Ovarian Cysts
Natural Remedies

Ovarian Cyst Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Herbal Tincture

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Chel (Toledo, Ohio) on 09/21/2007

I am suffering with the same problem I found a website that gave a recipe for healing of ovarian cyst that this person says the cyst disappeared in only a few weeks. The purchase of these items cost me about $60 from the health food store.

Ovarian Cyst Tincture
l teaspoon each tinctures of burdock root, vitex berries, red rasberry leaves and motherwort leaves.

1/2 teaspoon each tincturers of prickly ash bark & ginger rhizome.

Combine ingredients. Take a half a dropperful 2 or 3 times daily.

Replied by Aquarelle
(West Coast, America)

Great herbs; Thank you. I am going to try this.

Susan S. Weed, a well-known herbalist also states that Chickweed tincture (made with fresh chickweed only, not dried) is excellent for shrinking ovarian cysts. It isn't readily available, but I had my local herb store commission an herb grower to make it for me. If you are an expert herbalist type it does grow fresh in many regions, but be sure you know how to identify it should you make your own tincture.

I am going to continue it along with the other herbs you describe.

Juicing Remedy

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Adsy1900 (Arlington, Tx) on 08/23/2012

The Recipe To Rid The Body Of Ovarian Cyst
Prepare a mixture of 5lb pre cooked beets, 2 lbs of carrots, half a bottle of non alcoholic wine and 2 jars of molasses, by juicing them all together. Take one shot glass before a meal, three times a day for 15 days and then continue with the rest of the batch twice daily, once before breakfast and once before dinner. You will probably find that your cycle is heavy for the first couple of days. Also no alcohol must be consumed during this period. Women who tried this mix found their cysts disappeared within a few weeks.

Kundalini Yoga

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Shine (Bethelhem, PA) on 01/18/2008

Hormone balance almost seems like a life long quest for most women, but I think I found a great cure. It also made my re-occuring ovarian cysts disappear. Kundalini Yoga all the way! It changed my life. Don't be discouraged by fear, most instructors give options for flexibility and experience. You can also take breaks. It will realign your chakras, in-turn balancing your hormones. Once a week will even make a big difference. I also find Siberian Ginseng to be very helpful.

Molasses, Aloe Vera and Beets

12 User Reviews
5 star (9) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Cloud9 (Lübeck, Germany) on 06/08/2016

I was diagnosed with a 4 cm cyst on my left ovary that was causing severe pain 6 weeks ago. I immediately started drinking about 200 ml freshly squeezed beet juice mixed with 1 tablespoon aloe vera juice and 1 teaspoon blackstrap molasses every morning. After about 1 week of drinking the juice my pain was practically gone. Two weeks later the pain and severe bloating was back. I was very frustrated but continued to have the juice. The pain then went away again. Then, last week during my period (the second period I had since the diagnosis) I noticed that my period was heavier than usual and bits of tissue were coming out.

Today (6 weeks after the diagnosis) I went in for an ultrasound. The cyst is completely gone!!!

Replied by Helen


Where does one buy blackstrap molasses in Germany? I'd love to know. Thanks much!

Replied by Cloud9

Hi :) I've bought mine from a Reformhaus. I think they all sell them!

Replied by Abigail

Please can I have the pictures of those things (herbs) you used for your cyst please

EC: Hi Abigail,

Here are some image searches on Google that will help you locate these items in your grocery store, health food store or online.

Blackstrap Molasses - Bottles of Blackstrap Molasses are usually found near the sugar in USA grocery stores
Aloe Vera - what the plant looks like
Aloe Vera - the juice supplement people often buy

Hope this helps!

Molasses, Aloe Vera and Beets
Posted by Vani (Singapore) on 11/10/2013

Hi, I have 1 cyst measuring 7.8cm in my left ovary and 2 cysts measuring 4.3cm and 4.6cm in my right ovary. I have been taking beetroot, molasses and aloe vera 1st thing in the morning, once a day. I don't feel any changes in the sizes of the cysts so far. but within 3 days after taking this I felt good. I started feeling like increased blood count and it's circulation. and yes inceased energy level. within 6-7 days, pain in ovaries is gone. today is the 10th day of taking this tonic, I woke up at about 4.30am in the morning and am still awake until 11pm. energy level has increased. I have been having only vegetables, wholemeal bread and fish for the past 15 days. no sugar, no rice, no refined flour and no coffee. I have been taking vit B complex and vit C and drinking almost 3 litres of plain water per day, for the past 1 month.

My questions are - is it too early to expect changes in the cysts? I understand that I have to do this treatment for 40 days. at night I started to feel that, the cysts are softer. but by morning they become harder. do I need to change my diet? if I do castor oil pack, do I need to get cold pressed castor oil or normal castor oil will still help to shrink the cysts?

Replied by Serene

Hi all, I've been trying this tonic for almost 1 month. but I'm having dark brown discharge for 10 days. I only had normal menstruation for 3 days in between. Is this normal? Should I continue this treatment. Someone please tell me.

Replied by Angi
(New York, Ny)

I had Overian cyst last year and I got completely cured. The only thing I was taking Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda first thing in the morning with empty stomach. I was taking 1/4 tea spoon baking soda and one spoon ACV. It took me almost 9months to complete cure of my overian cyst. I am still taking it couple of times a week to prevent my self. I changed my diet and doing excercise. You can also watch video on you tube for cancer cure they use baking soda. ACV and Baking Soda completely wash out your system or any other digestion problem from inside.
Good Luck.

Replied by Serene

Hi Angi, thanks for sharing this remedy. what was your cyst measuring before you started this treatment? were you following any diet or particular food to avoid?

Replied by Lily

Hello. I just wanted to share with you guys my experience with this tonic. I put all the ingredients of this mixture together and drank it one night after looking through the forum for kidney stone remedies. I woke up in the middle of the night with the worst most violent case of diarrhea and I was feverish and shivering and felt like I emptied the entire contents of my stomach that night. It was the most bizarre thing ever but I remember the pain I felt in my abdominal areas (especially the right where my kidney stone was discovered)was relieved! This was a couple of months ago but it was such an intense experience that I was too frightened to do it again. Now I'm having strange vibrating sounds and pain in my left side going down into my ovary and I'm thinking of doing the same concoction again to see if it could help. I'm extremely bloated, look like I'm pregnant. Theres a feeling of uncomfortable bloated-ness in my stomach and theres these vibrations going down to my left ovary. Does anyone know what this might be??

