the digestion and hydration and hormone systems were in a mess with allergies and candida and muscle issues due to stress, then menopause. I read a lot of books and websites looking for answers. I also try supplements and hormone creams and exercises.
8-8oz. glasses water with 1/2 tsp sea salt with iodine in diet on food to keep body from producing hystamine signals
Start my day with two cups of water and then half hour later eat and take my supplements . I like a cup of coffee. (coffee drinkers need folic acid )
Drink a cup of water or two half hour before lunch
Extra water added when drinking cups of coffee or chocolate eaten for desert
Take some cranberry supplements for intestinal health, juice adds a lot of calories.
Drink two glasses of water half hour before dinner and take a second dose of multi minerals and magnesium citrate ( both are filling out my muscle and reducing sags and wrinkling from age)
Drink water before bed and drink a glass everytime I wake up during the night, if I wake up. I use 1/2 tsp, progesterone cream before bed and all my muscles are improving dramatically. I also use coconut oil and baking soda to brush my teeth.
In the past twelve months of trying different vits mins and hormones along with diet and exercise my health has improved dramatically and lately getting back on my water and salt routines, I am feeling WELL.
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As for remedies, I have two things in mind that might help. One, an age old herbal that has broad spectrum effect from detoxification to healing ---Comfrey. Yes, it is toxic in high doses or continual usage, just begin small and increase. I experienced toxicity issues w/ Comfrey but got much alleviation by upping my Milk Thistle and adding NAC (the active pyrrolidazine alkaloids deplete glutathione in the liver). How about my often recommended Zinc / Vit-A ?? which would surely help heal the gut and build immunity, and are somewhat affordable nutrients. Second, I too suffer major ATP or energy productions issues and nothing has been more helpful than Quercetin. 250mg has noticeable effects that last all day. A new form which is touted to be much more absorbable and effective is the dehydroquercetin (hope this spelling is correct); I haven't tried this form yet, but from the natural plant derived extract form alone being so helpful, I can't help but believe that as little as 250mg of the dehydro form would do a major lift in your energy. If either or both these nutrients could get you back to a level of hope and possibility it would maybe begin a few more positive things to occur.
I have made minor improvements in the last few months, but am yet on unsustainable course, unless I can make at least one major improvement. Like yourself, I face the high likelihood of simply succumbing to the laws of nature.
Hope this helps. Keep in touch.
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Something else that I have considered that could indeed help you is Magnet therapy. I have proly already mentioned it, but I have had good results, and especially recently w/ a very powerful magnet. Strength is key. A large Magnet from a blown speaker would work. You can administer this yourself, with the exception of the back and spinal area which would need an assistant. In the case of your heavy metals, you might need to use some Fulvic Acid, Coriander /Cilantro as some of these metals will displace during treatment. A clay footbath will work good for capturing these loosed heavy metals.
Back to the Comfrey. I said "detoxifier" which isn't exactly true; it's a good "purifier" as it chelates toxins to the liver for detox. Also, Comfrey is a good healer especially of the epithelial tissues like Lung, Kidneys, Intestines. Just getting those organs "re-built" alone would help.
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Take two tablespoons of ACV with 1/2 tspn sodium bicarbonate in half a glass of water three times a day with split doses of between 300-600 mgs magnesium Gluconate per day.
1/4 teaspoon of baking soda plus 3 drops of 3% H2O2 in one glass taken in the morning to help the energy level. (How Long should one keep taking this)?
For Liver Detox:
* Chanca Piedra -- 1000 mgs twice a day at mealtimes.
* Milk Thistle -- 1000 mgs twice a day at mealtimes
* Alpha Lipoic Acid -- 300 mgs twice a day at mealtimes
* Selenium -- 100 micrograms twice a day at mealtimes.
* Vitamin C -- As Ascorbate, 1000 mgs twice a day at mealtimes
How long should I keep taking these for liver detox?
Lugol's Iodine (Since I have Hashimoto, is it OK to try this? If yes, how long should I keep taking this?).
Dosage: 2 to 4 drops twice a day in a glass of water.
Borax: 1/8 tsp. Plus 1/8 tsp. natural sea salt in a liter of Fluoride free water.
Take CoQ10, Fish Oil and Vitamin D3, Continue taking Cymbalta, and Synthroid. Try RO filtered water for a few weeks. Be on Gluten free diet.
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Many people are also in the doctor's mindset where they expect to take perhaps a few pills for a while in the morning and they will be quickly cured. This cure, of course, rarely if ever materializes when you have a serious autoimmune disorder like Heart Disease or Arthritis or even Candida. A certain greater effort has to be made by the sufferer if he or she uses alternative remedies. And if the sufferer infers that this is too inconvenient and their job is more important than their health then, further on down the timeline after using just drugs, when the disease progresses unabated and he or she then becomes completely incapacitated and they lose job as a result -- where are they then ?
When modern medicine describes a disease as autoimmune or idiopathic, this simpy means that modern medicine does not have any damn clue at all what causes that disease. So, in the end, how can modern medicine cure your autoimmune disease when they don't even understand it's etiology properly ?
If people are still eating processed or poor nutritional food -- and this is very hard to avoid nowadays -- then supplementing nutrients such as Iodine, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Zinc, the B Vitamins etc on a daily basis and in proper orthomolecular dosages becomes an urgent daily health necessity.
Lastly, I read a wonderful explanation on the difference between modern medicine and TCM the other day. Modern medicine deals with the study of disease whereas TCM deals mainly with the study and promotion of good health for the body. That's it in a nutshell.
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Should I be taking green tea if I am trying to avoid Fluoride?
Although there is a possibility of Green Tea containing fluoride, the reason you are taking GT is to help you remove heavy metals efficiently from your body. And so if you are also taking lugol's Iodine -- then this will help to remove both fluorine and bromine from the body at the same time. So where is the conflict? For myself, I always take both green tea AND lugol's iodine regularly on a daily basis to avoid the fluorine problem but this choice is really yours.
Will all of these help my insomnia, memory loss and complete lack of libido. Or should I add some other supplements to my routine?
There can be several reasons for the above problems. A main reason for the above problems could be because of a lack of iodide for the thyroid -- which causes a drop in the body's overall metabolic rate where your body processes became less effeicient in other words. So the thyroid can also be thought of as a governor of the the body's hormonal sytem because every hormone receptor in the body(not just the thyroid gland) needs iodine/iodide to work efficiently. Other nutrients that will also help you to increase energy and relax are methyl cobolamine(B12 -- 1000 mcgs per day) and Magnesium Threonate. You can also use Mag Citrate or Mag gluconate(250 mgs twice a day) as alternatives.
What dosage is good for me for adding Sodium Molybdate or Molybdenum to my protocol. How do I take this, and do I take this everyday and for how long?
