Nerve Remedies
Natural Remedies

Nerve Remedies (arms, legs, hands falling asleep)

| Modified on Sep 11, 2022
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Treating nerve issues ranges from specified exercises to dietary changes and supplements. Supporting nerve development and maintenance through regular exercise and appropriate diet is important. Supplements and natural treatments also function to preserve the nervous system and nerve function.

What are Nerve Issues?

The nervous system is responsible for regulating everything the body does and is comprised of three centers – autonomic, motor and sensory. Nerve pain and damage manifests in a variety of ways including sweating, lightheadedness, dry eyes or mouth, weakness, muscular atrophy, paralysis, tingling, burning and many others.

Nerve issues comprise over 100 different types of damage that have various causes. A few of the most common causes of nerve pain include autoimmune disease, cancer, trauma, diabetes, drug effects, nutritional deficiencies and infectious disease.

Natural Care for the Nervous System

The nervous system is complex and susceptible to a number of issues; however, proper care and treatment can relieve issues and preserve effective operation. Several factors contribute to caring for the nerves including exercise and a diet rich in nerve-supporting foods. Additionally, magnesium, chamomile and peppermint are natural herbal remedies for many nerve issues.


Magnesium is an important nutrient for regulating nerve function as well as inflammation. When taken as a daily supplement or applied as a topical agent to the affected area, magnesium stimulates the nerves and relieves inflammation.


Considered a “cure all” by many, chamomile is a natural pain reliever. The active components of chamomile have anti-inflammatory properties as well as nerve-soothing abilities. Chamomile can be used as an aromatherapy oil, tea additive or supplement.


Derived from the peppermint plant, peppermint has a variety of uses. Used as a supplement or applied as an oil, peppermint relives inflammation that may be causing nerve pain. Peppermint also effectively stimulates the nerves to alleviate issues.

Nerve issues range from problems with the autonomic, motor and sensory systems. When treated with natural methods, nerve pain and issues can be relieved safely and effectively.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Alkaline Diet, B Vitamins, Mobility Exercises

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jazzz (Delta Junction, Alaska, Usa) on 11/30/2011

Editor's Choice

It's time for me to give back to this website so I'm writing about nerve regeneration remedy which worked for me. Two years ago my ulna nerve was severed, the doctors gave me a bleek outlook of recovery. They told me I would have limited mobility in my hand and my outer three fingers would be numb and unusable. Over time, due to lack of use, my hand would become decrepit. It would also be extremely week. My doctor also told me I should forget about dental school, it's not going to happen. Anyways, having written a 15 page paper on nerve regeneration in undergrad, I knew several things:

1) Use it or loose it! Start immediately! Work at it all day long! The sooner the better because that is when the long term success will occur.

2) Secondly, nerve regeneration occurs in everyone, even for spinal injuries. It does not actually happen for most people because scar tissue (which is internally present for all injuries) releases a sequence of not well understood events that inhibit the regeneration. Therefore, my own theory is that it is important to reduce the internal scarring, which can be done by minimizing inflammation, which can be minimized by an alkaline diet.

After I got out of the hospital I immediately went on a strict alkaline diet. It is important to do this as soon as possible, and don't kid yourself, be true to the diet, your regeneration depends on it.

I also did weekly vitamin B shots in my arm. I did this myself at home to keep costs down.

My doctors told me that they had never seen someone with quit a remarkable recovery as mine for my type of injury. After one week I was wiggling my fingers- something the doctors expected to never happen. After one month I could ever do slightly grip. Two months later I had full finger movement and after six months 90% of the feeling came back, I could open jars, write, ad had full motion.

Replied by Heidi

Did you do B 12 injections or some other form of B in your arm weekly? Thanks

Alpha Lipoic Acid

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Happy0349 (Fairfax, Va ) on 08/19/2016

I take ALA 600mg 3 times a day for Nerve pain.

Avoid Too Much B-6

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Becky (Ca) on 10/18/2017 31 posts

I was having burning nerve pain and stopped my multivitamin. I believe it may have been too much B-6.


Dog Bite Numbness Remedies

Posted by Kimberly L. (Augusta, Ga) on 04/20/2019

I have a question. I got bit a week ago by my roommate's small dog while trying to break it up from fighting another dog. I got bit in the palm of my hand. its a deep bite. This has left my 3rd finger numb. I can feel a little but its pretty much dead feeling. I do not have any infection I did see a doctor and he is thinking that I may have been bitten in the nerve. Can anybody help give me some advice so that I can do something natural to help fix this problem?? Please and thank you.