Replied by Mama To Many

I am wondering if you used a lot of beets the first go around? They can cause a strong detox reaction.

If you try it again, I would use much less beets.

Activated charcoal might be an option for the bloating/gas.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Paulos
(Amarillo, Tx)

Don't know how late I am and I'm not an expert, but know a little about Aloe. Aloe can be very astringent and need a ‘cutting' type of herb to be mixed with it such as cinnamon, ginger or cayenne to accompany it. Aloe should be used sparingly, like a week on, a week off.

The molasses, may contribute to yeast / fungal increase and or infections.

Beet roots may also have a high oxalate content which may lead to calcification (biliary stones) or stenosis (?). These enzymes may lead to gastric disturbances or discomfort. I understand that using a strong decoction of slippery elm and red clover blossoms as a douche directly into the vaginal cavity is of great benefit for cysts, fibroids and/or uterine cancers...

Molasses, Aloe Vera and Beets
Posted by Stlolo (Missoula, Mt) on 01/18/2012

Can I please get the molasses recipe for ovarian cysts? My daughter age 15 has a 1 inch cyst and is in a lot of pain. Dr. said ibuprofen and prescribed tylenol with codeine. She is still in a lot of pain. Would like to try this to see if it can help her.

Replied by Annie
(Davie, Florida)

Hi everyone, so glad I found this wonderful site. I have not gone yet to the doc but from the symptoms I am having I believe I may have a cyst. So worried but I will be going to the docs soon.. Heavy feeling lower discomfort in my left.. Painful periods ect.. I am so hopeful that I can find natural remedies and not have any surgery if they find something.. We will see.. Good luck ladies and will be reading to see where I should begin.. Reallly worried but I this site gives me hope that maybe natural remedy is the way to go.. I know I will at least have to have an ultrasound and take it from there.. Annie

Replied by Reshma
(Sunrise, Florida)

Could I substitite wine with something else in this juice?

Molasses, Aloe Vera and Beets
Posted by Kathy (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) on 10/10/2010

I have been taking the aloe, molasses, and beet remedy for ovarian cysts for 45 days with no success. I will continue till the aloe and molasses are all gone. Please pray that this remedy would work for me. Thanks, Kathy :o)

Replied by Joycelyn
(Saint Louis, Missouri)

Hey Kathy, I'm Joycelyn from Saint Louis and I am also in the process of being healed of fibroid tumors. I stumbled upon this site by accident but I will tell you that I have been to many other sites, even You Tube and they all say the same thing. Beets, molasses, and the aloe vera and it's working. Also the castor oil patches. What they also included though (which I did not read as much here) was to eat organic foods especially vegetables and fruits and cut down dramatically your intake of meat until you are healed. If you must eat meat they recommend mostly fish and secondary chicken. I believe that these were your missing elements. Our attitude also plays a very big part in our healing. Kathy believe by faith that you are healed and you will be!

Replied by Emaa
(Saudi Arabia, Makkah)

plz tell me how to make beets, aloe vera, and molesses juice please rply soon.

Replied by Abi
(Madison, Wisconsin)

please fill me in on the recipe, just battled the ignorant Dr.s to giving me a ultra sound to find a 5 cm cyst.

Replied by Jess
(Birmingham, Al)

I take the herb Red Clover for ovarian cysts. It has worked wonders. No more prescription birth control for me.

Replied by Worried Amanda
(Tampa, Florida)

Here's my story. Im 34, never been married, no kids. Had a laparascopic surgery in 2000 to remove a very large fibroid tumor and at least one cyst as well as some cleanup from very severe endometriosis. I think I got it from my mother. I had it since I was very young. Anyway, after the surgery, for years I took birth control pills nonstop so no further damage could be done. Unfortunately, I developed a blood clot which went to my lungs and nearly killed me. I had my dvt misdiagnosed several times by doctors and by the time it got really bad and I realized what was going on, the clots had infarcted in my lungs and the damage was done. I had since been pretty good but not able to take birth control. Life went on, career success etc.

Last september, I finally met the man of my dreams. We both really want kids one day and hopefully it will work out between he and I to where that will be something we will try for one day. (we are not married) Anyway, just recently I had some serious pain and started bleeding very heavily and not on my cycle. I went back to the same doc who did my surgery in 2000. She did a ultrasound and found a huge cyst the size of a grapefruit on my right ovary. The tests were so hard to see due to scarring, the bleeding, gas etc that they couldnt even see the other ovary. I have now been walking around with a huge mass in my belly and have had stabbing pains. Saw her again yesterday and she said that the cyst has to go and that she would need to do cleanup on severe endometriosis. My organs for reproductivity are still present but I am not sure how possible kids still are. She gave me some hope but I am still very scared. I want a family more than anything. I cannot take hormones to try to shrink the cyst so surgery is my main option. It will happen in 4 weeks unless my pain gets way worse earlier.

I have now started taking a bunch of supplements and am trying the molasses and apple cider vinegar aloe remedy to see if it might help make a miracle. I so want to be a mom :(

Anyone have this bad of everything and still manage to be able to have kids? Im really worried here...

Replied by London
(Sandusky, Ohio)

Sweety, try the "water soluble Vitamin E" U get at Walmart. I cant say the name brand here, but its very important to get "water soluble kind, its the only vitamin e that has helped my reproductive system. Take 400 IU 1 to 2 caplets moring and evening. Start with that, a multivitamin, and FOLIC ACID, very, VERY important. Does wonders for your reproductive system. Please wait on the surgery and try the herbal route first, U have nothing to lose at this point. GREENS, greens greens, buy a green supplement (kind of pricey but worth it) and make smoothies or shakes. Also, green tea extract would be good too, along with several cups of Jasmin green tea thru out the day. Change your diet, (ofcourse) more water, and more fruits, veggies, -teas. Herbal suppositories. Research them online. Vaginal suppositories and douches. Ive heard of many women helping themselves with that.