Ted recommends taking between 10mgs and 25 mgs of Sodium Molybdate a day for only about two weeks, which is a much higher daily dosage than the recommended RDA max of 900 micrograms per day. Therefore, you will most likely have difficulty getting dosages higher tha 900 mcgms unless you buy the powder form. But even 900 mcg dosages of molybdenum can be helpful to your problems.
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Take two tablespoons of ACV with 1/4 tspn baking soda in half a glass of hot water two times a day 5 days/week.
For Liver Detox:
* Chanca Piedra -- 1000 mgs twice a day at mealtimes.
* Milk Thistle -- 1000 mgs twice a day at mealtimes
* Alpha Lipoic Acid -- 300 mgs twice a day at mealtimes
* Selenium -- 100 micrograms twice a day at mealtimes.
* Vitamin C -- As Ascorbate, 1000 mgs twice a day at mealtimes
Magensium Citrate 400MG twice a day
I take all the above mentioned supplements for 5 days/week then take a break for two days.
Lugol's Iodine
Dosage: 2 to 4 drops twice a day 2% in a glass of water. Built up the dose to 8 drops twice per day for 5 days/week.
Borax: 1/8 tsp. Plus 1/8 tsp. Natural sea salt in a liter of Fluoride free water. Taking it for 4 days and then discontinue for 3 days.
Take CoQ10, Fish Oil and Vitamin D3, Continue taking Cymbalta, and Synthroid. Drink RO filtered water for five days and drink spring water for two days.
Be on Gluten free diet. (Not able to do it on a very regular basis.)
My results:
As soon as I went on this plan, I started seeing improvement. Biggest improvement was in my mood. I felt more energetic and happier. I started sleeping better. My joint pain got better.
After following this plan for 6 weeks, I could not continue it because of some family issues for 5 weeks. Now for last two weeks, I am back on the plan. But this time, I tried 5% lugol iodine 4-5 drops twice a day. After taking this for 2-3 days, I have a severe mouth sore. Both corners of lips have cracks. It hurts to open my mouth wide. When I eat anything spicy, my mouth is burning a lot. So I stopped taking Iodine for the time being.
I would appreciate if Bill from Phillippines will again advice me for the following issues:
1. Am I right in thinking that my sore mouth is a side effect of too much Iodine. If true, when should I go back on IODINE and what dosage? I have two bottles of 5% Lugol's Iodine sitting here. Can I just take this and if yes, what dosage?
2. You had adviced me to take molybdenum. I just bought Chelated Molybdenum with 150mcg of molybdenum in it. Is it OK to start it now and how much of it per day? Should I continously take it for 12 days and then stop it?
3. I also started taking Rhodiola 300 mg 1 tablet with 1 vitamin 400mg E tablet. Right now I take these two tablet every other day, and take Cymbalta every other day with the hope of quitting Cymbalta soon. Is this OK to do?
4. Is there anything you can suggest to me that I can add to my protocol for memory improvement, and retention? There are events and things that take place and I completely forget them as if it never even register in my mind. My father has alzheimer so this is very scary for me.
5. Also what can I take for lack of libido? There is total lack of it.
6. I have extreme puffiness under my eyes. Some time people ask me about my eye bags to see if everything is OK. Is this indicative of some health issue that I am not aware of? My doctor has checked my kidney function and it is OK. Can I take something to get rid of these bags?
I will really appreciate Bill if you can please guide me with my protocol. Thank you very much. Every thing you suggested last time worked for me.
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Liver Protocol
Your dosage of Selenium is too low. You should be taking 200 mcg of selnium twice a day. Adding acetyl cysteine to this protocol will also help -- 600 mgs twice a day -- and would also benefit you. Selenium is essential to the production of thyroid hormone and helps to avoid auto-immune thyroid problems when taking iodine. After this post, I will be putting up some research by Dr Guy Abraham from the Iodine Project, which explains why and how selenium prevents autoimmune thyroiditis which explains why and how his iodine protocol cures both Hashimotos and Graves disease. You should read this to understand the reasonswhy it is good for low thyroid. I must also add that the liver protocol that I advise also greatly helps the performance of the thyroid -- due to increased production of glutathione peroxidase in the body -- and so this should perhaps be renamed the LIver and Thyroid Suport Protocol for clarity.
Lugols Iodine
This is absolutely essential to your protocol against candida and is essential to improve your thyroid and hence improve your energy and mood. I normally advise taking between 8 to 16 drops per day of 5% LI against candida. This may also cause a rapid Herx or candida die-off reaction and may also cause a sudden heavy metals detox reaction(similar to Herx reaction) at the same time. If this happens then just reduce the dosage to bearable levels. I have helped people with candida from third world countries -- these people can easily take dosages of of over 30 drops of lugols per day(6 drops LI in water 5 times a day) because their food is more natural and unpolluted - unlike in the west where all food is processed and polluted with heavy metals, pesticides etc. , which is why western people can barely take one drop of iodine(iodine is a wonderful detoxer). Iodine is not at fault here -- the problem is a bad processe food diet which is greatly lacking in anti-oxidants as well.
You had adviced me to take molybdenum. I just bought Chelated Molybdenum with 150mcg of molybdenum in it. Is it OK to start it now and how much of it per day? Should I continously take it for 12 days and then stop it?
The molybdenum will neutralize and help remove all the aldehyde and alcohol poison waste from the candida and will reduce any die-off effect. These poisons affect the body and the brain in many bad ways -- problems like brain fog, forgetfulness, unclear thinking, low thyroid, mood, lethargy may all be attributed to these candida poisons. Molybdenum also kills the candida. At the moment you are only taking a very small dose of molybdenum. I would raise your dose, if you can to at least 10 mgs to 25 mgs of molybdenum -- or at least to 900 mcgs per day in three split doses of 300 mcgs -- and take this for two weeks -- then take a week off molybdenum and start again. I also realize that you may have trouble buying molybdenum in these larger amounts but you can buy it as a powder on the internet -- so I leave this up to you.
Is there anything you can suggest to me that I can add to my protocol for memory improvement, and retention? There are events and things that take place and I completely forget them as if it never even register in my mind. My father has alzheimer so this is very scary for me.
The borax and the iodine should help the brain and help prevent Alzheimers. Another protocol is Ted's Carbicarb protocol -- shown here. I must also emphasize that your memory improvement will not occur overnight -- it will take some months before your memory starts to improve -- this was my own experiencewhen I cured my candida -- and this usually bears a direct relationship to your supplemented lugols iodine reaching proper iodine storage levels in your body which can take 3 to 6 months or longer and is usually dependent on the iodine dose that you are taking every day now.
Also what can I take for lack of libido? There is total lack of it.