Replied by Flower's Mom
(Pueblo of Acoma, NM)

Editor's Choice Hi Kimberly,

I can relate to your situation because last year I sustained 7 bites to my arms and hands when I tried to break up a fight between several dogs. Two of them specifically seemed to damaged nerves, one on the knuckle of the left hand and one on the palm of the right, but all have now healed and I have full use of all fingers and both thumbs. It is vitally important that you keep the area free from any additional inflammation as much as possible and to increase support from within as well. Also be aware that the nerves are the last tissues to recover from an injury.

For treatment, I used colloidal silver, pinon pitch and castor oil, rotating each over several weeks. I would generally dress the wounds with a large gauze pad or bandage. This I changed every day and night. Once the swelling decreased enough that I could begin to move my hands, I started massaging them with castor oil every evening, working to increase the mobility. Work the tissues, but do not push to the point of pain as this may increase the damage and can slow the healing process. I also used hot and cold packs alternately for about 20 minutes at a time. This I found very helpful and it felt good. Internally, I took colloidal silver, turmeric and a good quality Vit. B complex.

I have included a post by Jazzz from 2011 which also addresses nerve regeneration which I hope you will find helpful. God bless!

Jazzz from Delta Junction, Alaska, Usa
November 30, 2011 at 4:22 pm

It's time for me to give back to this website so I'm writing about nerve regeneration remedy which worked for me. Two years ago my ulna nerve was severed, the doctors gave me a bleek outlook of recovery. They told me I would have limited mobility in my hand and my outer three fingers would be numb and unusable. Over time, due to lack of use, my hand would become decrepit. It would also be extremely week. My doctor also told me I should forget about dental school, it's not going to happen. Anyways, having written a 15 page paper on nerve regeneration in undergrad, I knew several things:

1) Use it or loose it! Start immediately! Work at it all day long! The sooner the better because that is when the long term success will occur.

2) Secondly, nerve regeneration occurs in everyone, even for spinal injuries. It does not actually happen for most people because scar tissue (which is internally present for all injuries) releases a sequence of not well understood events that inhibit the regeneration. Therefore, my own theory is that it is important to reduce the internal scarring, which can be done by minimizing inflammation, which can be minimized by an alkaline diet.

After I got out of the hospital, I immediately went on a strict alkaline diet. It is important to do this as soon as possible, and don't kid yourself, be true to the diet, your regeneration depends on it.

I also did weekly vitamin B shots in my arm. I did this myself at home to keep costs down.

My doctors told me that they had never seen someone with quit a remarkable recovery as mine for my type of injury. After one week I was wiggling my fingers- something the doctors expected to never happen. After one month I could ever do slightly grip. Two months later I had full finger movement and after six months 90% of the feeling came back, I could open jars, write, ad had full motion.

Warren K.

Hello, can you tell me more about the vitamin shots and where in your arm did you apply it?

GABA and Stevia

Posted by Annie (Europe) on 09/19/2014


I was hoping to purchase some GABA supplements. I remembered reading a piece on here by Bill which said that sweeteners are not good for nerves - I hope I am remembering accurately. Anyway, I was purchasing a GABA supplement, and it said it contains Stevia Leaf Extract, and I am wondering if this is similar to the sweetener. If so, I don't think I will purchase. Can anybody clear this up please.

Thank you.

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

Hello, Annie --- you can certainly rely on Stevia as a sweetener. But get it from a reliable source like a good health food store. Some Stevia is contaminated with Aspartame and similar poisons.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Bruce31s
(New orleans, LA)

You can use stevia. it is not an artificial sweetener. it comes from a plant.

FDA does some stupid things like require adding some other sweetener into it despite the fact it's very safe and has been used in Asian countries for thousands of years.

Magnesium Oil, Chlorophyll

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Karen (Idaho, Usa) on 10/20/2010

14 years ago I suffered a terrible head/neck/shoulder/brachial plexus injury from a head-on car accident. After many years of surgeries, years of prescription meds, therapy etc. my right arm remains nearly 70% paralyzed and I battle pain and spasms everywhere from the neck down continually. Sometimes I can barely walk. One particular remnant of my injuries is that for all these years since my injury my fingers have not wrinkled in water as they used to prior to the accident. My doctor said it is because of the nerve damage. He said that is how they can tell sometimes if a person has a nerve problem, they soak their hands in water. With all my other aches, pains and spasms this however was the least of my problems, and didn't affect my life, just an observation of the change.