There is a website that I cant say on here, but this website sells a kit to unblock the fallopain tubes. It includes an herbal tampon, and douche(chamomile tea wash) Juicing is also an option. Some women just bombard themselves with herbs to try to get pregnant, but I would do tons of research on the web. There are forums for women trying to get pregnant, that have been successful, just research. Also, there is somthing called the "maya massage", (massaging your abdominal area to get the blood flowing, and break up scar tissue, and there is a dvd available. Altho I would not recommend something so invasive in your state right now. You need to focus on getting that cyst to go down.

Replied by Amy In San Diego
(San Diego, Ca)

Worried Amanda, I had cyst problems thru out my life. My first daughter I had at 30, I had her early, but no problems. Lost one baby and than I tried for 6 yrs. I had same problems as you. I ended up going to a fert Dr and did IUI (put sperm directly in me past cervix) but I ended up with twins at 36. I wouldn't worry about the getting pg until you get yourself better. By not removing the large cyst you may do more damage to your ovary. I would listen to Dr.Advice. And I have a friend that has only 1 ovary and she still got pg! Life works in strange ways. If I wouldn't have lost my 1 baby I would of never had my twins.. Believe me.. sometimes its worth the wait! I wish you luck.

Replied by Brad
(Mentor, Ohio)

My fiancee has a 7 cm cyst and a fibroid growing on her uterus, she is in a lot of pain. I took her to the ER and they found these and said take motrin? It's not working and we are unsure what to do. If someone could email me or post the recipe for this I would be grateful. bradglicken(at)gmail.com

Replied by Rimi
(Daressalaam, Tanzania)

hi all! I am 36 years old and have a 7 yr old son. I used to have painful period but never took it seriously until I missed it last month. I thought I was pregnant, as on our son's request for a younger one we were trying. Then, when I took the strip test two times it was negative, the concerns rose. I went to the doc. Who send me for ultrasound, which showed that I have 2 cysts, 1 each in both ovaries and also a fibroid. The doc gave me a paracetamol, a hormone tablet and another tablet for what I don't know. The symptoms persisted and I went for a second opinion to a chinese doc. after going thru the 1st day of acupunture my breast tenderness has gone but yet no relief from the pain and heaviness in the pelvic.

I came across your site and will be trying out the remedies suggested with an open mind. Hoping to be cured at the earliest.

My concern is when will I be having my normal periods again, as I want another baby.

please respond.

Replied by Keisha

I am 28 & just found out I have 2 cysts 1 on each ovary. I want to try the molasses & apple cider vinegar but I'm worried because I am epileptic. I'm currently on keppra! Does anyone know if the home remedy would cause any harm. I plan on getting organic molasses & ACV.

Replied by Thyroidlady
(Pittsburgh, Pa, Usa)

Hello Everyone, Today I got a call from my doctors office they told me my ultrasound showed a septated ovarian cyst, and that I would need another ultrasound performed. I am thankful that I find this site today. I am going to try the remedies above before the ultrasound is performed. I will let you know the outcome. Thanks for the support.

Replied by Imelda
(Dubai, Uae)

To Worried Amanda from Tampa: it's been a year now since you have posted your condition, I would very much like to know if taking the molasses and ACV worked for you? I am growing helpless with my condition. appreciate your update. Thanks a lot!

Replied by Michelle
(Brooklyn, Ny)

Hi tiana, congrats I'm just wondering if u are still drinking the beets, aloe vera and molasses during your pregnancy? I want to try it but I think I'm pregnant. Can u let me know!!!

Replied by Tina
(Ontario Canada)

Hello I was wondering what is alkaline water?? Where do u get it??

Replied by Mike 62
(Denver, Colorado)

Tina: Raw organic fruit and home brewed water kefir made from artesian or spring water are the best alkyline waters. They contain kangan water that radiates far infrared waves. Artesian and spring water are good. Do not drink reverse osmosis water or filtered water from the treatment plant. These processes are not natural. Do not buy a water ionizer.

Molasses, Aloe Vera and Beets
Posted by Lisa (Dixon, Il) on 06/02/2010

I have recently been told I have two cysts on my right ovary. I had my left ovary removed about 11 years ago for the same reason plus endrometriosis/black cysts. I have to see a GYNO in August but I know what I'm going to hear- the same thing I heard before. Try the pill and possible surgery. I don't want to go that route. I read about the beet/molasses/aloe vera treatment and have started it. Can I take them separately to still be effective and what can I do to get rid of the swollen uterus? It is sooo uncomfortable. I am also taking vitex 3x day. I am a thin person but feel like I'm three months pregnant. (no fibroids found) Will this remedy take a lot of time to see results?

Replied by Merryanne
(Orange City, Florida, Usa)
113 posts

I would like to add one or two things that I think would be good for you healthwise,,continue with what ever health remedy you wish to try,,,but also, start reading ALL food labels, do not eat or drink anything with soy in it,,,read your animals feed, do NOT give any soy products to human or pets,,,google toxic soy research,,,it is killing pets and people,,do your research before you make a judgement call,,,then cook all of your own food from the start,,make your own bread with whole granins not useless stripped flour,,try to buy organic if you can,,,eat very little meat or dairy,,,you might want to try a vegan diet for 6 months to cleans your body of all toxics from poison-fed animals,,merryanne in fl

Molasses, Aloe Vera and Beets
Posted by Mar (New York, Ny) on 02/04/2010

MOLASSES, ALOE VERA AND BEETS - Yes it does work!!!!!

I had a 5cm cyst on my left ovary. My doctor gave me a 2mth window time to see if it would go away by itself. So every day for one month, I drank the juice of 2pounds of raw beets, one leave of aloe vera (the inside) and one bottle of molasses. I drank this mixture every day 3 times a day again for one whole month. When I went to get a check up on the cyst it was GONE.

