Dry Eyes
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Remedies for Dry Eyes - Internal and External Applications

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Frankincense and Lemon Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 01/05/2015

I have suffered from dry eyes with itchy eyelids and goop forming in my eyes for over two years and was prescribed various eye drops from my VA Dr's to keep my eyes lubed, "treat the symptoms and not the problem" is the way Dr's do medicine today. Finally, I went to a older OP Dr who told me that my dry eye was called Blepharitis (blef-uh-RI-tis) and commonly occurs when tiny oil glands located near the base of the eyelashes malfunction and clog. This leads to inflamed, irritated and itchy eyelids. Several diseases and conditions can cause blepharitis but in my case it was caused by microscopic mite, partying in my oil glands and clogging up the lubricating process.

He prescribed a new essential oil towlet that contained Tea Tree Oil with other compounded to whip my eyes with 2x/daily, but after 2 weeks of use, my eyes looked sunk into my head and the chemicals in the towlets dried up my eyes so back that I didn't finish the 30 day supply.

Now to how I cured myself. I beleive in the healing properties of plants and hit the research books to which plant oils are safe for use around the eyes. What I came up with is Frankincense and Lemon oil. Here is my recipe:

*one teaspoon coconut oil

*10 drops frankincense oil - properties as an antiseptic, disinfectant, astringent.

*10 drops lemon oil - properties are anti-infection, astringent, antiseptic, disinfectant.

Both oils are used in womens beauty creams so dont be scared of using them. (NEVER put essential oils in eyes! )

Mix until uniformed in a small glass or ceramic dipping bowl.

Using your clean finger apply mixture around your eye (but not in it) cover top and lower skin of your eyelids. Then around the eye socket, over nose bridge and down your nose and over your eye brows. Do this at night before bed for 14 days. Cured and I must say my eyesight is much sharper today. Ca'nt explain that one.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Coco (Earth) on 06/18/2017

My dry red eyes are 100% cured! I have a pinguculae in each eye too which have significantly reduced in size and are becoming paler. The blood vessels in my eyes are pale pink now instead of being big red and angry looking.

In just two days of eating 1 pakistani fresh ripe mango in the morning an hour before eating any other food and 1 mango in the evening my dry eyes are completely relieved. This is a miracle!

Mangos from the indian subcontinent are very high in nutrition. I am going to do this every day during mango season. I eat other fruits as well but mangos made the biggest difference. When mango season is over I will keep eating a large amount of juicy fruits (a large amount of oranges, kiwis, melon, seeded grapes, cherries, etc). My body must have been severely lacking nutrition.

It has been exactly one week since I started eating two larges Pakistani mangos a day. I can see a lovely healthy shiny tear film over my eye. The change has been so drastic. I can't stop looking at my eyes. I used to hate looking at them, but now they are beautiful! :)

I tried other things too before I upped my fruit intake (apple cider vinegar eye drops, castor oil eye drops, etc). These were treating the symptom, not the cause. The cause was I wasn't eating the amount of fruit my body needed!

I can't tell you how happy I am. This has made such a positive difference to my life.

Please, please increase your fruit intake. In one day have the equivalent of two large oranges, 10 cherries, 10 seeded grapes, a quarter of pineapple, 2 kiwis. It sounds like a lot of fruit to eat every day but this is the amount of fruit we NEED to be eating every day.

My skin is also more moisturised, I dont need to apply oil to it after a shower anymore like I have had to for the last 25 years!

Honestly, this is nothing short of a miracle!

Replied by Khadija

Thanks a lot, Coco.

I gonna try this. Bit I leave in belgium and don t know ig we have here Pakistan mangos. Normal mango also ok?

I have beautiful children a man and a house but the Pinguecula have worsed my live. I see everday people they have white eye only me I think. Can you send me a picture from you eye how they now.

Please. I put now lemon juice but I don t know if they work for me and my doctor don t won t remove it from my eye. That Pinguecula s. I have 4 Pinguecula.

My life gonna change if the Pinguecula gone forever. I hope whit power from god swt.