I would recommend supplementing Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia) which is a very natural and beneficial way to raise you testosterone levels. I would avoid using viagra, ciallis and yohimbe because these just create an erection with no feeling. When you have sex regularly as a man, the nerves in the penis get damaged and need repair -- Goats Weed and Maca are also good for this aspect but viagra, ciallis and yohimbe only act to constrict the the veins(outgoing blood) from the penis and that;'s all they do. Viagra and cialis can also adversely effect the heart which is why I would avod using them. Tongkat Ali is all natural -- and beneficial to the body. Just to also add that, if you are regularly taking borax, then this should also help balance your libido to more normal and active levels again.
I have extreme puffiness under my eyes. Some time people ask me about my eye bags to see if everything is OK. Is this indicative of some health issue that I am not aware of? My doctor has checked my kidney function and it is OK. Can I take something to get rid of these bags?
Puffiness under the eyes and cracked skin at the corners of the mouth can also be a sign or symptom of low iodine. I also had low iodine and puffy eyes with bags under my eyes when I had candida. And when I got rid of my candida I was left with huge empty suitcases under my eyes -- my eyes looked old, sunken and horrible!! So I tried some things and what worked for me the best was to combine 50% castor oil and 50% VCO and rub it around my eyes every night and every morning. I also rubbed 1% hdrogen peroxide around my eyes and eyebrows (with eyes tight shut!! ) after showering. The reason I did this protocol was that I reasoned that muck usually collects around the corners of our eyes -- and we tend to rub this out onto the skin below. This muck, as far as I'm concerned, is a breeding ground and food for bacteria, viruses and fungus. So doing this protocol gets rid of the pathogens in this area and the skin returns to its normal tightness and elasticity -- and the bags are gone.
Many of your problems seem to relate to low iodine problems -- so I would continue taking the lugols iodine as a priority. It would also benefit you to take Ted's lemon/lime alkalizing formula and also taking the sodium bicarbonate and water remedies as detailed in my protocol. These protocols will alkalize the cells and the blood, help kill candida, remove biofilms and also help to remove heavy metals. It was a major part of my own successful protocol when I got rid of my own candida. I would also take the B vitamins in the form of B50 every day -- once a day -- this will benefit you in many ways.
General Feedback
- I am adding molybdenum 900mcg per day 300mcg (3 times/day). I will take it for two weeks and rest for a week. Should I keep repeating this cycle for a few months?
- What is Ted's Carbicarb protocol? I read the link that you suggested but not sure which one is Carbicarb protocol?
- For lack of libido, you suggested Tongkat Ali. I am a 58 years old female. Does this work for male and female both or should I take goats weed and Maca both and what should be the dosage
- Question regarding the protocol for under eye puffiness involving (50% castor oil and 50% VCO and rub it around eyes every night and every morning and also rub 1% hydrogen peroxide around eyes and eyebrows (with eyes tight shut!!) after showering)):
- Do I rub caster oil and VCO in the morning after I rub Hydrogen peroxide?
- Do I take Ted's lemon/lime alkalizing formula in addition to baking soda and ACV that I take twice a day with hot water?
- Is it a good idea to use Either Himalayan pink salt or Sea salt for cooking and for table salt? If I do this, how do other members of the family get Iodine since neither of these salts have IODINE in it?
- Should I also add VCO to my protocol and how much should I take every day?
- Should I stop eating fruits because of sugar content Are there any fruits that one can eat while trying to get rid of candida problems?
- I have started taking LI 5% again with 2 drops twice a day. If symptoms that I am having with sore mouth and burning of mouth don't go away after a while, do I need to make any changes or just ignore them?
- Is it OK to keep taking Vitamin E 400mg and Rhodiola 300mcg per day with this protocol that I am trying for candida?
- I also wanted to mention one other condition that I keep having. I get infection in my eyes often specially when I am visiting India. My eyes got mild form of conjunctivitis every few days when I was in India 6 weeks ago. I don't know if it is a symptom of my candida problem. I just wanted to bring this to your attention.
Thank you again for all your help.
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I am adding molybdenum 900mcg per day 300mcg (3 times/day). I will take it for two weeks and rest for a week. Should I keep repeating this cycle for a few months?
Yes repeat this cycle as necessary
What is Ted's Carbicarb protocol? I read the link that you suggested but not sure which one is Carbicarb protocol?
The carbicarb protocol consists of: 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, 1/4 teaspoon of sodium carbonate, 1/4 teaspoon of potassium citrate (or another similar one such as potassium bicarbonate) in a glass of water twice a day.
For lack of libido, you suggested Tongkat Ali. I am a 58 years old female. Does this work for male and female both or should I take goats weed and Maca both and what should be the dosage
Tongkat Ali increases the libido of both men and women. Take as recommended on the packet that you buy.
Do I rub caster oil and VCO in the morning after I rub Hydrogen peroxide?
Do both prtotocols twice a day -- it does not matter whether you do them both at the same time or at different times.
Do I take Ted's lemon/lime alkalizing formula in addition to baking soda and ACV that I take twice a day with hot water?
Yes. Take the sodium bicarb and water remedy at least twice a day 1/2 hr to 1 hour after meals.
Is it a good idea to use Either Himalayan pink salt or Sea salt for cooking and for table salt? If I do this, how do other members of the family get Iodine since neither ofthese salts have IODINE in it?
Sea Salt is better than refined table salt because it is more alkaline and because it contains more healthy minerals. In my opinion the iodine in iodized table salt is too small to be of benefit. Best to take kelp or lugols if you are defficient -- 12. 5 mgs a day. The recommended RDA for iodine is only 150 micrograms -- this is also way too small for a daily iodine dose and will not sustain the whole body's need for iodine(not just the thyroid).
Should I also add VCO to my protocol and how much should I take every day?
Two tablespoons a day with meals.
Should I stop eating fruits because of sugar content Are there any fruits that one can eat while trying to get rid of candida problems?
Fruits contain sugar so no sweet fruits in the diet.
I have started taking LI 5% again with 2 drops twice a day. If symptoms that I am having with sore mouth and burning of mouth don't go away after a while, do I need to make any changes or just ignore them?
I doubt whether lugols iodine is the actual cause of this problem -- which can be caused by menopause, candida(thrush), lack of folic acid etc.
Is it OK to keep taking Vitamin E 400mg and Rhodiola 300mcg per day with this protocol that I am trying for candida?
These herbs should not create any problems.
I also wanted to mention one other condition that I keep having. I get infection in my eyes often specially when I am visiting India. My eyes got mild form of conjunctivitis every few days when I was in India 6 weeks ago. I don't know if it is a symptom of my candida problem. I just wanted to bring this to your attention.
Conjunctivitis can also be caused by candida. Similarly other tyoes of allergies and sensitivities can be caused by candida. Once you cure the candida, these allergies usually disappear.
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What is maintenance dose for molybenum for general health, I have the pure powder, can you give me the measurement in spoon size and how often to take ?
Also I am taking 20000 iu of Vitamin D3, what other supplement (how much) I should take to prevent any calcificaiton in the blood ? (I saw in your older post) What dosage do you recommend since I don't get too much sun in winter ?