My doctor performed an indovaginal sonogram and a a c125 blood test, and they both showed that the cyst was gone. Good luck and try it. Everytime you drink this remedy think positively, truly imagine the cyst drying out. Have faith that it will disappear.

Replied by Floatinglotus
(Chicago, Il)

I'm glad to hear that combination works! I want to try it as I just learned yesterday that I have an 8 cm cyst on my right ovary. Just for clarification, were you drinking a whole bottle of molasses each day or was the total combination of 2 lbs beets, 1 aloe leaf and 1 bottle of molasses divided over the 30 days?

EC: No! Here's a better description of the remedy

10/17/2009: Adriana from Pembroke P, Fl replies: "Thank You Brittany.!!

For all of you who keep asking about quantities... Brittany gave the quantities in here post of 4/17/2009. Here they are in case you missed them:

"With all three ingredients you put all equal amounts in a small bowl. [1]I first mash the beets (1 or 2 slices of the canned beets) with a fork. [2]Then pour about a tablespoon full of aloe vera juice on top of that.[3]Then I take about a tablespoon full of molasses and cover that, mix it, then eat it. You don't have to have a blender to mix it."

If using raw or slightly steamed beets, just grate them on a cheese grate. Use gloves."

Replied by Saf
(London, Uk)

Hi all,

just wondering where I can buy sugar beets in the uk or online? I've looked everywhere but ive had no luck so far. Please reply if you know as i am having surgery next week which i am not tooo keen on.


Replied by Lisa
(Dixon, Il)

Question for you all: Do I have to take the beet, molasses, aloe vera juice mixed together or will it still work if I take them separately? The combination about makes me gag but I can tolerate them separately mixed in juice. Thanks for all your help.

Replied by Kelly
(Orlando, Florida, Usa)

Will it be safe to take this mixture forever? I don't want to stop taking it and then they come back again :(

Replied by Angelia
(Memphis, Tn, Usa)

If u take them one at a time, wouldnt u be getting the same effect? It will all be in the same place. Right? I gag easy also.

Replied by Name
(City, State)

For cysts quit eating chocolate and drinking coffee, they throw off your hormones. Also be kind to your liver and kidneys, they have to process and regulate hormones.

Replied by Emaan
(Madinah, Saudi Arabia)

how to make beet root juice plz tell me.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Hi, I own a masticating juice and it is very easy to make any kind of juice, be it fruit or vegetables, even herbs. You can Google masticating juicers and get more information. As they turn quite slowly they keep all the enzymes alive, the juices also keep a wonderful color even if you keep them 24 hours in the fridge, they don't oxidize. If you throw the pulp in a few times you get all the juice out of it and actually the juice becomes a smoothie without containing too much pulp which many people don't like and to be honest I don't like either!

Replied by Iamdday
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

So far so good! Only 1 day of this mixture: 1 tbsp of each... Organic unsulphered black molasses, organic aloe vera juice and organic beet juice in a glass last night, this morning and tonight and my bloating that I had for about 4 weeks have subsided immediately. (touch wood) I had a pap on Monday and an ultrasound on Tuesday. I was told that I have a cyst on both my ovaries (left: 2cm and right: 4cm) since September and this is because of Endometriosis. I haven't felt this good in weeks. 2 surgeries to remove cysts and I refuse to go for a 3rd time and I want kids one day. Too much surgery in the same area will mess you up with scar tissue which is what you are trying to eliminate. I am also adding 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar and 3 iodine drops to 1 8-once glass of water 3x a day and irregular bleeding I had for about 2 weeks has ceased immensely. Wish me luck... I know these cysts will be smaller if not gone just like the other success stories on here. I'll post my results on how I feel in a month. Thank you everyone. Oh! Vitex tablets and boraga oil (omega 6) help with circulation of periods too.

Replied by Bensonjewelers
(Florence, Ky)

Most ovarian cysts go away on their own without medicine. They are an accumulation of blood cells. If you are post menopausal that is a different story.

(Sydney, Australia)
16 posts

What is the story if you're post menopausal like me?

Replied by Yolanda
(Austin, Texas)

Do you have the exact recipe for the beet juice and how much you take each time?

Molasses, Aloe Vera and Beets
Posted by Toni (Burgas, Bulgaria) on 12/22/2009

Hi all. i was diagnosed with 4 sm cyst on the left ovary 2 weeks ago and the doctor suggested that the only way is surgery but it wasn't urgent. so i researched and tried the recipe in this forum. i had a small precooked beetroot, a tablespoon of aloe Vera juice and a spoonful of molasses every day first thing in the morning. and another small beetroot only in the evening. today i visited the doctors for a check and the cyst was gone. thank you everyone so much. will share this recipe with as many women as i can. good luck

Replied by Sheela
(Westborough, Ma)


Replied by Mandy
(Nj, USA)

Hi ALL, I am diagnosed with 3 cm of dermoid cyst on my left ovary.. I found out it 5 weeks ago and the doctor suggested that the only way is surgery. Can i use honey instead of Molasses for this remedy?? for what period i have to continue this remedy? Is it necessary to do drink this juice in morning ?

Replied by Mandy
(Nj, Usa)

Hey Dj, thanks for your response.i am curious about how castor oil pack will work? does it actual dissolve the cyst? from where i can get castor oil pack? thanks in advance.

Replied by Kelsie
(Washington, Usa)

Hi Dj,

Is the Red Raspberry tincture made from the leaves, the berries, or both? And is it from the common/garden Raspberry plant, or from the family (raspberry, salmonberry, thimbleberry, etc.) in general? I take a tea of one or two whole dried Thimbleberry leaves for menstrual 'bloating' (or it could be cramps or both, I'm not sure); I'm curious if a Thimbleberry tincture would also possess the pain-relieving qualities outside of the menses that you mentioned. Do you think it would be harmful to take for pain caused by ovarian cysts?

Many thanks!

Replied by Merin
(Austin, Tx)

hi , I too have a dermoid cyst and am trying diff things to get rid of it... Any luck?