Grape Seed Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by M_mtz (El Centro, Ca, Usa) on 11/20/2011

Hi all- Went shopping at a local grocery store few months ago and they had a sale on Grape Seed Oil so thought I'd give it a try for cooking instead of the regular olive oil, never use Veg Oil or other bad oils. I used it for frying eggs in the morning. So surprised when the following day, my dry eyes were completely normal again. I'm 50 so just thought dry eye was part of aging process. Was not looking for a remedy and stumbled upon it by surprise and glad to have normal eye lube again! Thought I had to pass it on! Also use it on my skin and love the texture. I've heard it a super antioxidant. My friend now uses it on her salads and loves it as she says it is much lighter than olive oil. Best wishes to all!

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Hi, great news.... But I have to say that I used grape seed oil for a while a little while ago and I didn't notice any difference. I started using it after buying a very interesting book with information about grapes: treatments, beauty, cooking, etc. I use it on my face as well with a few drops of geranium essential oil as it seems to prevent or to fade brown spots. But now I will buy a new bottle and use in the kitchen for a while to see what happens to my dry eyes. I am 54 and doctors also tell me that it is connected to my age, something I don't accept so I keep on trying to find answers and solutions! My eyes get very dry during the night and also a bit during the day if I have my contact lenses on. Never had a problem till this started all of a sudden when I was 53 (only maybe a couple of days a year when it was very hot, other than that never! ).

Replied by M_mtz
(El Centro, Ca, USA)

Hi Francisca- Dying to know if that GSO help you any? I've continued to use it and it's been well over a year and notices some changes. Besides completely clearing my dry eye problem, I use it after my morning shower and now my feet have never been softer! I don't even put it on my feet as I'm afraid of slipping but I guess it has traveled from ingesting or whatever and my formerly dinosaur feet are now almost as soft as my hands and they have never been like that! Also notice my thyroid glands on my right side which were slightly swollen, have very slowly started to feel less so. Also, I'm a big girl, 52 and just went to have lab work and could not believe almost all my levels were perfect. Never had such good lab results! Will continue use and report back! Cheers All!! In Good Health, Martha

Humidifier, Change of Location

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Rhonda (Lakewood, Ca) on 11/29/2015

The symptoms of my dry eyes are watery eyes. I live in LA, where the air has been dry, hot, and polluted. I notice that every time I leave town to go up to Northern California, my dry eyes goes away. I've made about four trips this month to visit my mother and sisters. I also notice that using my humidifier has also made it all but disappear.

Hydrogen Peroxide

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by M. In Md (Md.) on 03/23/2020

.I use about a quarter capful of peroxide in my small diffuser every night for dry mouth/eyes ..helps a lot. With the corona concerns, I feel it won't hurt

Hydrosol Silver

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Hwkmn05 (Nh) on 01/04/2016 109 posts

Dry Eyes:

Hydrosol silver worked for me after suffering for one week.

Also, at night, I applied coconut oil on outside lids and inside eyes. This helped with the grit build up. You may have to get up a couple of times in the evening to re apply, but it does offer some relief for sleeping.

Replied by Mindy
(Denver, Co)

How much silver hydrosol do u use? Is it safe to use it everyday? I have been using it 3 times a day but I am not sure if I can continue....it helps my dry eyes thou.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Iowamom (NY) on 08/09/2019

My dry eyes are feeling so much better of late. As my vegetable garden is coming in, I decided to take Dr. Wahls' advice, which is to get my nutrients from food. I have stopped taking supplements completely. Without a lot of experimenting, I have no way of knowing which pill was causing the extreme dryness, but if I ever resume supplements, I will start them slowly and more thoughtfully. I also wanted to add that my eyes always have felt great when I'm gardening, and I think it is because I bend over quite a lot. I can see how Sasha (April 28, 2019) below got her eye relief from an inversion table.

Posted by Sasha (Santa Barbara) on 04/28/2019

I had dry eye for years, my MD ran thyroid and hormone test, all normal. I saw 4 different eye doctors did what they suggested, I even got the blue light blocking eyeglasses, to stop eye strain I took drops and tried everything … castor oil, didn't help me. I also stopped gluten and sugar. One day my chiropractor suggested a inversion table for my back so I got one and use it daily for 12 minutes a day. Within one week my dry eye problem disappeared.( inversion tables are NOT recommended for people that have high pressure/glaucoma in their eyes)

Anyhow at that same time I started the inversion table, I had also started adding two to three teaspoons of Lecithin Granules, to my smoothies I noticed that it made the whites of my eyes super white and clear. So, perhaps it is the combination of the two that worked.