Thanks Bill
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Unfortunately, there is no way that you can estimate, by eye or by spoon, 900 micrograms or even 10 mgs or 20 mgs -- its just too small. You will need an electronic weighing machine. Perhaps the best way to do this would be to purchase both a small weighing machine and a pill machine from an internet seller like PureBulk.com and make up your own pills like that.
The Vitamin D3 should help with calcium metabolism but magnesium will also be needed too. Magnesium dosage -- Mg chloride or Mg citrate -- should be 250 mgs twice a day. Vitamin K is also helpful -- take the regular advised dosage on the bottle. If blood calcium is a real problem for you, I would also recommend 1000 mg capsules(or 1/4 teaspoon of the powder form) of Chanca piedra -- taken at mealtimes or just take the tea form three times a day. Chanca piedra is a mild diuretic that is highly useful for removing any excess calcium from the body and the blood in a safe way. Excess calcium also inhibits iodide uptake in the thyroid. And if you have any excess calcium in the blood -- caused by problems like osteoporosis -- then taking boron or borax would certainly help this problem. The highest concentration of boron is always found in the parathyroid whose main function is to regulate just the removal of calcium from the bone. Calcitonin -- a hormone from the thyroid gland -- is the one that regulates bone formation. So if boron is lacking in the diet, bone removal is increased with a higher amount of calcium being removed from the bone than bone formation -- hence osteoporosis and excess calcium in the blood. Too much calcium in the blood causes mitochondrial degeneration, loss of energy in the cells and also tends to inhibit iodide uptake to the thyroid and so it becomes like a vicious circle -- where a lack of iodine for the thyroid will tend to slow bone formation and a lack of boron in the diet also increases and accelerates bone removal. So proper daily iodine is also important to achieve correct balance in the body's bone regulation.
But the major reason for excess calcium in the blood is perhaps still due to a bad diet -- too much dairy in the diet through eating too much processed and heavily calcium-fortified food.
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So I don't think that 20,000 ius is too much. I've also read occasions where cancer sufferers have taken over and upwards of 50,000 ius and more for their cancer problems.
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I stopped talking Cymbalta after weaning myself off for 3-4 weeks. I was taking Rhodiola and Vitamin E all this time when I was gradually decreasing my dose for cymbalta. For I week now, I stopped Rhodiola and Vitamin E to see if some of my extreme fatigue, low energy, and back pain was due to Rhodiola. Instead, I am taking SAM-E 400mg once in the morning.
I was on Cymbalta for 5 years. I am not sure if some of my symtoms are because of Cymbalta withdrawl. Though today I have been off Cymbalta for 6 weeks.
I still take Synthroid. can that be a problem since I take Lugol's Iodine now?
Currently I am taking:
* Take two tablespoons of ACV with 1/4 tspn baking soda in half a glass of hot water 1-2 times a day 5 days/week.
* I take 1/4tsp. of Baking soda in half a glass of water 2 times/day.
* Have not done carbicarb protocol yet. I need to buy Sodium Carbonate before I can start this.
For Liver Detox:
* Chanca Piedra -- 1000 mgs twice a day at mealtimes. Has not taken this for last two weeks.
* Milk Thistle -- 1000 mgs twice a day at mealtimes
* Alpha Lipoic Acid -- 300 mgs twice a day at mealtimes
* Selenium -- 200 micrograms twice a day at mealtimes.
* Vitamin C -- As Ascorbate, 1000 mgs twice a day at mealtimes
* Vitamin B-Complex 50 once a day.
* Tongkat Ali 80mg twice/day at mealtimes.
* N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine 600mg twice/day at mealtimes
* Chelated Molybdenum with 150mcg of molybdenum in it. Taking two tablets 3 times a day for two weeks, then off one week.
* Magensium L-Threonate 3 times a day with meals.
I take all the above mentioned supplements for 5 days/week then take a break for two days.
Lugol's Iodine
Dosage: 6 drops twice a day 2% in a glass of water twice per day for 5 days/week.
Borax: 1/8 tsp. Plus 1/8 tsp. Natural sea salt in a liter of Fluoride free water. Taking it for 4 days and then discontinue for 3 days.
Take Ubiquinol 200mg , Fish Oil and Vitamin D3 5000, and Synthroid. Drink RO filtered water for five days and drink spring water for two days.
Be on Gluten and dairy free diet. (Not able to do it on a very regular basis.)
I think I mentioned everything that I am taking. Thank you for all your help.
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Synthroid only ever provides T4 for your body. Natural Dessicated Thyroid provides T1, T2, T3, T4 as well as Calcitonin for your body in a natural form. Cacitonin is necessary for your body for good bone health -- and also helps to avoid bone loss problems as occurs in diseases like osteoporosis.
And here is why TSH tests are such poor indicators of thyroid health:
Mistakes Patients Make(or their Doctors make for them)
You should get the Free T3 and Free T4 thyroid tests done instead. These are much more accurate tests than the TSH tests. Insist on this from your doctor.
Here is an interesting article, which might help you to understand more on the relationship between thyroid problems and Fibromyalgia:
Fibromyalgia - its not what you think!
Both getting a more accurate Free T3 and Free T4 test and switching to Natural Dessicated Thyroid should help to resolve most of your thyroid/fibromylgia issues in time. Issues and similar symptoms to low thyroid and fibromyalgia(lethargy, low energy, myalgia etc) can also be due to low iron or ferritin levels(anaemia) in the blood, low B12 levels and adrenal insufficiency problems.
Just to also add that your anger, irritation and depression etc may well be the result of you coming off Cymbalta(duloxetine):
Duloxetine -- Discontinuation Syndrome
Your discontinuation problems of depression and irratibility can perhaps be helped by adding 500 mgs of niacinamide, taken twice a day at meals, to your protocols.
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I will start taking Natural Dessicated Thyroid right away instead of Cynthroid and ask for the test that you suggested.
I am going to see my doctor soon. Could you please tell me all the different tests (including any hair analysis that needs to be done) I should request to get done so I have a complete picture of my deficiencies and needs and then may be after seeing my results, you can tweak my protocol to match my particular needs.
Should I add something more to SAM-E to help me with my low mood, depression, anger and irritation. Or should I go back to Cymbalta. I don't want to go back to Cymbalta if I can take something more natural to deal with this. I have Rhodiola sitting at home that I stopped taking to see if any of my reaction was due to Rhodiola. Should I add Rhodiola also in addition to 500 mgs of niacinamide or just try niacinamide right now? It has been 6 weeks since I have not taken any Cymbalta, can the withdrawl symptoms last this long and this severe?
Thank you very much for all your help and advice.
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* Free T3 and T4 test
* Adrenal Insufficiency Tests
* Ferritin(iron) level blood tests.