Molasses, Aloe Vera and Beets
Posted by Brittany (Phoenix, Arizona) on 04/17/2009

The beets, aloe vera, and molasses really worked for me. I have suffered in pain for years with ovarian cysts. My life and marriage were not good before. Now since I have been doing the beets, aloe vera, and molasses in the morning before I eat anything else, life is so much better. With all three ingredients you put all equal amounts in a small bowl. I first mash the beets (1 or 2 slices of the canned beets) with a fork. Then pour about a tablespoon full of aloe vera juice on top of that. Then I take about a tablespoon full of molasses and cover that, mix it, then eat it. You don't have to have a blender to mix it. I have never liked the taste of beets, but this has helped me a lot. All of this is about a shot glassful. I wish I had found this years ago.

Replied by Marsha
(Marietta, GA)

Are you using can beets or fresh beets? What are your measurement of each. Thanks.

Replied by Adriana
(Pembroke P, Fl)

Thank You Brittany.!!

For all of you who keep asking about quantities... Brittany gave the quantities in here post of 4/17/2009. Here they are in case you missed them:

"With all three ingredients you put all equal amounts in a small bowl. [1]I first mash the beets (1 or 2 slices of the canned beets) with a fork. [2]Then pour about a tablespoon full of aloe vera juice on top of that.[3]Then I take about a tablespoon full of molasses and cover that, mix it, then eat it. You don't have to have a blender to mix it."

If using raw or slightly steamed beets, just grate them on a cheese grate. Use gloves.

Replied by Lila
(Toronto, Canada)

Hi - these emails look promising. Can someone tell me how long they take this mixture for? It's pretty gross? Do I do a shot in the morninng? And what is the mixture that I should be using? I've tried what's listed above? Is it 15 days on and off or should I be taking if for a days at a time? Suggestions. Thanks

Replied by Olajumoke
(Lagos, Nigeria)

Pls 31 years old, was diagnoise having ovarian cyst & fibroid. As well as am type1 diabetic. Pls can type1 diabetic patient use d molasses because of d sugar in it?

Molasses, Aloe Vera and Beets
Posted by Bri (New York, NY) on 04/15/2009

Hello. I just started yesterday with the remedy of beets and molasse. My mom told me that I have to take it for a month (morning before breakfast and at night). I have a 10 cm fibroid. I will post my results by the end of this month.

Replied by Amy
(Flint , MI)

Has any had any results from the beets and molasses? I have a 15cm fibroid and cysts on my ovaries. I am trying everything but just curious if this is working for anyone.

Replied by Anne
(Tucson, Az)

I'm wondering what your results of taking the beet, molasses and aloe vera juice were. I too have been suffering from overian cysts and fibroids and am hoping to avoid any surgeries. Any info would be very helpful. God Bless

Replied by Veena
(Austin, Texas)

Hi, I have been suffering from ovary cyst from last 6 year, I had surgery once but again cyst came back.. I saw this remedies MOLASSES, ALOE VERA AND BEETS, can anybody tell did it work for you people or did u get any side effect... I am worried... plz help me.....

Replied by Christela
(Houston, Texas)

Did it work for you? Did your cyst go away and do you use this recipe often?

Molasses, Aloe Vera and Beets
Posted by Julissa (New york, New york) on 07/23/2007

Molasses in spanish is MELASA. For years I have heard my dominican family member say that a mixture of molasses, aloe vera and BEETS will remove any cysts from women breast and ovaries. I just found out i have two cysts. According to my dominican aunts i must take the this mixture for 40 days. I will post my results. I have true faith in natural resources.

Replied by Shpresa
(NYC, New York)

Thank you Julissa. I want to know where I can buy this product. How much should be taken in the 40 day time period? thank you

Replied by Ann
(newyork, usa)

on the overian cysts where you take beets, aloe vera, and molasses -- how much of each dosage do you take a day? thank you.

Replied by cindy
(texas, usa)

i would like to know how much of the aloe vera and beet juice and molasses you take to get rid of ovarian cysts. thank you

Replied by BB
(Cleve, OH)

Hi, Was just wondering how are you doing since you posted this message and what was the outcome of your cyst. I'm suffering from the same problem and is looking for help other than surgery. Anyone have any ideas, please help!!

Replied by Jessica
(Brooklyn, NY)

I've taken the molasses, aloe vera & beets remedy and it has to be taken in the morning before eating anything. I would say a shot glass size. It really works!

Replied by Marisol
(Fort Washington, Maryland, USA)

Thank you so much Yea for your advise. I finally have the recipe I knew it was something like that, but i had it incomplete. I am Dominican too. Que favor. ! Gracias.

Replied by Marsha
(Montego Bay, Jamaica)

What dosage of apple cider vinegar is used to cure ovarian cyst. Also how is the molasses, alo vera and beets used to cure ovarian cyst, and how is it been prepared and what is the dosage?

Replied by Precious
(College Park, Maryland)

I was recently diagnosed with 3 ovarian cysts that have been causing me a lot of pain. A friend told me to mix the Aloe Vera with the molasses, she said it worked for her. Does it really work?

Replied by Karen
(Aliquippa, PA)

How much of each and do you mix them together?

Replied by Tess
(Palm Beach, FL)

It's been a year and a half since she posted this ovarian cyst concoction, so it doesn't appear that Julissa is going to write us all back any time soon!

I am guessing that this recipe is: a standard dose of molasses, i.e., 1 to 2 tablespoons (but be careful if you are diabetic, watch the sugar content), 1/3 cup of beets, and 1/3 cup of aloe vera juice. Beets can make people very nauseous if eaten on an empty stomach, so start out with less if the beets are fresh. Canned beets might not cause nausea.

Ladies, experiment and write us back with your dosages and recipes! We're on our own!!

Replied by Diane
(Utica, New York)

i recently found out that i have a cyst 8 centimers in size on my left ovarie..that is about the size of an orange. it is causing me to bloat and i am in pain.. the doctor says wait a month and see if it is any larger..im missing work..i bled for a month straight , clotting and very heavy flow.i was wondering about the beets in the recipe..do i put all the ingredients in a blender , as beets are not liquifid ...or just use the beet juice from a can of beets..please let me know , as i am desperate to start some kind of remedy to alliviate this cyst.i am also having anxiety now and losing sleep, whichi is heightening my pain..any cures for that besides drugs..i would appreciate anybodys input.