Three years ago I met a person who changed my life. He was a walking miracle (another story) and he inspired me to seek a life change through nutrition and natural remedies. In the course of my trying many things I came across an article on the benefits of Magnesium and so bought me a bottle and started taking them daily. I also bought a bottle of concentrated chloropyll and put several drops in my juice daily. If I can remember right, it was about 2 weeks later that I was taking a shower and noticed my fingers felt funny. I looked at them and saw something I hadn't seen in years... Wrinkled skin! This was a clear sign to me that my nerves had improved after all those years. But, as we sometimes do, I got side-tracked with life the past year and got away from my healthy regime and my symptoms all worsened and again my fingers stopped wrinkling.

About three weeks ago I returned to using magnesium and eating healthy and today my fingers started wrinkling again in water! I am now going to up my magnesium intake and start using the Magnesium Oil to see if I can make further improvements. This tells me it's helping my nerves... I'm hoping the Magnesium Oil will help my spasms and pain. I still have the partial paralysis but I hold out hope that I'm very close to finding the solution or combination of solutions. Although this is my first post, I have been browsing this site almost night and day since I found it and have shared it with all my friends.

Replied by Gina
(Waxahachie, Texas)

Hi there- I have a friend who is partially paralyzed due to a scuba accident about 12 years ago. Do you think your regime would work for him? His damage is in the lower spinal column and affects everything below the waist. Thanks! Gina

Replied by Ali
(Poplar Grove, Illinois)

I'm working on healing from nerve damage. I look at med. studies a lot. Check out gingko biloba for helping to heal nerves. Also a mushroom called Lion's Mane. Also make sure you take a good B complex, folic acid (I use Folapro) and check out Boswellia. And most recently I read about something called Ashitaba. I think that's how it's spelled. You can check it out on the web. God bless!!! :) Ali <><

Nerve Damage Remedies

Posted by Gareth (Craigavon, Northern Ireland) on 09/08/2013

My wife had an operation to remove a disk from her back at L5 S1 as it was causing severe compression. Before surgery she was diagnosed with Cauda Equina Syndrome. She had numb left leg and foot, no bowel or bladder control or sexual feeling and obviously severe back pain.

Following surgery, back pain has reduced greatly so she can walk now though hips are sore, still numb up the front of left leg starting at 2nd toe from left in and back of calf. Bladder control has returned and can feel bowel movement but she says it feels like her anus is "dropping" each time.

She is fearful atm as no sexual feeling has returned as yet, still completely numb, saddle anestesia I think it's called.

She's scared it will stay like that and there will be no more children or sexual pleasure. Is there anything anyone can advise that would help with nerve damage of this type?

Thanks, G

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Gareth,

Your wife's diagnosis of "Cauda Equina" is often associated with demyelination of the nerves in the dorsal and sciatic vertebra. And a scan of the relationship between Cauda Equina and viruses is replete. In fact, MS is well known to have at its heart a viral triger along with heavy metal toxcity. (There are other possible causes... Genetic predisposition... but even with that, a malevolent virus could still be the triger.)

In the case of Cauda Equina your wife has a likely virus instigator. In northern Europe Cauda Equina is known to be instigated by a tick-born encephalitis virus... 3, 000 cases yearly. Or Paget's Disease which can be at the heart of Cauda Equina (the condition) and Paget's which is the disease. In the case of Paget's, which can cause Cauda Equina, Paget's can be caused, in turn, by a "slow virus infection" like "Respiratory syncytial Virus" or "Canine distemper Virus" such are called "paramyxovirus" which are present years before symptoms. (Cite: American Journal of Neuroradiology, May '06, a study from Finland)

These viruses cause the nerve root demyelination. (Demyelination is the destruction of the myelin sheath... the sheath being the coating that protects the nerve.)

Treatment: To rebuild the myelin sheath I take sphengolin which is myelin. But first or at the same time I must kill the virus. Colloidal Silver taken over many months... Two tablespoons three times daily. I use at high PPM. Some store brands sell the CS that has a low PPM and I do not adhere to their effectiveness. I make my own. Find a source or get your health food store to order some high PPM silver. (I take it weekly, and have not turned blue! )

Also very importan in this program is to rebuild the nerve connections killed by the virus: Take four tablets of Calcium AEP (google "Nutritional Review") and read the article. AEP (more than calcium) establishes electrical pathways on the cellular level. Really, Really.... Get the AEP on line... it's cheap and you must have it to rebuild the electrical pathways and overcome the damage done by the virus.