* Fluoride level tests(from blood tests or hair analysis)
* Switch from Synthroid (synthetic T4) to a Natural Dessicated Thyroid Hormone(bio-identical thyroid hormone)
I also notice that you live in Michigan so I think you are in luck. Dr David Brownstein, one of the finest authorities on the use of lugols iodine, on thyroid problems, on fibromyalgia and on the use of bio-identical hormones (he has written definitive books on all these subjects) also practices in Michigan. He is a board certified MD who also practices Holistic Medicine and, when I looked up your town -- Novi -- on Google Maps, I saw that you live less than 6 miles from his practice -- in West Bloomfield -- just a few minutes drive away from your house in Novi!! Here are Dr Brownstein's contact details:
The Center for Holistic Medicine
5821 W. Maple Rd. , Ste 192
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Tel: (248) 851-1600
Website: http://www.drbrownstein.com/
So if I were you I would perhaps change your doctor and contact Dr Brownstein immediately and simply ask for an appointment. He specializes in treating people with the same problems that you are experiencing. Dr Brownstein will also know exactly what tests to perform and he should be able to help you to eventually achieve a full recovery from all your problems.
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In putting my health plan together I am mostly guided by keeping it simple and by Ted's?? advise: "Therefore, above all else, you must first concentrate on restoring and healing your intestines in order to restore your nutritional pathways". To put my health plan in context,
these are my health issues : Urinary and saliva pH remains around pH 5.5, already for years in spite of cutting out all acid forming foods. I am diagnosed with high blood pressure (varying 150/78-178/82), calcified pineal gland, fibromyalgia, prolapsed bladder and bowel. Further I have long standing lower back/shoulder/hip pain, sleeping issues (waking up after 2-3hrs), serious toenail fungus, suspected candida and mal-absorption of nutrients and gained 10kg in last 5 years in spite of healthy home grown organic diet (no sugar, processed foods, soft drinks, alcohol, red meat, minimal gluten and dairy intake and one cup of coffee first thing in the morning. I use only VCO, have tsp. Camu camu daily, trransdermal magnesium as needed, changed to boiled tank water as tap water fluorided and have hardly used any pharmaceutical drugs throughout my life). I am now 68 and my health is deteriorating; I am needing to do something now, before it is too late to improve my health.
- Alkalising: minimum urinary pH of 6.5, ideally 7. The salivary pH is ideally 7.3, but minimum is 7. For simplicity sake, both urinary pH and salivary pH should generally be 7)
- Ted's bicarb and water remedy 3 times a day, ½ hour to 1 hour after finishing your meals. Take the ACV or lemon/lime remedy with bicarb and water in between meals.
- Borax: upto 1/4 tsp on a litre water sipped through the day for only 4 out of 7 A hormone balancer, fluoride remover and the ultimate fungal killer. Borax can also kill mycoplasma, a strange fungal like bacteria that can also infect your intestines as well as the rest of your body.
- Magnesium: For boron (compound of Borax) to be fully effective in reversing tissue calcification ample magnesium is required. For elderly individuals I recommend 400 to 600 mg of magnesium together with the daily borax supplementation spaced out during the day, and with protracted joint problems additional trans-dermal magnesium. Transdermal magnesium is bypassing necessity of needing to be digested and absorbed through ill-functioning intestines and will help resolve calcium problems and tissue pain. Spray areas once a day and let dry. Magnesium Chloride also has further beneficial effect on body as it is involved in over 300 enzyme and co-enzyme processes. The best magnesium supplements to take are Mag Chloride, Mag Citrate or Mag gluconate. Magnesium should definitely help your tissue acidity and is involved in over 300 major enzyme processes in your body and is a very important mineral
- Sea Salt: Take at least half a tsp of sea salt a day with water. Few seem to realise that sodium, in the form of sea salt and in proper amounts, is essential to the absoption pathways at the intestines/blood and at the blood/cells levels where sodium is traded out of the cell, via sodium pumps or symporters, for other essential minerals. If you don't take enough sea salt, your mineral absorption pathways will therefore be impaired. If you take sea salt then you should also drink more water to help detox the blood in order to maintain proper mineral/water balance. Sea salt also acts like a safe antibiotic in the intestines and delivers many other beneficial micro-minerals safely to the body.
- Glutamine: 500mgs twice a day with meals. because of its beneficial healing effects on the intestines
Daily liquid intake
- 50 ml of water mixed with ½ tsp of sea salt in the morning
- 100ml of juice with 100ml water and mixed with 50ml of Aloe Vera gel- 1 hr before food
- 50ml of warm water mixed with camu camu and 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper after lunch
- 1 litre water with whole ground lemon incl. 6ml hawthorn berries extract during the day
- 1 litre water mixed with 1/4 tsp borax sipped throughout the day
For high blood pressure:
- Hawthorn berries: 3x daily 1-2ml daily in small quantity of water (shake before use)
- Frozen whole lemons grounded: high potassium beneficial for hbb
Phase 2: Enhancing intestinal health, mineral absorption and immune system
- Humic/Fulvic Acid: (dosis???) Raw chicken liver. Fulvic acid helps to make all the foods you eat bioavailable and this will increase all the mineral almost across the board, to optimum levels. Taking a fulvic acid supplements will normalize the mineral balance greatly within a month. Raw chicken liver is the best humic/fulvic acid source.
- Vitamin C: Continue 1 tsp of camu camu
For immune system: Niacinamide: 500 mgs 3x daily at mealtimes taken with (B50 once daily ). Niacin and niacinamide also help kill candida
B3 can increase the effectiveness of the immune system by a factor of 1000. This fact alone will help your body to more effectively defeat any pathogen in the body. B3 should always be taken with B50 or B100 complex for its synergistic effecs.
Thank you very much for taking the trouble to read and maybe improve on my plan
General Feedback
* Take broadband pathogen killers that not only kill candida but also kill associated bacteria, parasites and viruses as well
* Detox heavy metals, bad halogens and other toxins from your body(a root cause of candida)
* Full mineral and vitamin support to address the nutrients lacking in your diet
* Liver support protocol(optional) to lessen the detox and die-off effects
* Diet -- avoid all processed foods(another root cause for candida)
To confirm whether you do have candida and for your own peace of mind -- take the test questionnaire at this site: http://www.flora-balance.com/candidaquestionnairelong.php
The full candida protocol is shown here: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/candida2.html
Just some notes about the protocol that you have decided on:
* Borax is a good candida killer and fluoride remover, but using lugol's iodine(as recommended in the protocol) as well borax will make your protocol even more effective. I have had great success using this borax/lugols iodine combination in candida protocols that I have recommended for other people by email. Using borax with lugols iodine together is a very strong remedy. Not only does it kill the candida in the intestines and in the blood, iodine also chelates and removes cadmium, aluminium, mercury, lead and arsenic from the body and is the main remedy for removing bromine and fluorine from the body.
* Your heavy metal detox can also be improved by eating raw cilantro in salads 3 times a week and also drinking green tea several times a day. Chlorella is another good one for removing heavy metals from the body.