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
490 posts

Hello Diane from Utica, NY,

If you google SSKI or saturated solution of potassium iodide, pull up Dr. Wright's article which mentions the Tahoma Clinic. Read what he has to say about getting rid of cysts with SSKI.

Replied by Gean
(Salina, KS)

This is a question for Joyce regarding SSKI. I bought some liquid potassium iodide at the health food store, which says 150 mcg iodine per 2 drops. (The ingredients are purified water and potassium iodide). This is a lot weaker than SSKI, but might it still work on cysts, mixed with DMSO? Thank you.

Replied by Michelle
(Bronx, New York)

Hi, Ladies
I am trying this remedy and a majority of my friends with cysts did as well and all have living proof within 2 months by sonograms and all of them could'nt conceive since this is a major barrier but they have their babies without any complications. I prepared 2lbs of raw beets well peeled and chopped, the aloe vera will be one entire part washed and peeled what you take is the inside part, (also you can try it with carrots instead of aloe vera is good as well) 1 full bottle 12oz of molasses ( I use imported dominican one that can be found in a botany but when I don't find any I use grandma's brand original molasses). Blend all ingredients and drain mixture through a strainer, place it in a closed gallon or bottle and refrigerate. Let it rest until the next morning and drink one full glass empty stomach and after each meal( do not exceed 3 glass a day).

After 2 months I will post my results as well, Good luck to all of us.

Replied by Baldev
(Mumbai, Maharashtra, India)
180 posts

What can be the substitute for Molasses, because I don't know as to where from one can get the Molases.

EC: You might get some ideas where to look for molasses in India here: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/molasses8.html#WHEREBUYMOLASSES

Replied by Gean
(Salina, KS)

How much aloe vera exactly? By one part do you mean one leaf, and if so, how large a leaf? Measurement by cups or weight would be helpful. Also, would aloe vera juice work the same? For the daily dosage, would this be three 8 oz glasses per day? Thank you.

Replied by Marths
(Powderspring, Ga)

Does anyone have the exact measurement of everything you take? Are Cyst and Fibroids about the same? I am looking for something for Fibroids tumors, but I a am willing to try anything that I think will help shrink these fibroids. Any information you have will help. Please send exact measurements. The aloe vera, can this be found in the vegetable area in the health food store. Is this a detox? Please send more information. Thanks to everyone for sharing their information. Martha in Powder Spring GA

Replied by KT
(Irvine, Ca, USA)

Hello ladies, I'd say, don't feel lost. We have a big clue about the Ingredients, we can always experiment with dosage using common sense, I'd say, half a cup of beet juice mixed with 1 tblsp. of Molasses and a tsp. or 2 of aloe vera edible jel or half a cup of aloe vera juice, mix and drink. Good health food stores also sell Beet capsules or find them online. Beet juice is also available. I am taking both with Molasses. Oh, and not everyone is suited to Aloe Vera, you can be allergic, apply it on your body part to see if you develop a rash, test for a week. If not, AV is safe for you. Since I am allergic to it, I am skipping it. Whatsmore, I found an article on this Dominican remedy which only mentions Beet & Molasses, not Aloe Vera. So there's hope. I think the Main ingredient here is Beet. Check this article out -


And do post any positive results after trying this nutritious remedy. God bless Julissa for posting it.

Replied by Mary
(Golden, CO)

I suffered from cysts during my late 20's up to the time I had a partial hystarectomi! I did have two children, but had a hard time getting pregnant. Now that I'm in my mid 50's I am experiencing ovarian pain again, I still have the right ovari. I am going to try the beets/aloe vera/mollases to see if this helps. I never have and will NOT take any drugs - ever! I'll keep you posted. I like the 'shot glassful' recepie of 2-3 slices of beets, 1 Tbsp Aloe Vera, and 1 Tbsp of molasses.

Replied by Cured
(Ft. Walton Beach, Fl)

I have to say that I believe it is the molasses doing the trick here. I started taking Apple Cider Vinegar daily. A few weeks later I started the Blackstrap Molasses. I had suspected a cyst for the last year. If you have ever had one, you know what they feel like espcially if you have had them removed via surgery. Anyways, I was taking both ACV and BSM. About a week after starting the BSM I had a constant stomach pain that lasted two days. I knew that this was the cyst busting. I am glad the ACV was helping with pain as I am sure it would have been excruciating to experience another cyst bust. I hope you find something that works for you as surgery is not a fun option.

Replied by Jenn
(Union, Nj)

Hi Cured.

I have 3.5 cm cyst on left ovary. doctor diagnosed it with endometrioma cyst. Surgery is not urgent as per my doctor. i am planning for baby. do you think ACV and BSM will work with endometroma cyst? or Beet, aloe vera juice and molasses is good option? Anyone can you please advise? Thanks...

Replied by Tianna
(Bronx, Ny)

I was diagnosed with 2 3cm cysts on my left ovary last weekend and my doctor said that if in 6 months I still cant conceive, ill need to undergo another surgery (which i had 3 years ago when they found 5cm and 7cm cysts on each ovary!). I definitely dont want to undergo surgery again so I am trying other natural remedies to get rid of them.

I started drinking apple cider vinegar in the mornings mixed into a glass full of water. We've also switched to alkaline water as well. And just to be sure, I made some beet, molasses and aloe vera juice yesterday.

I bought 6 beets (about 2.5lbs worth of beets), a whole aloe vera leaf and a box of powdered molasses (there were liquid ones too but i saw the sugar-like one first). I peeled the beets and put them in our juicer. Mixed in the inside of the aloe vera leaf (which looks like a clear gel) and then chucked in half the box of the molasses. I drink 1/2 cup in the morning and another 1/2 cup at night! And the rest goes in the fridge.

Hope this works... ill post my results when i go for another scan!

