I am originally from England so the vinegar tastes good to me like eating fish and chips. Yesterday's dose was taken late in the day 2 tblps of Apple Cider Vinegar in 8ozs of water, today I mixed up 20ozs with 2 tblps of acv. Did anyone else notice a few more pains when they first started drinking acc? My mother always used baking soda for heartburn I know that's good stuff and she would be a 100 yrs old now. Cheers.
General Feedback
Although Hydrogen Peroxide is normally highly useful, I would avoid using it in your protocol because it tends to greatly deplete and neutralize anti-oxidants in the blood and can complicate your regimen unnecessarily. Also, for Hashimoto's, excess hydrogen peroxide is actually part of the problem in the thyroid cells. Read this research article:
Simply put, the thyroid cells naturaly produce HP free radicals during transformation of Thyroglobulin to T3 and T4. If there is not enough glutathione peroxidase enzyme(as anti-oxidant), then the excess HP free radicals will tend to damage the cell while also transforming the thyroglobulin into new protein compounds that are then regarded as foreign protein bodies by the body's immune system -- hence the antibodies end up attacking the thyroid cells -- causing the nodular damage. This is why taking selenium is so important -- selenium is the central metallic atom for the glutathione peroxidase(GP) enzyme that is so essential and important for safe thyroid T3 and T4 production. Also, sulphur is essential for GP, so eating garlic or eating a handful of Brazil nuts(also high in selenium and cysteine) every day will help keep your GP levels high in order to help cope with and successfully neutrlize the excessive HP free radicals produced in your thyroid cells during hormone production. Supplementing Lugol's Iodine will also help in this respect because it is also a powerful anti-oxidant.
If you also regularly eat a handful of cilantro in salads 3 times a week and drink green tea daily, this will also help to remove heavy metals. Iodine will also help to remove cadmium, lead, mercury, aluminium, arsenic, bromine and fluorine from the body. Adding half a teaspoon of sea salt daily(taken with water) or taking humic acid daily will also help to detox the body of poisons from pesticides etc.
It is also well known through research that candida complications can occur in many autoimmune diseases such as later stage Hepatitis C, HIV AIDS and Cancer -- to name but a few. There was also one large research study that found that 80% of all Fibromylagia patients also had candida. So if you have candida and only address the fibro and Hashimoto's then you will have great difficulty curing these without also addressing the candida problem.
You can quickly check for candida by looking at your tongue in a mirror. If your tongue is pink then you may not have candida --- but if it is white then there is a great likelihood of a candida infection. To be sure -- take this questionnaire for confirmation:
If you also have a hair analysis(quite cheap) this will tell you what minerals you are lacking and, specifically, what heavy metals you have in excess in your body and you can adjust your daily nutrients accordingly. Here, you are addressing the root cause of your Fibro, Hashimoto's and possible candida problems -- caused by a greatly weakened immune system.
Further useful information can be gleaned from various books by Dr David Brownstein. Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It and Overcoming Thyroid Problems are both excellent books that will give you unbiased and honest proof of the effectiveness of lugol's iodine in the treatment of all types of thyroid problems -- including Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
It is also advisable for you to take the full iodine protocol which is given here:
Work up to the full lugols iodine dose slowly to avoid excessive die-off and detox reactions.
If you do find that you also have candida, your current protocols should be suffcient to kill off this candida infection as well as deal with the Hashimoto's and the Fibro. And if you do have candida -- I would also add Sodium Molybdate or Molybdenum to your protocol at the dosages that Ted from Bangkok recommends if you can. This will not only help to kill off the candida, but will also help to greatly reduce the brain fog, pain and will also help remove the poisonous alcohols and aldehyde waste causing such debilitating symptoms during the die-off.
General Feedback
How long should I keep taking these for liver detox?
I still take the liver detox on a daily basis myself as a preventative. I do his because it addresses the serious lack of minerals and anti-oxidants in our western diets. The same argument goes for magnesium. So I take the liver detox combination regularlly, which also helps to purify the blood and keep free radicals down to safe manageable levels. So in this respect it is also an anti-aging and an immune boosting protocol as well.
Lugol's Iodine (Since I have Hashimoto, is it OK to try this? If yes, how long should I keep taking this?).
I also take 4 about drops(25 mgs) of 5% iodine every two days or so (you should be taking 8 drops LI at a minimum if you can). This promotes stomach and intestinal health, boosts the immune system, kills candida, helps to maintains a healthy thyroid and detoxes the body all at the same time. This is also a regular part of my own protocol that address the sad lack of iodine in our diets now.
1/4 teaspoon of baking soda plus 3 drops of 3% H2O2 in one glass taken in the morning to help the energy level. (How Long should one keep taking this)?