* Fulvic/humic acid does not come from chicken livers. Ted recommends liquidized chicken livers as a good daily nutrient baseline for all your vitamin, mineral and amino acid needs in the body. Although I agree with this, I prefer taking the dessicated liver tablets. Humic acid is found in pre-carbonacious rock stratas where dead plants have turned into 75 million year old humus or humic acid. Thermodynamic pressure has also been applied to these plant deposits which then become highly complex molecules that will help to kill candida(anti-biofilm), anti-viral, detox the body, supply trace minerals to the body, heal intestines and do alot more besides.
Ted also now recommends taking Sodium Molybdate for candida and this is also a very effective candida killer. Another advantage of taking molybdenum is that it neutralizes aldehydes by helping to increase a body enzyme called aldehyde oxidase which removes aldehydes from the body -- aldehydes are a main aflatoxin excreted by the candida. The only trouble is that you have to buy the powder form of molybdate to be able to take the 10 - 20 mg dose that Ted recommends -- the pill form RDA dosage maximum for molybdenum is only about 900 micrograms.
Your other problems -- calcified pineal gland, myalgia and bone pain, fibromyalgia, serious toenail fungus, malabsorption of nutrients etc should all be helped with this protocol, since they would all seem to be related to your candida problems.
Overall all your protocol is pretty good but please take note of the diet with this protocol which is also very important. Hopefully I've clarifed some aspects of this protocol for you.
General Feedback
I'm already learning that my body seems to respond quite fiercely to substances it is not familiar with. I soaked my feet in ½ bleach and ½ water and ended up with dreadful skin eruptions around root of toes and front part of foot. Fortnight later and it is still oozing some pus and turning blue under the skin. Fortunately, I had both my feet in the same solution for the same times and the other foot came out just the same as it had gone in. If I had only put my fungussed foot in, I would have been so worried. Yesterday I took the first 1/8 of borax in litre water and ended up with bad neck/headache, so I did not take today. The kind of neck/headache very much reminded me of a similar pain I had more than 10years ago when I took lamisil for fungus toenails. Only 2 days of this medication left me unable to move around due to neck/headache and tests revealed that my liver could not handle it. So I am suspecting that again my liver is not coping and will take on board your feedback to support liver function and do some research how best to do that. I will also start with very low amounts of whatever new supplement I am taking to lessen detox effects.
I am confused about your feedback to take full mineral and vitamin support to address nutrients lacking in my diet, as my understanding from other earthclinic info is that with severe acidity metabolism is not functioning properly and unable to absorb the goodness of supplements. For the last 2 years my diet (fruits, vegies, herbs) come straight out of the quality soil of my organic garden, yet I am obviously not absorbing the goodness of this either. On top of that, I couldn't afford too many of those supplements either. It would help me to know which supplements are truly essential to take and to what extend malabsorption would detrimentally influence their effectiveness.
Can removing heavy metal, if that is present in my body, taken care of at a later stage when alkalising and candida has been taken care of?
One last question, when my body starts detoxing could that further spike my high blood pressure?
Good health to you and all other earthclinic contributors.
General Feedback
I bought golden seal, tea tree oil. Co-q10 head lice for my smelly scalp. I apply it the moment I got my stuff! A givenooria (wrong spelling) shampoo and conditioner! All from online. It seriously does help me with scalp odor. but the headlice smell as in the stuff I used is still there.
Doesn't smell already! I also bought givoneerina shampoo and conditioner! My hair IS SUPER SOFT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE! Lols.. and also many other stuff.. I've bought artichoke pills, co-q10 also. I started popping pills like they were sweets.
1) for how long does golden seal help? does it comes out with vaginal discharge when ur took it too? thanks!
Help Requested
I did some yoga stretches, sore of course, but extreme pain!!! Feels like poison. I cant use a sauna, I cant take any heat - I assume my adrenals, so I just take coriander, sodium thiosulphate, chlorella, wheat grass, lots of greens. It could also be calcium in my tissues. But how would I know? My hair analysis says both.
I'm sorry to hear you keep bumping into road blocks. I still say, don't give up! I know it can be discouraging but keep working to move forward. Let me know when you get that earthing mat!
Peace to you, Lisa
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Of most interest was the emf protector. I can't use the computer or phone without being electrocuted so I don't get very far trying to research your ideas because 10 mins into it I'm screaming in pain. Can you tell me more about your emf protection?
As for the q-link, here is the website:
You will find information about how it works, testimonials from some pretty impressive people, and the products. I have been wearing a q-link for about 12 years now. I have noticed there are a lot more products available now since I purchased my q-link. I wear the silver retro pendant which back then was the only silver one they offered.
Hope this info helps you. I wish you the best in your quest, Lisa
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Also, did you check into the EMF protection that I had given you the links for? I really think that might be a key to helping you. I thought of you when I saw the earthing sleeping bag because I think I remember you saying that you can't sleep indoors due to all your sensitivities. Also, the Q link because you can wear it everywhere. The earthing pads are also fairly affordable and can be moved around. I use them in my bed and under my feet when I am using the computer. Don't give up! There are answers... I know sometimes it appears to be monumental- I know I felt that way in the end with my hips but my answer finally came. I wish you the best, Lisa
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As for the stem cell therapy, I went to ASCAAC in Ecuador. They now have clinics in the Grand Cayman Islands and Trinidad where a few of my friends have gone. You can google them and find their website. When you say the one in Oz is only experimental, does that mean they are not treating people?
Anyway, let me know how the earthing mat works out. I know you have done so much work at trying to find an answer as I have watched your posts for a long time so I hesitate to ask but, have you looked into enzymes? Wishing you the best, Lisa
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Help Requested
So many random symptoms that my doctor seemed to think I was just being anxious so he tried to give me Xanax. Finally when he saw me dropping weight (25 lbs in one month) he ran tests. Frustrating since everything kept coming back normal. I finally saw something that rang a bell, H pylori. I had him test me for it and the results came back positive... The same day as my upper GI which also showed fungus (candida) in my esophagus. This was in the beginning of March. I was put on a quadruple therapy of tetracycline, (another antibiotic that starts with an 'm'), bismuth 4 x's a day for 7 days and a PPI once a day. For some reason the PPI made my chest even tighter and I had to discontinue after 2 days. By the last day on the antibiotics, I was miserable. They made the candida in my esophagus worse. Once I started the flucanzole I started feeling relief in esophagus. After 7 days my prescription was over and I tried to get another prescription but it was the weekend. Within 1 day my tongue was green. By the next day I was miserable.
Doctor on call gave me an oral nystatin but I only took this for 5 days since it never cleared anything up. Got another prescription for the flucanzole (7 days) and finally things seemed better except I started having some h pylori symptoms again (not all the original symptoms but now a new one, a pain in my upper abdomen).