Replied by Xanadu
(Midsouth US)

Could you please share what kind of lecithin granules and the brand? I ask because some are made from sunflowers and some from soy, etc. Thank you!


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by HISJEWEL (New York) on 02/09/2022

L-Carnosine for Dry Eyes

Ted was right on point with the L Carnosine for dry eyes. L-Carnosine or Carnosine is expensive, but it works hilariously. I used 1000mg a day (two capsules) the first 2 weeks then went down to 500mgs a day because of the cost, my eyes are still loving it. I no longer have to rub castor oil on my eyelids at night. May the cures continue to be revealed.


Replied by HisJewel
(New York)

Greetings to EC,

I am going to dip back a few years as best I remember it. I am dealing with extra saliva and salty mouth presently. I think us seniors complain mostly about dry eyes and dry mouth; salty mouth and extra saliva is perhaps connected.

Really, I think this last condition came on from eating too many hard candies, (too lazy to cook). However, there were times I loaded up on over the counter supplements for a quick healing of some problems.

My first visit with dry mouth was when the news got out about Covid19 in early 2020. I was on the Amtrak South just as the United States was stopping a lot of traveling. By the time I got to my Aunt's house, I came down with a serious cold/virus. I was taking most of the supplements that I heard might help every four hours just in case it was Covd.

What happened was something acted like a water pill and drained a lot of fluid out of me. And I had my first dry eyes and some lack of taste experience at about 68 years old. The good news was it seemly fixed itself as fluid was restored to my body, or was it that drinking extra water ran out the excess medicines.

Then I experienced the dry eyes and dry mouth about a year later after another cold/virus or it could have even been COVID situation. Once again after the medicine stopped the dry mouth and dry eyes were restored to normal.

Then somewhere around my 70th birthday, the dry eyes came to stay but everything else seemed normal. I went searching for a cure, on the internet. When I read Ted's post on Earth Clinic where he mentioned L Carnosine 1000mg a day I ordered that. For it to keep working, I have to keep buying it so I am still looking for the cure.


Regarding Lecithin, I would like to try that because of the Choline in it.

Ted seems to be saying that dry eyes are the result of a fatty liver and that Lecithin can help heal the liver.

"The other issue with granulated Lecithin is that it may help the liver in getting rid of the fatty liver (remember that dryness in the eye is a clue) taking one to two tablespoons a day." (Ted).


I read that some of the medications that we take are Anticholinergic and taking them in can cause problems for seniors. When we get older our liver and kidneys usually do not work as well as when we were young and healthy. If Anticholinergic medication does not clear our kidneys and liver, this may be the reason we end up with dry eyes, dry mouth, dementia and other unusual conditions and sicknesses.




I usually use granulated Lecithin when my hair starts coming out in balls. And it fixes that dry hair problem, who knows maybe that was when my eyes healed in the past. To me, the granulated lecithin has a soapy taste and is gassy, so I only take it for a few days each time.

I would love to hear your thoughts on salty mouth and excess saliva, or dry mouth or dry eyes. I know the solution is at hand.


Mama to Many

Dear HisJewel,

Well, I will start the ball rolling on this with a couple of ideas.

Long ago, Dave Thompson talked about using baking soda for dry eyes. I have used it a couple of times myself and found it helpful. 1/3 teaspoon baking soda dissolved in a few ounces of water. Dip finger into the baking soda water and wipe over the eyelid. Then drink the water! It helps with the ph balance of the body, which may be part of what helps the dry eyes. Who knows what else it might help?

Someone recently told me that when she consumed a low fat diet her skin was drier, perhaps there is a fat connection to dry eyes? Are you getting quality fats like olive oil and coconut oil? (Not canola or soy oils.)

I like Spry mints. They have xylitol in them which is good for oral health. They might bring relief from the salty mouth and excess saliva, even if they are not a cure.

It is a puzzle and I am glad you are optimistic for the solution. Looking forward to hearing others' ideas.