I first read about AEP from Adkins book "Vita Nutrients" and he absolutely adored AEP using it in IVs in his MS patients! I have used it successfully in dealing with MS flare ups when neuropathy pain is severe... Doubling the dossage to eight or ten tablets daily. Get Adkins' book. Still a classic. (Robert Adkins of course.)

Replied by Karen

I read your post @ Calcium AEP and read many things about it... There are many kinds with many formulas on the market with many different prices... Confusing... Do you know enough about it to recommend a brand? I don't want to waste $ on the wrong kind. Thank you for reading.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Karen, I get my AEP from different sources, Wellness Resources, Vitamin Research... A number listed on the internet. AEP is the same, so should be "fungible"... AEP = AEP. If you haven't googled "Calcium AEP Nutrition Review" you should. Except for the NATURAL Vitamin E (NOT synthetic) Cal AEP is the most important nutrient I take.

Then in order: CoQ10, magnesium, Arginine, IP6, B complex, Vit C, Vit D, Hawthorn, Feverfew(anti migraine), potassium, phosphatidyl choline, Omega 3, acetyl l carnitine, extra sub B-12, three tablespoons of colloidal silver (home made) three times weekly to ward off microbes. And... Well, I do take more but the AEP works to keep the cells functioning properly. That's why it is so important; but the list of diseases AEP can combat is extraordinary.

There are so many good ideas for health that I've picked up over the years; constant reading and that's why EARTH CLINIC is a God send. So many folks jointly sharing their experiences... This site is SO fun. And so important.

For instance, if one is trying to find help on Hep B or C, then you can read the posts of the great Oscar who articulates the use of BHT. Or you can read the outstanding posts of "Ted from Bangkok"... All these thinking people from around the world. Just hundreds of gurus that would have only shared their knowledge in small confines, yet Earth Clinic opens the door to the world for everyone.

Have you learned the benefits of DMSO? Just a few things can change a person's life for the better... often life savers.

Well, excuse me... I'm feeling really "vital" today and am just exuding joy. Thankful for being healthy and happy.

Today is my birthday. Some what surprised to be doing so well in my mid sixties. Compared to so many of my peers, I'm in really super shape. Agile, quick, still sharp mentally. Muscle structure still toned. Not one prescription drug. (Some spinal curviture following two auto accidents. ) I attribute the good conditioning in great part to my systematic nutrient program. Started it 40 years ago... first with natural Vitamin E and then expanded the supplements to cover a broad range of nutrients that touch on every part of the system.

I'm constantly looking for a new or helpful assent in my quiver of arrows that I can shoot to accomplish a specific purpose. To me it's an adventure; given that I am sharing my information with those who need help. Since we are given our bodies, I hold, from God, we are under an obligation to take care of his gift to us.

Replied by Ruth
(Cranberry Twp., Pa)

Wondering what would help with healing of facial nerves due to cold damage. Would iodine help w/this or any other supplement?

Nerve Foods

Posted by Ada (Europe) on 04/26/2013

Hi, Does anybody know of any foods etc that are goood for strong nerves. I not talking about nervousness, as such. I know that b12 is good for nerve health but I am wondering if there are any any foods that can help to keep nerves strong/healthy.

Replied by Joy
(Battleground, Wash)

I know low magnesium can cause depressiona and mental disorders and tension and chocolate and coffee cravings are a sign of deficiency. I would take minerals in balance with vitamins for optimal nerve health

When all else fails.. MR. GOODBAR to the rescue!

Replied by Someone
(Somewhere, USA)

Yes, are you taking cholesterol lowering drugs? They are problematic for nerve health because nerves need nice cholesterol coatings to function properly. Healthy fats like coconut oil, fish oil, egg yokes etc and avoiding cholesterol lowering drugs if you are on any.

Replied by Joy
(Battleground, Wash)

Dr. Batmanghelidj wrote in his watercure books that the body makes cholesterol to line the walls of arteries to keep water from getting out. Like clay in the hole in the dam. Normally if there is enough water coming into the system the body doesn't freak out and make extreme measures to hoard supplies, like salt and water. Dehydration is caused by lack of water intake, too many diuretics , like coffee or not enough salt and electrolytes to hold the water in the places it belongs.

The body also uses cholesterol to make hormones.

Love to read the works of Dr. Batman , very interesting.

Notalgia Paresthetica Remedies

Posted by Colleen (Hawaii) on 04/19/2020

My 90-year-old mother seems to have Notalgia Paresthetica, a terrible "phantom itching" of her back, possibly caused by spine injury from falling or perhaps by spending over 2 weeks in bed. If anyone knows of natural solutions, I would appreciate hearing them. For now she's been prescribed pain medication and using various creams such as capsaicin. She also has "colitis" (in other words, the doctors don't know what's causing her stomach pain), and breast cancer which has started to spread to her spine.