I had read that you can treat the h pylori with VCO. I have, all along, been taking whole food vitamins, kyolic garlic (2 pills 3x's a day) and a probiotic (90 billion). So the VCO really seemed to be helping. Taking after every meal. But then when I ran out of the anti fungal, this past week, I started noticing pressure in my throat ( and a dryness) and tightness in lower esophagus and my tongue is now turning again (white this time). I am waiting to see doctor next week since he won't prescribe anymore anti fungal till he sees me.
I have a book "Yeast Connection Handbook" by a doctor that didn't know about candida and then once he started learning more from another doctor, he embraced complimentary medicine. He states how important to adhere to a diet free of sugar, dairy, fruit, wheat and even legumes ( at least at first till you cleanse). I have been following this strictly for over a month now. Only eating greens, organic chicken, fish, red meat ( very little red meat though) and water ( lots of it), no coffee or tea. And he states that it is important to be on an anti fungal for several months ( he recommends a powder nystatin since he says the oral suspension has too much sugar in it. This is the kind the dr on call gave me and this is probably why I saw no improvement).
I also started a para cleanse 4 days ago. My doctor did check me for worms/parasites but this came back negative.
I really need some help since I have now lost 33 pounds and even though I am eating healthy and taking my supplements it seems like I'm not really progressing. I need to know the things I can help that will help both the candida and the h pylori... And not interfere with each other. I'm sorry this is so long but I greatly appreciate all your help since I'm so frustrated with the doctors not understanding of how these two illnesses interact. ALL advice is appreciated! Thank you so much!
I have found through the internet that H. Pylori is linked to many health issues: deficiencies in B12 and magnesium, eye issues, ulcers and polyps in the stomach as well as cancer, tinnitus in the ears... Tiredness and a general feeling of "not feeling well and healthy".
In the past, I believe it is the H. Pylori that has caused my skin issues, which are not prevelant anymore as I am working at resolving this bacteria. I would get rashes, bumps and itchy spots. Adjusting my breads and yeasty foods has helped with this as well as working toward balanced p.h.
Also, if we are being depleted of various vitamins and minerals from this bacteria, the depletion of those vitamins and minerals seem to cause a host of other problems. H. Pylori is a bacteria and causes a low grade infection in the body. Not sure what gets rid of it, or how to keep it away, but will continue to work at trying to eradicate it:) The more balanced my ph becomes, the better I do feel. (Also, I feel hesitant in the antibiotic course of treatment, since so many have struggled with eradicating it with antibiotic after antibiotic).
Basically, I took the biggest health issues in my life and tried studying online if there was any relationships with H. Pylori. It seems that most of my health issues have roots to the H. Pylori. It is quite interesting! And No, I do not have the normal stomach issues that most people have, but yet, I still have H. Pylori.
Help Requested
Based on blood test, I am a confirmed case of being infected with this bacteria and yet I have probably taken more stomach acid as a supplement than the vast majority of people on this site.
I have closely monitored my condition and found no related symptoms whatsoever as reported on the internet from the devastation effect of this bacteria.
There is really no single supplement that you can take to make your illness go way as I have learned the hard way over the years.
When I started taking HCL Betaine my condition significantly improved but occasionally I kept getting gallstone attacks. I have found that HCL Betaine would work only in very specific cases as I had to rely on other types of supplement to correct the balance of my digestive problems.
In spite of this I think I have finally established a sort of knock out punch against what I would consider the vast majority of harmful pathogens I have encountered in the last 2 years.
But first let me describe what a 100% HEALTHY digestive system should be like. This should become a real marker for determining what real progress is being made while attempting to cure your digestive problems on your own.
First, at any time during day or night your stomach should not feel anything whatsoever. Even the slightest long term continuous dull pain no matter how weak would be a reason for concerned.
Next, the appearance of your stools must be exactly as the one prescribed by many health professionals on the internet and absolutely no excuses whatsoever!! In other words, no diarrhea, no constipation and the color must always be normal brown.
Third, your weight must always be constant and tend to remain constant for long period of years. In other words, no big fluctuations whatsoever for the long term.
Any deviation from the above is a sign that harmful pathogens are settling inside your body and will end up making your life miserable until you can get rid of them permanently.
I see so many on this site who use the word candida very freely for describing the main source of their illness. That is a misconception because there are more than several hundreds of species of pathogens that live inside your body. Your illness may be the result of a many different types of bacterias, fungi and viruses that are attacking your body all at the same time.
All these pathogens can be controlled by your own natural body's defense mechanism.
The trick here is to identify those supplements that mimics as close as possible your body's own natural defense mechanism.
What are the most effective natural mechanism against harmful pathogens that your body has in place?
(2) BILE
Since I have been supplementing my body with all of the above, it seems that I may have finally reached the highest peak in curing my illness.
(1) Stomach acid in the form of HCL Betaine controls all pathogens that enter through my mouth. I don't have to follow a ridiculous diet that deprives my body from the desperately needed nutrients just in an attempt to kill off the candida. HCL betaine contains chlorine something that the body can easily tolerate while at the same time being very deadly to all harmful pathogens.
(2) Bile which I am supplementing using Lecithin in liquid and granulated form. Bile is another fluid that controls pathogens in the body and a deficiency of this vital fluid has always led to gallstone issues and gallbladder infection. Instead of following the rather very unpleasant olive oil and apple juice protocol, Lecithin which bile is primarily made up of, is all you need to dissolve the cholesterol that causes gallstone issues and gallbladder infection.
Lecithin is very unique in that it immediately dissolve on contact cholesterol and fat deposit in the liver that would make it much easier for the body to get rid of. THERE ARE NO SUBSTITUTES! Olive oil does not even come close to it since it is nothing more but a vegetable fat that only increases bile flow but does nothing to dissolve excessive fat and cholesterol in the body.
(3) Organic sulfur supplemented by MSM which also act as a very powerful substance against pathogens as I have just recently discovered. MSM actually provides a sulfur coating on the stomach that prevents pathogens from attaching itself to it and thus causing damage to your whole digestive system. I had just recently been experiencing dull pain all around my stomach area. Although the pain was not that severe it was a cause for main concern since it was non-stop. I took 1 tablespoon of MSM in pure orange juice to make it more effective with Vitamin C and the dull pain almost immediately went away. Dull pain that last for more than several days could be a sign of ulcers taking shape or even a more serious disease developing so that is why I had to take immediate action to correct this situation.
Since I have been focusing only on these three supplements, (a) my stools are now always perfectly normal, (b) I have far more energy than I ever had during the past 2 years and (c) no physical sensation whatsoever inside my entire digestive system day or night.
Anyone who is suffering from constant digestive issues and has been for so many years should not compromise the body's need for nutrients in an attempting to "die off" the pathogens in the body. BIG MISTAKE !!!
Your immune system depends entirely on what you feed your body with. You cannot afford to deprive it on what it needs to protect you against the harmful effect of pathogens.