Replied by Patti
(Ewing, Nj Usa)

I did a lot of reading (because it fascinated me) about Serrapeptase. I'm not sure if I'm spelling that correctly but I was researching some other "female" problems and ovarian cysts came up. There seemed to be a lot of women who were taking this enzyme (I believe it's an enzyme) and they were able to get rid of the cysts. It took some time, it didn't happen over night, but they were all pleased about avoiding surgery. You may want to do an internet search to see what you find on it. And good luck.


Replied by Tiana
(Bronx, Ny)

I drank the beetroot juice concoction for about 2 months... Drank apple cider vinegar for about 3 months... And we still drink alkaline water. I'm happy to report that I am 4 weeks pregnant! I'm scheduled to undergo a scan next week and I'll also find out what happened to those cysts... Apparently they were no longer a hindrance to conception -- so I'm really glad! I'm curious to find out if they have shrunk or disappeared and will update again after next week! Thanks again for these natural remedies to eliminate cysts! They must work-- because the cysts were causing fertility problems for me and I'm pregnant now!

Replied by Tiana
(Bronx, Ny)

I just got back from my scan at the ob-gyn's. I'm definitely pregnant... But the cysts are still there on the right ovary. They didnt shrink-- they are still the same size so I guess the beetroot juice/ alkaline water/apple cider vinegar combo didnt eliminate them!

Replied by Charlotte
(Marion, Illinois)

I had ovarian cysts, 3 of them, about tennis ball sized that caused significant pain. As they were dermoid cysts they had to be removed surgically. A few months after the surgery, I began feeling the similar abdominal/lower back pain once again. I went in for an ultrasound to verify, and yes, I did have ovarian cysts (they believed these to be follicular cysts). I found an online article claiming that drinking aloe vera juice mixed with beets and molasses every morning could help shrink tumors and prevent their recurrence.

This was about 6 months ago. It works!!! As long as I keep drinking the concoction daily, I am pain/bloat free! Sometimes I get lazy and stop drinking it; and the pain slowly returns until I begin drinking the mixture again.

When I first began drinking the mixture, I noticed small improvements within a week, noticeable improvements within two-three, and was virtually pain-free within a month.

In separate studies, both aloe vera juice and beets have been shown to cause a reduction in tumors-both cancerous and benign. The compound in beets which gives them their dark red pigment works within the body to cut off blood flow to tumors/cysts over time, which causes them to stop growing and shrink. The aloe vera juice helps to flush out the system and the liver from toxins. Taking them in combination works beautifully. I'm not 100% sure how the molasses helps.

I read about this "cure" online, researched the claims in peer-reviewed medical journals, and then proceeded to try it for myself. It worked for me. I just wasn't willing to accept that the only way for me to live pain-free was to take drugs everyday and have multiple surgeries!!

Replied by Ew
(Rockville, Md, Usa)

Charlotte, thanks for pointing out the benefits of aloe vera and beets. I'm the opposite-- I understand the benefits of molasses but don't know why beets and aloe vera would be helpful. Do you have a link to the studies?

I've been taking the unsulphured blackstrap molasses for 2 months now. I'm lazy about the beets and not taking aloe vera at all. I think the molasses supplies some missing nutrients, because pain during my cycle has decreased a lot while my energy has increased. I haven't been going to the doctor, and I don't feel that there's been significant shrinkage to the cyst. With your encouraging testimony, I'm going to add the beets and aloe vera as well.

Earthclinic's molasses page describes some of its benefits. There's also a book solely dedicated to stories of healing from molasses

Replied by Naomi
(Lesotho, Africa)

Thank you all for the information. But there are some people out there who are diabetic and cant take molasses also aloe vera can make your tummy run. What are the alternatives when you want to use the beets? Naomi

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Naomi,

You could certainly try the beets alone and see if that would help.

I have found castor oil packs and frankincense essential oil to help me very much with cysts. I used the castor oil packs at bedtime and a few drops of the frankincense over the ovary area in the morning.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Sb

Do you boil the beetroot or use it raw before juicing?

Replied by Joann

Serrapeptase is a cyst buster so it makes perfect sense.

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by Maria (United Kingdom) on 08/21/2016


I just wanted to share with you something amazing, I had a complex dermoid ovarian cyst for 17 years, that the doctor said would never go away and that he recommended having surgery for it, and now it's gone! It used to be 4.2 cm, so not huge, but still.

It took me 1.5 years though and as I did so many things I'm not sure which one worked, so unfortunately I don't have any top tip of what to do, but it is probably due to one of these factors or a combination of some (or all).

- Blackstrap molasses and apple cider vinegar with warm water twice a day (not the best for your teeth though...) for the first half year.

- Special herb teas from the herbalist twice a day for the first 6 months (can't remember what was in there - cardamon and other spices).

- No meat, no sugar (except natural sugar in fruits and blackstrap molasses), no dairy, no soy products and almost only wholgrain when it comes to flour products, no processed food, cooked everything myself from scratch for the first 6 months, after that there I half went back to my previous eating habits, but partly my new eating habits stayed.

- Castor oil packs on a regular basis, kept it for about an hour while watching TV.

- Healing (reiki and reconnective - my herbalist told me issues in this area of the body often are emotional).

And on another note, that first half year when I ate super healthy and took the herbs - I didn't have any period pains!

So despite not being able to tell you exactly what it was that worked for me, I mostly wanted to let you know that despite my cyst being dermoid and of the more complicated type, and having had it for so long, alternative therapies can work. And now I'm doing some research on how to solve my other health issue...

Good luck to you all and just hang in there when times are tough! Lots of love

Replied by Npan2010
(Lake Forest, California)

Hello Maria,

Thank you for posting the good information on the site about natural cures for ovarian cyst. My wife has a 10 cm complex dermoid cyst on her right ovary and has been suffering tremendously from bloating, abdominal pain, digestive problems, etc. Her CT scan of the cyst shows human tissue such as “teeth, hair, skin and fat tissues” and the doctor said this type of cyst has to be removed surgically because it doesn't go away on its own. But my wife refused to have surgery because we just got married and still want to have a baby. However, none of the doctor sound positive about preserving the ovary if surgery is involved.