~Mama to Many~

(New York)

Mama to Many thank you for your thoughts on my situation,

You know I never thought about that the change in the way I eat could be the problem. I do eat much less fats then I once did. Maybe that is why I am so dry. When mother was still here, I was patient to cook, or at least buy a decent meal. When I was running south, I had to cook real meals for my aunt. Now it's, whatever. The crazy thing I noticed is that I try to make up for the missing meal by eating candy. So I will pick some Spry mints to fill in that gap and to comfort my mouth. It will certainly cut down on the sugar intake. One of the things I realized is that when I started eating more candy, I drank less water. Regarding the Baking soda and water, I was drinking it at one time. I guess I will give it another go. I was looking at some other online reviews and interestingly, someone one on Webmed said when they starting take HCL their burning tongue situation went. So, if HCL can help perhaps baking soda or both together will do the job.

On the positive note, I am getting out to find the Spry mints. I going to start back drinking more water and I will add some olive oil to my food or at least take a spoon a few days a week. I am much encouraged.

Thank you again,


(New York)

PS: Just to be clear, the HCL that I am talking about is Betaine HCL, spelled out it is Betaine Hydrochloride. Webmed used to have a list of what people were using a product for, most of that is removed. However, they do have quite a bit of helpful reviews. The review I mentioned is on the following page.


Replied by Dacey

Re dry, salty tasting mouth.
Two things spring to mind
Homeopathic remedy Nat mur often helps with: Fluid imbalances. Anaemia, crack in lower lip, palpitations, warts on palms.... see Homeopathyplus.com

Also in TCM
(Traditional Chinese medicine) such a taste would indicate deficient Kidney, spleen, heart energy.

Perhaps worth consulting acupuncturist/ practitioner of TCM.

Replied by HisJewel
(New York)

Regarding Salty Mouth:

One of the problems with a salty taste in the mouth, or I can even say it's a salt leak that comes down between my two front teeth, is that this overworks my tongue as I try to stop the leak.

Mama to Many, thank you for the Spry mints suggestion, they hide the salt taste that's in my mouth so that my tongue can rest. Not only are they good for the teeth, but they are also only one calorie. Love them!

One of the things I do to slow down the drain of salt is shape a covering for a tooth or two with tooth beads. I do have a missing tooth that I made a tooth for. This works great when I go out, and when I sleep at night. I don't hurt my tongue now, because I don't keep licking my teeth when the fake teeth are in. An Amazon customer said once they swallowed their fake tooth so make sure it fits right.

I just make it so it curves my gum a little in the front. Then all that delicious salty taste slides by my gums. If I need the fake teeth higher behind my teeth, I make some like that too. Each order has plenty of tooth beads. I added the Amazon bar so you can see what tooth beads are.



(New York)

Greetings Again EC,

Further regarding my Salty Mouth, my sinus may be continually draining.

As it turns out my Salty Mouth situation, could be a sinus problem, perhaps postnasal drip. I had read about the postnasal suggestion on the Healthline site when I was first checking into salty mouth, however nothing I tried at that time for post nasal drip fixed the salty flow. Anyway, how I figured it out, I happened to pick up some Vicks Sinus LiquiCaps on sale. I had the nerve to take the two in the blister square. They are strong! They dried up all the mucus. First I noticed that the salty taste was gone. Then I realized the leak had stopped, oh how nice. Then my mouth went extremely dry, "Out of the frying pan into the pot." I did not know which was worse. A few hours later the moisture slowly returned to my mouth with less drip. Well, at least I know what I am working with now. I would Not suggest the Vicks sinus liquicaps for seniors, it is too strong and drying.

Here is some interesting Salty Mouth information.


Mama to Many

Dear HisJewel,

Great sleuthing!

You could try some nettle for your postnasal drip/sinus problem. If it is caused by an allergy, it may help a lot.

Or, if you have an infection, extra virgin coconut oil. That is our go-to for sinus infections.

~Mama to Many~

(New York)

Thank you, Mama,

I was trying to figure out, what now.

I will order the Nettle and Coconut oil.

(New York)

Mama to Many,

I have been taking the Stinging Nettle and Oil Pulling with Coconut oil for about a week, and I am excited to tell you that the Post Nasal leak has all come to a complete halt.