I now realize that it's all about replenishing the vital ingredients that your body uses everyday to keep you alive and healthy. So far I have identify 3 main supplements that have cured many of the illnesses I have been suffering for many years.
Of course there may be more than 3 vital supplements that you can identify but as far as my body is concerned, these represent the essentials ones for a full and unconditional complete restoration of my health.
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It has been almost 2 months and yes my skin looks a little better but the arthritis is still the same. Anyone know how long this could take? I fugure I am not putting the toxins in anymore so why hasn't the inflammation gone done. I'm pretty sure he is right about the food allergy for I did the master cleanse 2 months ago for 4 days and my skin was completely clear. This tells me something I'm putting in my body does not like. Also the inflammation was way down as well. Candida and leaky gut I do know about and read about. Thanks for listening, signed At Wits End.
General Feedback
Soooo... I have been living in South America for several years. I returned to Australia in November last year with what felt like exhaustion and this general feeling of not being quite 'right'. Nothing specific, just lots of little things such as... I'm 33 and basically my hair has been going grey since I was in my early 20s but the last few years it has greyed dramatically. The look of having greying dark hair doesn't bother me but not knowing why does. My scalp appears to be psoriasis (oily, itchy, flaky, sometimes inflamed). My skin has been so pale with dark circles around my eyes and just dull looking.
I saw an iridologist recently who was shocked that my pupils were so dilated even when she shone a torch in them. I started getting bleeding gums and general mouth issues about 6 months ago. I have had a few sebaceous cysts on my skin. A simple grazed knee recently turned into a 2 day bleeding frenzy followed by a festy, stinky, pusy 2 month infection and antibiotics. I've had very light periods for the last few years, a few months without hardly any flow, and lately a lot of pain and very heavy on the first day and virtually nothing afterwards. I haven't been eating badly in SA but haven't been in an area where there are a variety of fresh vegetables or fruits. The time I've spent in Australia in between - 4 months since returning and around 10 months in 2010 - I've eaten well, lots of water, herbal teas, fruit and vegetables, brown rice, small amounts of lean red meat, etc. Even then though, I feel like all the nutrients go in and out without being utilised (basically have had loose stools everyday for years now so it seems normal). I'm constantly tired, wake during the night, get up feeling groggy in the morning, have had low energy, foggy brain, been stressy, and sometimes quite irritable.
Over the past few years I've been very sick a few times. A little over 2 years ago I had what might've been swine flu. Basically had all the symptoms but was out of an area where there were any doctors so it wasn't confirmed. Similarly, around 8 months ago I had all the symptoms of glandular fever though a recent test done by my doctor came back negative. However my naturopaths theory had been that I might've had chronic fatigue following glandular fever. The test though came back with high LDL and low HDL cholestorol which was surprising because I don't have any bad fats in my diet at all.
Anyway, overall have been feeling like I'm aging rapidly. Like as though I've aged at least 10 years in the last 2. When I tell people that, they laugh at me, tell me I look fine (I wasn't fishing for compliments! ), and that I shouldn't worry about getting old at my age. But this all does worry me because I feel like my health is deteriorating much quicker than it should and nobody is taking me seriously!
I am now taking gingko, zinc, and B vit complex and started doing a detox through my naturopath which is all helping. I am in week 5 now of the 7 maybe 8 weeks of detox. I've done an intestinal cleanse (3 wks), now doing a kidney cleanse and next week I start on the liver. I've been dry skin brushing, bathing in epsom salts, and using foot detox pads to help it all along. It's made me feel much more tired and my skin got even duller which I didn't think was possible, though this week I'm starting to feel better. There are definitely nasty creatures being expelled in the toilet and my stomach and intestines still feel like there are battles going on within. But my energy is better, my outlook on life is back to being more positive, and I'm starting to feel like I'm returning to myself. Hopefully all of the good, nutritious food I've been eating is starting to get into my system.
Thanks to this site I've been inspired to take action on some of the things that worry me the most and a week ago I started oil pulling (for 20 mins 2x a day with organic cold pressed sunflower oil) and following that by gargling with salt water with a drop of peppermint essential oil. I'm hoping this will help my gums, digestion and skin. I've also just purchased molasses hoping that this will inject extra minerals into my system, make my periods more normal, and colour my hair with happiness! I've bought some organic ACV to start trying topically and internally from tomorrow too. But, please, if you have any other ideas or suggestions, or a similar story, I'd love to hear!
May health and happiness find you wherever you may be :)
General Feedback
Also, make sure you are getting something to invigorate your glandular system. Try any "Women's Multiglandular" product to restore your hormone levels, which translates into strength, stamina, and energy. The hormone Melatonin (hope it is available in Australia) is not only good for sleep, but also a very powerful antioxidant that boost natural Glutathione.
Don't overlook the possibility of parasite infection (particularly as you seem to have perhaps spent some time in the bush) and/or pathogen infection. Lots of nasty microorganisms out there that can slowly debilitate the body.
Hope this helps. Please report your progress.
General Feedback
I am no longer chemical sensitive to the max, maybe 5% left and this only flares up when the mold multiplies. I am still extremely sensitive to certain foods. I can now use nail polish again.. Yay!! I feel for all the people out there suffering so bad.. I know the pain, I suffered fibromyalgia for 7 1/2 years.. Now almost pain free.. The mycotoxins deplete the body of all minerals and vitamins and puts you in a extreem state, in the end you end up with cancer and will die if it isn't taken care of.. I became full on mentally ill with suiside tendeceys for 2 years.. Now I got my mind back..
I'm not selling anything, I am human just as you are, and I have a heart.. I have researched this thing for 8 years, and have kept me and my family alive.. My daughter who is now 18 suffered pretty bad with off centerness and still not sure what it is called but everything around her would move, like the walls were breathing.. Ect.. She is doing heaps better and can now eat more foods. I don't know maybe she is recovering faster due to being young. But I do know one thing I won't give up till we are 100% well again.. I am here to help and I am not wanting nothing from you. I don't want to help people for money, I believe we should all get behind each other and share information. I know a lot of doctors don't believe in this illness and they say it is in your head.. It is not in your head.. It is happening. Stay off the ssri tablets, they do more harm then good, they open the blood brain barrier and the molds can go straight to the brain. There are remedies for every symptom you have, including diabetes if you have been diagnosed with that.
My husband's health was probley the worst, his IGE was at 302, extreemly low potassium, extreemly high iron, was diagnosed with diabetes, low vitamin D, basically everything in his blood was where it shouldn't be. All blood tests are showing good now. It has been around 5 months now and we are all doing heaps better.. And no it isn't as simple as taking a pill, diet changes need to be done as well.. If you are interested in help I'm here to give advice on anything I know. I promise I will not ask for money or gift.. I know everyone else has, but I am a victim here as well and I am so sick of seeing people suffering with this. Anyway give me a yell if you want. Thanks Tracy.