Ted's Lime Bicarbonate Formula
Tumeric and Lemon Juice
In addition, one of the new boils that was just starting, (a tiny painful pimple,) started to heal, and the other one, slightly larger, while it didn't go away, it stopped growing, and with 72 hours it too drained (really like a normal pimple, only thicker discharge and more painful.)
It's now been about 4 days, and while the large boil is still draining (the core came out yesterday) and is still very tender, it is healing and no other boils are starting.
The big BONUS is this: The arthritis in my shoulder that I've been suffering with for the last year, is gone, and even more exciting, I have been dealing with Heal Spurs (Plantar Fasciitis) for about 2 years, and have been suffering TREMENDOUS pain in my foot, every day, all day.
Within 24 hours of taking the Turmeric, my feet have COMPLETELY stopped hurting!!!I plan to continue taking at least one capsule a day indefinitely as a preventative for recurring boils, and as an apparent remedy for my Heal Spurs!!! The real miracle here is that I don't even believe in natural remedies! Thanks so much for the great advice!!
Turmeric Pain Paste
SO ....Turmeric powder, Black Pepper and EITHER Grape Seed oil OR Coconut oil and Water mixed together. Then gently heated up in a ceramic bowl till it forms a paste, allow to cool and smear on the annoying, affected part. That was what I was told to do for PAIN a good while ago but what are the amounts please? Was wondering if this one could be good for the Dreaded Bursitis also (now that's Painful)!
Thanks in anticipation for the correct quantities. Also, would one substitute Cayenne Pepper for Black Pepper or does it matter? So many questions...so little time...so little ready cash... so much to do!? Thank God for E.C. eh?
Cheers, Michael
Dear Michael,
Usually when using turmeric topically as a paste, I just add the amount of oil needed to get it to the consistency I think will be easiest to work with. You only need a little bit of black pepper to go with the turmeric. For a teaspoon of turmeric, less than 1/16 teaspoon of black pepper. Black pepper is called out because the piperine in the black pepper is what supposedly increases the effectiveness of turmeric. (I have used turmeric with and without pepper and am not positive there is a huge difference, but I also respect the advice of herbalist Stephen Buhner, who is one who says to add the pepper.)
Cayenne is a common catalyst for herbs, and may help the turmeric, but it does not have the piperine in it, so the "help" from cayenne may not be quite the same mechanism. I will be interested to hear how the turmeric works for you topically. I use it topically for skin infections and such, but for pain, tend to take it internally. I have found it helps with nearly any condition that ends with "itis." (as in bursitis.) "Itis" means inflammation and turmeric is my "go to" for inflammation of any sort.
~Mama to Many~
Hi Michael, I use a similar type of paste for minor aches and pains but would be hard- pressed to give you an exact recipe. It's kind of of how I cook Indian food - a little bit of that, a dash of this, and a pinch of something else! Here's what I do: in a small clean glass bowl put in a quarter to half tea spoon coconut oil, one measuring of turmeric powder from my dash-sized spoon ( I got it from Amazon) a pinch of pepper and 3-4 drops of DSMO. Mix everything and apply to the area after making sure it is clean. Massage it in well and leave for a few hours or at least an hour. It disappears into the skin quickly and only the golden stain remains. I also only use organic coconut oil, turmeric and pepper. Hope this helps!
(New Zealand)
Well that is terrific Mama to Many. I was hoping you would reply. Your asset is knowing BOTH what to do and how to do it and explaining both parts so well. Oh dear that's three parts! However... I had been led to believe by my Japanese friend that the heating things up bit was an important component of the therapy . Much like those "Teas" that require you to "steep" them for a while for maximum efficacy or even some of your brews that require a period of standing / absorbing to work most effectively. We may benefit by allowing the chemistry to strut its stuff for a while prior to ingesting some of these substances possibly? Will keep you posted on progress if I gain any wisdom worth imparting! Thoughts on this? Cheers, and thanks again, Michael
(New Zealand)
Good Day Tina.
Thanks for your thoughts on the Turmeric Pain Paste: most appreciated!
I have been a bit nervous of the DMSO but if that what it takes to get the "good stuff" deep down into where it will do some good, then I must consider it! It's my observation that, unfortunately, the body does not self-heal as easily or as quickly as one gets older, so it might need the DMSO to encourage that process along possibly-acting as a sort of catalyst? It concerns me that some folks who are unwilling to embark on a self-help journey may be imprisoned by their maladies un-necessarily? Maybe they just don't have the knowledge or the self-discipline to take those necessary steps on the path to a more pain-free world? That observation is partly why I like Earth Clinic so much. Often the visit to the doctor only leads to disappointment, frustration or anger or tick all of the above. I have a very sympathetic doctor who, to his credit, has admitted that they just don't have the answers to some conditions that plague millions of sufferers. "Just keep on taking the tablets". You would think they might be clever enough (humble enough?) to learn some wholesome, healing techniques. Being aware that too much specialized training narrows the mind, Mao used to send his Chinese engineers out into the country-side to actually build a dam with their bare hands! Shock horror! So, maybe not in my lifetime! Our (Kiwi) medical training is supposed to be World Class and no doubt it is: Kiwis are often pretty effective in their chosen fields (we "Punch above our weight"-ha) but the two best doctors I ever had were from the USA. - not sure which State they were from- you have SO MANY of them! There you go-a feather in your collective caps for y'all. Well done over there!