We were very encouraged by reading your post about shrinking the cyst using natural methods. We'd really appreciate any additional information from you which could help my wife's situation. We were wondering if your complex cyst was also of the dermoid type, having teeth fat, and hair tissue. Did you have an CT scan done that showed these tissues?

Thank you so much for your kindness and help. Any information will be greatly appreciated. It gives us hope to know of the different natural cures that you have taken. My wife already started drinking black molasses and applying the castor oil ever since we read your posting.

God bless you.

Best regards,

- Nelson

Replied by Jessica
(Philadelphia Pa)


How did this work for your wife? I was diagnosed with an ovarian teratoma a few months ago (skin, hair, teeth, bone, etc) when I had a catscan in the ER from an accident. An MRI a week ago showed it was larger and that some other type of cyst is now growing in my other ovary. I have been told surgery is the ONLY option. I have been taking BSM for months to no avail. Added ACV daily a week ago as well as castor oil packs. I think I'm going to either start mixing the castor oil with DMSO or take a small dose of DMSO daily orally. For pain, NOTHING works as well as topical DMSO (and this includes prescription pain meds). I don't know what else to try. I'm already taking flax/fish/borage oil, serrapatase, dandelion root, millk thistle, turmeric, garlic, and some others (B's, potassium, etc).????

Replied by Tina
(Princeton. N J.)

Jessica, I would also look into adding natto serrapeptase to your regimen. Please research online. There are numerous reports on Amazon alone, for example, on how it dissolved clots and tumors. Best of luck.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Nelle (New York, Ny) on 12/29/2014

Hi everyone. I wanted to share my experience to date with ovarian cysts in case it is of use to others and as a part of my own healing process. First, thank you for this site - Earth Clinic, and all of you participants. You've been very helpful to me already and I'm grateful.

I'm 48 years old, premenopausal and generally healthy. 6 weeks ago I went to planned parenthood (how I love planned parenthood! ) with a prolonged and unusual period of about 10 days duration, and they did an abdominal and vaginal ultrasound. They found a left sided simple cyst on my ovary and a right sided "complex" cyst of about the same size.

I immediately scoured the internet including this site for home remedies. Here's what I did:
*made a small pretty sign that reads "My body is perfectly healthy" and hung it on my wall to see each day. I encouraged myself to believe it, without being pushy. Practiced this affirmation in spoken form too.

*practiced metta or loving-kindness to myself and others. I sent out intentions for health/happiness/peace/ and safety for all sentient beings multiple times per day. practiced active stress reduction, tried to be quick to let go of anger or other stress inducing emotions. watched only happy movies and tried to minimize my addiction to the news (that was not terribly successful)

* opened my heart and body to receiving all prayer and good intentions from the universe and a few people who volunteered to keep me in their prayers (Of note, I am buddhist and I do metta practice but am not religious. My family is religious and I'm open to it all so long as it has wellbeing as its intention.)

*did guided imagery for healthy pelvis and shrinking ovaries. did this and the above whenever it occurred to me to do.

*received one reiki session from my friend who is a reiki master

*received acupuncture every other week

* abdominal massage at night with sesame oil infused with a few drops of frankincense, clary sage, lavender and rose

*basically launched a liver cleanse for two weeks: twice daily aloe vera juice (2 ounces); daily or at least multiple times weekly teas (dandelion -yum! ; milk thistle); lots of water throughout the day (tall 1/2 liter container infused with 1-2 oz apple cider vinegar/1 oz unsulfured blackstrap molasses/ and warming spices of cinnamon, turmeric, cayenne pepper, ginger)

*changed my diet to counter what I'm guessing is excess estrogen in my system (I was already gluten-free and factory-farm animal products-free): added soy-free, processed food-free, and went near-vegan. went up on greens, apples, rice, yams, garlic, onions, nuts, seeds flax, occasional fish. made a lot of fruit/veg smoothies and had a red juice from the health food store once or twice a week: beets, carrot, ginger, apple.

* avoided: daily, alcohol, caffeine and processed sweeteners. I also avoided xenoestrogens by avoiding plastic containers and makeup/hair products.

* I've been taking evening primrose oil 500mg three times per day, vitex (chaste berry) capsules three times per day, and a multivitamin for women over 40.

*after two weeks on a very limited diet as described (including over thanksgiving - my family was gratefully supportive, but it was tough! ), I added back farm-raised meats and eggs in limited amounts. I also added back occasional glass of wine and a 1/2 cup of morning joe if I needed it.

I followed up with a gynecologist about 2 and 1/2 weeks later who did an pelvic exam and checked my thyroid, both of which were largely unremarkable. He suggested that we followup in a month with a repeat ultrasound to see if they were shrinking on their own. That sounded great to me since I was eager to see if my comprehensive self-care program was working at all.

I have to say, that even though this may seem over the top and way too radical for many, I am enjoying these changes very much. I work from home and have no children so I have the leisure of being able to apply a fair amount of time and energy toward these practices, but honestly I think anyone could do these things fairly easily.

Today I had a follow-up ultrasound (6 weeks since the first one). The tech shared with me that my right "complex" cyst is now down to a small (1.5cm) simple cyst. So that one is going in the right direction and my fears about something more serious are abating. My left sided cyst is about the same size and remains "simple" in appearance.

I am taking this as nice progress! I haven't spoke to my doctor yet but hope to be in a watch and wait mode. I plan to keep up my new diet and regimen. I may add in castor oil packs, and will continue with reiki and acupuncture and metta.

I also may investigate iodine deficiency as I use sea salt on my food which is non iodized and I don't know if I am deficient or not.

I realize that it could be that my right one was hemorraghic and the cysts ruptured (I haven't had any pain though) and that's why that one is better; it could be that none of these practices have and any bearing on the resolving right cyst. I realize that. But I choose to believe that the little things we do matter a great deal to our bodies and that we have more power regarding our wellbeing than we are led to believe.

Thanks for your support on this forum and best wishes for health and happiness to you all!! Please send any comments or ideas my way if you care too. Happy New Year! May it feel very new. Hang in there!

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