I also take this at twice a day. Since 90% of western food is now acid forming in our bodies it would seem to make complete sense to take baking soda on a daily basis to help promote a healtheir alkaline environment (ie blood) for our bodies. The same argument goes for taking ACV and baking soda -- which acts to alkalize the intracellular environment as well.
General Feedback
1. I will not take hydrogen Peroxide as you suggested.
2. Should I be taking green tea if I am trying to avoid Fluoride?
3. Will all of these help my insomnia, memory loss and complete lack of libido. Or should I add some other supplements to my routine?
4. What dosage is good for me for adding Sodium Molybdate or Molybdenum to my protocol. How do I take this, and do I take this everyday and for how long?
Thank you again for your wonderful advice. Hopefully, all of this will help me feel better so I can live a productive life.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Help Requested
I once worked with special needs or challenged teens in a facility. As one could imagine the stress levels would often run quite high so I began experiencing the first nerve problems of my life. A began taking 2000 mcg time release B-12 and 1000 mg time release Vit-C before work, and presto, my nerves were verrrry much better and so was my performance.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil, Blackstrap Molasses
One tablespoon of ACV every morning
One tablespoon EVCO every morning
One tablespoon BSM every morning
Then about an hour before lunch and supper I drink one tablespoon of ACV with water or some other beverage.
I've lost 25 pounds. My energy level is through the roof. I'm sleeping better, eating healthier than I've done for years. My appetite slowly decreased and is still decreasing. All my life I never weighed more than 105 pounds until I hit my 40s. Then the weight piled on when I quit smoking, hit menopause and my marriage ended.
My hair is like iron and the highlights are returning. The white hair on my eyebrows disappeared. The grey in my hair seems to be very, very slowly disappearing. My skin is clearing and has a rosy glow. I still have some pounds to lose, quite a few actually and I see it happening. I don't snack anymore because I don't look for it. I eat pretty much what I want but pay attention to when my tummy says enough. These words from my Mom keep echoing through my head, "All things in moderation." I also use the EVCO as a moisturizer every day. It helps. It doesn't break me out at all.
Don't give up. Be very patient. If you fall off the bike get right back on. I really think patience and determination are the keys. Eat slower if you can. Read, watch TV or browse the web to distract yourself while eating. The slower you eat the faster you will feel full. These are the things that work for me. I hope they can help someone else.
Chi Machine
Cysts, Menopausal Symptoms
Help Requested
Here is the diet I would recommend, which is an anti-candida diet and which is very similar to an anti-cancer diet designed mainly to gently detox your body and boost your immune system. Basically it is an elimination diet. :
1. Absolutely NO SUGAR. No ifs or buts here -- if you really want to get rid of yeast etc -- it starts here, this is a must!! You can use Stevia as a natural sweetner instead.
2. No junk food allowed.
3. No vegetable oil in the diet. Vegetable oil oxidizes fairly quickly on the shelf and very rapidly at high heat. Most vegetable oils are also now made from an unnatural chemical process. Better to use virgin coconut oil for cooking -- this is a very stable oil that is very good for you. When I had candida and started taking coconut oil, my bad constipation and bloating issues disappeared in about two weeks. VCO is very healthy for your body and intestines. I only cook with VCO now and VCO has actually helped me to lose weight.
4. No soda pop. Apart from the sugar, soda drinks also contain carbonic and phosophoric acids and use high fructose corn oil -- all of which acidifies and weakens your body and encourages yeast, fungus and other pathogens in the body.
5. No Sweeteners allowed -- no aspartame, sucralose or saccharine. These particularly are what cause cravings due to nerve damage which can lead to hormonal imbalances and unnatural cravings.
6. Eat only white meat like chicken or fish in small amounts and avoid all red meats.
7. No baking products like bread, cakes pastries etc. In the 70s or 80s the FDA, in their wisdom, allowed the use of bromide and bromates in bread-making and baking instead of iodine. Bromine weakens the immune system and also encourages pathogen growth.
8. Include using a handful of chopped coriander leaf in a salad three times a week and drink green tea every day. Ted from Bangkok has said that doing this for a month will remove most heavy metals successfully from your body.
9. No canned products in the diet. Bisphenol A -- or BPA -- is contained in all plastic linings of canned products and is very bad for you. Upsets hormone balance and weakens the immune system.
10. No Calcium which means no dairy products -- no milk, cheese, yoghurt, cream etc. Avoid calcium fortified foods. Excess calcium encourages acidity and thereby aids the spread of candida.
11. No Monosodium Glutamate(MSG) allowed. This means that all soy products made from a chemical process -- including soy sauce, tofu etc are not allowed. Avoid all products with added MSG. But any soy products made from the natural fermentation process are OK and allowed in small amounts only.