Cheers, Michael
(New Zealand)
This Turmeric conversation is fascinating me. I initially commenced taking Turmeric for pain by scattering the powder on my evening meal but after simply ages (weeks and weeks) of doing this I was getting no tangible results. I consciously commence remedies by taking small doses anyway but I was under-doing it obviously. One simply cannot get enough Turmeric that way. Next, we chucked some Turmeric powder into our rice at every meal consisting of rice (my Wife loves potatoes and I prefer rice), so that all our rice dishes and meals became so yellow that I thought all rice was naturally yellow after a while! Still nothing on the pain front....
Then I was told by my erstwhile Japanese friend to boil some water and then simmer the water with a teaspoon of Turmeric and one teaspoon of Ginger in it for ten minutes or so before letting it cool and consuming the filtered concoction with some honey to taste.
A posting on this Site claims that this dilutes the potency of the Turmeric rather than enhancing it. Rather than taking the Turmeric tablets, I shall persist with trying to find a palatable way of getting the benefits of the Turmeric Powder internally if I can. Am I complicating things un-necessarily I wonder? The tablet takers don't worry about the taste then? The boiling and steeping and standing of things interests me anyway.... as an aside! Increases potency or decreases potency? Someone should write the manual on this. I thought the "fillers" might make the tabs more "full" than the actual Turmeric - hence the quest to go "Au natural". More bang for my buck. I'm a bit of a scrooge that way: possibly to my detriment! However, I am taking a Multi-Vitamin, MSM, and Alfalfa tablets, alkalizing and oil pulling with Coconut oil. Also Ted's Borax regime for a few weeks now five days per week. We hope for progress but I have endured this malady for a few years now so, as one of our actresses famously said many years ago, "It won't happen over night but it will happen".
Cheers, Michael
Dear Michael,
Re: heating/steeping vrs. not..
I do think many herbs and remedies benefit from heating and time. Herbalist Susan Weed says that making Infusions (like a strong tea - you allow the herbs to steep a long time) lets the heat and time extract the properties from the herbs and saves your body the trouble. It makes sense to me!
Root herbs tend to do best with time and even boiling to extract the properties. So, in this, it makes sense that turmeric (since the root is used) would benefit from heat and time to extract the "goodies" from the herb.
I tend to buy empty capsules to make turmeric capsules or nettle leaf, or whatever. (I always know what is in them! ) While in many cases, teas may be better, practicality is often a driving factor. I can get a teenager to take a few capsules. Getting them to drink a couple of cups of tea is another matter. And homemade capsules have worked very well for us in so many cases.
I am happy to report that I have finally found a way to ingest turmeric without capsules. (Personally, I hate to swallow capsules.) I mix some turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, pepper and cardamom together and add it to warm almond milk with a little honey. I actually like the taste!
I trust your perseverance in finding a solution to your own pain and good sense of humor along with it will eventually bear fruit for you! Keep us posted!
~Mama to Many~
Dear Michael,
If you mean can you make your own turmeric capsules at home, yes. I have done so for years. It makes it quite inexpensive and you are assured of quality.
I bought a little capsule maker. It makes 24 at a time. I get organic turmeric root and empty capsules that fit the capsule maker. (I like the 00 kind as they are a bit larger. 5 capsules is about 1 teaspoon)
Once I fill the capsules, before putting the caps on, I use my pepper grinder to grind a bit of pepper into the capsules as the pepper is supposed to increase the effect of turmeric.
And yes, it helps with pain, inflammation, itching, infections. We use turmeric all the time.
~Mama to Many~
Turmeric, Apple Cider Vinegar
Turmeric, Glucosamine, Green Tea
Last night, I bought some spice islands turmeric, off the spice isle at the grocery store, and picked up a bottle of CVS brand 1500mg glucosamine tablets Woke up this morning feeling pretty Good, nowhere near the level of Back pain on previous nights I've been experiencing some lumps and pimple like boils under my arm pits lately and had one on my face too I hadn't given it much though, but the boil on my face got me going and I decided to read up using google last night.
Earlier yesterday, I put a Hot compress on my face, and drained that awful boil I knew from previous attempts that it could make it worse, But i went ahead and drained it, and used peroxide by noon I was swelled up pretty good, would you believe this morning the thing is Damn near cleared up, and my Back feels OK for the first time in months I'll follow up after a few days This morning I've made a Tea using the coffee maker I put two constant comment orange pekoe flavored green tea bags into a coffee filter along with a tablespoon of Turmeric powder, and a tablespoon of sugar The turmeric takes some getting used to but the Tea is simply wonderful hate to add sugar but i had too I'm having my second 12 oz cup of hot green Turmeric tea as I type.
Urine Therapy
Valerian Root
Vitamin C