Replied by Charity
(faithville, us)

Taking a stab at this ….try Alpha lipoic acid for nerve pain....molybdenum for liver detox symptoms for the capsaicin…. Ginger, can be candied or tea or supplements, and then possibly some magnesium. Coconut oil can be rubbed on her feet and may do her a world of good.


Thank you for replying, Charity, I appreciate any ideas. My sister did hear about the alpha lipoic acid so fingers crossed. Interesting about the coconut oil!

Sensory Nerve Damage Remedies

Posted by Marie (Europe) on 05/27/2013

Hi, Does anybody know of anything you can rub on the skin for sensory nerve damage. I am wondering is there any thing which may have nerve healing/rejuvenating properties when applied topically onto the skin. The pain is quite intense. Thank you in advance.

Replied by Mama To Many
(Middle, Tennessee, Usa)

Marie, so sorry about this pain. Nerve pain is very uncomfortable, and can be incapacitating.

St. John's Wort is a good herbal tonic for nerve pain. I don't know if you could find a salve with St. John's Wort in it to apply topically? Or you could drink St. John's Wort tea.

I have had nerve pain in other forms (neuropathy and sciatica) which have responded well to natural treatments. The neuropathy (for which the doctor said there was no cure but pain meds, which is not a cure. ) But mine did heal in three months with consistant use of Burdock Root. I took 3-4 capsules with meals 3x a day. Burdock root is a food in some countries and very safe. For the sciatica I have used peppermint essential oil topically. You can apply it many times a day. It sounds too simple, but it really does help. Recently I had a bad bout of sciatica and used a combination of peppermint and cistus essential oil (preblended in an essential oil mix specifically for sciatica. ) It helped a lot.

Lots of water is always important for everyone. Some people find relief from nerve problems with Blackstrap Molasses. 1 T. Morning and evening. Won't hurt and might help. Hope you get relief and healing soon!

Replied by Marie

Hi Mama to Many, Thanks for taking the time to respond.

Could you post a link to the burdock supplements that you purchased or if you even if you have the brand name that I could look up online. Burdock is not something that I am familiar with and am just wondering what would you need to look for when purchasing Burdock root, ie are there any specific requirements. Do you know if this can be taken with medication. With regards to the peppermint, I had read that it was good for nerve pain and purchased some peppermint oil supplements, but when I got it home I saw that it contained soya so I didn't take it. Does yourself or anyone else know if peppermint can cause neurotoxicity issues, as the link below kind of is putting me off peppermint supplements, however I may apply topically.

Did your peppermint oil regime cure your problem or do you still apply it occasionally, also what ratio did you use with the oils.

Thankyou again for your reply.

Replied by Mama To Many
(Middle, Tennessee, Usa)

Dear Marie, Because I was taking so much Burdock Root, I bought the organic root, dried and powdered and made my own capsules. (I have a little capsule maker. ) I think I probably bought some initially that were pre-made capsules. I like to buy from places that have lots of reviews and can find brands that people have used a lot with success. My dried root came from mountain rose herbs. Burdock should not interfere with medications. It is considered a food by some cultures.

Regarding Peppermint Oil, I do recommend using organic oil as apparently in Peppermint Essential Oil, the toxins from sprayed peppermint are more concentrated than in most oils. I do not dilute it to use directly on the skin. It IS strong. Once you have it on your hands you do not want to touch your eyes or mouth. You could test a small area to see how sensitive you are to it. You could dilute it 1:1 with coconut oil or olive oil. Or dilute it more if it is still too strong. Also, because peppermint is a stimulant, you wouldn't want to cover a very large area of skin (like all of your legs or your whole trunk or something) as I think that can increase your blood pressure. Peppermint oil should not be used with homeopathic medications as it can interfere wtih that. I am not aware of it interefering with other medications. If you are concerned, you could use it at different times of the day than you use medications.

As far as it being neurotoxic, my understanding is that epileptics should not use it, but it is considered to be a nerve stimulant and indicated for that.

is where I read about it being used for nerve issues (except epilepsy. ) The lady who wrote this is very knowlegeable and careful about use of oils. She has used peppermint personally to heal health problems, not just treat symptoms.

Hope that helps!

Mama to Many

Replied by Marie

Hi Mama to Many, Thanks for the information. I will look into buying some of the products that you recommended.