12. Avoid distilled water and tap-water. Distilled water is "dead water" -- it completely lacks any important body minerals that natural spring-water contains. Tap-water nowadays -- due to water shortages -- is now re-cycled and chemically processed from sewage(especially in cities), so Lord only knows what evil goodies tap-water contains. Enough said I think. Drink fresh mineral or spring water or create your own mineral water instead.
12. Try and avoid all (chemically) processed food if you can. Read food labels. Try and eat foods that are made from natural processes without excess heating or use of chemicals/pesticides.
14. When you eat food, don't always rush and over-stuff yourself, as this leads to poor, inefficient digestion and acid intestines. There is always a lag from when you feel hungry to when you are satisfied but if you eat too fast, this is not good for you. Eat your food slower and drink plenty of water at mealtimes for proper digestion. The Chinese -- and Okinawans -- normally eat until they feel 70-80% full, then they stop. This is also good simple dietary practice.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
I read with great interest all the oil pulling information, but I started gagging right away. Then I read Ted's suggestion about pulling oil instead of oil pulling, but didn't understand that either. Is the "oil pulling" the granulated lecithin plus drinking baking soda in water three times a day?
And all the stuff about ACV and Baking soda: Are you supposed to DRINK it or just swish it around in your mouth like the oil pulling?
Thanks for any clarification. And by the way, if I look for an answer to my question, WHERE would I look for it? In "Real-Time Posts" ? Or under Oil Pulling, or under "ACV"???
Great web site! But may I suggest a search engine?
EC: We have posted your question on the multiple ailments page under "apple cider vinegar and baking soda". In the future, to see which page your question or feedback has been cross-posted to, please click the blue link at the top of your feedback on the Latest Posts page.
We currently use Google's search feature for this site, but may change over to a custom search feature soon.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Turmeric
I also use 1 teaspoon of turmeric in 5 oz. of water per day.
I had extreme diarrhea, it has gone away. My stomach upset has gone away.
My blood pressure was 145/90, now it is 120/80.
I had cholesterol of 260. HDL of 42 and LDL of over a hundred. It is now 190 total and a HDL of 89 and LDL of 100.
My lower back pain is gone.
My long distance eye sight has come back and I no longer need glasses.
My tinnitus is still with me though. I am 68 years old.
Here is the schedule I have been using. I drink the h202 and the ACV at the same time around 7am. I don't eat breakfast I drink some protein about an hour later. Around 11am I drink the h202 and ACV again (not mixed together) just 1 right after the other. It will make your stomach a little queezy but it doesn't last long. I eat lunch around 12 or 12:30. I drink the last h202 around 5-6pm and eat an hour or so later. I am doing the ACV only twice per day with 3tablespoons in 8oz of water with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. The results I am having are as follows: some part of this makes your skin look really good, quite glowy and youthful. It is making my arthritis worse so I am hoping that is a good thing and it will hopefully subside as I keep doing the therapies. The h202 makes me rather hot feeling and when I workout I sweat more than I ever have before. I hope that is toxins coming to the surface. I feel like this is ridding my body of unwanted toxins that probably have been accumulating over the years. I am 52 and got arthritis of the spine (osteo) in about '03 and I also have it in my right knee and right shoulder. So, in all my research on this sight I decided to try natural remedies to see if I could cure myself of my various ailments. Not a fan of Doctors or the pharmaceutical industry here. I have never tried an arthritis medicine that worked for me, they just upset my stomach really bad and cost a fortune.
Oh, one more thing, I have always had severe allergies in the spring. The pollen here in Memphis April and May is a killer. This year I had absolutely no allergy problems during that time. Usually I stay loaded up on allergy meds till it gets really hot. I am getting ready to add drinking borax in water throughout the day. Trying to rid my body of the metallics which I hear can be a major contributor in arthritis. Anyway, that is my take on this stuff to date. If I can find a natural cure for something that ails ya', I'm all for it. Hope it helps someone out there.
Apple Cider Vinegar
What I would like to point out is that everybody cannot expect to have the same results. That's the beauty of this site and the variety of experiences and remedies available. My other point is that attitude is everything. I never try things with the mindset that it "probably won't work"--why should it not? Sometimes, it's just a case of not having run across the right thing for you. However, people are often loth to admit the psychological aspects of illnesses and many people's specific illnesses are a huge clue about their lives, attitudes and personalities. I think the number one factor in getting well is the willingness to let go of whatever is wrong with you. Many people are dependent on their illnesses without realizing it and a frightening number of people are unwilling to do anything to help themselves. Maybe you will find these comments unappropriate for this website but I think they're valid and my hat is off to the people who organized this website and the people who write in, who have had the courage to try things and thereby help themselves and others. Finally, it is true that there is a period of adjustment before you really see a big change with any natural therapy. Never give up if results aren't immediate--unless, of course, something really drastic happens. I had a few really discouraging days but now I feel better than I have in as long as I can remember (I'm 65 years old.)
Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
I'm currently taking black strap molasses for my lower back pain(I've had back pain since last 5 yrs. now). I take 2 tbsp in 2-3 ounce of water everyday, I read you could take it anyway as far as you're consuming 2 Tbsp/day. It's been couple of months taking BSM and I see the results very clearly, my back pain has reduced a lot and I feel much more energetic too!
I'm also taking ACV(Apple Cider Vinegar) for my severe pollen allergies. I tried taking the amount given on earth's clinic website, but seems like my body is too acidic (My acid reflux problem increased to the extent that I couldn't take it anymore). Then I read Ted's comments and realized that adding some baking soda to it will help. So this is what I've started taking now and it seems to work fine for me so far.
2 Tbsp ACV in 32 ounce water with 1/2 a tsp baking soda. I make this mixture twice and keep drinking it all day long. It's only been a week with this new mixture and it seems to help me fight my allergies well already!
I also tried oil pulling today with 1 tbsp of sesame oil and 2 drops of wild oregano oil. I did it for about 12 mins.(which is the max. I could do on my first day) so I coudln't achieve the foamy/white color. But I sure will keep trying!
I would like to thank everyone for the continous support and look forward to reading more remedies/cures for a healthy living.
I don't usually get sick but my health has been rapidly deteriorating for about 5 weeks. It took me awhile and some research to link the strange acne, skin rash near my eye, and intense sinus headache without much mucus and sensitivity to beer to going to a friend's house for his birthday last month. His pit bull has an odd skin condition unidentified by vets with redness and some hair loss which they say is not mange (not that I have confidence that they would know). I know this because I remember he asked me about it and I gave him an oil mixture of emu oil, VCO, and immune boosting and skin healing essential oils which he says has improved the condition. Anyway I came to conclusion that I had contracted whatever disease the dog has by petting the dog and then probably rubbing my eye. I imagine it involves mites or other small insect, fungus and/or yeast. I have very sensitive acne prone skin, but my acne has been generally under control due to diet, OCM, etc. until just the past few weeks where I broke out with increased rosacea-like redness and odd cysts that did not want to heal. I also had a nonstop sinus headache which drinking more water did not help without much drainage and a cough which did not produce much phlegm. After a couple days of research (which is how I came across the borax treatment for mites and fungus) I self-diagnosed myself as having a combination of candida, fungus infection of lungs and sinuses, and mites infecting the skin. I think I may have already had the candida (probably from working in bars around so much secondhand toxic smoke) and it depressed my immune system.
The very first day I started taking the borax I began to pee green which I was very pleased about since I knew it was from die off. I peed green on and off for a couple of days, and my pee still has a slight tinge to it at times, but I believe most of the candida, bacteria etc. is dead by now. (BTW, I had already been drinking copious amounts of green tea for a couple of days without this effect so I know it was due to the borax) I also treated my face with the borax/H2O2 in water and the acne and rash were almost gone after two days, and the spots are now healing. A rather disturbing effect of the borax taken internally is that you could feel it working. I now know exactly where all my sinus cavities and canals are because I could feel them burning one after another (I did not know I had a cavity in the top of my head and back of my head linked by canals behind the ears and over the top of the head and behind the eyes to the sinus cavities in front. I wonder what these are called?). Interestingly my bad wrist and toes would burn also, and a small area of my lower left abdomen (inflamed intestine maybe?). The most disturbing sensation was to feel critters die all over my body in the middle of the night. Needless to say I did not sleep well, the sensation could drive a person raving mad. Also, yesterday morning after oil pulling my right nostril began to drain lots of thin watery and waxy clear yellow-orange fluid. I have no idea where that was from but I assume it was a good thing to get rid of it.
Three days into the borax treatment my week long headache went away. The strange acne is now healed (5 days - internal and external treatment). I still cough and have some chest congestion but now at least I am coughing productively. I am hoping the chest congestion will clear up soon. My bad wrist and toes do not hurt as much nor pop as much as they used to. Possibly I had beginning stages of RA (I am 29) and the borax killed of the mycoplasma? I don't know but I am happy about it, I didn't expect the treatment to help.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Mariah's Miracle Remedy
Miracle Remedy
1. one cup apple cider vinegar { not filtered }
2.one cup raw honey
3.eight organic cloves of garlic
Mix in blender for 60 seconds . Pour mixture into a glass container . Leave in refrig. for 5 days . Add two teaspoons of mixture into a glass of orange juice before breakfast and drink. Everyday.