyday prob in capsules (check warnings about capsules) for maintenance for the rest of my life. I will continue to update. There is no reason not to try it. I have no noticeable side effects from it. You do want to drink lots of water with it.
(Troy, Ny)
(Mooresville, Nc)
I had the same issue with my dog, but I had just been through it with my daughter. So I immediately knew what to do. I put turmeric in a tablespoon of peanut butter and within 20 minutes the sores would start draining. I continued until they were completely healed. It probably took a couple of weeks. I tried putting turneric on the sores, but that was a mess with a little white dog.
My husband researched MRSA HOME REMEDY and found all the good things you all were saying about TURMERIC, so he went to the grocery store and got me some in powder form and I started drinking it. The best way I have found for me to take is to mix with Lipton green tea: I put 1 teaspoon in a shot glass with the green tea, I have been doing this 3 times a day since Monday. My eye was swollen bad Monday and Tuesday, not so bad Wednesday, then Thursday not real noticeably at all, Friday just a little swollen where the bump is, and Saturday if there wasn't a small sore you would not even know it was there. Don't want anyone whom is just now reading about this stuff to think it will instantly get rid of these boils but it really does help BIG TIME. All of the other MRSA boils I have had in the last 2 years, for the most part I have popped because that is what I thought needed to be done and they last for at least 2 or more weeks, and when I say they last I mean I am in pain for the better part of 2 weeks, so for the one on my eye to be better in 3 to 4 days it was truly wonderful to me. I will continue drinking TURMERIC, everything I have read says it is good for you, and the benefits of helping with the boils, there is no reason not to. I would Sincerely like to THANK everyone whom posted there comments about TURMERIC, this has helped me and let me know that there are people in this world whom really want to help others.
(Raleigh, North Carolina)
I have been suffering from staph boils for just under a year now. Like many (I'm sure.... ), I too thought my initial boil was a spider bite. The wound got progressively worse before I finally went to a doctor who swabbed it and confirmed staph- not MRSA, thankfully. I have yet to try drinking turmeric, but I have used grated fresh rhizome mixed in coconut oil and pepper on toast every day for two weeks with no noticable effects. However, I now use TURMERIC ESSENTIAL OIL directly on boils with great results! At the first notice of one, I'll put a few drops on a band aid and keep the boil covered 24/7 until it's gone. For me, depending on what stage I've discovered the boil, it will take about 2-3 days. I change the bandage about every 12 hours and wash the wound with a mixture of Dr. Bronner's soap, apple cider vinegar, and tea tree oil. I highly recommend this, as the oil is quite inexpensive and takes away the pain/pressure of the boil within hours. Quick and cheap fix- but not a cure for recurrent outbreaks. I will update after having experimented with drinking powdered turmeric in milk/water with pepper. Good luck!
(Raleigh, Nc)
Update: I started take 3 "00" sized capsules of turmeric and pepper with a spoonful of olive oil a day for about one week. Had to stop, because it brought on menstrual bleeding! Sure enough, turmeric is a natural emmenagogue used in Ayurvedic medicine. I made these pills myself, so they were not packed very tightly, but I would guess I was taking about 2400mg/day. I started taking one pill per day (800mg) because it absolutely worked for staph! I would definitely warn women to be careful. Especially if you're taking turmeric/pepper/olive oil because you will most likely be absorbing all of that.
(London, UK)
To Brittany of Cardiff: I missed your original query about turmeric, so don't know if this is relevant, but just in case it is - you can get organic, non-irradiated turmeric from Steenberg's Organic of Ripon, and empty capsules from G. Baldwin of London. You can order from both companies by telephone, and they send.