I am quite amazed. I have been taking Turmeric for umpteen years but now that an old injury started to cause bad pain from hip to ankle and did not go away, I found a very tasty drink which made it disappear. I had to repeat it about three days after the first drink. It is so good tasting and healthy --- so here it is:
- 3" piece root of ginger or 2 tblsp. powder.
- The root can be juiced or slices simmered for short time in a very small amount of water.
- 4" piece of turmeric root OR 2 tsp. powder.
- Juice of 3 lemons, organic if possible and utilize the skin for other uses.
- dash cayenne
- 4 cups coconut water. Watch what quality
- Raw honey to taste, not heated but warmed in a small glass inside a pot with warm water off the heat.
Store in fridge up to three days.
This is a refreshing drink. But any similar drink with turmeric will be good, too.
MahaNarayan oil on alternative days will also help a great deal for treatment of pain.
Namaste, Om