I have had vaginal bleeding for almost a year. It started out after intercourse and then after a BM. The past few months I had more bleeding days than non bleeding days each month. My pap was normal and my thyriod testes were fine. The doctor wasn't sure if she saw a cyst during the vaginal exam, but wanted to wait for the pap results. After much researching and thinking, I tried a strong vinegar douche. Half vinegar half water, three times the first week and once a week for a few weeks after that. I have not had any vaginal bleeding since!!! Something I read online mentioned drinking vinegar to balance your system, vinegar is used on the cervix during colonoscopies, vinegar is in over the counter douches (although not stong enough), vinegar is an anti-fungal and a disinfectant. I don't see how it could hurt and it completely took care of my problem! Hope it works for anyone who may have this problem too!