I don't have to keep gum and candy in my mouth anymore to hide the taste of the drip. I don't wake up with a mouth full of spit and mucus. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.


(New York)

PS: To those who want to know,

For the Post nasal drip, I am using Swanson Stinging Nettle, that has 250mg leaf Extract and 67.5mg Nettle Root Extract. I have actually been using it about 10 days at least twice a day. I have just broke free two nights ago. This is my second free day, Praise the Lord! I used Member's Mark Coconut oil to oil pull.

Mama to Many

Dear HisJewel,

So happy to hear this report! Thanks for taking time to let us know what is helping!


~Mama to Many~


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Steven (New Jersey, Usa) on 01/13/2014

350mg of Lactoferrin helped my chronic dry eye from day one. For years I have been waking up with eye pain almost every day. I started taking lactoferrin for iron absorption and I noticed I didn't have dry eye pain for days. Looked it up and found a few mentions that lactoferrin helps. It has continued for weeks now, with only one or two days where I had pain. This is remarkable because I had the pain for probably two years daily.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Greetings Steve from N.J.,

I have another help for dry eyes; at least it sure helps me. Dry eyes have been such a plague to me over the years.

The very best thing that I've found is to take a half teaspoon of baking soda in a half glass of purified water and dissolve of course. With clean finger tips or paper towel just dab onto closed eyelids. Wipe clean and re-apply. The alkaline topical soothes the burning eyes. Almost instant relief. My dry eyes come, I believe, from an acidic condition overall and I can correlate the "burning eyes" to too much coffee or other acid foods, eg hot pepper salsa.

Replied by Ana
(New York)
15 posts

I think you are on to something there, as I stopped caffeine drinks and sugar along with increasing of fresh fruits and veggies and less grains my eyes feel better. I was told by doing that we change our bodies ph.

Lugol's Iodine

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Doc Sheila (Toronto, Canada) on 08/09/2009

Dry Mouth Dry Eye cures: I use potassium iodide :Lugol's solution for all dryness in the body, vaginal dryness,dry eyes, dry nose,dry mouth.It is excellent as anti septic, anti biotic ati viral etc. 3 drops 1-3% lugol's in juice or water 2x/daily

Manuka Honey

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Dee (Florida) on 12/18/2017

I tired many things for my dry itchy eyes. What worked for me was natural raw Honey or Manuka Honey. You can dab it on the eyes straight or dilute it in a drop of pure water.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Titanium (Perth, Australia) on 07/14/2016 1 posts

We see a lot of people with dry eye. Recently, we have had a number of client start using a manuka honey drops for dry eye that is caused by inflamed eyelids. This is known as meibomian gland dysfunction of posterior blepharitis.

In the drop form it is dosed 4 times per day and in the ointment form once or twice per day. People report that its stings a bit especially the ointment.

People find that it helps and when we look at their eye lids they do look a little less inflamed. We have more information on our blog http://www.drwetperth.com/optimel/. I won't mention the product name, we don't sell it but the drops are widely available in pharmacies. The ointment is only sold through certain optometrists.

Maqui Berry Extract

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Liz (OH) on 03/16/2021

Maqui Berry supplements worked for me! I have suffered from dry eyes for two years. The condition is worse in my right eye for some reason, and also worse in the middle of the night. I had been waking up and reapplying eye drops and ointments several times each night. I read from another testimonial that Maqui Berry supplements increase tear production, and wow!!! I recommend giving it a try. I'm now seldom need eye drops and don't wake up with gritty eyes.

Maqui Berry Extract
Posted by Viola (Sparks, Nv) on 10/06/2020

Editor's Choice

I don't see anyone talking about this yet.

After 20 years of post-lasik dry eyes and trying many remedies, none of which provided satisfactory results and most of which were a real nuisance, I tried Maqui berry extract and experienced same day and ongoing relief with just one dose in the morning.

The second day I happened to yawn and actually produced tears.

This is nothing less than miraculous for me. I highly recommend you check it out.

Replied by Art
2370 posts

Hi Viola,

Can you say exactly how you used the Macqui Berry Extract as there is extract powder, extract oil and there are capsules specifically mentioned for dry eyes? Thank you!


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